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Created February 11, 2019 04:27
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Turing Mod 2 Backend, Rails 5.1 FactoryBot examples


  • ... means "whatever else is already here", don't actually input three dots!

To get started, add the following gem in your Gemfile in the :development, :test group, and run 'bundle update'

group :development, :test do
  gem 'factory_bot_rails'

Next, alter /spec/rails_helper.rb, locate the RSpec.configure block and enter the code as found below.

This tells FactoryBot to reload all objects after each test (helpful if you use before :each blocks. The config.include line makes all FactoryBot commands available without prefixing them all, so we can use create() instead of FactoryBot.create()

Next, create /spec/factories/ as a folder. For this example, we're going to create factories for a User model and an Item model. We'll assume users have different roles and can be made active or inactive, etc.. Items will also have an active/inactive flag, a price, quantity, etc.

Next, create /spec/factories/user.rb for our User model, and enter the code from the file below.

This creates three different factories around the User model. The first factory, :user will generate a known string for the user's name, email and password, set their role to an integer of 0, and set their :active flag to true.

The second factory is called :inactive_user and uses :user as a "parent" template, which copies all attributes from that parent factory. This second factory, then, overrides the name and email address, and also overrides their :active flag to be false.

The last factory here is called :admin, which overrides the name, email and role. This also forces the :active flag to true in case we ever set the :user factory otherwise.

The next factory we're going to make will be for items. Create a new file called /spec/factories/item.rb and enter the code from the file below.

Similar to the :user factory, we can now generate an active :item, or we can use :inactive_item to generate an item with the :active flag overridden to a false state.

Items can also have a numeric price, but this code looks a little strange. We'll discuss that when we read about sequences below.

How to use these factories

user = create(:user)

This generates an instance of the User model and set the appropriate fields. Since we're only creating one of these, their email address will be, their name will be User Name 1 etc.

Calling this a second time will increment the 'sequence' number (more on sequences below), so calling the create() method a second time will generate a user whose email address will be etc..

When we create an item, we see that the sequence does some math for us with the price and quantity. Our factory says "whatever the sequence is, add 1 to it, then multiply that number by 1.5 to set its price. Therefore, the first item we create() will have a price of $3.00, the second item will have a price of $4.50, and so on.

The nice thing about FactoryBot is that we can also generate lots of these objects in one shot.

user_1, user_2, user_3 = create_list(:user, 3)

Here, we use create_list() to make an array of these objects. We can also assign them to an array:

a_whole_lot_of_users = create_list(:user, 100)

What are sequences?

FactoryBot will allow us to make one or more items and increment a counter. This comes in really handy for giving every user a unique name or email address, or use different images, etc..

However, as you noticed in the :item factory, FactoryBot's sequence generator doesn't handle numbers in a clean way so we have to do some Ruby code to string interpolate the sequence number, then turn that into a numeric data type.

FactoryBot.define do
factory :item, model: Item do
sequence(:name) { |n| "Item Name #{n}" }
sequence(:description) { |n| "Description #{n}" }
sequence(:image) { |n| "{n}" }
sequence(:price) { |n| ("#{n}".to_i+1)*1.5 }
active { true }
factory :inactive_item, parent: :item do
sequence(:name) { |n| "Inactive Item Name #{n}" }
active { false }
FactoryBot.define do
factory :user, class: User do
sequence(:email) { |n| "user_#{n}" }
sequence(:password) { "password" }
sequence(:name) { |n| "User Name #{n}" }
role { 0 }
active { true }
factory :inactive_user, parent: :user do
sequence(:name) { |n| "Inactive User Name #{n}" }
sequence(:email) { |n| "inactive_user_#{n}" }
active { false }
factory :admin, parent: :user do
sequence(:email) { |n| "admin_#{n}" }
sequence(:name) { |n| "Admin Name #{n}" }
role { 1 }
active { true }
# leave everything above this area of code
# locate this RSpec.configure block:
RSpec.configure do |config|
# leave whatever else you find in this area of the file
# add the next four lines of code
config.after(:each) do
config.include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods
# leave everything that comes after this area of code
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