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iangcarroll /
Created March 12, 2022 04:58
HID iCLASS 3DES Transport Key

It is a pain to find the iclass_decryptionkey.bin file online to modify the Wiegand data for HID iCLASS cards. I found it online in only one place, so here it is in case it disappears. This is required for hf iclass encode, hf iclass encrypt, etc.

$ xxd iclass_decryptionkey.bin
00000000: b421 2cca b7ed 210f 7b93 d459 39c7 dd36  .!,...!.{..Y9..6

$ xxd -p iclass_decryptionkey.bin

[usb] pm3 --> hf iclass encrypt -d 0102030405060708 -k b4212ccab7ed210f7b93d45939c7dd36

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am iangcarroll on github.
  • I am iang ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is DD60 AA6C 53C5 C0ED 8B28 65E0 388B 48B7 D78C 20D8

To claim this, I am signing this object:

iangcarroll / Security.php
Last active April 19, 2021 23:32
Expose (a PHPIDS fork) middleware for Laravel. Assumes it's already included via composer.
<?php namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Closure;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Log;
class Security {