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Last active November 30, 2018 21:27
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Save ianibo/0670970fccc7f424924f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Virtuoso 7 Ubuntu 1404 build
# Last used 2017-01-21, Ubuntu 16.10
apt-get install dpkg-dev build-essential
apt-get install autoconf automake bison checkinstall flex gawk gperf libiodbc2 libiodbc2-dev libssl-dev libtool python-dev
git clone
cd virtuoso-opensource
git checkout stable/7 # Needed - flex/bison error in stable
./configure --with-layout=debian
make install
# Test that virt starts OK --- ctrl-c to close after verifying
virtuoso-t -fd -c /var/lib/virtuoso-opensource-7/db/virtuoso.ini
Copy init and defaults from virtuoso-opensource/debian
cp debian/virtuoso-opensource-7.default /etc/default/virtuoso-opensource-7
cp debian/virtuoso-opensource-7.init /etc/init.d/virtuoso-opensource-7
chmod ugo+rx /etc/init.d/virtuoso-opensource-7 /etc/default/virtuoso-opensource-7
update-rc.d virtuoso-opensource-7 defaults
The defaults file doesn't seem to match up with the stable/7 config -- edit and replace
the provided DAEMON_OPTS line with this one::
vi /etc/default/virtuoso-opensource-7
-- And change DAEMON_OPTS to
DAEMON_OPTS="+wait +configfile /var/lib/virtuoso-opensource-7/db/virtuoso.ini"
Restart machine to check that everything came up on it's own, check sparql by going to
If you want to expose the SPARQL endpoint publically, the following APACHE stanza can be used to proxy
<LocationMatch "/sparql">
# ProxyPass sparql http://localhost:8890/sparql
ProxyPass http://localhost:8890/sparql
# ProxyPassReverse /sparql http://localhost:8890/sparql
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8890/sparql
Header add "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" "*"
And this one for conductor
<LocationMatch "/conductor">
# ProxyPass sparql http://localhost:8890/sparql
ProxyPass http://localhost:8890/conductor
# ProxyPassReverse /sparql http://localhost:8890/sparql
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8890/conductor
Conductor default account is dba/dba -- please **DO** log in and change the password!!!
Useful info here on creating a DBPedia clone
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