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Last active June 26, 2018 20:22
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Script for membership and user tables for LOTS
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Ian Des Jardins
# Date: 06/26/2018
import sys
from datetime import date
def find_line_and_values(lines, file_cursor):
line = ''
line_count = 1
for insert_line in lines[file_cursor:]:
line += insert_line
line_count += 1
if line.rstrip().endswith(');'):
sanitized_line = line.replace('null', '\'\'')
sanitized_line = sanitized_line.replace('NULL', '\'\'')
sanitized_line = ''.join(sanitized_line.splitlines())
return (line, eval(sanitized_line[sanitized_line.find('VALUES') + 6:sanitized_line.find(';')].strip()))
def write_group_comment(dest_file, group):
left_right_asterisks = (80 - (len(group) + 2)) / 2 * '*'
group_asterisks = left_right_asterisks + ' ' + group + ' ' + left_right_asterisks
asterisks = '*' * 80
dest_file.write('\n' + '/{}/'.format(asterisks) + '\n')
dest_file.write('/{}/'.format(group_asterisks) + '\n')
dest_file.write('/{}/'.format(asterisks) + '\n')
def write_statement(dest_file, exists_sql, insert_sql):
dest_file.write('\t' + insert_sql)
counts = {
'aspnet_applications': 0,
'aspnet_groups': 0,
'aspnet_roles': 0,
'aspnet_roles_in_groups': 0,
'aspnet_schema_versions': 0,
'aspnet_users': 0,
'aspnet_membership': 0,
'aspnet_users_in_groups': 0,
'kla_aspnet_profile': 0,
if __name__ == '__main__':
source_file = ''
destination_file = 'LOTS_USERS_{}.sql'.format(str('-', ''))
if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
source_file = sys.argv[1]
if (len(sys.argv) > 2):
destination_file = sys.argv[2]
print('Please provide source file and destination file like so:\n')
print('\t ./ source_file.sql destination_file.sql\n')
print('If a destination file is not provided, one will be created with todays timestamp for you like "{}".'.format(destination_file))
file_cursor = -1
with open(source_file, 'r') as sql_file_src:
lines = sql_file_src.readlines()
with open(destination_file, 'w') as sql_file_dest:
sql_file_dest.write('/* Date: {} */\n'.format(str(
for line in lines:
file_cursor += 1
if 'dbo.aspnet_applications' in line.lower():
if counts['aspnet_applications'] == 0:
write_group_comment(sql_file_dest, 'aspnet_Applications')
line_values = find_line_and_values(lines, file_cursor)
if_not_exists = "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.aspnet_Applications WHERE ApplicationId = '{}')\n".format(line_values[1][2])
write_statement(sql_file_dest, if_not_exists, line_values[0])
counts['aspnet_applications'] += 1
if 'dbo.aspnet_groups' in line.lower():
if counts['aspnet_groups'] == 0:
write_group_comment(sql_file_dest, 'aspnet_Groups')
line_values = find_line_and_values(lines, file_cursor)
if_not_exists = "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.aspnet_Groups WHERE GroupId = '{}')\n".format(line_values[1][1])
write_statement(sql_file_dest, if_not_exists, line_values[0])
counts['aspnet_groups'] += 1
if 'dbo.aspnet_rolesingroups' in line.lower():
if counts['aspnet_roles_in_groups'] == 0:
write_group_comment(sql_file_dest, 'aspnet_RolesInGroups')
line_values = find_line_and_values(lines, file_cursor)
if_not_exists = "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.aspnet_RolesInGroups WHERE GroupId = '{}' AND RoleId = '{}')\n".format(line_values[1][0], line_values[1][1])
write_statement(sql_file_dest, if_not_exists, line_values[0])
counts['aspnet_roles_in_groups'] += 1
if 'dbo.aspnet_roles' in line.lower():
if counts['aspnet_roles'] == 0:
write_group_comment(sql_file_dest, 'aspnet_Roles')
line_values = find_line_and_values(lines, file_cursor)
if_not_exists = "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.aspnet_Roles WHERE RoleId = '{}')\n".format(line_values[1][1])
write_statement(sql_file_dest, if_not_exists, line_values[0])
counts['aspnet_roles'] += 1
if 'dbo.aspnet_schemaversions' in line.lower():
if counts['aspnet_schema_versions'] == 0:
write_group_comment(sql_file_dest, 'aspnet_SchemaVersions')
line_values = find_line_and_values(lines, file_cursor)
if_not_exists = "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.aspnet_SchemaVersions WHERE Feature = '{}' AND CompatibleSchemaVersion = '{}' )\n".format(line_values[1][0], line_values[1][1])
write_statement(sql_file_dest, if_not_exists, line_values[0])
counts['aspnet_schema_versions'] += 1
if 'dbo.aspnet_usersingroups' in line.lower():
if counts['aspnet_users_in_groups'] == 0:
write_group_comment(sql_file_dest, 'aspnet_UsersInGroups')
line_values = find_line_and_values(lines, file_cursor)
if_not_exists = "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.aspnet_UsersInGroups WHERE GroupId = '{}' AND UserId = '{}')\n".format(line_values[1][0], line_values[1][1])
write_statement(sql_file_dest, if_not_exists, line_values[0])
counts['aspnet_users_in_groups'] += 1
if 'dbo.aspnet_users' in line.lower():
if counts['aspnet_users'] == 0:
write_group_comment(sql_file_dest, 'aspnet_Users')
line_values = find_line_and_values(lines, file_cursor)
if_not_exists = "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.aspnet_Users WHERE UserId = '{}')\n".format(line_values[1][1])
write_statement(sql_file_dest, if_not_exists, line_values[0])
counts['aspnet_users'] += 1
if 'dbo.aspnet_membership' in line.lower():
if counts['aspnet_users'] == 0:
write_group_comment(sql_file_dest, 'aspnet_Membership')
line_values = find_line_and_values(lines, file_cursor)
if_not_exists = "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.aspnet_Membership WHERE UserId = '{}')\n".format(line_values[1][1])
write_statement(sql_file_dest, if_not_exists, line_values[0])
counts['aspnet_membership'] += 1
if 'dbo.kla_aspnet_profile' in line.lower():
if counts['kla_aspnet_profile'] == 0:
write_group_comment(sql_file_dest, 'KLA_ASPNET_PROFILE')
line_values = find_line_and_values(lines, file_cursor)
if_not_exists = "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.KLA_ASPNET_PROFILE WHERE UserId = '{}')\n".format(line_values[1][0])
write_statement(sql_file_dest, if_not_exists, line_values[0])
counts['kla_aspnet_profile'] += 1
total_inserts = 0
for count in counts:
total_inserts += counts[count]
print(count + ' count: ' + str(counts[count]))
print('\nTotal inserts = ' + str(total_inserts))
print('Output file = ' + destination_file)
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