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Created November 23, 2013 12:39
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Toy algebra system code for general Fourier matrix decomposition (
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
import qualified Data.List as L
data Sign = P | M deriving (Eq, Show)
data Entry = Z | O Sign | W Sign Int Int deriving Eq
negS :: Sign -> Sign
negS P = M
negS M = P
multS :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign
multS s1 s2 | s1 == s2 = P
| otherwise = M
instance Num Entry where
abs _ = error "Absolute value not appropriate"
signum _ = error "Sign not appropriate"
negate (O s) = O (negS s)
negate (W s n p) = W (negS s) n p
Z + x = x
x + Z = x
_ + _ = error "Adding two non-zero terms!"
x - y = x + negate y
Z * x = Z
x * Z = Z
(O s1) * (O s2) = O (multS s1 s2)
(O s1) * (W s2 n p) = W (multS s1 s2) n p
(W s1 n p) * (O s2) = W (multS s1 s2) n p
(W s1 n1 p1) * (W s2 n2 p2)
| n1 == n2 = W (multS s1 s2) n1 ((p1+p2) `mod` n1)
| gcd n1 n2 == 1 = error "Multiplying different omegas"
| otherwise = if n1 > n2
then W (multS s1 s2) n1 ((p1+p2*(n1`div`n2))`mod`n1)
else W (multS s1 s2) n2 ((p2+p1*(n2`div`n1))`mod`n2)
fromInteger n
| n == 0 = Z
| n == 1 = O P
| n == -1 = O M
| otherwise = error "Invalid integer"
normalise :: Entry -> Entry
normalise = fix norm
where norm (W s _ 0) = O s
norm (W M n k) | even n = W P n ((k + n `div` 2) `mod` n)
| otherwise = W M n (k `mod` n)
norm (W s 2 k) | odd k = O s * O M
| otherwise = O s
norm (W P n k) | even n && even k = W P (n `div` 2) (k `div` 2)
| n == 2 * k = O M
| n `gcd` k > 1 = let g = n `gcd` k
in W P (n `div` g) (k `div` g)
| otherwise = W P n (k `mod` n)
norm x = x
fix f x = let xs = iterate f x
in fst $ head $ dropWhile (\(x,y) -> x/=y) $ zip xs (tail xs)
newtype Mat = Mat { unMat :: [[Entry]] } deriving Eq
normMat :: Mat -> Mat
normMat (Mat rs) = Mat $ map (map normalise) rs
transpose :: Mat -> Mat
transpose (Mat xs) = Mat (L.transpose xs)
dot :: [Entry] -> [Entry] -> Entry
dot v1 v2 = L.sum $ L.zipWith (*) v1 v2
(%*%) :: Mat -> Mat -> Mat
(Mat m1) %*% (Mat m2) =
normMat $ Mat [[r `dot` c | c <- L.transpose m2] | r <- m1]
infixl 6 %*%
diag :: [Entry] -> Mat
diag ds = let bigN = length ds
zs = replicate (bigN - 1) Z
zsplits = map (flip splitAt zs) [0..bigN-1]
rows = zipWith (\d (b, a) -> b ++ [d] ++ a) ds zsplits
in Mat rows
unit :: Int -> Mat
unit bigN = diag $ replicate bigN (O P)
zerom :: Int -> Mat
zerom bigN = diag $ replicate bigN Z
-- Basic Fourier matrix.
fourier :: Int -> Mat
fourier = fourier' 1
fourier' :: Int -> Int -> Mat
fourier' sign bigN =
normMat $ Mat [[(W P bigN sign)^(n*k) | k <- [0..bigN-1]] | n <- [0..bigN-1]]
-- Multiplied-up resized Fourier matrices.
fourierMultiple :: Int -> Int -> Mat
fourierMultiple = fourierMultiple' 1
fourierMultiple' :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Mat
fourierMultiple' sign np p =
let n = np `div` p
zs = replicate n Z
zs0 = concat $ replicate (p-1) zs
shift = map (take np . (zs ++))
f = unMat $ fourier' sign n
in Mat $ concat $ take p $ iterate shift $ map (++ zs0) f
-- Modulo permutation matrix.
perm :: Int -> Int -> Mat
perm np p =
let n = np `div` p
zz = (O P) : replicate (np-1) Z
zs = take n $ iterate (take np . ((replicate p Z) ++)) zz
shift = map (take np . (Z :))
in Mat $ concat $ take p $ iterate shift zs
-- Generalised I + D matrix.
idMatrix :: Int -> Int -> Mat
idMatrix = idMatrix' 1
idMatrix' :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Mat
idMatrix' sign wfac split =
let ns = wfac `div` split
w = W P wfac sign
i = unMat $ unit ns
ds j = (O P) : [w^(i*j) | i <- [1..ns-1]]
d r c = unMat $ diag $ map (w^(ns*r*c) *) (ds c)
row r = L.foldl' (zipWith (++)) i $ map (d r) [1..split-1]
in Mat $ concat $ map row [0..split-1]
tst :: Int -> Int -> Mat
tst np p = idMatrix np p %*% fourierMultiple np p %*% perm np p
instance Show Entry where
show Z = " 0 "
show (O s) = if s == P then " 1 " else " -1 "
show (W s n k) = (if s == P then " " else "-") ++
"W" ++ show n ++ "^" ++ show k
instance Show Mat where
show (Mat rs) = unlines $ map (L.intercalate " " . map show) rs
class ToLaTeX a where
toLaTeX :: a -> String
instance ToLaTeX Entry where
toLaTeX Z = "0"
toLaTeX (O P) = "1"
toLaTeX (O M) = "-1"
toLaTeX (W s n k) = let sl = if s == M then "-" else ""
pow = if k == 1 then "" else "^{" ++ show k ++ "}"
in sl ++ "\\omega_{" ++ show n ++ "}" ++ pow
instance ToLaTeX Mat where
toLaTeX (Mat rs) = unlines $
["\\begin{pmatrix}"] ++
map ((++ "\\\\") . L.intercalate " & " . map toLaTeX) rs
++ ["\\end{pmatrix}"]
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