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Created October 25, 2023 01:21
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  • Save iandol/41f4a0f0c2d5c6179c1efe3a8ce800cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save iandol/41f4a0f0c2d5c6179c1efe3a8ce800cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
64bit Debian 12 Raspberry Pi 4 VBLSyncTest Log
>> Screen('Preference','verbosity',10)
ans = 3
>> VBLSyncTest
RandR: 1920x1080 (0x47) 148.5MHz
h: width 1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew 0
v: height 1080 start 1082 end 1087 total 1125
PTB-INFO: This is Psychtoolbox-3 for GNU/Linux X11, under GNU/Octave 64-Bit (Version 3.0.19 - Build date: Oct 16 2023).
PTB-INFO: OS support status: Linux 6.1.0-rpi4-rpi-v8 Supported.
PTB-INFO: Type 'PsychtoolboxVersion' for more detailed version information.
PTB-INFO: Most parts of the Psychtoolbox distribution are licensed to you under terms of the MIT License, with
PTB-INFO: some restrictions. See file 'License.txt' in the Psychtoolbox root folder for the exact licensing conditions.
PTB-INFO: For information about paid support, support memberships and other commercial services, please type
PTB-INFO: 'PsychPaidSupportAndServices'.
PTB-INFO: Not using any low-level access to GPU, as this is an ARM SoC.
PTB-INFO: Using old-style override-redirect (=1) setup path for onscreen window creation.
PTB-INFO: GLX Visual info depths is 24 bits
PTB-INFO: Running on Mesa version 23.2.1
PTB-INFO: This combo of X-Server and Mesa is considered safe for use under DRI3/Present.
PTB-INFO: Using GLEW version 2.1.0 for automatic detection of OpenGL extensions...
PTB-INFO: Window uses DRI3/Present for OpenGL visual stimulus rendering and presentation.
PTB-INFO: Disabling VRR Variable Refresh Rate mode for this fullscreen window on Mesa graphics driver.
PTB-INFO: INTEL_swap_event support for additional swap completion correctness checks enabled.
PTB-INFO: Fixed point precision integer framebuffer enabled.
PTB-INFO: System Frame buffer provides 8 bits for red channel.
PTB-INFO: System Frame buffer provides 8 bits for green channel.
PTB-INFO: System Frame buffer provides 8 bits for blue channel.
PTB-INFO: System frame buffer provides 8 bits for alpha channel, but effective alpha bits depends on imaging pipeline setup, if any.
PTB-DEBUG: PPM file magic is P6
-> Ok
# Created by GIMP version 2.10.22 PNM plug-in
PTB-DEBUG: Recognized splash image of 1000 x 750 pixels, maxlevel 255. Loading...
OpenGL-Vendor / renderer / version are: Broadcom - V3D 4.2 - 3.1 Mesa 23.2.1-0+rpt2
OpenGL-Extensions are: GL_ARB_multisample GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_texture GL_EXT_texture3D GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_INGR_blend_func_separate GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_S3_s3tc GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_MESA_window_pos GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_fragment_shader GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_half_float GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_MESA_pack_invert GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ATI_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_read_format GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_OES_EGL_image GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object GL_AMD_texture_texture4 GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_NV_conditional_render GL_AMD_conservative_depth GL_AMD_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_texture_snorm GL_MESA_texture_signed_rgba GL_NV_copy_image GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack GL_ARB_shading_language_packing GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_copy_image GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_ARB_stencil_texturing GL_ARB_texture_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_query_levels GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample GL_ARB_texture_view GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_KHR_debug GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_ARB_buffer_storage GL_ARB_clear_texture GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 GL_ARB_multi_bind GL_ARB_shading_language_include GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_ARB_texture_stencil8 GL_EXT_debug_label GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_ARB_conditional_render_inverted GL_ARB_direct_state_access GL_ARB_get_texture_sub_image GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_ARB_parallel_shader_compile GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counter_ops GL_KHR_no_error GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d GL_MESA_shader_integer_functions GL_ARB_polygon_offset_clamp GL_ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile GL_EXT_EGL_image_storage GL_EXT_EGL_sync GL_NV_ES1_1_compatibility
PTB-DEBUG: Running on Mesa version 23.2.1
PTB-DEBUG: Vendor Id of render gpu - rendergpuVendor 0x14e4.
PTB-DEBUG: Linux X11 backend with non-NVidia blob drivers - Enabling locked pixeltoken-write + flush workaround for XLib thread-safety.
PTB-DEBUG: Interrogating Low-level renderer capabilities for onscreen window with handle 10:
Indicator variables: FBO's 1, ATI_texture_float 1, ARB_texture_float 1, Vendor Broadcom, Renderer V3D 4.2.
Indicator variables: maxcolorattachments = 4, maxrectangletexturesize = 4096, maxnativealuinstructions = 16384.
GPU supports non-power-of-two textures.
Hardware supports signed normalized textures of 16 bpc integer format.
Basic framebuffer objects with rectangle texture rendertargets supported --> RGBA8 rendertargets with blending.
Framebuffer objects support fast blitting between each other.
Framebuffer objects support anti-aliasing via multisampling.
Framebuffer objects support single-pass multisample resolve blits and image rescaling.
Hardware supports floating point textures of 16bpc and 32bpc float format.
Assuming VideoCore-6: Renderer supports full 16/32 bit floating point textures and frame buffers, but only 16 bit float filtering and blending, as well as some 32 bit float shading.
Float color value 0.5 -> fixed point reads back as 128 ==> Rounds.
PTB-Info: Running on 'The X.Org Foundation' XServer, Vendor release 12101007.
OML_sync_control indicators: glXGetSyncValuesOML=0x7f805d5ff0 , glXWaitForMscOML=0x7f805d6610, glXWaitForSbcOML=0x7f805d66e0, glXSwapBuffersMscOML=0x7f805d6460
OML_sync_control indicators: glxewIsSupported() says 1.
OML_sync_control indicators: glXQueryExtensionsString() says 1.
System supports OpenML OML_sync_control extension for high-precision scheduled swaps and timestamping.
OpenML OML_sync_control extension enabled for all scheduled swaps.
System supports backbuffer age queries.
PTB-DEBUG: Interrogation done.
RandR: 1920x1080 (0x47) 148.5MHz
h: width 1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew 0
v: height 1080 start 1082 end 1087 total 1125
RandR: 1920x1080 (0x47) 148.5MHz
h: width 1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew 0
v: height 1080 start 1082 end 1087 total 1125
PTB-DEBUG: glClear splash image top-left reference pixel: 90 0 90
PTB-INFO: Using OpenGL GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT extension for efficient high-performance texture mapping...
PTB-WARNING: Flip 3 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 4 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 5 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-INFO: Threshold Settings for successfull video refresh calibration are: maxStdDev = 0.200000 msecs, maxDeviation = 10.000000 %, minSamples = 50, maxDuration = 5.000000 secs.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 6 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 7 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 8 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 9 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 10 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 11 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 12 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 13 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 14 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 15 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 16 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 17 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 18 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 19 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 20 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 21 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 22 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 23 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 24 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 25 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 26 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 27 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 28 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 29 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 30 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 31 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 32 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 33 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 34 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 35 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 36 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 37 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 38 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 39 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 40 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 41 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 42 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 43 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 44 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 45 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 46 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 47 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 48 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 49 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 50 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 51 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 52 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 53 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 54 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 55 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 56 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 57 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 58 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-DEBUG: Output of all acquired samples of calibration run follows:
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 0: 0.000000
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 1: 0.033333
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 2: 0.016665
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 3: 0.016684
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 4: 0.016660
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 5: 0.016658
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 6: 0.016675
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 7: 0.016662
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 8: 0.016660
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 9: 0.016679
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 10: 0.016654
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 11: 0.016670
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 12: 0.016662
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 13: 0.016672
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 14: 0.016666
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 15: 0.016663
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 16: 0.016679
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 17: 0.016660
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 18: 0.016674
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 19: 0.016658
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 20: 0.016673
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 21: 0.016663
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 22: 0.016675
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 23: 0.016656
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 24: 0.016670
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 25: 0.016662
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 26: 0.016680
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 27: 0.016653
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 28: 0.016674
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 29: 0.016658
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 30: 0.016671
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 31: 0.016665
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 32: 0.016673
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 33: 0.016657
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 34: 0.016676
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 35: 0.016657
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 36: 0.016669
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 37: 0.016665
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 38: 0.016680
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 39: 0.016656
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 40: 0.016664
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 41: 0.016667
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 42: 0.016668
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 43: 0.016666
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 44: 0.016676
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 45: 0.016656
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 46: 0.016679
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 47: 0.016655
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 48: 0.016669
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 49: 0.016664
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 50: 0.016676
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 51: 0.016666
PTB-DEBUG: End of calibration data for this run...
PTB-INFO: OpenGL-Renderer is Broadcom :: V3D 4.2 :: 3.1 Mesa 23.2.1-0+rpt2
PTB-INFO: VBL startline = 1080 , VBL Endline = -1
PTB-INFO: Will try to use OS-Builtin OpenML sync control support for accurate Flip timestamping.
PTB-INFO: Measured monitor refresh interval from VBLsync = 16.666799 ms [59.999525 Hz]. (50 valid samples taken, stddev=0.008179 ms.)
PTB-INFO: Reported monitor refresh interval from operating system = 16.666667 ms [60.000000 Hz].
PTB-INFO: Small deviations between reported values are normal and no reason to worry.
PTB-INFO: Support for fast OffscreenWindows enabled.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 62 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 63 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 64 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 65 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 66 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 67 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-INFO: Gamemode optimizations enable requested. Current/Old status: Disabled
PTB-INFO: New status: Active
RandR: 1920x1080 (0x47) 148.5MHz
h: width 1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew 0
v: height 1080 start 1082 end 1087 total 1125
The refresh interval reported by the operating system is 16.66667 ms.
PTB-DEBUG: Allocated unicode string: 77.000000 101.000000 97.000000 115.000000 117.000000 114.000000 105.000000 110.000000 103.000000 32.000000 109.000000 111.000000 110.000000 105.000000 116.000000 111.000000 114.000000 32.000000 114.000000 101.000000 102.000000 114.000000 101.000000 115.000000 104.000000 32.000000 105.000000 110.000000 116.000000 101.000000 114.000000 118.000000 97.000000 108.000000 46.000000 46.000000 46.000000 32.000000 84.000000 104.000000 105.000000 115.000000 32.000000 99.000000 97.000000 110.000000 32.000000 116.000000 97.000000 107.000000 101.000000 32.000000 117.000000 112.000000 32.000000 116.000000 111.000000 32.000000 50.000000 48.000000 32.000000 115.000000 101.000000 99.000000 111.000000 110.000000 100.000000 115.000000 46.000000 46.000000 46.000000
PTB-DEBUG: DrawText: Trying to load external text renderer plugin from following file: [ /media/cog/data/Code/Psychtoolbox-3/Psychtoolbox/PsychBasic/PsychPlugins/ ]
RandR: 1920x1080 (0x47) 148.5MHz
h: width 1920 start 2008 end 2052 total 2200 skew 0
v: height 1080 start 1082 end 1087 total 1125
Measured refresh interval, as reported by "GetFlipInterval" is 16.66680 ms. (nsamples = 0, stddev = 0.00000 ms)
PTB-WARNING: Flip 68 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 69 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 70 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 71 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 72 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 73 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 74 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 75 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 76 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 77 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 78 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 79 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 80 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 81 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 82 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 83 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 84 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 85 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 86 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 87 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 88 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 89 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 90 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 91 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 92 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 93 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 94 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 95 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 96 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 97 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 98 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 99 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 100 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 101 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 102 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 103 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 104 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 105 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 106 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 107 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 108 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 109 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 110 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 111 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 112 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 113 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 114 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 115 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 116 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 117 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 118 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 119 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 120 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 121 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 122 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 123 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 124 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 125 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 126 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 127 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 128 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 129 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 130 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 131 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 132 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 133 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 134 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 135 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 136 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 137 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 138 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 139 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 140 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 141 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 142 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 143 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 144 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 145 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 146 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 147 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 148 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 149 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 150 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 151 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 152 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 153 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 154 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 155 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 156 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 157 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 158 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 159 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 160 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 161 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 162 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 163 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 164 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 165 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 166 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 167 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 168 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 169 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 170 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 171 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 172 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 173 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 174 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 175 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 176 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 177 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 178 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 179 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 180 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 181 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 182 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 183 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 184 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 185 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 186 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 187 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 188 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 189 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 190 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 191 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 192 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 193 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 194 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 195 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 196 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 197 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 198 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 199 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 200 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 201 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 202 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 203 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 204 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 205 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 206 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 207 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 208 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 209 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 210 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 211 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 212 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 213 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 214 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 215 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 216 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 217 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 218 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 219 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 220 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 221 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 222 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 223 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 224 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 225 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 226 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 227 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 228 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 229 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 230 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 231 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 232 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 233 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 234 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 235 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 236 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 237 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 238 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 239 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 240 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 241 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 242 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 243 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 244 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 245 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 246 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 247 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 248 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 249 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 250 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 251 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 252 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 253 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 254 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 255 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 256 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 257 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 258 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 259 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 260 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 261 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 262 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 263 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 264 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 265 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 266 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 267 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 268 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 269 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 270 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 271 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 272 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 273 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 274 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 275 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 276 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 277 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 278 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 279 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 280 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 281 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 282 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 283 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 284 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 285 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 286 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 287 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 288 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 289 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 290 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 291 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 292 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 293 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 294 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 295 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 296 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 297 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 298 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 299 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 300 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 301 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 302 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 303 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 304 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 305 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 306 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 307 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 308 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 309 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 310 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 311 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 312 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 313 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 314 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 315 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 316 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 317 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 318 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 319 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 320 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 321 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 322 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 323 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 324 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 325 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 326 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 327 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 328 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 329 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 330 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 331 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 332 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 333 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 334 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 335 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 336 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 337 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 338 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 339 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 340 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 341 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 342 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 343 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 344 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 345 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 346 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 347 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 348 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 349 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 350 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 351 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 352 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 353 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 354 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 355 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 356 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 357 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 358 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 359 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 360 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 361 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 362 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 363 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 364 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 365 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 366 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 367 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 368 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 369 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 370 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 371 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 372 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 373 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 374 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 375 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 376 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 377 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 378 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 379 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 380 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 381 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 382 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 383 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 384 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 385 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 386 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 387 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 388 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 389 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 390 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 391 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 392 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 393 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 394 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 395 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 396 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 397 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 398 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 399 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 400 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 401 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 402 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 403 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 404 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 405 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 406 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 407 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 408 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 409 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 410 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 411 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 412 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 413 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 414 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 415 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 416 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 417 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 418 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 419 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 420 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 421 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 422 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 423 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 424 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 425 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 426 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 427 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 428 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 429 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 430 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 431 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 432 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 433 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 434 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 435 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 436 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 437 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 438 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 439 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 440 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 441 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 442 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 443 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 444 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 445 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 446 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 447 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 448 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 449 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 450 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 451 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 452 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 453 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 454 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 455 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 456 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 457 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 458 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 459 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 460 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 461 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 462 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 463 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 464 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 465 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 466 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 467 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 468 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 469 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 470 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 471 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 472 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 473 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 474 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 475 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 476 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 477 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 478 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 479 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 480 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 481 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 482 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 483 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 484 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 485 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 486 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 487 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 488 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 489 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 490 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 491 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 492 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 493 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 494 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 495 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 496 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 497 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 498 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 499 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 500 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 501 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 502 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 503 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 504 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 505 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 506 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 507 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 508 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 509 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 510 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 511 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 512 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 513 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 514 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 515 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 516 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 517 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 518 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 519 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 520 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 521 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 522 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 523 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 524 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 525 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 526 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 527 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 528 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 529 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 530 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 531 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 532 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 533 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 534 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 535 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 536 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 537 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 538 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 539 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 540 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 541 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 542 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 543 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 544 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 545 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 546 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 547 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 548 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 549 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 550 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 551 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 552 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 553 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 554 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 555 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 556 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 557 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 558 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 559 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 560 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 561 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 562 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 563 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 564 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 565 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 566 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 567 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 568 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 569 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 570 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 571 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 572 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 573 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 574 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 575 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 576 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 577 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 578 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 579 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 580 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 581 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 582 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 583 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 584 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 585 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 586 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 587 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 588 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 589 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 590 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 591 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 592 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 593 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 594 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 595 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 596 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 597 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 598 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 599 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 600 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 601 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 602 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 603 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 604 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 605 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 606 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 607 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 608 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 609 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 610 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 611 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 612 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 613 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 614 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 615 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 616 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 617 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 618 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 619 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 620 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 621 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 622 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 623 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 624 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 625 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 626 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 627 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 628 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 629 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 630 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 631 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 632 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 633 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 634 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 635 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 636 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 637 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 638 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 639 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 640 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 641 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 642 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 643 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 644 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 645 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 646 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 647 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 648 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 649 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 650 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 651 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 652 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 653 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 654 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 655 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 656 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 657 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 658 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 659 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 660 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 661 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 662 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 663 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 664 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 665 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 666 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 667 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 668 for window 10 didn't use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la "You have new mail!" or
PTB-WARNING: "New updates are ready to install" etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of 'help SyncTrouble' for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-INFO: Gamemode optimizations disable requested. Current/Old status: Active
PTB-INFO: New status: Disabled
PTB-DEBUG: In ScreenCloseAllWindows(): Destroying window 0
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychCleanupTextRenderer: Releasing text renderer plugin completely.
PTB-DEBUG:PsychOSCloseWindow: Closing with a final swapbuffers count of 670.
PTB-DEBUG: Releasing pointer barriers for window 10.
Hookchain 'CloseOnscreenWindowPostGLShutdown' : Slot 0: Id='Shutdown window callback into PsychJavaSwingCleanup().' : Runtime-Function : Evalstring= PsychJavaSwingCleanup;
INFO: PTB's Screen('Flip', 10) command seems to have missed the requested stimulus presentation deadline
INFO: a total of 55 times out of a total of 607 flips during this session.
INFO: This number is fairly accurate (and indicative of real timing problems in your own code or your system)
INFO: if you provided requested stimulus onset times with the 'when' argument of Screen('Flip', window [, when]);
INFO: If you called Screen('Flip', window); without the 'when' argument, this count is more of a ''mild'' indicator
INFO: of timing behaviour than a hard reliable measurement. Large numbers may indicate problems and should at least
INFO: deserve your closer attention. Cfe. 'help SyncTrouble', the FAQ section at and the
INFO: examples in the PDF presentation in PsychDocumentation/Psychtoolbox3-Slides.pdf for more info and timing tips.
PTB missed 55 out of 600 stimulus presentation deadlines.
One missed deadline is ok and an artifact of the measurement.
PTB completed 0 stimulus presentations before the requested target time.
Have a look at the plots for more details...
>> diary off
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