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Last active January 8, 2024 09:32
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Simple rigid body 2D physics of a circle in MATLAB
% Define parameters
radius = 1; % circle radius
mass = 1; % circle mass
speed = 10;
angle = deg2rad(45);
initialPosition = [-7, -7]; % initial position (x, y)
initialVelocity = [xv, yv]; % initial velocity (vx, vy)
timeStep = 0.1; % time step
simulationTime = 10; % total simulation time
floorY = -8; % y-coordinate of the floor plane
wallX = 8; % x-coordinate of the walls
airResistanceCoeff = 0.1; % air resistance coefficient
elasticityCoeff = 0.8; % elasticity coefficient
torque = 0; % no torque applied
momentOfInertia = 0.5 * mass * radius^2; % moment of inertia
% Initialize variables
position = initialPosition;
velocity = initialVelocity;
angularVelocity = 0;
% Initialize energy variables
kineticEnergy = zeros(1, simulationTime / timeStep + 1);
potentialEnergy = zeros(1, simulationTime / timeStep + 1);
time = 0:timeStep:simulationTime;
figure('Units','normalized','Position',[0.2 0.2 0.7 0.7]); tl = tiledlayout(3,1);
a = 1;
% Simulation loop
for t = time
acceleration = [0, -9.8]; % example: constant acceleration due to gravity
% Apply air resistance
airResistance = -airResistanceCoeff * velocity;
acceleration = acceleration + airResistance;
% Update velocity and position
velocity = velocity + acceleration * timeStep;
position = position + velocity * timeStep;
% Calculate angular acceleration
angularAcceleration = torque / momentOfInertia;
% Update angular velocity and position
angularVelocity = angularVelocity + angularAcceleration * timeStep;
angle = angle + angularVelocity * timeStep;
% Collision detection with floor
if position(2) - radius < floorY
position(2) = floorY + radius;
velocity(2) = -elasticityCoeff * velocity(2); % reverse and dampen the y-velocity
angularVelocity = -elasticityCoeff * angularVelocity; % reverse and dampen the angular velocity
% Collision detection with walls
if position(1) - radius < -wallX
position(1) = -wallX + radius;
velocity(1) = -elasticityCoeff * velocity(1); % reverse and dampen the x-velocity
angularVelocity = -elasticityCoeff * angularVelocity; % reverse and dampen the angular velocity
elseif position(1) + radius > wallX
position(1) = wallX - radius;
velocity(1) = -elasticityCoeff * velocity(1); % reverse and dampen the x-velocity
angularVelocity = -elasticityCoeff * angularVelocity; % reverse and dampen the angular velocity
% Calculate the arc length traveled
arcLength = velocity(1) * timeStep;
% Update angle based on arc length
angle = angle - arcLength / radius;
% Plot circle
theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100);
x = position(1) + radius * cos(theta + angle);
y = position(2) + radius * sin(theta + angle);
plot(x, y);
hold on;
plot([-wallX, wallX], [floorY, floorY], 'k--'); % plot the floor plane
line([-wallX, -wallX], [-10, 10], 'Color', 'red'); % plot the left wall
line([wallX, wallX], [-10, 10], 'Color', 'red'); % plot the right wall
title('Rolling Circle Simulation');
% Visualize angle
angleLineX = [position(1), position(1) + radius * cos(angle)];
angleLineY = [position(2), position(2) + radius * sin(angle)];
plot(angleLineX, angleLineY, 'r--');
axis equal;
xlim([-10, 10]);
ylim([-10, 10]);
hold off;
% Calculate kinetic energy
kineticEnergy(a) = 0.5 * mass * norm(velocity)^2 + 0.5 * momentOfInertia * angularVelocity^2;
% Calculate potential energy
potentialEnergy(a) = mass * 9.8 * (position(2) - radius - floorY);
% Calculate total energy
totalEnergy = kineticEnergy + potentialEnergy;
% Plot total energy
plot(time, totalEnergy);
title('Total Energy of the Circle');
% Plot kinetic and potential energy
plot(time, kineticEnergy, 'b', 'DisplayName', 'Kinetic Energy');
hold on;
plot(time, potentialEnergy, 'r', 'DisplayName', 'Potential Energy');
title('Kinetic (b) and Potential (r) Energy of the Circle');
% Adjust layout
title(tl, 'Energy Analysis of the Circle');
a = a + 1;
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