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Last active December 10, 2015 20:38
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  • Save iandol/4489416 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save iandol/4489416 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Verbosity 10 testing of 7th Jan 2013 Screen build
>> Screen('Preference', 'ConserveVRAM',2^16)
PTB-INFO: Connection to Psychtoolbox kernel support driver instance #0 (Revision 0) established.
PTB-INFO: Connection to Psychtoolbox kernel support driver instance #1 (Revision 0) established.
ans =
>> Screen('Preference', 'Verbosity', 10);
>> BeampositionTest
screenid =
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 0 : w x h = 1440 x 900, fps = 0, depths = 16
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 1 : w x h = 1440 x 900, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 2 : w x h = 720 x 450, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 3 : w x h = 720 x 450, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 4 : w x h = 1920 x 1200, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 5 : w x h = 1920 x 1200, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 6 : w x h = 1680 x 1050, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 7 : w x h = 1680 x 1050, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 8 : w x h = 1280 x 800, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 9 : w x h = 1280 x 800, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 10 : w x h = 1024 x 640, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 11 : w x h = 1024 x 640, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 12 : w x h = 840 x 525, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 13 : w x h = 840 x 525, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 14 : w x h = 2880 x 1800, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 15 : w x h = 2880 x 1800, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 16 : w x h = 1440 x 900, fps = 0, depths = 16
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 17 : w x h = 1440 x 900, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 18 : w x h = 2560 x 1600, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 19 : w x h = 2560 x 1600, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 20 : w x h = 2048 x 1280, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 21 : w x h = 2048 x 1280, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 22 : w x h = 1024 x 768, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 23 : w x h = 1024 x 768, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 24 : w x h = 800 x 600, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 25 : w x h = 800 x 600, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 26 : w x h = 640 x 480, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 27 : w x h = 640 x 480, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 28 : w x h = 1680 x 1050, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 29 : w x h = 1680 x 1050, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 30 : w x h = 1280 x 800, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 31 : w x h = 1280 x 800, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychCaptureScreen(): After display capture for screen 0 (Old CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumerating all displays...
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychCaptureScreen(): After display capture for screen 0 (New CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumeration done.
PTB-INFO: This is Psychtoolbox-3 for Apple OS X, under Matlab 64-Bit (Version 3.0.10 - Build date: Jan 7 2013).
PTB-INFO: Type 'PsychtoolboxVersion' for more detailed version information.
PTB-INFO: Most parts of the Psychtoolbox distribution are licensed to you under terms of the MIT License, with
PTB-INFO: some restrictions. See file 'License.txt' in the Psychtoolbox root folder for the exact licensing conditions.
PTB-INFO: Using CGL for fullscreen onscreen window creation...
PTB-INFO: Using GLEW version 1.5.3 for automatic detection of OpenGL extensions...
PTB-INFO: Connection to kernel-level vbl handler established (shmem = 0x139600000).
PTB-INFO: Broken Apple OS/X 10.7 or later detected: Using CoreVideo timestamping instead of precise vbl-irq timestamping.
PTB-INFO: CVDisplayLink for screen 0 created to work around the brokenness of Apple Mac OS/X 10.7 and later:
PTB-INFO: Video refresh interval as measured by CoreVideo display link: 16.669370 msecs.
PTB-INFO: Video display output delay as reported by CoreVideo display link: nan msecs.
PTB-DEBUG: PPM file magic is P6
-> Ok
# CREATOR: GIMP PNM Filter Version 1.1
PTB-DEBUG: Recognized splash image of 432 x 89 pixels, maxlevel 255. Loading...
OpenGL-Extensions are: GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_blend GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_APPLE_aux_depth_stencil GL_APPLE_client_storage GL_APPLE_element_array GL_APPLE_fence GL_APPLE_float_pixels GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range GL_APPLE_flush_render GL_APPLE_object_purgeable GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_APPLE_pixel_buffer GL_APPLE_rgb_422 GL_APPLE_row_bytes GL_APPLE_specular_vector GL_APPLE_texture_range GL_APPLE_transform_hint GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range GL_APPLE_vertex_point_size GL_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators GL_APPLE_ycbcr_422 GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod
PTB-DEBUG: Interrogating Low-level renderer capabilities for onscreen window with handle 10:
Indicator variables: FBO's 1, ATI_texture_float 1, ARB_texture_float 1, Vendor NVIDIA Corporation, Renderer NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine.
Indicator variables: maxcolorattachments = 8, maxrectangletexturesize = 16384, maxnativealuinstructions = 16384.
GPU supports UYVY - YCrCb texture formats for optimized handling of video content.
GPU supports non-power-of-two textures.
Basic framebuffer objects with rectangle texture rendertargets supported --> RGBA8 rendertargets with blending.
Framebuffer objects support fast blitting between each other.
Framebuffer objects support anti-aliasing via multisampling.
Framebuffer objects support single-pass multisample resolve blits and image rescaling.
Hardware supports floating point textures of 16bpc and 32bpc float format.
Assuming NV30 core or later...
Assuming NV40 core or later (maxcolattachments=8): Hardware supports floating point blending and filtering on 16bpc float format.
Hardware also supports floating point framebuffers of 16bpc and 32bpc float format.
Hardware supports full 32 bit floating point precision shading.
Assuming G80 core or later (maxtexsize=16384): Hardware supports full floating point blending and filtering on 16bpc and 32bpc float format.
No compiled in support for OpenML OML_sync_control extension. Using standard implementation.
PTB-DEBUG: Interrogation done.
PTB-DEBUG: glClear splash image top-left reference pixel: 255 255 255
PTB-INFO: Threshold Settings for successfull video refresh calibration are: maxStdDev = 1.000000 msecs, maxDeviation = 10.000000 %, minSamples = 50, maxDuration = 5.000000 secs.
PTB-WARNING: Seems this window is displayed on a Retina-Display in scaled mode at a non-native resolution for the display.
PTB-WARNING: Reliabiliy of visual stimulus onset timing in such a scaled mode is so far unknown, but may be severely degraded.
PTB-WARNING: Stimulus onset timing and returned timestamps may be wrong, with no way for me to automatically detect this.
PTB-DEBUG: Output of all acquired samples of calibration run follows:
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 0: 0.000000
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 1: 0.017187
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 2: 0.015907
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 3: 0.016943
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 4: 0.016926
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 5: 0.016159
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 6: 0.016906
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 7: 0.016885
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 8: 0.016805
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 9: 0.016945
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 10: 0.016891
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 11: 0.015819
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 12: 0.016801
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 13: 0.017179
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 14: 0.015795
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 15: 0.016869
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 16: 0.016706
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 17: 0.016696
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 18: 0.016678
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 19: 0.016719
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 20: 0.016385
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 21: 0.016719
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 22: 0.016740
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 23: 0.016774
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 24: 0.016649
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 25: 0.016685
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 26: 0.016647
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 27: 0.016794
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 28: 0.016613
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 29: 0.016788
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 30: 0.016588
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 31: 0.016738
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 32: 0.016757
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 33: 0.016717
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 34: 0.016709
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 35: 0.016441
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 36: 0.016696
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 37: 0.016764
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 38: 0.016858
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 39: 0.016925
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 40: 0.015842
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 41: 0.016874
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 42: 0.016796
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 43: 0.016889
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 44: 0.016634
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 45: 0.016945
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 46: 0.015770
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 47: 0.017106
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 48: 0.016858
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 49: 0.016934
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 50: 0.015707
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 51: 0.016783
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 52: 0.016721
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 53: 0.016477
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 54: 0.016760
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 55: 0.016705
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 56: 0.016721
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 57: 0.016799
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 58: 0.016673
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 59: 0.016757
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 60: 0.016719
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 61: 0.016891
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 62: 0.016851
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 63: 0.017008
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 64: 0.015955
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 65: 0.016888
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 66: 0.017008
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 67: 0.015842
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 68: 0.016804
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 69: 0.016923
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 70: 0.017018
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 71: 0.015794
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 72: 0.016872
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 73: 0.016840
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 74: 0.016847
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 75: 0.016999
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 76: 0.015823
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 77: 0.016791
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 78: 0.016957
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 79: 0.017137
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 80: 0.015449
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 81: 0.017928
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 82: 0.015795
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 83: 0.016761
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 84: 0.016803
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 85: 0.016702
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 86: 0.016890
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 87: 0.017277
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 88: 0.015451
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 89: 0.016925
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 90: 0.016925
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 91: 0.016879
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 92: 0.016931
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 93: 0.015864
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 94: 0.016862
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 95: 0.016854
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 96: 0.016756
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 97: 0.016991
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 98: 0.015884
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 99: 0.016843
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 100: 0.016767
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 101: 0.016907
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 102: 0.016963
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 103: 0.015768
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 104: 0.016799
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 105: 0.016816
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 106: 0.016809
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 107: 0.016897
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 108: 0.016994
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 109: 0.015826
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 110: 0.016815
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 111: 0.016684
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 112: 0.016905
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 113: 0.016834
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 114: 0.017046
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 115: 0.015853
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 116: 0.016940
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 117: 0.016935
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 118: 0.016878
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 119: 0.015930
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 120: 0.016825
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 121: 0.016790
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 122: 0.017057
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 123: 0.015720
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 124: 0.016746
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 125: 0.016802
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 126: 0.016785
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 127: 0.016900
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 128: 0.017018
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 129: 0.016154
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 130: 0.016798
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 131: 0.016914
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 132: 0.017447
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 133: 0.016036
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 134: 0.016568
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 135: 0.015928
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 136: 0.016737
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 137: 0.017577
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 138: 0.016655
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 139: 0.016784
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 140: 0.016754
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 141: 0.016603
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 142: 0.015835
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 143: 0.016332
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 144: 0.016622
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 145: 0.016735
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 146: 0.016782
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 147: 0.016732
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 148: 0.016712
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 149: 0.016641
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 150: 0.016758
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 151: 0.016682
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 152: 0.016703
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 153: 0.016739
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 154: 0.016804
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 155: 0.016760
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 156: 0.016780
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 157: 0.016801
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 158: 0.015827
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 159: 0.016801
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 160: 0.016755
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 161: 0.016892
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 162: 0.016832
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 163: 0.016997
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 164: 0.015898
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 165: 0.016726
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 166: 0.016810
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 167: 0.016832
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 168: 0.017017
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 169: 0.015775
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 170: 0.016824
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 171: 0.016799
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 172: 0.016824
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 173: 0.016902
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 174: 0.017022
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 175: 0.015954
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 176: 0.016957
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 177: 0.016985
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 178: 0.015767
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 179: 0.016781
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 180: 0.016759
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 181: 0.016943
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 182: 0.016200
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 183: 0.016866
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 184: 0.017440
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 185: 0.015815
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 186: 0.017222
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 187: 0.017002
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 188: 0.015934
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 189: 0.016961
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 190: 0.016990
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 191: 0.015786
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 192: 0.017681
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 193: 0.015813
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 194: 0.016732
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 195: 0.016866
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 196: 0.016876
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 197: 0.016947
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 198: 0.016130
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 199: 0.016881
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 200: 0.016828
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 201: 0.017011
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 202: 0.015813
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 203: 0.016853
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 204: 0.016601
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 205: 0.016891
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 206: 0.017012
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 207: 0.015713
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 208: 0.016795
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 209: 0.016870
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 210: 0.016689
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 211: 0.016801
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 212: 0.016805
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 213: 0.016831
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 214: 0.017003
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 215: 0.015703
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 216: 0.016789
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 217: 0.016619
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 218: 0.016790
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 219: 0.016705
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 220: 0.016867
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 221: 0.017020
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 222: 0.015752
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 223: 0.016858
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 224: 0.016879
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 225: 0.016812
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 226: 0.017064
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 227: 0.015836
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 228: 0.016677
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 229: 0.016798
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 230: 0.016795
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 231: 0.016771
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 232: 0.016903
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 233: 0.017023
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 234: 0.015900
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 235: 0.017089
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 236: 0.017051
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 237: 0.015747
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 238: 0.016783
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 239: 0.016905
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 240: 0.016829
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 241: 0.016693
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 242: 0.017029
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 243: 0.015801
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 244: 0.016990
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 245: 0.016204
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 246: 0.016906
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 247: 0.017443
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 248: 0.016123
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 249: 0.016930
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 250: 0.016895
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 251: 0.015791
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 252: 0.016917
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 253: 0.016719
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 254: 0.016904
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 255: 0.017050
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 256: 0.015775
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 257: 0.016824
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 258: 0.016794
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 259: 0.016954
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 260: 0.016979
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 261: 0.015779
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 262: 0.016829
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 263: 0.016758
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 264: 0.016981
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 265: 0.016728
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 266: 0.017003
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 267: 0.015831
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 268: 0.016747
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 269: 0.016923
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 270: 0.016834
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 271: 0.017012
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 272: 0.015865
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 273: 0.016735
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 274: 0.016884
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 275: 0.016952
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 276: 0.016967
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 277: 0.015739
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 278: 0.016852
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 279: 0.016351
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 280: 0.016816
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 281: 0.016900
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 282: 0.016837
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 283: 0.016981
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 284: 0.017019
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 285: 0.015941
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 286: 0.016850
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 287: 0.017005
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 288: 0.015785
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 289: 0.016735
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 290: 0.016881
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 291: 0.016886
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 292: 0.017012
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 293: 0.016114
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 294: 0.016831
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 295: 0.016818
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 296: 0.017002
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 297: 0.015850
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 298: 0.016924
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 299: 0.017070
PTB-DEBUG: End of calibration data for this run...
PTB-INFO: OpenGL-Renderer is NVIDIA Corporation :: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine :: 2.1 NVIDIA-8.6.22
PTB-INFO: Renderer has 1024 MB of VRAM and a maximum 990 MB of texture memory.
PTB-INFO: VBL startline = 1800 , VBL Endline = 1851
PTB-INFO: Measured monitor refresh interval from beamposition = 16.669177 ms [59.990965 Hz].
PTB-INFO: Will use beamposition query for accurate Flip time stamping.
PTB-INFO: Measured monitor refresh interval from VBLsync = 16.671332 ms [59.983210 Hz]. (299 valid samples taken, stddev=0.430390 ms.)
PTB-INFO: Small deviations between reported values are normal and no reason to worry.
PTB-INFO: Using OpenGL GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT extension for efficient high-performance texture mapping...
PTB-INFO: Support for fast OffscreenWindows enabled.
tel =
PTB-DEBUG: In ScreenCloseAllWindows(): Destroying window 0
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychReleaseScreen(): After display release for screen 0 (Old CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumerating all displays...
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychReleaseScreen(): After display release for screen 0 (New CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumeration done.
OwnerPID: 363
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: gfxCardStatus
OwnerPID: 266
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: Dropbox
OwnerPID: 218
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: Notification Center
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 78
WindowLevel: 24 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: Menubar
WindowOwnerName: Window Server
OwnerPID: 1060
WindowLevel: 0 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: MATLAB R2012b
WindowOwnerName: MATLAB
TARGETWINDOWNAME: 'MATLAB R2012b' with pid 1060.
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychCaptureScreen(): After display capture for screen 0 (Old CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumerating all displays...
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychCaptureScreen(): After display capture for screen 0 (New CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumeration done.
PTB-INFO: Releasing shared memory mapping for screen 0.
PTB-INFO: Releasing CVDisplayLink for screen 0.
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychReleaseScreen(): After display release for screen 0 (Old CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumerating all displays...
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychReleaseScreen(): After display release for screen 0 (New CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumeration done.
OwnerPID: 363
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: gfxCardStatus
OwnerPID: 266
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: Dropbox
OwnerPID: 218
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: Notification Center
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 78
WindowLevel: 24 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: Menubar
WindowOwnerName: Window Server
OwnerPID: 1060
WindowLevel: 0 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: MATLAB R2012b
WindowOwnerName: MATLAB
TARGETWINDOWNAME: 'MATLAB R2012b' with pid 1060.
>> Screen('Preference', 'ConserveVRAM',2^16)
PTB-INFO: Connection to Psychtoolbox kernel support driver instance #0 (Revision 0) established.
PTB-INFO: Connection to Psychtoolbox kernel support driver instance #1 (Revision 0) established.
ans =
>> Screen('Preference', 'Verbosity', 10);
>> PerceptualVBLSyncTest
PerceptualVBLSyncTest(screen, stereomode, fullscreen, doublebuffer, maxduration, vblSync, testdualheadsync)
Perceptual synchronization test for synchronization of Screen('Flip') and
Screen('WaitBlanking') to the vertical retrace.
'screen' Either a single screen handle, or none (in which case the
display with the maximum id will be used), or a vector of two handles in
stereomode 10, e.g., [0 1] if you want to output to screens 0 and 1. You
can also pass a vector of two screens when stereomode is not set to 10.
In this case two separate (non-stereo) onscreen windows will be opened on
both displays and they will get flipped in multiflip mode 2. That means
that the first display (first element of 'screen') is synced to VBL, but
the 2nd one is synced to bufferswaps of the first one. This is a
straightforward test to check if two displays of a stereosetup run with a
synchronized retrace cycle (good!) or if they are phase-shifted or
drifting against each other (not good!).
'stereomode' Which stereomode to use? Defaults to zero, ie. no stereo.
'fullscreen' Fullscreen presentation? Defaults to 1 ie. yes. In
non-fullscreen mode, no proper synchronization of bufferswaps can be
'doublebuffer' Single- or double-buffering (1). Defaults to 1. In single
buffer mode there is no sync to retrace, so this is a good way to
simulate the tearing artifacts that would happen on sync failure, just to
get an impression.
'maxduration' Maximum runtime of test: Runs until keypress or maxduration
seconds have elapsed (Default is 10 seconds).
'vblSync' If 1, synchronize bufferswaps to vertical retrace of monitor,
otherwise (setting 0) swap immediately without sync, ie., usually with tearing.
'testdualheadsync' If 1, and 'vblSync' is zero, manually wait until the video
scanout position reaches half the height of the display, then swap. If this
is done on a multi-display setup and the video scanout cycles of all the
participating displays are properly synchronized, you should see a "static"
crack line roughly at half the height of the display, maybe a bit lower. If
you see a wandering crack line, at least on some displays, or you see vertical
offsets of the position of the crack line between displays, then the displays
are not properly synchronized, ie., not suitable for artifact free binocular
stimulation. Caveat: This logic has been developed and tested specifically
for testing on Linux with a single X-Screen spanning multiple displays. It may
or may not be suitable to assess other operating systems or display configurations.
After starting this test, you should see a flickering greyish background
that flickers in a homogenous way - without cracks or weird moving patterns
in the flickering area. If you see an imhogenous flicker, this means that
synchronization of stimulus onset to the vertical retrace doesn't work due
to some serious bug or limitation of your graphics hardware or its driver.
If you don't know what this means, you can test this script with parameter
doublebuffer == 0 to artificially create a synchronization failure.
On many systems you should also see some emerging pattern of yellow horizontal lines.
These lines should be tightly concentrated/clustered in the topmost area of
the screen. Lots of yellow lines in the middle or bottom area or even
randomly distributed lines indicate some bug in the driver of your graphics
hardware. This is a common problem of all ATI graphics adapters on MacOS-X
versions earlier than OS-X 10.4.3 when running a dual-display setup...
A second reason for distributed yellow lines could be bad timing on your
machine, e.g., due to background activity by virus scanners or the Spotlight
indexing service on OS-X. Turn these off for conducting your studies!
Press ENTER key to start the test. The test will stop after 10 seconds
or any keypress...
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 0 : w x h = 1440 x 900, fps = 0, depths = 16
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 1 : w x h = 1440 x 900, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 2 : w x h = 720 x 450, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 3 : w x h = 720 x 450, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 4 : w x h = 1920 x 1200, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 5 : w x h = 1920 x 1200, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 6 : w x h = 1680 x 1050, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 7 : w x h = 1680 x 1050, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 8 : w x h = 1280 x 800, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 9 : w x h = 1280 x 800, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 10 : w x h = 1024 x 640, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 11 : w x h = 1024 x 640, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 12 : w x h = 840 x 525, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 13 : w x h = 840 x 525, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 14 : w x h = 2880 x 1800, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 15 : w x h = 2880 x 1800, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 16 : w x h = 1440 x 900, fps = 0, depths = 16
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 17 : w x h = 1440 x 900, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 18 : w x h = 2560 x 1600, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 19 : w x h = 2560 x 1600, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 20 : w x h = 2048 x 1280, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 21 : w x h = 2048 x 1280, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 22 : w x h = 1024 x 768, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 23 : w x h = 1024 x 768, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 24 : w x h = 800 x 600, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 25 : w x h = 800 x 600, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 26 : w x h = 640 x 480, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 27 : w x h = 640 x 480, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 28 : w x h = 1680 x 1050, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 29 : w x h = 1680 x 1050, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 30 : w x h = 1280 x 800, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 31 : w x h = 1280 x 800, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychCaptureScreen(): After display capture for screen 0 (Old CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumerating all displays...
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychCaptureScreen(): After display capture for screen 0 (New CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumeration done.
PTB-INFO: This is Psychtoolbox-3 for Apple OS X, under Matlab 64-Bit (Version 3.0.10 - Build date: Jan 7 2013).
PTB-INFO: Type 'PsychtoolboxVersion' for more detailed version information.
PTB-INFO: Most parts of the Psychtoolbox distribution are licensed to you under terms of the MIT License, with
PTB-INFO: some restrictions. See file 'License.txt' in the Psychtoolbox root folder for the exact licensing conditions.
PTB-INFO: Using CGL for fullscreen onscreen window creation...
PTB-INFO: Using GLEW version 1.5.3 for automatic detection of OpenGL extensions...
PTB-INFO: Connection to kernel-level vbl handler established (shmem = 0x14071a000).
PTB-INFO: Broken Apple OS/X 10.7 or later detected: Using CoreVideo timestamping instead of precise vbl-irq timestamping.
PTB-INFO: CVDisplayLink for screen 0 created to work around the brokenness of Apple Mac OS/X 10.7 and later:
PTB-INFO: Video refresh interval as measured by CoreVideo display link: 16.669370 msecs.
PTB-INFO: Video display output delay as reported by CoreVideo display link: nan msecs.
PTB-DEBUG: PPM file magic is P6
-> Ok
# CREATOR: GIMP PNM Filter Version 1.1
PTB-DEBUG: Recognized splash image of 432 x 89 pixels, maxlevel 255. Loading...
OpenGL-Extensions are: GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_blend GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_APPLE_aux_depth_stencil GL_APPLE_client_storage GL_APPLE_element_array GL_APPLE_fence GL_APPLE_float_pixels GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range GL_APPLE_flush_render GL_APPLE_object_purgeable GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_APPLE_pixel_buffer GL_APPLE_rgb_422 GL_APPLE_row_bytes GL_APPLE_specular_vector GL_APPLE_texture_range GL_APPLE_transform_hint GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range GL_APPLE_vertex_point_size GL_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators GL_APPLE_ycbcr_422 GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod
PTB-DEBUG: Interrogating Low-level renderer capabilities for onscreen window with handle 10:
Indicator variables: FBO's 1, ATI_texture_float 1, ARB_texture_float 1, Vendor NVIDIA Corporation, Renderer NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine.
Indicator variables: maxcolorattachments = 8, maxrectangletexturesize = 16384, maxnativealuinstructions = 16384.
GPU supports UYVY - YCrCb texture formats for optimized handling of video content.
GPU supports non-power-of-two textures.
Basic framebuffer objects with rectangle texture rendertargets supported --> RGBA8 rendertargets with blending.
Framebuffer objects support fast blitting between each other.
Framebuffer objects support anti-aliasing via multisampling.
Framebuffer objects support single-pass multisample resolve blits and image rescaling.
Hardware supports floating point textures of 16bpc and 32bpc float format.
Assuming NV30 core or later...
Assuming NV40 core or later (maxcolattachments=8): Hardware supports floating point blending and filtering on 16bpc float format.
Hardware also supports floating point framebuffers of 16bpc and 32bpc float format.
Hardware supports full 32 bit floating point precision shading.
Assuming G80 core or later (maxtexsize=16384): Hardware supports full floating point blending and filtering on 16bpc and 32bpc float format.
No compiled in support for OpenML OML_sync_control extension. Using standard implementation.
PTB-DEBUG: Interrogation done.
PTB-DEBUG: glClear splash image top-left reference pixel: 255 255 255
PTB-INFO: Threshold Settings for successfull video refresh calibration are: maxStdDev = 1.000000 msecs, maxDeviation = 10.000000 %, minSamples = 50, maxDuration = 5.000000 secs.
PTB-WARNING: Seems this window is displayed on a Retina-Display in scaled mode at a non-native resolution for the display.
PTB-WARNING: Reliabiliy of visual stimulus onset timing in such a scaled mode is so far unknown, but may be severely degraded.
PTB-WARNING: Stimulus onset timing and returned timestamps may be wrong, with no way for me to automatically detect this.
PTB-DEBUG: Output of all acquired samples of calibration run follows:
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 0: 0.000000
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 1: 0.015938
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 2: 0.017014
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 3: 0.016660
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 4: 0.016462
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 5: 0.016899
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 6: 0.017494
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 7: 0.015752
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 8: 0.016938
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 9: 0.017058
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 10: 0.015826
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 11: 0.016818
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 12: 0.016577
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 13: 0.016830
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 14: 0.016769
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 15: 0.017129
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 16: 0.015819
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 17: 0.016820
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 18: 0.016887
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 19: 0.016809
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 20: 0.016471
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 21: 0.016897
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 22: 0.017003
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 23: 0.015804
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 24: 0.016753
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 25: 0.016864
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 26: 0.016799
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 27: 0.016825
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 28: 0.017194
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 29: 0.015709
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 30: 0.016892
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 31: 0.016741
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 32: 0.016924
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 33: 0.017295
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 34: 0.015805
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 35: 0.016960
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 36: 0.016252
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 37: 0.016387
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 38: 0.016794
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 39: 0.017507
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 40: 0.015797
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 41: 0.016707
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 42: 0.016769
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 43: 0.016814
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 44: 0.016895
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 45: 0.016869
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 46: 0.015853
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 47: 0.016797
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 48: 0.016735
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 49: 0.016775
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 50: 0.016751
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 51: 0.016862
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 52: 0.017078
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 53: 0.015731
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 54: 0.016861
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 55: 0.017554
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 56: 0.015862
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 57: 0.017349
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 58: 0.015687
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 59: 0.016869
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 60: 0.017135
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 61: 0.017135
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 62: 0.015783
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 63: 0.016889
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 64: 0.017118
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 65: 0.015757
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 66: 0.016822
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 67: 0.016649
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 68: 0.016807
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 69: 0.016961
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 70: 0.016527
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 71: 0.017194
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 72: 0.015884
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 73: 0.016542
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 74: 0.016750
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 75: 0.016861
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 76: 0.016800
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 77: 0.017098
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 78: 0.015708
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 79: 0.016749
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 80: 0.016450
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 81: 0.018166
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 82: 0.015804
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 83: 0.016917
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 84: 0.017222
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 85: 0.015693
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 86: 0.016882
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 87: 0.017222
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 88: 0.015886
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 89: 0.016705
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 90: 0.016885
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 91: 0.017223
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 92: 0.015741
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 93: 0.016992
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 94: 0.017134
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 95: 0.015798
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 96: 0.016870
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 97: 0.016833
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 98: 0.017115
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 99: 0.015837
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 100: 0.016900
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 101: 0.016804
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 102: 0.017000
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 103: 0.017129
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 104: 0.015907
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 105: 0.016867
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 106: 0.017138
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 107: 0.016544
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 108: 0.015942
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 109: 0.016879
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 110: 0.016964
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 111: 0.016342
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 112: 0.017089
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 113: 0.016418
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 114: 0.016504
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 115: 0.017152
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 116: 0.016202
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 117: 0.017139
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 118: 0.015798
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 119: 0.016794
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 120: 0.016866
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 121: 0.016986
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 122: 0.017141
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 123: 0.015804
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 124: 0.016862
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 125: 0.017521
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 126: 0.016299
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 127: 0.015805
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 128: 0.016736
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 129: 0.016733
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 130: 0.016741
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 131: 0.017515
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 132: 0.015933
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 133: 0.017108
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 134: 0.016924
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 135: 0.015834
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 136: 0.016845
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 137: 0.016880
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 138: 0.017218
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 139: 0.015864
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 140: 0.017668
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 141: 0.015702
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 142: 0.016917
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 143: 0.017129
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 144: 0.015936
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 145: 0.017004
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 146: 0.017097
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 147: 0.015783
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 148: 0.016883
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 149: 0.016912
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 150: 0.017260
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 151: 0.015905
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 152: 0.017083
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 153: 0.016357
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 154: 0.017225
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 155: 0.015789
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 156: 0.016925
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 157: 0.017190
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 158: 0.016663
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 159: 0.016711
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 160: 0.016707
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 161: 0.016583
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 162: 0.016939
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 163: 0.016580
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 164: 0.016787
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 165: 0.016699
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 166: 0.015272
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 167: 0.017866
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 168: 0.015400
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 169: 0.017521
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 170: 0.016040
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 171: 0.016675
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 172: 0.016534
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 173: 0.016879
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 174: 0.016853
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 175: 0.016687
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 176: 0.016680
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 177: 0.016902
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 178: 0.016854
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 179: 0.015944
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 180: 0.016886
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 181: 0.016806
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 182: 0.017185
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 183: 0.015786
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 184: 0.016916
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 185: 0.016837
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 186: 0.016183
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 187: 0.016842
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 188: 0.016927
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 189: 0.017346
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 190: 0.015914
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 191: 0.016807
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 192: 0.017241
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 193: 0.015712
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 194: 0.016735
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 195: 0.016749
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 196: 0.017006
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 197: 0.017165
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 198: 0.015834
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 199: 0.017022
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 200: 0.017113
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 201: 0.015881
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 202: 0.016808
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 203: 0.017165
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 204: 0.015872
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 205: 0.016940
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 206: 0.016876
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 207: 0.017185
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 208: 0.015757
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 209: 0.016923
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 210: 0.017225
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 211: 0.015902
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 212: 0.016872
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 213: 0.017215
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 214: 0.015921
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 215: 0.016826
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 216: 0.017625
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 217: 0.016204
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 218: 0.015897
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 219: 0.016904
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 220: 0.017045
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 221: 0.017111
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 222: 0.015851
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 223: 0.016824
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 224: 0.017042
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 225: 0.015860
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 226: 0.016805
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 227: 0.016888
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 228: 0.017460
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 229: 0.015681
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 230: 0.017519
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 231: 0.015899
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 232: 0.016816
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 233: 0.017191
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 234: 0.015746
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 235: 0.016828
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 236: 0.016735
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 237: 0.016749
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 238: 0.016989
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 239: 0.017083
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 240: 0.015791
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 241: 0.016938
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 242: 0.017209
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 243: 0.015707
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 244: 0.016925
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 245: 0.016678
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 246: 0.016742
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 247: 0.016667
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 248: 0.016932
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 249: 0.017211
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 250: 0.015892
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 251: 0.017042
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 252: 0.017136
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 253: 0.015901
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 254: 0.017026
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 255: 0.015890
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 256: 0.016700
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 257: 0.017163
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 258: 0.017283
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 259: 0.015965
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 260: 0.017160
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 261: 0.015721
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 262: 0.016824
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 263: 0.016843
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 264: 0.016848
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 265: 0.017199
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 266: 0.015806
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 267: 0.016985
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 268: 0.017263
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 269: 0.015911
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 270: 0.016954
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 271: 0.017134
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 272: 0.015919
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 273: 0.017177
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 274: 0.015946
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 275: 0.016863
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 276: 0.017102
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 277: 0.015942
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 278: 0.016864
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 279: 0.016453
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 280: 0.017002
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 281: 0.016634
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 282: 0.017243
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 283: 0.015835
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 284: 0.016888
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 285: 0.017192
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 286: 0.015901
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 287: 0.016948
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 288: 0.016852
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 289: 0.017231
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 290: 0.015912
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 291: 0.016937
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 292: 0.017281
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 293: 0.016671
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 294: 0.015917
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 295: 0.017229
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 296: 0.015644
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 297: 0.017244
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 298: 0.017155
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 299: 0.015910
PTB-DEBUG: End of calibration data for this run...
PTB-INFO: OpenGL-Renderer is NVIDIA Corporation :: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine :: 2.1 NVIDIA-8.6.22
PTB-INFO: Renderer has 1024 MB of VRAM and a maximum 990 MB of texture memory.
PTB-INFO: VBL startline = 1800 , VBL Endline = 1851
PTB-INFO: Measured monitor refresh interval from beamposition = 16.669105 ms [59.991225 Hz].
PTB-INFO: Will use beamposition query for accurate Flip time stamping.
PTB-INFO: Measured monitor refresh interval from VBLsync = 16.667802 ms [59.995912 Hz]. (299 valid samples taken, stddev=0.539952 ms.)
PTB-INFO: Small deviations between reported values are normal and no reason to worry.
PTB-INFO: Using OpenGL GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT extension for efficient high-performance texture mapping...
PTB-INFO: Support for fast OffscreenWindows enabled.
PTB-ERROR: Screen('Flip'); beamposition timestamping computed an *impossible stimulus onset value* of 7064.254192 secs, which would indicate that
PTB-ERROR: stimulus onset happened *before* it was actually requested! (Earliest theoretically possible 7064.262529 secs).
PTB-ERROR: Some more diagnostic values (only for experts): rawTimestamp = 7064.267339, scanline = 1408
PTB-ERROR: Some more diagnostic values (only for experts): line_pre_swaprequest = 874, line_post_swaprequest = 946, time_post_swaprequest = 7064.263178
PTB-ERROR: Some more diagnostic values (only for experts): preflip_vblcount = 358, preflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.255875
PTB-ERROR: Some more diagnostic values (only for experts): postflip_vblcount = 0, postflip_vbltimestamp = -1.000000, vbltimestampquery_retrycount = 0
PTB-ERROR: I have enabled additional cross checking between beamposition based and kernel-level based timestamping.
PTB-ERROR: This should allow to get a better idea of what's going wrong if successive invocations of Screen('Flip');
PTB-ERROR: fail to deliver proper timestamps as well. It may even fix the problem if the culprit would be a bug in
PTB-ERROR: beamposition based high precision timestamping. We will see...
PTB-ERROR: An equally likely cause would be that Synchronization of stimulus onset (buffer swap) to the
PTB-ERROR: vertical blank interval VBL is not working properly.
PTB-ERROR: Please run the script PerceptualVBLSyncTest to check this. With non-working sync to VBL, all stimulus timing
PTB-ERROR: becomes quite futile. Also read 'help SyncTrouble' !
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=359 , postcount=359, delta = 0, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.272557 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.270859 == Delta is = 0.001698
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=359 , postcount=360, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.289226 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.287528 == Delta is = 0.001698
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=360 , postcount=361, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.305901 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.304197 == Delta is = 0.001704
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=361 , postcount=362, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.322571 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.320870 == Delta is = 0.001701
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=362 , postcount=363, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.339215 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.337537 == Delta is = 0.001677
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=363 , postcount=364, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.355882 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.354205 == Delta is = 0.001677
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=364 , postcount=365, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.372551 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.370881 == Delta is = 0.001670
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=365 , postcount=366, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.389246 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.387547 == Delta is = 0.001699
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=366 , postcount=367, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.405891 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.404214 == Delta is = 0.001677
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=367 , postcount=368, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.422062 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.420882 == Delta is = 0.001179
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=368 , postcount=369, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.439252 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.437556 == Delta is = 0.001696
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=369 , postcount=370, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.455925 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.454223 == Delta is = 0.001702
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=370 , postcount=371, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.472567 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.470895 == Delta is = 0.001672
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=371 , postcount=372, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.489265 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.487562 == Delta is = 0.001703
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=372 , postcount=373, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.505902 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.504230 == Delta is = 0.001672
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=373 , postcount=374, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.522575 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.520897 == Delta is = 0.001678
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=374 , postcount=375, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.539273 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.537568 == Delta is = 0.001704
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=375 , postcount=376, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.555940 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.554236 == Delta is = 0.001704
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=376 , postcount=377, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.572612 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.570909 == Delta is = 0.001703
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=377 , postcount=378, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.589279 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.587575 == Delta is = 0.001704
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=378 , postcount=379, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.605947 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.604243 == Delta is = 0.001704
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=379 , postcount=380, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.622618 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.620919 == Delta is = 0.001700
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=380 , postcount=381, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.639277 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.637585 == Delta is = 0.001691
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=381 , postcount=382, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.655925 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.654257 == Delta is = 0.001668
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=382 , postcount=383, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.672594 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.670920 == Delta is = 0.001674
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=383 , postcount=384, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.689263 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.687592 == Delta is = 0.001671
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=384 , postcount=385, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.705932 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.704260 == Delta is = 0.001672
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=385 , postcount=386, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.722603 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.720926 == Delta is = 0.001676
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=386 , postcount=387, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.739271 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.737601 == Delta is = 0.001670
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=387 , postcount=388, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.755940 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.754266 == Delta is = 0.001674
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=388 , postcount=389, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.772612 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.770934 == Delta is = 0.001679
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=389 , postcount=390, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.789302 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.787607 == Delta is = 0.001695
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=390 , postcount=391, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.805971 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.804278 == Delta is = 0.001693
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=391 , postcount=392, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.822619 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.820949 == Delta is = 0.001671
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=392 , postcount=393, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.839287 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.837613 == Delta is = 0.001674
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=393 , postcount=394, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.855836 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.854286 == Delta is = 0.001550
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=394 , postcount=395, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.872627 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.870951 == Delta is = 0.001676
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=395 , postcount=396, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.889298 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.887621 == Delta is = 0.001677
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=396 , postcount=397, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.905970 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.904290 == Delta is = 0.001679
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=397 , postcount=398, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.922663 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.920957 == Delta is = 0.001706
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=398 , postcount=399, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.939194 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.937628 == Delta is = 0.001567
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=399 , postcount=400, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.955976 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.954300 == Delta is = 0.001675
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=400 , postcount=401, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.972645 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.970971 == Delta is = 0.001674
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=401 , postcount=402, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7064.989313 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7064.987636 == Delta is = 0.001677
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=402 , postcount=403, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.005999 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.004305 == Delta is = 0.001693
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=403 , postcount=404, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.022656 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.020974 == Delta is = 0.001683
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=404 , postcount=405, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.039015 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.037642 == Delta is = 0.001373
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=405 , postcount=406, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.056016 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.054312 == Delta is = 0.001705
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=406 , postcount=407, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.072660 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.070986 == Delta is = 0.001674
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=407 , postcount=408, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.089328 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.087650 == Delta is = 0.001677
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=408 , postcount=409, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.105997 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.104318 == Delta is = 0.001679
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=410 , postcount=411, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.139379 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.137661 == Delta is = 0.001717
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=411 , postcount=412, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.156015 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.154333 == Delta is = 0.001682
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=412 , postcount=413, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.172677 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.170997 == Delta is = 0.001681
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=413 , postcount=414, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.189346 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.187668 == Delta is = 0.001678
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=414 , postcount=415, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.206014 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.204333 == Delta is = 0.001681
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=415 , postcount=416, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.222683 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.221008 == Delta is = 0.001675
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=416 , postcount=417, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.239358 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.237673 == Delta is = 0.001685
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=417 , postcount=418, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.256027 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.254347 == Delta is = 0.001680
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=418 , postcount=419, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.272718 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.271017 == Delta is = 0.001701
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=419 , postcount=420, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.289387 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.287686 == Delta is = 0.001701
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=420 , postcount=421, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.306030 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.304348 == Delta is = 0.001682
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=421 , postcount=422, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.322701 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.321020 == Delta is = 0.001681
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=422 , postcount=423, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.339369 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.337689 == Delta is = 0.001680
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=423 , postcount=424, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.356038 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.354361 == Delta is = 0.001677
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=424 , postcount=425, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.372712 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.371025 == Delta is = 0.001687
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=425 , postcount=426, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.389415 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.387696 == Delta is = 0.001719
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=426 , postcount=427, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.406046 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.404364 == Delta is = 0.001683
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=427 , postcount=428, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.422725 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.421034 == Delta is = 0.001691
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=428 , postcount=429, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.439388 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.437703 == Delta is = 0.001685
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=430 , postcount=431, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.472765 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.471047 == Delta is = 0.001719
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=431 , postcount=432, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.489401 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.487712 == Delta is = 0.001689
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=432 , postcount=433, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.506063 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.504384 == Delta is = 0.001678
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=433 , postcount=434, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.522758 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.521053 == Delta is = 0.001705
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=434 , postcount=435, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.539402 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.537723 == Delta is = 0.001679
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=435 , postcount=436, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.556070 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.554388 == Delta is = 0.001682
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=436 , postcount=437, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.572748 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.571061 == Delta is = 0.001688
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=437 , postcount=438, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.589396 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.587725 == Delta is = 0.001671
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=438 , postcount=439, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.606104 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.604397 == Delta is = 0.001707
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=439 , postcount=440, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.622757 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.621063 == Delta is = 0.001694
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=440 , postcount=441, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.639417 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.637737 == Delta is = 0.001680
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=441 , postcount=442, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.656087 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.654406 == Delta is = 0.001681
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=442 , postcount=443, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.672686 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.671070 == Delta is = 0.001616
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=443 , postcount=444, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.689425 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.687743 == Delta is = 0.001682
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=445 , postcount=446, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.722804 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.721083 == Delta is = 0.001722
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=446 , postcount=447, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.739441 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.737750 == Delta is = 0.001691
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=447 , postcount=448, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.756102 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.754423 == Delta is = 0.001679
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=448 , postcount=449, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.772780 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.771094 == Delta is = 0.001686
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=449 , postcount=450, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.789469 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.787757 == Delta is = 0.001713
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=450 , postcount=451, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.805546 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.804431 == Delta is = 0.001115
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=451 , postcount=452, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.822812 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.821100 == Delta is = 0.001712
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=452 , postcount=453, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.839452 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.837764 == Delta is = 0.001688
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=453 , postcount=454, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.856120 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.854433 == Delta is = 0.001687
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=455 , postcount=456, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.889500 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.887774 == Delta is = 0.001727
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=456 , postcount=457, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.906136 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.904443 == Delta is = 0.001693
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=457 , postcount=458, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.922836 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.921113 == Delta is = 0.001723
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=458 , postcount=459, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.939467 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.937781 == Delta is = 0.001685
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=459 , postcount=460, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.956136 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.954451 == Delta is = 0.001685
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=460 , postcount=461, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.972805 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.971116 == Delta is = 0.001689
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=461 , postcount=462, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7065.989473 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7065.987792 == Delta is = 0.001682
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=463 , postcount=464, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.022856 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.021132 == Delta is = 0.001724
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=464 , postcount=465, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.039487 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.037797 == Delta is = 0.001690
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=465 , postcount=466, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.056179 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.054464 == Delta is = 0.001715
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=466 , postcount=467, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.072824 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.071138 == Delta is = 0.001687
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=467 , postcount=468, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.089490 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.087805 == Delta is = 0.001685
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=468 , postcount=469, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.106111 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.104473 == Delta is = 0.001639
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=474 , postcount=475, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.205541 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.204493 == Delta is = 0.001047
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=475 , postcount=476, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.222238 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.221154 == Delta is = 0.001084
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=476 , postcount=477, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.238937 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.237832 == Delta is = 0.001106
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=477 , postcount=478, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.255683 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.254493 == Delta is = 0.001189
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=478 , postcount=479, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.272382 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.271164 == Delta is = 0.001219
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=479 , postcount=480, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.289083 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.287832 == Delta is = 0.001251
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=480 , postcount=481, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.305819 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.304499 == Delta is = 0.001320
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=481 , postcount=482, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.322539 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.321176 == Delta is = 0.001362
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=482 , postcount=483, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.339242 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.337845 == Delta is = 0.001397
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=483 , postcount=484, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.355994 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.354508 == Delta is = 0.001487
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=484 , postcount=485, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.372680 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.371177 == Delta is = 0.001503
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=485 , postcount=486, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.389435 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.387848 == Delta is = 0.001587
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=486 , postcount=487, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.406143 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.404519 == Delta is = 0.001624
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=487 , postcount=488, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.422864 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.421188 == Delta is = 0.001675
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=488 , postcount=489, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.439238 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.437855 == Delta is = 0.001383
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=489 , postcount=490, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.456239 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.454527 == Delta is = 0.001713
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=490 , postcount=491, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.472908 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.471195 == Delta is = 0.001713
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=491 , postcount=492, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.489560 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.487868 == Delta is = 0.001693
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=492 , postcount=493, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.506228 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.504531 == Delta is = 0.001697
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=493 , postcount=494, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.522930 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.521200 == Delta is = 0.001730
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=494 , postcount=495, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.539595 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.537873 == Delta is = 0.001722
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=495 , postcount=496, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.556231 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.554540 == Delta is = 0.001692
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=496 , postcount=497, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.572906 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.571213 == Delta is = 0.001694
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=497 , postcount=498, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.589577 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.587884 == Delta is = 0.001694
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=498 , postcount=499, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.606245 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.604544 == Delta is = 0.001701
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=499 , postcount=500, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.622915 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.621212 == Delta is = 0.001703
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=500 , postcount=501, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.639585 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.637888 == Delta is = 0.001697
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=501 , postcount=502, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.656255 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.654551 == Delta is = 0.001705
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=502 , postcount=503, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.672920 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.671224 == Delta is = 0.001695
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=503 , postcount=504, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.689598 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.687895 == Delta is = 0.001702
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=504 , postcount=505, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.706294 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.704564 == Delta is = 0.001731
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=505 , postcount=506, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.722932 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.721235 == Delta is = 0.001697
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=506 , postcount=507, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.739596 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.737897 == Delta is = 0.001699
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=507 , postcount=508, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.756265 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.754566 == Delta is = 0.001699
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=508 , postcount=509, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.772936 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.771239 == Delta is = 0.001697
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=510 , postcount=511, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.806281 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.804582 == Delta is = 0.001699
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=511 , postcount=512, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.822969 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.821243 == Delta is = 0.001726
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=512 , postcount=513, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.839651 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.837917 == Delta is = 0.001735
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=513 , postcount=514, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.856310 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.854590 == Delta is = 0.001719
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=514 , postcount=515, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.872984 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.871260 == Delta is = 0.001725
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=515 , postcount=516, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.889623 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.887926 == Delta is = 0.001697
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=516 , postcount=517, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.906320 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.904596 == Delta is = 0.001725
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=517 , postcount=518, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.922961 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.921262 == Delta is = 0.001699
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=518 , postcount=519, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.939434 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.937934 == Delta is = 0.001499
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=519 , postcount=520, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.956330 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.954608 == Delta is = 0.001722
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=520 , postcount=521, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.972969 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.971270 == Delta is = 0.001699
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=521 , postcount=522, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7066.989638 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7066.987943 == Delta is = 0.001694
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=522 , postcount=523, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.006306 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.004613 == Delta is = 0.001693
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=523 , postcount=524, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.022976 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.021280 == Delta is = 0.001696
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=524 , postcount=525, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.039645 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.037949 == Delta is = 0.001696
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=525 , postcount=526, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.056314 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.054617 == Delta is = 0.001697
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=526 , postcount=527, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.072987 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.071289 == Delta is = 0.001698
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=527 , postcount=528, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.089655 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.087957 == Delta is = 0.001699
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=528 , postcount=529, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.106323 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.104628 == Delta is = 0.001694
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=529 , postcount=530, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.122997 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.121292 == Delta is = 0.001705
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=530 , postcount=531, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.139696 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.137960 == Delta is = 0.001737
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=531 , postcount=532, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.156339 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.154632 == Delta is = 0.001707
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=532 , postcount=533, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.173003 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.171306 == Delta is = 0.001697
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=533 , postcount=534, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.189673 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.187965 == Delta is = 0.001708
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=534 , postcount=535, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.206369 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.204643 == Delta is = 0.001726
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=535 , postcount=536, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.223014 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.221312 == Delta is = 0.001702
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=536 , postcount=537, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.239705 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.237980 == Delta is = 0.001724
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=537 , postcount=538, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.255952 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.254649 == Delta is = 0.001304
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=538 , postcount=539, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.272329 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.271315 == Delta is = 0.001014
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=539 , postcount=540, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.289686 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.287983 == Delta is = 0.001702
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=540 , postcount=541, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.306356 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.304658 == Delta is = 0.001698
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=541 , postcount=542, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.323050 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.321325 == Delta is = 0.001726
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=542 , postcount=543, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.339694 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.337990 == Delta is = 0.001704
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=543 , postcount=544, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.356363 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.354667 == Delta is = 0.001696
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=544 , postcount=545, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.373041 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.371329 == Delta is = 0.001713
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=545 , postcount=546, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.389702 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.388002 == Delta is = 0.001700
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=546 , postcount=547, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.406372 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.404672 == Delta is = 0.001700
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=547 , postcount=548, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.422942 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.421344 == Delta is = 0.001598
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=548 , postcount=549, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.439562 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.438010 == Delta is = 0.001552
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=549 , postcount=550, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.456204 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.454676 == Delta is = 0.001528
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=550 , postcount=551, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.472894 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.471352 == Delta is = 0.001542
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=551 , postcount=552, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.489226 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.488022 == Delta is = 0.001205
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=552 , postcount=553, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.506221 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.504687 == Delta is = 0.001533
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=554 , postcount=555, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.539570 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.538023 == Delta is = 0.001547
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=555 , postcount=556, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.556205 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.554690 == Delta is = 0.001515
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=556 , postcount=557, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.572869 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.571364 == Delta is = 0.001505
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=557 , postcount=558, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.589551 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.588034 == Delta is = 0.001517
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=558 , postcount=559, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.606209 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.604699 == Delta is = 0.001509
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=560 , postcount=561, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.639582 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.638038 == Delta is = 0.001543
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=561 , postcount=562, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.656225 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.654712 == Delta is = 0.001512
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=562 , postcount=563, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.672885 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.671382 == Delta is = 0.001503
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=563 , postcount=564, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.689553 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.688049 == Delta is = 0.001504
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=565 , postcount=566, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.722623 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.721383 == Delta is = 0.001240
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=566 , postcount=567, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.739570 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.738058 == Delta is = 0.001512
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=567 , postcount=568, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.756231 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.754720 == Delta is = 0.001511
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=568 , postcount=569, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.772900 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.771399 == Delta is = 0.001501
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=569 , postcount=570, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.789585 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.788068 == Delta is = 0.001517
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=571 , postcount=572, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.822974 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.821397 == Delta is = 0.001577
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=572 , postcount=573, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.839608 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.838069 == Delta is = 0.001540
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=573 , postcount=574, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.856278 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.854736 == Delta is = 0.001542
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=574 , postcount=575, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.872945 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.871405 == Delta is = 0.001539
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=577 , postcount=578, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.922989 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.921416 == Delta is = 0.001572
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=578 , postcount=579, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.939625 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.938083 == Delta is = 0.001543
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=579 , postcount=580, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.955998 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.954756 == Delta is = 0.001242
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=580 , postcount=581, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.972965 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.971426 == Delta is = 0.001539
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=581 , postcount=582, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7067.989632 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7067.988096 == Delta is = 0.001536
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=582 , postcount=583, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.006281 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.004759 == Delta is = 0.001522
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=583 , postcount=584, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.022976 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.021436 == Delta is = 0.001540
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=584 , postcount=585, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.039612 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.038100 == Delta is = 0.001513
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=585 , postcount=586, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.056279 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.054779 == Delta is = 0.001500
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=586 , postcount=587, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.072948 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.071439 == Delta is = 0.001509
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=587 , postcount=588, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.089618 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.088109 == Delta is = 0.001509
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=588 , postcount=589, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.106312 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.104780 == Delta is = 0.001532
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=589 , postcount=590, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.122957 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.121441 == Delta is = 0.001517
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=590 , postcount=591, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.139629 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.138112 == Delta is = 0.001516
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=591 , postcount=592, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.156326 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.154785 == Delta is = 0.001542
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=592 , postcount=593, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.172966 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.171457 == Delta is = 0.001510
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=593 , postcount=594, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.189638 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.188120 == Delta is = 0.001519
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=594 , postcount=595, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.206329 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.204796 == Delta is = 0.001532
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=595 , postcount=596, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.223000 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.221463 == Delta is = 0.001538
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=596 , postcount=597, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.239652 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.238131 == Delta is = 0.001521
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=597 , postcount=598, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.256312 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.254803 == Delta is = 0.001509
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=598 , postcount=599, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.272532 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.271467 == Delta is = 0.001066
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=599 , postcount=600, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.289673 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.288136 == Delta is = 0.001537
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=600 , postcount=601, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.305871 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.304806 == Delta is = 0.001065
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=601 , postcount=602, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.322993 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.321473 == Delta is = 0.001520
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=602 , postcount=603, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.339662 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.338141 == Delta is = 0.001521
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=603 , postcount=604, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.356334 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.354813 == Delta is = 0.001521
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=604 , postcount=605, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.372997 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.371489 == Delta is = 0.001508
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=605 , postcount=606, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.389515 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.388156 == Delta is = 0.001359
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=606 , postcount=607, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.406362 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.404827 == Delta is = 0.001535
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=607 , postcount=608, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.423006 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.421490 == Delta is = 0.001516
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=608 , postcount=609, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.439675 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.438163 == Delta is = 0.001511
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=609 , postcount=610, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.456348 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.454832 == Delta is = 0.001516
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=610 , postcount=611, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.473017 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.471497 == Delta is = 0.001520
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=611 , postcount=612, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.489689 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.488174 == Delta is = 0.001515
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=612 , postcount=613, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.506378 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.504839 == Delta is = 0.001540
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=613 , postcount=614, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.523022 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.521507 == Delta is = 0.001516
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=614 , postcount=615, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.539691 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.538173 == Delta is = 0.001519
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=615 , postcount=616, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.556361 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.554841 == Delta is = 0.001519
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=616 , postcount=617, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.573030 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.571515 == Delta is = 0.001514
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=617 , postcount=618, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.589700 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.588185 == Delta is = 0.001514
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=618 , postcount=619, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.606369 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.604849 == Delta is = 0.001520
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=619 , postcount=620, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.623038 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.621529 == Delta is = 0.001509
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=620 , postcount=621, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.639707 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.638192 == Delta is = 0.001515
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=621 , postcount=622, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.656380 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.654865 == Delta is = 0.001515
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=622 , postcount=623, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.673046 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.671528 == Delta is = 0.001518
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=623 , postcount=624, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.689716 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.688200 == Delta is = 0.001516
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=624 , postcount=625, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.706386 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.704867 == Delta is = 0.001519
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=625 , postcount=626, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.723055 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.721543 == Delta is = 0.001512
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=626 , postcount=627, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.739724 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.738210 == Delta is = 0.001514
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=627 , postcount=628, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.756394 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.754872 == Delta is = 0.001522
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=628 , postcount=629, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.773062 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.771549 == Delta is = 0.001514
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=629 , postcount=630, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.789734 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.788216 == Delta is = 0.001518
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=630 , postcount=631, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.806410 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.804883 == Delta is = 0.001527
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=631 , postcount=632, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.823071 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.821552 == Delta is = 0.001519
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=632 , postcount=633, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.839740 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.838226 == Delta is = 0.001513
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=633 , postcount=634, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.856439 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.854891 == Delta is = 0.001548
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=634 , postcount=635, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.873085 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.871558 == Delta is = 0.001526
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=635 , postcount=636, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.889778 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.888234 == Delta is = 0.001544
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=636 , postcount=637, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.906421 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.904903 == Delta is = 0.001518
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=638 , postcount=639, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.939729 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.938240 == Delta is = 0.001488
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=639 , postcount=640, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.956434 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.954907 == Delta is = 0.001527
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=640 , postcount=641, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.973105 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.971577 == Delta is = 0.001528
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=641 , postcount=642, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7068.989728 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7068.988242 == Delta is = 0.001486
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=642 , postcount=643, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.006435 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.004910 == Delta is = 0.001525
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=644 , postcount=645, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.039813 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.038259 == Delta is = 0.001554
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=645 , postcount=646, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.056475 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.054920 == Delta is = 0.001555
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=646 , postcount=647, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.073133 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.071591 == Delta is = 0.001543
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=647 , postcount=648, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.089808 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.088257 == Delta is = 0.001550
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=648 , postcount=649, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.106480 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.104932 == Delta is = 0.001548
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=649 , postcount=650, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.123123 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.121595 == Delta is = 0.001528
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=650 , postcount=651, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.139791 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.138268 == Delta is = 0.001522
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=651 , postcount=652, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.156459 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.154935 == Delta is = 0.001524
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=652 , postcount=653, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.173127 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.171609 == Delta is = 0.001517
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=653 , postcount=654, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.189825 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.188277 == Delta is = 0.001548
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=654 , postcount=655, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.206496 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.204940 == Delta is = 0.001555
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=655 , postcount=656, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.223138 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.221615 == Delta is = 0.001522
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=656 , postcount=657, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.239808 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.238286 == Delta is = 0.001523
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=657 , postcount=658, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.256478 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.254948 == Delta is = 0.001530
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=658 , postcount=659, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.273147 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.271623 == Delta is = 0.001524
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=659 , postcount=660, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.289814 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.288291 == Delta is = 0.001523
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=660 , postcount=661, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.306483 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.304964 == Delta is = 0.001519
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=661 , postcount=662, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.323152 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.321622 == Delta is = 0.001530
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=662 , postcount=663, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.339821 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.338298 == Delta is = 0.001523
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=663 , postcount=664, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.356493 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.354965 == Delta is = 0.001528
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=664 , postcount=665, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.373163 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.371635 == Delta is = 0.001528
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=665 , postcount=666, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.389610 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.388306 == Delta is = 0.001304
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=666 , postcount=667, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.406501 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.404972 == Delta is = 0.001530
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=667 , postcount=668, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.423168 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.421641 == Delta is = 0.001527
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=668 , postcount=669, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.439840 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.438312 == Delta is = 0.001528
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=669 , postcount=670, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.456509 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.454983 == Delta is = 0.001526
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=670 , postcount=671, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.473179 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.471657 == Delta is = 0.001522
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=671 , postcount=672, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.489848 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.488323 == Delta is = 0.001525
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=672 , postcount=673, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.506518 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.504987 == Delta is = 0.001531
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=673 , postcount=674, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.523190 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.521662 == Delta is = 0.001528
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=674 , postcount=675, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.539861 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.538333 == Delta is = 0.001528
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=675 , postcount=676, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.556526 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.555001 == Delta is = 0.001524
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=676 , postcount=677, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.573195 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.571672 == Delta is = 0.001523
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=677 , postcount=678, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.589867 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.588337 == Delta is = 0.001530
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=678 , postcount=679, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.606535 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.605005 == Delta is = 0.001530
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=679 , postcount=680, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.623204 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.621680 == Delta is = 0.001525
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=680 , postcount=681, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.639874 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.638347 == Delta is = 0.001527
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=681 , postcount=682, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.656542 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.655016 == Delta is = 0.001527
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=682 , postcount=683, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.673209 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.671684 == Delta is = 0.001526
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=683 , postcount=684, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.689879 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.688350 == Delta is = 0.001528
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=684 , postcount=685, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.706574 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.705030 == Delta is = 0.001544
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=685 , postcount=686, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.723240 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.721691 == Delta is = 0.001549
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=686 , postcount=687, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.739891 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.738357 == Delta is = 0.001534
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=687 , postcount=688, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.756560 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.755026 == Delta is = 0.001533
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=688 , postcount=689, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.773226 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.771700 == Delta is = 0.001526
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=689 , postcount=690, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.789891 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.788367 == Delta is = 0.001524
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=690 , postcount=691, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.806568 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.805033 == Delta is = 0.001536
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=691 , postcount=692, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.823257 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.821706 == Delta is = 0.001551
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=693 , postcount=694, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.856614 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.855047 == Delta is = 0.001567
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=694 , postcount=695, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.873247 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.871716 == Delta is = 0.001532
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=695 , postcount=696, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.889939 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.888384 == Delta is = 0.001555
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=696 , postcount=697, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.906608 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.905052 == Delta is = 0.001556
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=697 , postcount=698, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.923278 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.921720 == Delta is = 0.001558
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=698 , postcount=699, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.939923 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.938393 == Delta is = 0.001531
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=699 , postcount=700, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.956591 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.955057 == Delta is = 0.001535
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=700 , postcount=701, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.973011 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.971735 == Delta is = 0.001276
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=701 , postcount=702, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7069.989930 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7069.988400 == Delta is = 0.001530
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=702 , postcount=703, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.006313 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.005070 == Delta is = 0.001244
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=703 , postcount=704, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.023297 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.021738 == Delta is = 0.001559
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=705 , postcount=706, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.056646 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.055076 == Delta is = 0.001570
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=706 , postcount=707, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.073284 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.071740 == Delta is = 0.001544
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=707 , postcount=708, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.089597 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.088413 == Delta is = 0.001184
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=708 , postcount=709, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.106468 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.105085 == Delta is = 0.001383
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=709 , postcount=710, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.123285 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.121755 == Delta is = 0.001530
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=711 , postcount=712, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.156661 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.155093 == Delta is = 0.001568
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=712 , postcount=713, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.173318 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.171758 == Delta is = 0.001560
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=713 , postcount=714, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.189999 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.188428 == Delta is = 0.001571
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=714 , postcount=715, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.206670 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.205091 == Delta is = 0.001579
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=715 , postcount=716, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.223301 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.221768 == Delta is = 0.001533
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=716 , postcount=717, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.239495 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.238436 == Delta is = 0.001059
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=717 , postcount=718, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.256640 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.255108 == Delta is = 0.001532
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=718 , postcount=719, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.273309 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.271777 == Delta is = 0.001532
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=719 , postcount=720, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.289977 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.288438 == Delta is = 0.001539
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=720 , postcount=721, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.306646 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.305112 == Delta is = 0.001533
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=721 , postcount=722, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.323315 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.321776 == Delta is = 0.001539
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=722 , postcount=723, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.339987 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.338454 == Delta is = 0.001533
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=723 , postcount=724, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.356657 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.355127 == Delta is = 0.001530
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=724 , postcount=725, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.373324 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.371789 == Delta is = 0.001535
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=725 , postcount=726, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.389589 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.388462 == Delta is = 0.001128
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=726 , postcount=727, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.406662 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.405125 == Delta is = 0.001537
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=727 , postcount=728, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.423331 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.421799 == Delta is = 0.001532
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=728 , postcount=729, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.440000 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.438464 == Delta is = 0.001537
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=729 , postcount=730, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.456669 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.455135 == Delta is = 0.001534
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=730 , postcount=731, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.473338 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.471799 == Delta is = 0.001539
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=731 , postcount=732, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.490008 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.488471 == Delta is = 0.001537
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=732 , postcount=733, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.506678 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.505150 == Delta is = 0.001529
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=733 , postcount=734, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.523347 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.521807 == Delta is = 0.001540
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=734 , postcount=735, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.540016 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.538479 == Delta is = 0.001536
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=735 , postcount=736, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.556684 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.555146 == Delta is = 0.001538
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=736 , postcount=737, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.573385 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.571819 == Delta is = 0.001566
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=737 , postcount=738, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.590054 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.588486 == Delta is = 0.001568
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=738 , postcount=739, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.606722 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.605155 == Delta is = 0.001567
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=739 , postcount=740, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.623391 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.621826 == Delta is = 0.001564
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=740 , postcount=741, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.640034 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.638513 == Delta is = 0.001521
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=741 , postcount=742, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.656735 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.655161 == Delta is = 0.001574
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=742 , postcount=743, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.673372 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.671836 == Delta is = 0.001536
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=743 , postcount=744, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.690049 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.688505 == Delta is = 0.001544
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=744 , postcount=745, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.706713 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.705175 == Delta is = 0.001538
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=746 , postcount=747, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.740116 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.738512 == Delta is = 0.001604
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=747 , postcount=748, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.756749 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.755181 == Delta is = 0.001568
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=748 , postcount=749, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.773415 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.771853 == Delta is = 0.001562
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=749 , postcount=750, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.790088 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.788523 == Delta is = 0.001566
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=750 , postcount=751, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.806757 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.805186 == Delta is = 0.001570
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=751 , postcount=752, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.823398 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.821860 == Delta is = 0.001537
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=752 , postcount=753, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.840066 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.838527 == Delta is = 0.001539
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=753 , postcount=754, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.856734 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.855193 == Delta is = 0.001541
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=754 , postcount=755, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.873403 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.871866 == Delta is = 0.001538
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=755 , postcount=756, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.890073 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.888537 == Delta is = 0.001536
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=756 , postcount=757, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.906476 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.905200 == Delta is = 0.001276
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=757 , postcount=758, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.923412 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.921868 == Delta is = 0.001544
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=758 , postcount=759, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.939967 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.938543 == Delta is = 0.001424
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=759 , postcount=760, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.956751 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.955209 == Delta is = 0.001542
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=760 , postcount=761, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.973420 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.971877 == Delta is = 0.001543
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=761 , postcount=762, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7070.990120 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7070.988550 == Delta is = 0.001570
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=762 , postcount=763, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.006800 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.005219 == Delta is = 0.001581
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=763 , postcount=764, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.023437 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.021891 == Delta is = 0.001546
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=764 , postcount=765, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.040110 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.038552 == Delta is = 0.001557
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=765 , postcount=766, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.056771 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.055230 == Delta is = 0.001541
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=766 , postcount=767, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.073440 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.071897 == Delta is = 0.001543
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=767 , postcount=768, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.090106 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.088564 == Delta is = 0.001542
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=768 , postcount=769, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.106776 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.105234 == Delta is = 0.001542
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=769 , postcount=770, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.123444 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.121905 == Delta is = 0.001539
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=770 , postcount=771, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.140117 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.138569 == Delta is = 0.001548
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=771 , postcount=772, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.156786 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.155243 == Delta is = 0.001543
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=772 , postcount=773, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.173455 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.171908 == Delta is = 0.001546
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=773 , postcount=774, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.190127 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.188576 == Delta is = 0.001551
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=774 , postcount=775, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.206820 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.205252 == Delta is = 0.001568
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=775 , postcount=776, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.223464 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.221919 == Delta is = 0.001545
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=776 , postcount=777, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.240130 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.238588 == Delta is = 0.001542
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=777 , postcount=778, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.256800 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.255252 == Delta is = 0.001548
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=778 , postcount=779, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.273471 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.271924 == Delta is = 0.001547
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=779 , postcount=780, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.290141 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.288593 == Delta is = 0.001548
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=780 , postcount=781, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.306513 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.305270 == Delta is = 0.001242
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=783 , postcount=784, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.356889 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.355273 == Delta is = 0.001616
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=784 , postcount=785, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.373495 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.371942 == Delta is = 0.001552
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=786 , postcount=787, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.406866 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.405278 == Delta is = 0.001589
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=787 , postcount=788, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.423509 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.421951 == Delta is = 0.001558
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=788 , postcount=789, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.440168 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.438619 == Delta is = 0.001549
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=789 , postcount=790, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.456838 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.455285 == Delta is = 0.001553
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=790 , postcount=791, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.473530 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.471953 == Delta is = 0.001577
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=791 , postcount=792, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.490202 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.488626 == Delta is = 0.001576
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=792 , postcount=793, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.506842 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.505296 == Delta is = 0.001546
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=793 , postcount=794, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.523531 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.521964 == Delta is = 0.001567
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=801 , postcount=802, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.656338 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.655323 == Delta is = 0.001015
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=802 , postcount=803, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.673010 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.671993 == Delta is = 0.001017
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=803 , postcount=804, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.689727 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.688658 == Delta is = 0.001069
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=804 , postcount=805, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.706435 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.705323 == Delta is = 0.001111
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=805 , postcount=806, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.723543 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.721992 == Delta is = 0.001551
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=806 , postcount=807, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.739894 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.738668 == Delta is = 0.001227
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=807 , postcount=808, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.756597 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.755333 == Delta is = 0.001264
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=808 , postcount=809, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.773331 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.771999 == Delta is = 0.001332
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=809 , postcount=810, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.790016 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.788670 == Delta is = 0.001347
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=810 , postcount=811, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.806757 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.805340 == Delta is = 0.001417
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=811 , postcount=812, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.823491 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.822008 == Delta is = 0.001482
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=812 , postcount=813, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.840211 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.838675 == Delta is = 0.001536
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=813 , postcount=814, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.856918 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.855345 == Delta is = 0.001572
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=814 , postcount=815, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.873568 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.872019 == Delta is = 0.001549
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=815 , postcount=816, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.890249 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.888682 == Delta is = 0.001568
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=816 , postcount=817, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.906943 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.905355 == Delta is = 0.001588
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=817 , postcount=818, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.923613 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.922029 == Delta is = 0.001584
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=818 , postcount=819, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.940284 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.938692 == Delta is = 0.001592
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=819 , postcount=820, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.956955 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.955361 == Delta is = 0.001594
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=820 , postcount=821, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.973615 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.972034 == Delta is = 0.001582
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=821 , postcount=822, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7071.990289 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7071.988698 == Delta is = 0.001591
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=822 , postcount=823, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.006961 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.005368 == Delta is = 0.001593
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=823 , postcount=824, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.023627 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.022038 == Delta is = 0.001589
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=824 , postcount=825, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.040303 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.038712 == Delta is = 0.001591
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=825 , postcount=826, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.056942 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.055374 == Delta is = 0.001568
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=826 , postcount=827, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.073604 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.072044 == Delta is = 0.001560
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=827 , postcount=828, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.090273 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.088718 == Delta is = 0.001555
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=828 , postcount=829, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.106941 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.105389 == Delta is = 0.001553
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=829 , postcount=830, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.123611 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.122053 == Delta is = 0.001558
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=830 , postcount=831, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.140310 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.138720 == Delta is = 0.001590
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=831 , postcount=832, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.156956 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.155393 == Delta is = 0.001562
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=832 , postcount=833, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.173620 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.172064 == Delta is = 0.001556
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=833 , postcount=834, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.190287 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.188735 == Delta is = 0.001552
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=834 , postcount=835, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.206958 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.205400 == Delta is = 0.001557
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=835 , postcount=836, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.223626 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.222066 == Delta is = 0.001560
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=836 , postcount=837, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.240296 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.238739 == Delta is = 0.001557
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=837 , postcount=838, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.256966 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.255413 == Delta is = 0.001553
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=838 , postcount=839, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.273644 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.272080 == Delta is = 0.001564
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=840 , postcount=841, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.307010 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.305412 == Delta is = 0.001598
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=841 , postcount=842, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.323634 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.322083 == Delta is = 0.001551
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=842 , postcount=843, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.340322 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.338752 == Delta is = 0.001570
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=844 , postcount=845, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.373714 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.372090 == Delta is = 0.001624
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=845 , postcount=846, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.390349 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.388777 == Delta is = 0.001572
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=846 , postcount=847, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.406991 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.405431 == Delta is = 0.001560
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=847 , postcount=848, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.423638 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.422097 == Delta is = 0.001541
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=848 , postcount=849, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.440294 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.438768 == Delta is = 0.001526
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=849 , postcount=850, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.456957 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.455442 == Delta is = 0.001515
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=851 , postcount=852, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.490329 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.488775 == Delta is = 0.001554
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=852 , postcount=853, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.506966 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.505443 == Delta is = 0.001523
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=853 , postcount=854, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.523631 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.522117 == Delta is = 0.001514
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=854 , postcount=855, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.540298 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.538787 == Delta is = 0.001511
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=855 , postcount=856, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.556966 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.555453 == Delta is = 0.001513
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=856 , postcount=857, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.573634 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.572125 == Delta is = 0.001510
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=857 , postcount=858, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.590304 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.588790 == Delta is = 0.001513
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=858 , postcount=859, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.606975 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.605460 == Delta is = 0.001514
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=859 , postcount=860, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.623644 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.622134 == Delta is = 0.001510
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=860 , postcount=861, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.640315 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.638798 == Delta is = 0.001517
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=861 , postcount=862, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.656985 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.655466 == Delta is = 0.001519
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=862 , postcount=863, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.673655 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.672142 == Delta is = 0.001513
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=863 , postcount=864, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.690351 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.688808 == Delta is = 0.001543
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=864 , postcount=865, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.706991 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.705475 == Delta is = 0.001516
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=865 , postcount=866, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.723661 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.722147 == Delta is = 0.001514
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=866 , postcount=867, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.740329 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.738818 == Delta is = 0.001511
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=867 , postcount=868, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.757004 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.755489 == Delta is = 0.001514
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=868 , postcount=869, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.773671 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.772152 == Delta is = 0.001519
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=870 , postcount=871, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.807076 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.805490 == Delta is = 0.001586
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=871 , postcount=872, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.823689 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.822165 == Delta is = 0.001524
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=872 , postcount=873, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.840348 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.838824 == Delta is = 0.001524
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=873 , postcount=874, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.857018 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.855499 == Delta is = 0.001519
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=874 , postcount=875, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.873687 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.872173 == Delta is = 0.001515
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=875 , postcount=876, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.890354 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.888842 == Delta is = 0.001513
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=876 , postcount=877, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.907023 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.905505 == Delta is = 0.001518
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=877 , postcount=878, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.923692 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.922175 == Delta is = 0.001517
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=878 , postcount=879, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.940361 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.938851 == Delta is = 0.001510
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=879 , postcount=880, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.957031 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.955516 == Delta is = 0.001515
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=880 , postcount=881, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.973514 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.972185 == Delta is = 0.001329
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=881 , postcount=882, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7072.990324 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7072.988855 == Delta is = 0.001469
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=884 , postcount=885, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.040447 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.038857 == Delta is = 0.001589
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=885 , postcount=886, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.057076 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.055529 == Delta is = 0.001547
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=886 , postcount=887, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.073721 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.072205 == Delta is = 0.001516
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=887 , postcount=888, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.090389 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.088869 == Delta is = 0.001520
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=888 , postcount=889, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.107077 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.105540 == Delta is = 0.001537
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=889 , postcount=890, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.123755 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.122205 == Delta is = 0.001550
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=890 , postcount=891, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.140392 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.138875 == Delta is = 0.001518
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=891 , postcount=892, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.157091 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.155548 == Delta is = 0.001543
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=892 , postcount=893, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.173733 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.172213 == Delta is = 0.001520
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=893 , postcount=894, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.190402 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.188885 == Delta is = 0.001517
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=894 , postcount=895, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.207071 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.205554 == Delta is = 0.001518
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=895 , postcount=896, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.223741 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.222225 == Delta is = 0.001517
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=896 , postcount=897, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.240411 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.238895 == Delta is = 0.001516
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=897 , postcount=898, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.257080 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.255562 == Delta is = 0.001518
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=898 , postcount=899, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.273752 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.272232 == Delta is = 0.001521
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=899 , postcount=900, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.289962 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.288900 == Delta is = 0.001061
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=900 , postcount=901, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.307096 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.305565 == Delta is = 0.001531
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=901 , postcount=902, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.323758 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.322236 == Delta is = 0.001522
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=902 , postcount=903, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.340431 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.338914 == Delta is = 0.001516
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=903 , postcount=904, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.357107 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.355573 == Delta is = 0.001535
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=904 , postcount=905, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.373767 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.372248 == Delta is = 0.001519
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=906 , postcount=907, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.407144 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.405583 == Delta is = 0.001561
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=907 , postcount=908, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.423802 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.422257 == Delta is = 0.001545
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=908 , postcount=909, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.440447 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.438918 == Delta is = 0.001529
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=909 , postcount=910, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.457115 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.455591 == Delta is = 0.001523
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=910 , postcount=911, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.473786 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.472256 == Delta is = 0.001530
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=911 , postcount=912, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.490453 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.488932 == Delta is = 0.001521
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=912 , postcount=913, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.507123 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.505602 == Delta is = 0.001521
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=913 , postcount=914, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.523794 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.522271 == Delta is = 0.001523
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=914 , postcount=915, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.540462 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.538941 == Delta is = 0.001521
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=915 , postcount=916, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.557127 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.555604 == Delta is = 0.001523
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=916 , postcount=917, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.573798 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.572279 == Delta is = 0.001519
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=917 , postcount=918, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.590467 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.588942 == Delta is = 0.001525
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=918 , postcount=919, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.607136 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.605617 == Delta is = 0.001520
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=919 , postcount=920, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.623515 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.622279 == Delta is = 0.001236
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=920 , postcount=921, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.640476 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.638952 == Delta is = 0.001524
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=921 , postcount=922, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.657175 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.655626 == Delta is = 0.001549
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=922 , postcount=923, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.673815 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.672289 == Delta is = 0.001526
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=923 , postcount=924, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.690487 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.688970 == Delta is = 0.001517
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=924 , postcount=925, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.707153 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.705631 == Delta is = 0.001523
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=925 , postcount=926, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.723845 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.722294 == Delta is = 0.001551
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=926 , postcount=927, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.740493 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.738967 == Delta is = 0.001526
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=927 , postcount=928, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.757161 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.755637 == Delta is = 0.001525
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=928 , postcount=929, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.773830 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.772304 == Delta is = 0.001526
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=929 , postcount=930, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.790509 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.788979 == Delta is = 0.001529
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=930 , postcount=931, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.807169 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.805644 == Delta is = 0.001525
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=931 , postcount=932, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.823872 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.822315 == Delta is = 0.001557
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=932 , postcount=933, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.840533 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.838985 == Delta is = 0.001548
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=933 , postcount=934, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.857178 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.855656 == Delta is = 0.001522
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=934 , postcount=935, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.873847 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.872323 == Delta is = 0.001524
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=935 , postcount=936, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.890515 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.888992 == Delta is = 0.001523
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=936 , postcount=937, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.907185 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.905661 == Delta is = 0.001525
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=937 , postcount=938, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.923855 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.922337 == Delta is = 0.001517
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=938 , postcount=939, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.940529 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.939001 == Delta is = 0.001528
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=939 , postcount=940, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.957196 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.955670 == Delta is = 0.001526
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=940 , postcount=941, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.973865 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.972337 == Delta is = 0.001528
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=941 , postcount=942, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7073.990535 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7073.989001 == Delta is = 0.001534
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=942 , postcount=943, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7074.007174 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7074.005674 == Delta is = 0.001500
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=943 , postcount=944, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7074.023824 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7074.022343 == Delta is = 0.001481
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=944 , postcount=945, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7074.040541 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7074.039010 == Delta is = 0.001531
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=945 , postcount=946, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7074.057219 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7074.055695 == Delta is = 0.001523
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=946 , postcount=947, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7074.073880 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7074.072356 == Delta is = 0.001524
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=947 , postcount=948, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7074.090548 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7074.089025 == Delta is = 0.001524
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=948 , postcount=949, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7074.107221 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7074.105693 == Delta is = 0.001528
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=949 , postcount=950, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7074.123917 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7074.122358 == Delta is = 0.001559
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=950 , postcount=951, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7074.140563 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7074.139029 == Delta is = 0.001534
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=951 , postcount=952, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7074.157231 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7074.155699 == Delta is = 0.001532
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=952 , postcount=953, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7074.173899 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7074.172368 == Delta is = 0.001531
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=953 , postcount=954, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7074.190569 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7074.189038 == Delta is = 0.001531
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=954 , postcount=955, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7074.207237 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7074.205705 == Delta is = 0.001532
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=955 , postcount=956, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7074.223906 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7074.222378 == Delta is = 0.001528
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=956 , postcount=957, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7074.240573 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7074.239048 == Delta is = 0.001526
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=957 , postcount=958, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 7074.257245 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 7074.255712 == Delta is = 0.001533
PTB-DEBUG: In ScreenCloseAllWindows(): Destroying window 0
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychReleaseScreen(): After display release for screen 0 (Old CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumerating all displays...
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychReleaseScreen(): After display release for screen 0 (New CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumeration done.
OwnerPID: 363
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: gfxCardStatus
OwnerPID: 266
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: Dropbox
OwnerPID: 218
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: Notification Center
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 78
WindowLevel: 24 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: Menubar
WindowOwnerName: Window Server
OwnerPID: 1060
WindowLevel: 0 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: MATLAB R2012b
WindowOwnerName: MATLAB
TARGETWINDOWNAME: 'MATLAB R2012b' with pid 1060.
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychCaptureScreen(): After display capture for screen 0 (Old CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumerating all displays...
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychCaptureScreen(): After display capture for screen 0 (New CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumeration done.
PTB-INFO: Releasing shared memory mapping for screen 0.
PTB-INFO: Releasing CVDisplayLink for screen 0.
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychReleaseScreen(): After display release for screen 0 (Old CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumerating all displays...
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychReleaseScreen(): After display release for screen 0 (New CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumeration done.
OwnerPID: 363
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: gfxCardStatus
OwnerPID: 266
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: Dropbox
OwnerPID: 218
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: Notification Center
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 78
WindowLevel: 24 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: Menubar
WindowOwnerName: Window Server
OwnerPID: 1060
WindowLevel: 0 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: MATLAB R2012b
WindowOwnerName: MATLAB
TARGETWINDOWNAME: 'MATLAB R2012b' with pid 1060.
>> Screen('Preference', 'ConserveVRAM',2^16)
PTB-INFO: Connection to Psychtoolbox kernel support driver instance #0 (Revision 0) established.
PTB-INFO: Connection to Psychtoolbox kernel support driver instance #1 (Revision 0) established.
ans =
>> Screen('Preference', 'Verbosity', 10);
>> VBLSyncTest
ans =
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 0 : w x h = 1440 x 900, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 1 : w x h = 720 x 450, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 2 : w x h = 1920 x 1200, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 3 : w x h = 1680 x 1050, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 4 : w x h = 1280 x 800, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 5 : w x h = 1024 x 640, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 6 : w x h = 840 x 525, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 7 : w x h = 2880 x 1800, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 8 : w x h = 1440 x 900, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 9 : w x h = 2560 x 1600, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 10 : w x h = 2048 x 1280, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 11 : w x h = 1024 x 768, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 12 : w x h = 800 x 600, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 13 : w x h = 640 x 480, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 14 : w x h = 1680 x 1050, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 15 : w x h = 1280 x 800, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychCaptureScreen(): After display capture for screen 0 (Old CGDisplayId 0x7bd7fc3f). Reenumerating all displays...
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychCaptureScreen(): After display capture for screen 0 (New CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumeration done.
PTB-INFO: Display reconfiguration for display 0x42803c0 in progress...
PTB-INFO: Display reconfiguration for display 0x7bd7fc3f in progress...
PTB-INFO: Reconfiguration for display 0x42803c0 finished: Flags = 8476. Reenumerating all displays.
PTB-INFO: Display reenumeration done.
PTB-INFO: Reconfiguration for display 0x7bd7fc3f finished: Flags = 8736. Reenumerating all displays.
PTB-INFO: Display reenumeration done.
PTB-INFO: This is Psychtoolbox-3 for Apple OS X, under Matlab 64-Bit (Version 3.0.10 - Build date: Jan 7 2013).
PTB-INFO: Type 'PsychtoolboxVersion' for more detailed version information.
PTB-INFO: Most parts of the Psychtoolbox distribution are licensed to you under terms of the MIT License, with
PTB-INFO: some restrictions. See file 'License.txt' in the Psychtoolbox root folder for the exact licensing conditions.
PTB-INFO: Using CGL for fullscreen onscreen window creation...
PTB-INFO: Using GLEW version 1.5.3 for automatic detection of OpenGL extensions...
PTB-INFO: Connection to kernel-level vbl handler established (shmem = 0x13b354000).
PTB-INFO: Broken Apple OS/X 10.7 or later detected: Using CoreVideo timestamping instead of precise vbl-irq timestamping.
PTB-INFO: CVDisplayLink for screen 0 created to work around the brokenness of Apple Mac OS/X 10.7 and later:
PTB-INFO: Video refresh interval as measured by CoreVideo display link: 16.669370 msecs.
PTB-INFO: Video display output delay as reported by CoreVideo display link: nan msecs.
PTB-DEBUG: PPM file magic is P6
-> Ok
# CREATOR: GIMP PNM Filter Version 1.1
PTB-DEBUG: Recognized splash image of 432 x 89 pixels, maxlevel 255. Loading...
OpenGL-Extensions are: GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_blend GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_APPLE_aux_depth_stencil GL_APPLE_client_storage GL_APPLE_element_array GL_APPLE_fence GL_APPLE_float_pixels GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range GL_APPLE_flush_render GL_APPLE_object_purgeable GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_APPLE_pixel_buffer GL_APPLE_rgb_422 GL_APPLE_row_bytes GL_APPLE_specular_vector GL_APPLE_texture_range GL_APPLE_transform_hint GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range GL_APPLE_vertex_point_size GL_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators GL_APPLE_ycbcr_422 GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod
PTB-DEBUG: Interrogating Low-level renderer capabilities for onscreen window with handle 10:
Indicator variables: FBO's 1, ATI_texture_float 1, ARB_texture_float 1, Vendor NVIDIA Corporation, Renderer NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine.
Indicator variables: maxcolorattachments = 8, maxrectangletexturesize = 16384, maxnativealuinstructions = 16384.
GPU supports UYVY - YCrCb texture formats for optimized handling of video content.
GPU supports non-power-of-two textures.
Basic framebuffer objects with rectangle texture rendertargets supported --> RGBA8 rendertargets with blending.
Framebuffer objects support fast blitting between each other.
Framebuffer objects support anti-aliasing via multisampling.
Framebuffer objects support single-pass multisample resolve blits and image rescaling.
Hardware supports floating point textures of 16bpc and 32bpc float format.
Assuming NV30 core or later...
Assuming NV40 core or later (maxcolattachments=8): Hardware supports floating point blending and filtering on 16bpc float format.
Hardware also supports floating point framebuffers of 16bpc and 32bpc float format.
Hardware supports full 32 bit floating point precision shading.
Assuming G80 core or later (maxtexsize=16384): Hardware supports full floating point blending and filtering on 16bpc and 32bpc float format.
No compiled in support for OpenML OML_sync_control extension. Using standard implementation.
PTB-DEBUG: Interrogation done.
PTB-DEBUG: glClear splash image top-left reference pixel: 255 255 255
PTB-INFO: Threshold Settings for successfull video refresh calibration are: maxStdDev = 1.000000 msecs, maxDeviation = 10.000000 %, minSamples = 50, maxDuration = 5.000000 secs.
PTB-WARNING: Seems this window is displayed on a Retina-Display in scaled mode at a non-native resolution for the display.
PTB-WARNING: Reliabiliy of visual stimulus onset timing in such a scaled mode is so far unknown, but may be severely degraded.
PTB-WARNING: Stimulus onset timing and returned timestamps may be wrong, with no way for me to automatically detect this.
PTB-DEBUG: Output of all acquired samples of calibration run follows:
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 0: 0.000000
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 1: 0.016318
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 2: 0.016780
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 3: 0.016357
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 4: 0.016770
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 5: 0.017368
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 6: 0.016277
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 7: 0.016396
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 8: 0.017278
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 9: 0.016268
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 10: 0.016325
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 11: 0.017379
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 12: 0.016251
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 13: 0.016353
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 14: 0.017202
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 15: 0.016177
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 16: 0.017346
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 17: 0.016211
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 18: 0.016607
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 19: 0.016376
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 20: 0.017649
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 21: 0.016288
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 22: 0.016217
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 23: 0.017305
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 24: 0.016296
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 25: 0.016207
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 26: 0.016809
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 27: 0.017341
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 28: 0.016214
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 29: 0.017082
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 30: 0.016166
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 31: 0.017298
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 32: 0.015994
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 33: 0.016663
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 34: 0.016737
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 35: 0.017256
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 36: 0.016149
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 37: 0.017177
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 38: 0.016203
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 39: 0.017275
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 40: 0.016296
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 41: 0.016185
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 42: 0.017196
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 43: 0.016306
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 44: 0.017379
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 45: 0.016344
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 46: 0.016294
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 47: 0.017100
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 48: 0.016296
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 49: 0.017287
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 50: 0.016193
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 51: 0.016295
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 52: 0.017195
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 53: 0.016106
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 54: 0.016864
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 55: 0.017298
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 56: 0.016186
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 57: 0.016209
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 58: 0.017169
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 59: 0.016309
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 60: 0.017302
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 61: 0.016188
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 62: 0.017210
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 63: 0.016682
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 64: 0.017352
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 65: 0.015702
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 66: 0.016639
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 67: 0.016742
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 68: 0.016784
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 69: 0.016744
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 70: 0.016806
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 71: 0.016760
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 72: 0.016745
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 73: 0.016749
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 74: 0.016732
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 75: 0.016355
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 76: 0.016726
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 77: 0.016357
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 78: 0.016734
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 79: 0.017472
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 80: 0.016004
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 81: 0.016969
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 82: 0.016256
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 83: 0.016613
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 84: 0.016903
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 85: 0.016902
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 86: 0.016908
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 87: 0.016960
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 88: 0.015981
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 89: 0.017035
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 90: 0.017022
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 91: 0.015993
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 92: 0.016954
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 93: 0.017038
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 94: 0.016355
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 95: 0.016999
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 96: 0.016030
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 97: 0.016868
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 98: 0.016965
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 99: 0.015964
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 100: 0.016957
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 101: 0.016956
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 102: 0.016929
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 103: 0.015973
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 104: 0.016742
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 105: 0.016958
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 106: 0.016989
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 107: 0.015926
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 108: 0.016972
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 109: 0.016890
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 110: 0.015870
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 111: 0.016655
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 112: 0.016908
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 113: 0.016889
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 114: 0.017280
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 115: 0.015853
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 116: 0.016973
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 117: 0.016991
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 118: 0.015873
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 119: 0.016887
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 120: 0.016974
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 121: 0.017007
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 122: 0.015947
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 123: 0.016424
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 124: 0.017320
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 125: 0.016875
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 126: 0.016611
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 127: 0.016957
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 128: 0.015973
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 129: 0.016980
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 130: 0.016210
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 131: 0.016914
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 132: 0.016898
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 133: 0.016899
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 134: 0.016012
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 135: 0.016938
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 136: 0.016873
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 137: 0.016970
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 138: 0.015855
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 139: 0.017345
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 140: 0.015924
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 141: 0.016961
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 142: 0.016876
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 143: 0.016944
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 144: 0.015800
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 145: 0.016924
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 146: 0.016985
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 147: 0.016894
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 148: 0.015963
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 149: 0.016989
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 150: 0.016816
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 151: 0.016931
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 152: 0.015870
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 153: 0.017248
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 154: 0.016068
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 155: 0.016815
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 156: 0.016119
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 157: 0.016961
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 158: 0.016927
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 159: 0.016971
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 160: 0.015921
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 161: 0.016875
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 162: 0.017330
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 163: 0.016005
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 164: 0.017011
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 165: 0.016952
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 166: 0.016005
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 167: 0.016875
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 168: 0.016975
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 169: 0.016048
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 170: 0.017029
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 171: 0.016958
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 172: 0.015936
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 173: 0.016964
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 174: 0.016953
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 175: 0.016018
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 176: 0.016968
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 177: 0.016971
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 178: 0.017053
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 179: 0.015979
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 180: 0.016957
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 181: 0.016114
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 182: 0.016947
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 183: 0.016945
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 184: 0.017141
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 185: 0.015841
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 186: 0.017084
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 187: 0.016441
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 188: 0.017061
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 189: 0.016066
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 190: 0.016988
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 191: 0.016943
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 192: 0.015953
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 193: 0.017081
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 194: 0.017074
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 195: 0.016071
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 196: 0.016966
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 197: 0.017053
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 198: 0.016069
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 199: 0.016851
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 200: 0.016252
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 201: 0.016959
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 202: 0.016864
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 203: 0.016957
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 204: 0.016226
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 205: 0.016872
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 206: 0.015943
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 207: 0.016942
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 208: 0.017069
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 209: 0.016948
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 210: 0.015973
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 211: 0.016959
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 212: 0.016953
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 213: 0.015979
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 214: 0.017157
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 215: 0.016960
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 216: 0.015977
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 217: 0.017056
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 218: 0.016526
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 219: 0.016945
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 220: 0.016054
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 221: 0.017038
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 222: 0.017072
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 223: 0.016079
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 224: 0.017004
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 225: 0.016975
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 226: 0.015979
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 227: 0.016905
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 228: 0.016951
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 229: 0.015929
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 230: 0.017067
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 231: 0.016654
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 232: 0.016942
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 233: 0.016948
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 234: 0.016031
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 235: 0.016908
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 236: 0.016870
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 237: 0.015941
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 238: 0.016973
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 239: 0.016947
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 240: 0.016872
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 241: 0.016076
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 242: 0.017005
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 243: 0.019098
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 244: 0.015845
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 245: 0.016897
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 246: 0.016088
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 247: 0.017110
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 248: 0.016914
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 249: 0.016872
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 250: 0.016894
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 251: 0.016171
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 252: 0.016538
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 253: 0.016879
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 254: 0.016770
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 255: 0.016774
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 256: 0.016849
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 257: 0.016520
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 258: 0.016787
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 259: 0.016622
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 260: 0.016793
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 261: 0.016847
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 262: 0.015357
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 263: 0.016832
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 264: 0.016733
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 265: 0.016618
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 266: 0.016871
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 267: 0.016661
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 268: 0.016671
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 269: 0.016854
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 270: 0.016608
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 271: 0.016823
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 272: 0.016661
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 273: 0.016733
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 274: 0.016685
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 275: 0.016713
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 276: 0.016811
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 277: 0.016755
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 278: 0.015991
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 279: 0.016949
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 280: 0.017020
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 281: 0.015886
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 282: 0.016964
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 283: 0.016895
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 284: 0.016958
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 285: 0.015828
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 286: 0.016945
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 287: 0.016842
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 288: 0.017072
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 289: 0.015908
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 290: 0.016999
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 291: 0.017006
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 292: 0.016985
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 293: 0.015924
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 294: 0.016965
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 295: 0.016829
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 296: 0.016934
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 297: 0.015884
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 298: 0.016842
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 299: 0.016686
PTB-DEBUG: End of calibration data for this run...
PTB-INFO: OpenGL-Renderer is NVIDIA Corporation :: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine :: 2.1 NVIDIA-8.6.22
PTB-INFO: Renderer has 1024 MB of VRAM and a maximum 990 MB of texture memory.
PTB-INFO: VBL startline = 1800 , VBL Endline = 1851
PTB-INFO: Measured monitor refresh interval from beamposition = 16.669230 ms [59.990773 Hz].
PTB-INFO: Will use beamposition query for accurate Flip time stamping.
PTB-INFO: Measured monitor refresh interval from VBLsync = 16.675535 ms [59.968089 Hz]. (299 valid samples taken, stddev=0.465337 ms.)
PTB-INFO: Small deviations between reported values are normal and no reason to worry.
PTB-INFO: Using OpenGL GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT extension for efficient high-performance texture mapping...
PTB-INFO: Support for fast OffscreenWindows enabled.
The refresh interval reported by the operating system is 16.66667 ms.
PTB-DEBUG: Allocated unicode string: 77.000000 101.000000 97.000000 115.000000 117.000000 114.000000 105.000000 110.000000 103.000000 32.000000 109.000000 111.000000 110.000000 105.000000 116.000000 111.000000 114.000000 32.000000 114.000000 101.000000 102.000000 114.000000 101.000000 115.000000 104.000000 32.000000 105.000000 110.000000 116.000000 101.000000 114.000000 118.000000 97.000000 108.000000 46.000000 46.000000 46.000000 32.000000 84.000000 104.000000 105.000000 115.000000 32.000000 99.000000 97.000000 110.000000 32.000000 116.000000 97.000000 107.000000 101.000000 32.000000 117.000000 112.000000 32.000000 116.000000 111.000000 32.000000 50.000000 48.000000 32.000000 115.000000 101.000000 99.000000 111.000000 110.000000 100.000000 115.000000 46.000000 46.000000 46.000000
Measured refresh interval, as reported by "GetFlipInterval" is 16.67554 ms. (nsamples = 0, stddev = 0.00000 ms)
PTB-ERROR: Screen('Flip'); beamposition timestamping computed an *impossible stimulus onset value* of 6554.326578 secs, which would indicate that
PTB-ERROR: stimulus onset happened *before* it was actually requested! (Earliest theoretically possible 6554.329728 secs).
PTB-ERROR: Some more diagnostic values (only for experts): rawTimestamp = 6554.339794, scanline = 1415
PTB-ERROR: Some more diagnostic values (only for experts): line_pre_swaprequest = 296, line_post_swaprequest = 323, time_post_swaprequest = 6554.329966
PTB-ERROR: Some more diagnostic values (only for experts): preflip_vblcount = 373, preflip_vbltimestamp = 6554.328003
PTB-ERROR: Some more diagnostic values (only for experts): postflip_vblcount = 0, postflip_vbltimestamp = -1.000000, vbltimestampquery_retrycount = 0
PTB-ERROR: I have enabled additional cross checking between beamposition based and kernel-level based timestamping.
PTB-ERROR: This should allow to get a better idea of what's going wrong if successive invocations of Screen('Flip');
PTB-ERROR: fail to deliver proper timestamps as well. It may even fix the problem if the culprit would be a bug in
PTB-ERROR: beamposition based high precision timestamping. We will see...
PTB-ERROR: An equally likely cause would be that Synchronization of stimulus onset (buffer swap) to the
PTB-ERROR: vertical blank interval VBL is not working properly.
PTB-ERROR: Please run the script PerceptualVBLSyncTest to check this. With non-working sync to VBL, all stimulus timing
PTB-ERROR: becomes quite futile. Also read 'help SyncTrouble' !
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=373 , postcount=374, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 6554.344978 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 6554.343258 == Delta is = 0.001720
VBL timestamp deviation: precount=378 , postcount=379, delta = 1, postflip_vbltimestamp = 6554.428294 - beampos_vbltimestamp = 6554.409925 == Delta is = 0.018369
PTB-ERROR: Screen('Flip'); beamposition timestamping computed an *impossible stimulus onset value* of 6554.409925 secs, which would indicate that
PTB-ERROR: stimulus onset happened *before* it was actually requested! (Earliest theoretically possible 6554.416035 secs).
PTB-ERROR: Some more diagnostic values (only for experts): rawTimestamp = 6554.424177, scanline = 1530
PTB-ERROR: Some more diagnostic values (only for experts): line_pre_swaprequest = 625, line_post_swaprequest = 657, time_post_swaprequest = 6554.416322
PTB-ERROR: Some more diagnostic values (only for experts): preflip_vblcount = 378, preflip_vbltimestamp = 6554.411626
PTB-ERROR: Some more diagnostic values (only for experts): postflip_vblcount = 379, postflip_vbltimestamp = 6554.428294, vbltimestampquery_retrycount = 8
PTB-ERROR: The most likely cause of this error (based on cross-check with kernel-level timestamping) is:
PTB-ERROR: Synchronization of stimulus onset (buffer swap) to the vertical blank interval VBL is not working properly.
PTB-ERROR: Please run the script PerceptualVBLSyncTest to check this. With non-working sync to VBL, all stimulus timing
PTB-ERROR: becomes quite futile. Also read 'help SyncTrouble' !
PTB-ERROR: For the remainder of this session, i've switched to kernel based timestamping as a backup method for the
PTB-ERROR: less likely case that beamposition timestamping in your system is broken. However, this method seems to
PTB-ERROR: confirm the hypothesis of broken sync of stimulus onset to VBL.
ans =
PTB-DEBUG: In ScreenCloseAllWindows(): Destroying window 0
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychReleaseScreen(): After display release for screen 0 (Old CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumerating all displays...
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychReleaseScreen(): After display release for screen 0 (New CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumeration done.
OwnerPID: 363
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: gfxCardStatus
OwnerPID: 266
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: Dropbox
OwnerPID: 218
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: Notification Center
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 78
WindowLevel: 24 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: Menubar
WindowOwnerName: Window Server
OwnerPID: 159
WindowLevel: 19 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: Magic Mirror
WindowOwnerName: Dock
OwnerPID: 1060
WindowLevel: 0 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: MATLAB R2012b
WindowOwnerName: MATLAB
TARGETWINDOWNAME: 'MATLAB R2012b' with pid 1060.
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychCaptureScreen(): After display capture for screen 0 (Old CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumerating all displays...
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychCaptureScreen(): After display capture for screen 0 (New CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumeration done.
PTB-INFO: Releasing shared memory mapping for screen 0.
PTB-INFO: Releasing CVDisplayLink for screen 0.
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychReleaseScreen(): After display release for screen 0 (Old CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumerating all displays...
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychReleaseScreen(): After display release for screen 0 (New CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumeration done.
OwnerPID: 363
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: gfxCardStatus
OwnerPID: 266
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: Dropbox
OwnerPID: 218
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: Notification Center
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 78
WindowLevel: 24 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: Menubar
WindowOwnerName: Window Server
OwnerPID: 159
WindowLevel: 19 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: Magic Mirror
WindowOwnerName: Dock
OwnerPID: 1060
WindowLevel: 0 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: MATLAB R2012b
WindowOwnerName: MATLAB
TARGETWINDOWNAME: 'MATLAB R2012b' with pid 1060.
PTB missed 1 out of 600 stimulus presentation deadlines.
One missed deadline is ok and an artifact of the measurement.
PTB completed 0 stimulus presentations before the requested target time.
Have a look at the plots for more details...
>> Screen('Preference', 'ConserveVRAM',2^16)
PTB-INFO: Connection to Psychtoolbox kernel support driver instance #0 (Revision 0) established.
PTB-INFO: Connection to Psychtoolbox kernel support driver instance #1 (Revision 0) established.
ans =
>> Screen('Preference', 'Verbosity', 10);
>> VBLSyncTest
ans =
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 0 : w x h = 1440 x 900, fps = 0, depths = 293573728
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 1 : w x h = 1440 x 900, fps = 0, depths = 293573728
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 2 : w x h = 720 x 450, fps = 0, depths = 293573728
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 3 : w x h = 720 x 450, fps = 0, depths = 293573728
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 4 : w x h = 1920 x 1200, fps = 0, depths = 293573728
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 5 : w x h = 1920 x 1200, fps = 0, depths = 293573728
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 6 : w x h = 1680 x 1050, fps = 0, depths = 293573728
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 7 : w x h = 1680 x 1050, fps = 0, depths = 293573728
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 8 : w x h = 1280 x 800, fps = 0, depths = 293573728
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 9 : w x h = 1280 x 800, fps = 0, depths = 293573728
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 10 : w x h = 1024 x 640, fps = 0, depths = 293573728
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 11 : w x h = 1024 x 640, fps = 0, depths = 293573728
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 12 : w x h = 840 x 525, fps = 0, depths = 293573728
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 13 : w x h = 840 x 525, fps = 0, depths = 293573728
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 14 : w x h = 2880 x 1800, fps = 0, depths = 16
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 15 : w x h = 2880 x 1800, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 16 : w x h = 1440 x 900, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 17 : w x h = 1440 x 900, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 18 : w x h = 2560 x 1600, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 19 : w x h = 2560 x 1600, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 20 : w x h = 2048 x 1280, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 21 : w x h = 2048 x 1280, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 22 : w x h = 1024 x 768, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 23 : w x h = 1024 x 768, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 24 : w x h = 800 x 600, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 25 : w x h = 800 x 600, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 26 : w x h = 640 x 480, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 27 : w x h = 640 x 480, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 28 : w x h = 1680 x 1050, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 29 : w x h = 1680 x 1050, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 30 : w x h = 1280 x 800, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: PsychGetScreenDepths(): mode 31 : w x h = 1280 x 800, fps = 0, depths = 32
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychCaptureScreen(): After display capture for screen 0 (Old CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumerating all displays...
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychCaptureScreen(): After display capture for screen 0 (New CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumeration done.
PTB-INFO: This is Psychtoolbox-3 for Apple OS X, under Matlab 64-Bit (Version 3.0.10 - Build date: Jan 7 2013).
PTB-INFO: Type 'PsychtoolboxVersion' for more detailed version information.
PTB-INFO: Most parts of the Psychtoolbox distribution are licensed to you under terms of the MIT License, with
PTB-INFO: some restrictions. See file 'License.txt' in the Psychtoolbox root folder for the exact licensing conditions.
PTB-INFO: Using CGL for fullscreen onscreen window creation...
PTB-INFO: Using GLEW version 1.5.3 for automatic detection of OpenGL extensions...
PTB-INFO: Connection to kernel-level vbl handler established (shmem = 0x138b7e000).
PTB-INFO: Broken Apple OS/X 10.7 or later detected: Using CoreVideo timestamping instead of precise vbl-irq timestamping.
PTB-INFO: CVDisplayLink for screen 0 created to work around the brokenness of Apple Mac OS/X 10.7 and later:
PTB-INFO: Video refresh interval as measured by CoreVideo display link: 16.669370 msecs.
PTB-INFO: Video display output delay as reported by CoreVideo display link: nan msecs.
PTB-DEBUG: PPM file magic is P6
-> Ok
# CREATOR: GIMP PNM Filter Version 1.1
PTB-DEBUG: Recognized splash image of 432 x 89 pixels, maxlevel 255. Loading...
OpenGL-Extensions are: GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_blend GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_APPLE_aux_depth_stencil GL_APPLE_client_storage GL_APPLE_element_array GL_APPLE_fence GL_APPLE_float_pixels GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range GL_APPLE_flush_render GL_APPLE_object_purgeable GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_APPLE_pixel_buffer GL_APPLE_rgb_422 GL_APPLE_row_bytes GL_APPLE_specular_vector GL_APPLE_texture_range GL_APPLE_transform_hint GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range GL_APPLE_vertex_point_size GL_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators GL_APPLE_ycbcr_422 GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod
PTB-DEBUG: Interrogating Low-level renderer capabilities for onscreen window with handle 10:
Indicator variables: FBO's 1, ATI_texture_float 1, ARB_texture_float 1, Vendor NVIDIA Corporation, Renderer NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine.
Indicator variables: maxcolorattachments = 8, maxrectangletexturesize = 16384, maxnativealuinstructions = 16384.
GPU supports UYVY - YCrCb texture formats for optimized handling of video content.
GPU supports non-power-of-two textures.
Basic framebuffer objects with rectangle texture rendertargets supported --> RGBA8 rendertargets with blending.
Framebuffer objects support fast blitting between each other.
Framebuffer objects support anti-aliasing via multisampling.
Framebuffer objects support single-pass multisample resolve blits and image rescaling.
Hardware supports floating point textures of 16bpc and 32bpc float format.
Assuming NV30 core or later...
Assuming NV40 core or later (maxcolattachments=8): Hardware supports floating point blending and filtering on 16bpc float format.
Hardware also supports floating point framebuffers of 16bpc and 32bpc float format.
Hardware supports full 32 bit floating point precision shading.
Assuming G80 core or later (maxtexsize=16384): Hardware supports full floating point blending and filtering on 16bpc and 32bpc float format.
No compiled in support for OpenML OML_sync_control extension. Using standard implementation.
PTB-DEBUG: Interrogation done.
PTB-DEBUG: glClear splash image top-left reference pixel: 255 255 255
PTB-INFO: Threshold Settings for successfull video refresh calibration are: maxStdDev = 1.000000 msecs, maxDeviation = 10.000000 %, minSamples = 50, maxDuration = 5.000000 secs.
PTB-DEBUG: Output of all acquired samples of calibration run follows:
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 0: 0.000000
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 1: 0.016712
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 2: 0.016644
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 3: 0.016707
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 4: 0.016579
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 5: 0.016664
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 6: 0.016663
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 7: 0.016725
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 8: 0.016608
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 9: 0.016672
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 10: 0.016650
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 11: 0.016725
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 12: 0.016627
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 13: 0.016727
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 14: 0.016596
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 15: 0.016762
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 16: 0.016644
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 17: 0.016674
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 18: 0.016607
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 19: 0.016744
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 20: 0.016659
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 21: 0.016704
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 22: 0.016557
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 23: 0.016752
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 24: 0.016632
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 25: 0.016693
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 26: 0.016716
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 27: 0.016682
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 28: 0.016647
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 29: 0.016645
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 30: 0.016604
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 31: 0.016721
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 32: 0.016712
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 33: 0.016635
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 34: 0.016662
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 35: 0.016614
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 36: 0.016690
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 37: 0.016652
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 38: 0.016665
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 39: 0.016770
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 40: 0.016578
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 41: 0.016667
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 42: 0.016690
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 43: 0.016668
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 44: 0.016682
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 45: 0.016747
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 46: 0.016557
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 47: 0.016672
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 48: 0.016721
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 49: 0.016700
PTB-DEBUG: Sample 50: 0.016607
PTB-DEBUG: End of calibration data for this run...
PTB-INFO: OpenGL-Renderer is NVIDIA Corporation :: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine :: 2.1 NVIDIA-8.6.22
PTB-INFO: Renderer has 1024 MB of VRAM and a maximum 990 MB of texture memory.
PTB-INFO: VBL startline = 1800 , VBL Endline = 1851
PTB-INFO: Measured monitor refresh interval from beamposition = 16.669203 ms [59.990871 Hz].
PTB-INFO: Will use beamposition query for accurate Flip time stamping.
PTB-INFO: Measured monitor refresh interval from VBLsync = 16.668608 ms [59.993013 Hz]. (50 valid samples taken, stddev=0.052815 ms.)
PTB-INFO: Small deviations between reported values are normal and no reason to worry.
PTB-INFO: Using OpenGL GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT extension for efficient high-performance texture mapping...
PTB-INFO: Support for fast OffscreenWindows enabled.
PTB-DEBUG: Swaprequest too close to last swap vbl (0.000995 secs) or between forbidden scanline 1 and 50. Delaying...
PTB-DEBUG: Swaprequest too close to last swap vbl (0.000818 secs) or between forbidden scanline 1 and 50. Delaying...
PTB-DEBUG: Swaprequest too close to last swap vbl (0.001947 secs) or between forbidden scanline 1 and 50. Delaying...
PTB-DEBUG: Swaprequest too close to last swap vbl (0.001076 secs) or between forbidden scanline 1 and 50. Delaying...
The refresh interval reported by the operating system is 16.66667 ms.
PTB-DEBUG: Allocated unicode string: 77.000000 101.000000 97.000000 115.000000 117.000000 114.000000 105.000000 110.000000 103.000000 32.000000 109.000000 111.000000 110.000000 105.000000 116.000000 111.000000 114.000000 32.000000 114.000000 101.000000 102.000000 114.000000 101.000000 115.000000 104.000000 32.000000 105.000000 110.000000 116.000000 101.000000 114.000000 118.000000 97.000000 108.000000 46.000000 46.000000 46.000000 32.000000 84.000000 104.000000 105.000000 115.000000 32.000000 99.000000 97.000000 110.000000 32.000000 116.000000 97.000000 107.000000 101.000000 32.000000 117.000000 112.000000 32.000000 116.000000 111.000000 32.000000 50.000000 48.000000 32.000000 115.000000 101.000000 99.000000 111.000000 110.000000 100.000000 115.000000 46.000000 46.000000 46.000000
Measured refresh interval, as reported by "GetFlipInterval" is 16.66861 ms. (nsamples = 0, stddev = 0.00000 ms)
ans =
PTB-DEBUG: In ScreenCloseAllWindows(): Destroying window 0
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychReleaseScreen(): After display release for screen 0 (Old CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumerating all displays...
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychReleaseScreen(): After display release for screen 0 (New CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumeration done.
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 363
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: gfxCardStatus
OwnerPID: 266
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: Dropbox
OwnerPID: 218
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: Notification Center
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 78
WindowLevel: 24 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: Menubar
WindowOwnerName: Window Server
OwnerPID: 159
WindowLevel: 19 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: Magic Mirror
WindowOwnerName: Dock
OwnerPID: 1227
WindowLevel: 3 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: Current Call
WindowOwnerName: Skype
OwnerPID: 1306
WindowLevel: 0 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: MATLAB R2012b
WindowOwnerName: MATLAB
TARGETWINDOWNAME: 'MATLAB R2012b' with pid 1306.
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychCaptureScreen(): After display capture for screen 0 (Old CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumerating all displays...
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychCaptureScreen(): After display capture for screen 0 (New CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumeration done.
PTB-INFO: Releasing shared memory mapping for screen 0.
PTB-INFO: Releasing CVDisplayLink for screen 0.
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychReleaseScreen(): After display release for screen 0 (Old CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumerating all displays...
PTB-DEBUG: In PsychReleaseScreen(): After display release for screen 0 (New CGDisplayId 0x42803c0). Reenumeration done.
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 363
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: gfxCardStatus
OwnerPID: 266
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: Dropbox
OwnerPID: 218
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: Notification Center
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 160
WindowLevel: 25 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowOwnerName: SystemUIServer
OwnerPID: 78
WindowLevel: 24 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: Menubar
WindowOwnerName: Window Server
OwnerPID: 159
WindowLevel: 19 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: Magic Mirror
WindowOwnerName: Dock
OwnerPID: 1227
WindowLevel: 3 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: Current Call
WindowOwnerName: Skype
OwnerPID: 1306
WindowLevel: 0 (ShieldingWindow 2147483629)
WindowName: MATLAB R2012b
WindowOwnerName: MATLAB
TARGETWINDOWNAME: 'MATLAB R2012b' with pid 1306.
PTB missed 1 out of 600 stimulus presentation deadlines.
One missed deadline is ok and an artifact of the measurement.
PTB completed 0 stimulus presentations before the requested target time.
Have a look at the plots for more details...
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