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Last active April 8, 2016 12:48
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WP Cron Pixie's Backbone.js based JavaScript
var CronPixie = CronPixie || {};
(function( $, CronPixie ) {
'use strict';
* A mixin for collections/models.
* Based on
var AdminAjaxSyncableMixin = {
url: ajaxurl,
action: 'cron_pixie_request',
sync: function( method, object, options ) {
if ( typeof === 'undefined' ) { = {};
} = CronPixie.nonce; // From localized script. = method;
// If no action defined, set default.
if ( undefined === && undefined !== this.action ) { = this.action;
// Reads work just fine.
if ( 'read' === method ) {
return Backbone.sync( method, object, options );
var json = this.toJSON();
var formattedJSON = {};
if ( json instanceof Array ) {
formattedJSON.models = json;
} else {
formattedJSON.model = json;
_.extend(, formattedJSON );
// Need to use "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" MIME type.
options.emulateJSON = true;
// Force a POST with "create" method if not a read, otherwise admin-ajax.php does nothing.
return this, 'create', object, options );
* A model for all your syncable models to extend.
* Based on
var BaseModel = Backbone.Model.extend( _.defaults( {
// parse: function( response ) {
// Implement me depending on your response from admin-ajax.php!
// return response;
// }
}, AdminAjaxSyncableMixin ) );
* A collection for all your syncable collections to extend.
* Based on
var BaseCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend( _.defaults( {
// parse: function( response ) {
// Implement me depending on your response from admin-ajax.php!
// return response;
// }
}, AdminAjaxSyncableMixin ) );
* Single cron event.
CronPixie.EventModel = BaseModel.extend( {
action: 'cron_pixie_events',
defaults: {
schedule: null,
interval: null,
hook: null,
args: null,
timestamp: null,
seconds_due: null
} );
* Collection of cron events.
CronPixie.EventsCollection = BaseCollection.extend( {
action: 'cron_pixie_events',
model: CronPixie.EventModel
} );
* Single cron schedule with nested cron events.
CronPixie.ScheduleModel = BaseModel.extend( {
action: 'cron_pixie_schedules',
defaults: {
name: null,
interval: null,
display: null,
events: new CronPixie.EventsCollection
} );
* Collection of cron schedules.
CronPixie.SchedulesCollection = BaseCollection.extend( {
action: 'cron_pixie_schedules',
model: CronPixie.ScheduleModel
} );
* The main view for listing cron schedules.
CronPixie.SchedulesListView = Backbone.View.extend( {
el: '#cron-pixie-main',
initialize: function() {
this.listenTo( this.collection, 'sync', this.render );
render: function() {
var $list = this.$( 'ul.cron-pixie-schedules' ).empty();
this.collection.each( function( model ) {
var item = new CronPixie.SchedulesListItemView( { model: model } );
$list.append( item.render().$el );
}, this );
return this;
} );
* A single cron schedule's view.
CronPixie.SchedulesListItemView = Backbone.View.extend( {
tagName: 'li',
className: 'cron-pixie-schedule',
template: _.template( $( '#cron-pixie-schedule-item-tmpl' ).html() ),
initialize: function() {
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change', this.render );
this.listenTo( this.model, 'destroy', this.remove );
render: function() {
var html = this.template( this.model.toJSON() );
this.$el.html( html );
// Need to render the cron schedule's events.
var $list = this.$( 'ul.cron-pixie-events' ).empty();
var events = new CronPixie.EventsCollection( this.model.get( 'events' ) );
events.each( function( model ) {
var item = new CronPixie.EventsListItemView( { model: model } );
$list.append( item.render().$el );
}, this );
return this;
} );
* A single cron event's view.
CronPixie.EventsListItemView = Backbone.View.extend( {
tagName: 'li',
className: 'cron-pixie-event',
template: _.template( $( '#cron-pixie-event-item-tmpl' ).html() ),
initialize: function() {
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change', this.render );
this.listenTo( this.model, 'destroy', this.remove );
events: {
'click .cron-pixie-event-run': 'runNow'
render: function() {
var html = this.template( this.model.toJSON() );
this.$el.html( html );
return this;
runNow: function() {
// Only bother to run update if not due before next refresh.
var seconds_due = this.model.get( 'seconds_due' );
if ( seconds_due > CronPixie.timer_period ) {
var timestamp = this.model.get( 'timestamp' ) - seconds_due;
{ timestamp: timestamp, seconds_due: 0 },
success: function( model, response, options ) {
console.log( options );
console.log( response );
error: function( model, response, options ) {
console.log( options );
console.log( response );
} );
* Display an interval as weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds.
* @param seconds
* @returns string
CronPixie.displayInterval = function( seconds ) {
// Cron runs max every 60 seconds.
if ( 0 > (seconds + 60) ) {
return CronPixie.strings.passed;
// If due now or in next refresh period, show "now".
if ( 0 > (seconds - CronPixie.timer_period) ) {
var intervals = [
{ name: CronPixie.strings.weeks_abrv, val: 604800000 },
{ name: CronPixie.strings.days_abrv, val: 86400000 },
{ name: CronPixie.strings.hours_abrv, val: 3600000 },
{ name: CronPixie.strings.minutes_abrv, val: 60000 },
{ name: CronPixie.strings.seconds_abrv, val: 1000 }
// Convert everything to milliseconds so we can handle seconds in map.
var milliseconds = seconds * 1000;
var results = function( divider ) {
var count = Math.floor( milliseconds / divider.val );
if ( 0 < count ) {
milliseconds = milliseconds % divider.val;
return count +;
} else {
return '';
} );
return results.join( ' ' ).trim();
* Retrieves new data from server.
CronPixie.refreshData = function() {
* Start the recurring display updates if not already running.
CronPixie.runTimer = function() {
if ( undefined == CronPixie.timer ) {
CronPixie.timer = setInterval( CronPixie.refreshData, CronPixie.timer_period * 1000 );
* Stop the recurring display updates if running.
CronPixie.pauseTimer = function() {
if ( undefined !== CronPixie.timer ) {
clearInterval( CronPixie.timer );
delete CronPixie.timer;
* Toggle recurring display updates on or off.
CronPixie.toggleTimer = function() {
if ( undefined !== CronPixie.timer ) {
} else {
* Set initial data into view and start recurring display updates.
CronPixie.init = function() {
// Instantiate the base data and view.
CronPixie.schedules = new CronPixie.SchedulesCollection();
CronPixie.schedules.reset( );
CronPixie.schedulesList = new CronPixie.SchedulesListView( { collection: CronPixie.schedules } );
// Start a timer for updating the data.
$( document ).ready( function() {
} );
})( jQuery, CronPixie );
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