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Last active May 4, 2017 14:07
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Object Drills 2
// Write a function called enrollInSummerSchool that takes a single argument, students.
// students is an array of objects, with each object representing a student —
// for example, {name: 'Tim', status: 'Current student', course: 'Biology'}.
// enrollInSummerSchool should return an array of objects.
// For each object from the original array, it should return the original name and course,
// but should update the status to In Summer school.
function enrollInSummerSchool(students) {
var results = [];
for (var i=0; i<students.length; i++) {
var student = students[i];
name: students[i].name,
status: 'In Summer school',
course: students[i].course
return results;
// Write a function called findById. This function takes two arguments 'items' and 'idNum'.
// 'items' is an array of objects. idNum is the id we're trying to find in items.
// Calling findById([{id: 1, foo: 'bar'}, {id: 2, foo: 'bizz'}], 2) should return {id: 2, foo: 'bizz'}.
function findById(items, idNum) {
for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
if (idNum === items[i].id) {
return items[i];
// Make Student Reports
// Write a function called 'makeStudentReports' that takes a single argument 'data' ('data' is an array of objects).
// Each object in the array represents a student and their letter grade for each example {name:'John', grade: 'A'}
// makeStudentReports should return an array of strings for each item in data return a string that looks like:
// '[name]:[grade]' - the name and grade values should be substituted in.
function makeStudentsReport(data) {
var results = [];
for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
var item = data[i];
results.push( + ': ' + item.grade);
return results;
// Solution using .map method
// below produces the same result as ^^, but with `.map`
function makeStudentsReportAlt(data) {
return {
return + ': ' + d.grade;
// *** HOW DOES THE FUNCTION KNOW THAT d = the item on the array?
// Write a function called 'makeToDos'. This function should take two arguments: 'owner' and 'toDos'.
// 'owner' is a string of the name of the owner of the to do list.
// 'toDos' is an array of strings representing items to be done.
// 'makeToDos' should return an object with 'owner' and 'toDos' properties that correspond to the values passed in as arguments.
// It should also have a method called .generateHtml. This method should return a string representing an unordered list.
// Each item from toDos should appear as an <li> in the list.
// For example: if 'makeToDos' was called like this:
// makeToDos('Teddy', ['wake', 'eat', 'drink', 'work', 'sleep']),
// calling .generateHtml on the resulting object should generate a string like this:
// '<ul><li>wake</li><li>eat</li><li>drink</li><li>work</li><li>sleep</li></ul>'.
// Couldn't figure out how to do it
// Curriculum solution:
// owner - string meaning the name of the owner
// toDos - ARRAY of STRINGS representing ITEMS to be done
// makeToDos - should RETURN an OBJECT with 'owner' and 'toDos' properties that
// correspond to values passed as arguments
// Should have a method called '.generateHtml' which should return a string
// representing an UNORDERED LIST, each ITEM from 'toDos' should appear as a <li>
// in the list
function makeToDos(owner, toDos) {
return {
owner: owner,
toDos: toDos,
generateHtml: function() {
var html = '<ul>';
this.toDos.forEach(function(todo) {
html+= '<li>' + todo + '</li>';
return html + '</ul>';
// Write a function called validateKeys. This function takes two arguments, 'object' and 'expectedKeys'.
// 'object' is an object that we want to valdiate keys for. 'expectedKeys' is an array of keys that we EXPECT TO FIND
// on the object.
// validateKeys should return false if 'object' contains extra keys not in 'expectedKeys' or missing keys
// validateKeys should return false if 'object' contains different keys than in 'expectedKeys'
// ...therefore,
// validateKeys should return true if object has all of the keys from expectedKeys and no additional keys
// running the function with `objectA` and `expectedKeys`
// should return `true`
var objectA = {
id: 2,
name: 'Jane Doe',
age: 34,
city: 'Chicago'
// running the function with `objectA` and `expectedKeys`
// should return `false`
var objectB = {
id: 3,
age: 33,
city: 'Peoria'
// ********** MY SOLUTION HERE *****************
// object = argument thats an object
// expectedKeys = argument thats an array of keys
var expectedKeys = [
'id', 'name', 'age', 'city'
function validateKeys(object, expectedKeys) {
if (Object.keys(object).length !== expectedKeys.length) {
return false;
for (var i=0; i<expectedKeys; i++) {
if (Object.keys(object) !== expectedKeys[i]);
return false;
return true;
// For some reason I got it to work with 2nd argument in loop logic ' i<expectedKeys ' and doesn't
// work with ' i<expectedKeys.length ' so now Im more confused
// Remember to use logic operators: ! , !== , ===
// 1. First return the 'false' statements by disqualifying
// if arg1.length !== arg2.length return false
// 2. Validate if keys in arg1 (the object) match keys (or items in array) in arg2
// keys in arg1 !== items in arg2 - return false
// a. loop iterating expectedKeys
// b. if arg1 content doesn't match arg2 content
// 3. If non of the above then its true
// return true;
// Curriculum Solution uses the .find() method
function validateKeys(object, expectedKeys) {
if (Object.keys(object).length !== expectedKeys.length) {
return false;
for (var i; i<expectedKeys.length; i++) {
if (!Object.keys(object).find(function(key) {
return key === expectedKeys[i];
})) {
return false;
return true;
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