I hereby claim:
- I am iandioch on github.
- I am iandioch (https://keybase.io/iandioch) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 4874 78D2 5F43 05D7 7770 FC4B 419C A3B3 F48E 4E60
To claim this, I am signing this object:
var fcount = 0; | |
function setup() { | |
createCanvas(400, 400); | |
} | |
function draw() { | |
background(0); | |
noStroke(); | |
smooth(); |
# Dict mapping cypher letter to decrypted letter. Was empty in the beginning. | |
# Built up piece by piece, first by finding the H between T's and E's to create the | |
# words "the", "then", "them", "their". Confirmed "PYH" -> "THE". | |
# Noticed garbled form of the word "sincerity" in the middle of the text. Added | |
# mappings to fix it. Confirmed "AO" -> "RI". | |
# Text started to take shape. Noticed lots of garbled "of"s across the text. | |
# Added "L" -> "O". Also added "Z" -> "W" to fix "whatever". | |
known = { |
18,1,0,161,255,137,254,252,14,95,165,33,181,168,2,188 |
{{{{{<!!!>},<!e!!!'ue!o!!!>"oo<u!}<<{>},{{{}},{<!>},<'>,{<!!"!!!>"u!!!>!!!>,<"!>,<!>},<}!!}!!!>{>}},{{<"!>}}!'!!u!!!!e!!!>>}}}},{{{<!>>}},{{{<{{!!,>},{<u!!e'!>},<>}}},{<,o!!!""a!>},<!>},<<}>,{<!!!!,,!>,<!>},<"!!!>u>}}},{{{<}{!<{i!>>}},{{}},{{},<!>,<!>,<!>!!,<!!!!{}!!i>}}},{{},{{{}}},{{<ae{>,{}}},{{<!!!!">,<{'}!!},<!>a,!>!!!>{!!e>},{{<!ao!!i!'!>,<!!o>,<'e}!!!>!!!>e'!!u{>},<",'i!!!>{>},{<uai,!!{!>},<uu!!e>}}},{{{{{<!!,a!>>}}}},{},{{{{{{},{{<au<,!!iuu!!!!!>,<>}}},{<i!>,<!>},<!!'iu{!!o"{i,i}!{{>}},{},{{<a!>a"!!!!!>},<>,{<!!!>">}},{{{{<ae}a!!!!{!},u!!o<!!!">},{<!>,<!!!>!!!>},<ee<!'!>},<!!!>u"ae>},{<e'!!!>},<'e!>>}},{<u!>},<a!>!>i,u>,{<i,!!>}},{<'>}},{{<!ee!>},<!!!>!!!>>},<!!!>},<a!u>}}}},{{{{{}}},<!!!>>},{}}},{{{{<!>,<,,},,!>,<<!!!!<<!!<!!!!>}}},{{},{}},{{},{<o,!>},<!!}!,!>},<o!>uoa{<a!!,<a!>,<>}}},{{<'!>},<e!>>}},{{{<!>"<e!!!>}!!!>!>u<'i!!}'!!!>>},<ie!>a{!{>}}}},{{{{<{i<!>}e!>},<}!!,,!>},<!!aa!>a!!!>!,{>,{{<ii!>,<>},<{e!!!>"!!o!>,<'a!>},<u!>!>>}},{<!!!>"!>,<!<!>,<u!!!!i!>,<a!eeu!!!!!>!!e>}},{<i,}a!!{e>}},{{{<}eue |
int iter = 0; | |
final int MAX_ITER = 120; | |
final String PHRASE = "Repeal"; | |
final int TEXT_SIZE = 96; | |
void setup() { | |
size(600, 600); | |
frameRate(60); | |
background(0); | |
noStroke(); |
PImage dog; | |
final int NUM_DOGS = 5; | |
int iter = 0; | |
final int MAX_ITER = 64; | |
void setup(){ | |
size(600, 600); | |
dog = loadImage("dog-mature-landing-hero.jpg"); | |
} |
#!/usr/bin/python3 | |
# adapted from code at https://github.com/iandioch/ceres/ | |
import json | |
from urllib.request import urlopen, Request | |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup | |
def is_dcu(c): | |
return c == 'Dublin City University' |
#!/usr/bin/python3 | |
# adapted from code at https://github.com/iandioch/ceres/ | |
import json | |
from urllib.request import urlopen, Request | |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup | |
cpssds = set([ | |
'Noah Ó Donnaile', |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object: