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Created January 14, 2013 16:50
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<record model="ir.ui.view" id="inventory_view_form">
<field name="model">inventory.inventory</field>
<field name="type">form</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Inventory" col="4">
<label name="warehouse"/>
<field name="warehouse"/>
<label name="lost_found"/>
<field name="lost_found"/>
<label name="date"/>
<field name="date"/>
<label name="company"/>
<field name="company"/>
<label colspan="2" id="empty"/>
<button string="Complete Inventory" type="action"
states="{'readonly': Or(Not(Equal(Eval('state'), 'draft')), Not(Bool(Eval('warehouse'))))}"
help="Add inventory lines with the specified products and locations."/>
<field name="lines" colspan="4"/>
<group col="4" colspan="4" id="group_buttons">
<label name="state"/>
<field name="state"/>
<group colspan="2" col="3" id="buttons">
<button string="Cancel"
states="{'invisible': In(Eval('state'), ['cancel', 'done']), 'readonly': Not(In(%(stock.group_stock)d, Eval('groups', [])))}"
icon="tryton-cancel" />
<button string="Confirm"
states="{'invisible': In(Eval('state'), ['done','cancel']), 'readonly': Not(In(%(stock.group_stock)d, Eval('groups', [])))}"
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