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Created November 27, 2013 19:57
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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module FFT where
import Prelude hiding (length, sum, map, zipWith, (++), foldr, foldr1, or,
concat, concatMap, replicate, scanl, scanl1, scanr, null,
init, last, tail, head, filter, reverse, product,
maximum, zip, dropWhile)
import qualified Prelude as P
import Data.Complex
import Data.Vector
-- Packages used only for testing.
import Data.Bits
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Test.QuickCheck
-- Typing Vector (Complex Double) or Vector (Vector (Complex Double))
-- gets old quickly.
type CD = Complex Double
type VCD = Vector CD
type VVCD = Vector (Vector CD)
-- Roots of unity.
omega :: Int -> CD
omega n = cis (2 * pi / fromIntegral n)
-- DFT and inverse DFT drivers.
dft, idft :: VCD -> VCD
dft = dft' 1 1
idft v = dft' (-1) (1.0 / (fromIntegral $ length v)) v
-- Naïve DFT.
dft' :: Int -> Double -> VCD -> VCD
dft' sign scale h = generate n (((scale :+ 0) *) . doone)
where n = length h
w = omega n
doone i = sum $ zipWith (*) h $ generate n (\k -> w^^(sign*i*k))
-- FFT and inverse FFT drivers.
fft, ifft :: VCD -> VCD
fft = fft' 1 1
ifft v = fft' (-1) (1.0 / (fromIntegral $ length v)) v
-- Mixed-radix decimation-in-time Cooley-Tukey FFT.
fft' :: Int -> Double -> VCD -> VCD
fft' sign scale h = if n == 1 then h
else if null fs
then dft' sign scale h
else map ((scale :+ 0) *) fullfft
-- Full vector length.
n = length h
-- Factorise input vector length.
splitfs@(lastf, fs) = factors n
-- Generate sizing information for Danielson-Lanczos step.
wfacs = map (n `div`) $ scanl (*) 1 fs
dlinfo = zip wfacs fs
-- Compose all Danielson-Lanczos steps and "final" DFT.
recomb = foldr (.) (mdft lastf) $ map (dl sign) dlinfo
-- Apply Danielson-Lanczos steps and "final" DFT to digit reversal
-- ordered input vector.
fullfft = recomb $ backpermute h (digrev n splitfs)
-- Multiple DFT for "bottom" of algorithm.
mdft :: Int -> VCD -> VCD
mdft factor h = concatMap (dft' sign 1) $ slicevecs factor h
-- Single Danielson-Lanczos step: process all duplicates and
-- concatenate into a single vector.
dl :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> VCD -> VCD
dl sign (wfac, split) v = concatMap doone $ slicevecs wfac v
-- Overall vector length.
n = length v
-- Size of each diagonal sub-matrix.
ns = wfac `div` split
-- Root of unity for the size of diagonal matrix we need.
w = omega $ sign * wfac
-- Basic diagonal entries for a given column.
ds c = map ((w^^) . (c *)) $ enumFromN 0 ns
-- Twiddled diagonal entries in row r, column c (both
-- zero-indexed), where each row and column if a wfac x wfac
-- matrix.
d r c = map (w^(ns*r*c) *) (ds c)
-- Process one duplicate by processing all rows and concatenating
-- the results into a single vector.
doone v = concatMap single $ enumFromN 0 split
where vs :: VVCD
vs = slicevecs ns v
-- Multiply a single block by its appropriate diagonal
-- elements.
mult :: Int -> Int -> VCD
mult r c = zipWith (*) (d r c) (vs!c)
-- Multiply all blocks by the corresponding diagonal
-- elements in a single row.
single :: Int -> VCD
single r = foldl1' (zipWith (+)) $ map (mult r) $ enumFromN 0 split
-- Generate digit reversal permutation using elementary "modulo"
-- permutations: last digit is not permuted to match with using a
-- simple DFT at the "bottom" of the overall algorithm.
digrev :: Int -> (Int, Vector Int) -> Vector Int
digrev n (lastf, fs) = foldl1' (%.%) $ map dupperm subperms
-- Sizes of the individual permutations that we need, one per
-- factor.
sizes = scanl div n fs
-- Partial sub-permutations, one per factor.
subperms = reverse $ zipWith perm sizes fs
-- Duplicate a sub-permutation to fill the required vector length.
dupperm p =
let sublen = length p
shift di = map (+(sublen * di)) p
in concatMap shift $ enumFromN 0 (n `div` sublen)
-- Generate a single "modulo" permutation.
perm n fac = concatMap doone $ enumFromN 0 fac
where n1 = n `div` fac
doone i = generate n1 (\j -> j * fac + i)
-- Composition of permutations.
(%.%) :: Vector Int -> Vector Int -> Vector Int
p1 %.% p2 = backpermute p2 p1
-- Slice a vector v into equally sized parts, each of length m.
slicevecs :: Int -> VCD -> VVCD
slicevecs m v = map (\i -> slice (i * m) m v) $ enumFromN 0 (length v `div` m)
-- From Haskell wiki.
primes :: [Int]
primes = 2 : primes'
where primes' = sieve [3, 5 ..] 9 primes'
sieve (x:xs) q ps@ ~(p:t)
| x < q = x : sieve xs q ps
| True = sieve [x | x <- xs, rem x p /= 0] (P.head t^2) t
-- Simple prime factorisation: small factors only; largest/last factor
-- picked out as "special".
factors :: Int -> (Int, Vector Int)
factors n = let (lst, rest) = go n primes in (lst, fromList rest)
where go cur pss@(p:ps)
| cur == p = (p, [])
| cur `mod` p == 0 = let (lst, rest) = go (cur `div` p) pss
in (lst, p : rest)
| otherwise = go cur ps
-- Testing and debugging code.
-- Clean up number display.
defuzz :: VCD -> VCD
defuzz = map (\(r :+ i) -> df r :+ df i)
where df x = if abs x < 1.0E-6 then 0 else x
-- Check FFT against DFT.
check :: VCD -> (Double, VCD)
check v = let diff = defuzz $ zipWith (-) (fft v) (dft v)
in (maximum $ map magnitude diff, diff)
-- Check FFT-inverse FFT round-trip.
icheck :: VCD -> (Double, VCD)
icheck v = let diff = defuzz $ zipWith (-) v (ifft $ fft v)
in (maximum $ map magnitude diff, diff)
-- QuickCheck property for FFT vs. DFT testing.
prop_dft_vs_fft (v :: VCD) = fst (check v) < 1.0E-6
-- QuickCheck property for inverse FFT round-trip testing.
prop_ifft (v :: VCD) = maximum (map magnitude diff) < 1.0E-6
where diff = zipWith (-) v (ifft $ fft v)
-- Non-zero length arbitrary vectors.
instance Arbitrary VCD where
arbitrary = fromList <$> listOf1 arbitrary
-- Check all 0/1 vectors of a given length.
repcheck :: (VCD -> (Double, VCD)) -> Int -> Maybe Int
repcheck checker n = if null chks
then Nothing
else Just $ snd $ head chks
where vs = map tobits $ enumFromN (0::Int) (2^n)
tobits i = generate n (\j -> if testBit i j then 1:+0 else 0:+0)
chks = dropWhile (\(d,_) -> d < 1.0E-6) $
zip (map (fst . checker) vs) (enumFromN 0 (2^n))
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