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Forked from dardo82/
Last active July 21, 2020 20:16
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Add Touch Icons into Safari's icon cache for sites that have not declared them
# Add Touch Icons to Safari's cache
# Theory of operation is that the domain from the URL of each bookmark is MD5 hashed and used as the filename of a PNG stored in $DIR
# The URL is the domain and subdomain, with no protocol, or path. So for example "" or "".
# Yes this means that multiple sites might collide, and seems to be a weakness of Safari's scheme.
# So this script searches Bookmarks.plist to find the bookmark in question, grabs the URL, hashes it, and copies the new icon named $DIR/${HASH}.png
# Usage: Create PNG files named the same as a bookmarks you want to add. So to add a Touch Icon for a bookmark called Gmail, create a PNG called Gmail.png. Run this script in the directory with the PNGs.
DIR="$HOME/Library/Safari/Touch Icons Cache/Images"
# If no argument is provided then assume the icons are in the current directory
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
for png in "$ICONDIR"/*.png
BASENAME=`basename "${png%.png}"`
#We use an XPath to find the URL because you can't reliably parse XML with regular expressions
#Use plutil to convert the binary Bookmarks plist into raw XML
URL=$(plutil -convert xml1 -o - "$DIR/../../Bookmarks.plist" | xmllint --xpath "$XPATH" -)
#Strip out the protocol and everything after the first forward slash
URL=`echo $URL | sed -e "s/http[s]*:\/\///g" -e "s/\/.*//g"`
#md5 hash the URL and make it upper case
HASH="$(md5 -q -s $URL | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')"
echo "`basename "$png"` ($URL) -> ${HASH}.png"
cp -f "$png" "$DIR/${HASH}.png"
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