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Last active August 22, 2018 00:00
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data <- read.csv("dataset.csv")
# load perceptron algorithm
# model graph the data
perceptron.model <- perceptron(data)
# Perceptron calculates the decision surface depending on the
# weights of the feature vectors
perceptron <- function (data)
data.matrix <- as.matrix(data)
df <- subset(data, select = x1: x2)
mat <- as.matrix(df)
counter <- 0
# learner rate
n <- 0.3
# initial bias
#b <- 0
#b <- -2
b <- c(sample(-3:3,1)
# initial weight vector
#w <- c(0,0)
#w <- c(0,2)
w <- c(sample(-1:1,1),sample(-1:1,1))
# maximum radius of the furthest vector (r)
norm <- mat^2
row.sum <- max(rowSums(norm, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1))
r <- sqrt(row.sum)
data.matrix[4, ncol(data.matrix)]
sign(w %*% mat[4,] - b)
# the perceptron algorithm
failed <- FALSE
for (i in 1: nrow(data.matrix))
yi <- data.matrix[i, ncol(data.matrix)]
if (sign(w %*% mat[i,] - b) != yi)
counter <- counter + 1
# calculate the new weights (w)
w <- w + n * mat[i,] * yi
# calculate the new bias (b) value
b <- b - n * yi * r^2
cat("Iteration", counter, "\n")
for (i in 1: nrow(data.matrix))
print((sign(w %*% mat[i,] - b)))
# check if the signs match
if (sign(w %*% mat[i,] - b) != data.matrix[i, ncol(data.matrix)])
failed <- TRUE
# if all signs pass, learning is complete
# the decision surface is perpendicular to w
slope <- -w[1]/w[2] # d = w = (w1, w2), slope of w = w[2]/w[1]
intercept <- b/w[2]
# Seperate the positive data points from the negative ones
pos <- data[which(data[,3]>0), -3]
# Plot the data points
plot(data$x1, data$x2, col = "green", pch = 19, xlab = "X1", ylab = "X2")
# Add the positive points back to the plot
points(pos$x1, pos$x2, col="blue", pch=19)
# Draw the decision surface
abline(intercept, slope, col = "red" )
# perceptron prediction function
val <- (w %*%x - b)
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