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ianmurrays / I18n devise es
Created September 6, 2011 01:06 — forked from scambra/I18n devise es
devise I18n file in spanish
not_found: 'no encontrado'
already_confirmed: 'ya ha sido confirmada'
not_locked: 'no está bloqueada'
expired: "ha caducado, por favor pide uno nuevo"
one: "1 error evitó guardar este %{resource}:"
other: "%{count} errores evitaron guardar este %{resource}:"
ianmurrays /
Created November 15, 2012 00:52 — forked from rstacruz/
Backbone.js model caching
# ## Backbone model caching
# This is a simple solution to the problem "how do I make less requests to
# my server?".
# Whenever you need a model instance, this will check first if the same thing
# has been fetched before, and gives you the same instance instead of fetching
# the same data from the server again.
# Reusing the same instance also has the great side-effect of making your
# model changeable from one part of your code, with your changes being available