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Created October 7, 2014 23:09
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example for parsing an excel spreadsheet and loading into a database
import MySQLdb
from openpyxl import load_workbook
# Connect to Database
database = MySQLdb.connect(host="", # your host, usually localhost
user="", # your username
passwd="", # your password
db="table") # name of the data base
cursor = database.cursor()
# Load the Excel Workbook
workBook = load_workbook('stats.xlsx')
dataSheet = workBook.get_active_sheet()
#Query for Database
query = """INSERT INTO successes (...) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"""
#Counter to Keep Track of current row
# row 0 is the header.
i = 1
#stringifies the data and nullifies it if necessary
def fix(obj):
data = str( obj )
if data == 'None':
return None
return data
# Start Iterating through the Sheet and Get the Fields in Each Column
date = fix( dataSheet.cell( row = i, column = 0 ).value )
case_num = fix( dataSheet.cell( row = i, column = 1 ).value )
# if they're both null, we're done !
if date == None and case_num == None:
var = fix( dataSheet.cell( row = i, column = 2 ).value )
var = fix( dataSheet.cell( row = i, column = 3 ).value )
var = fix( dataSheet.cell( row = i, column = 4 ).value )
var = fix( dataSheet.cell( row = i, column = 5 ).value )
var = fix( dataSheet.cell( row = i, column = 6 ).value )
var = fix( dataSheet.cell( row = i, column = 7 ).value )
var = fix( dataSheet.cell( row = i, column = 8 ).value )
var = fix( dataSheet.cell( row = i, column = 9 ).value )
var = fix( dataSheet.cell( row = i, column = 10 ).value )
# Assign the Retrieved Data into a List
values = ( var, var, var, var, var, var,
var, var, var, var, var )
# Execute the Database Query with the List of Retrieved Data
cursor.execute( query, values )
# Success indicator, Update the Row for the Next Iteration
print "Entry " + str(i) + " Valid"
i += 1
# Commit the Changes
print "Database Update"
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