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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Tpe Info + Select
object exp {
sealed trait ExprTpe[T]
sealed trait ExprPrimitiveTpe[T] extends ExprTpe[T]
sealed trait ExprContainerTpe[T] extends ExprTpe[T] {
def mapping: List[(String, ExprTpe[_])]
case class ContainerTpe2[A, B](_1: ExprTpe[A], nme1: String, _2: ExprTpe[B], nme2: String) extends ExprContainerTpe[(A, B)] {
override def toString = s"""Type container of ${_1} and ${_2}"""
override val mapping = List(nme1 -> _1, nme2 -> _2)
case class TransformingTpe[A, B](_1: ExprTpe[A], _2: ExprTpe[B]) extends ExprTpe[Fn[A, B]] {
override def toString = s"""Type container of ${_1} and ${_2}"""
case object PInt extends ExprPrimitiveTpe[Int]
case object PDouble extends ExprPrimitiveTpe[Double]
case object PFloat extends ExprPrimitiveTpe[Float]
case object PBoolean extends ExprPrimitiveTpe[Boolean]
object ExprTpe {
implicit def pIntProvider: ExprTpe[Int] = PInt
implicit def pDoubleProvider: ExprTpe[Double] = PDouble
implicit def pFloatProvider: ExprTpe[Float] = PFloat
implicit def pBooleanProvider: ExprTpe[Boolean] = PBoolean
implicit def container2[T: ExprTpe, U: ExprTpe]: ExprContainerTpe[(T, U)] =
ContainerTpe2(implicitly[ExprTpe[T]], "_1", implicitly[ExprTpe[U]], "_2")
implicit def exprTpeProvider[A:ExprTpe, B: ExprTpe]: ExprTpe[Fn[A, B]] = TransformingTpe(implicitly, implicitly)
case class Scope(m: Map[Var[_], Exp[_]]) {
def put[T](pair: (Var[T], Exp[T])): Scope = new Scope(m + pair)
def apply[T](v: Var[T]): Either[String, Exp[T]] = m.get(v) match {
case Some(exp) => Right(exp.asInstanceOf[Exp[T]])
case None => Left(s"$v not found. Scope: $m")
object Scope {
def empty: Scope = Scope(Map.empty)
sealed trait Exp[A] {
def tpeInfo: ExprTpe[A]
* Either evaluate the Expression, or return an error string
* (about missing Vars is the only thing that can go wrong)
private[exp] def run(scope: Scope): Either[String, A]
case class Const[A: ExprTpe](get: A) extends Exp[A] {
override val tpeInfo = implicitly[ExprTpe[A]]
private[exp] def run(scope: Scope) = Right(get)
case class Pair[A: ExprTpe, B: ExprTpe](first: Exp[A], second: Exp[B]) extends Exp[(A, B)] {
override val tpeInfo = implicitly[ExprTpe[(A, B)]]
private[exp] def run(scope: Scope) = for {
a <-
b <-
} yield (a, b)
case class Apply[B: ExprTpe, A: ExprTpe](in: Exp[B], fn: Exp[Fn[B, A]]) extends Exp[A] {
override val tpeInfo = implicitly[ExprTpe[A]]
private[exp] def run(scope: Scope) = for {
b <-
f <-
} yield
case class Var[A: ExprTpe](name: String) extends Exp[A] {
override val tpeInfo = implicitly[ExprTpe[A]]
private[exp] def run(scope: Scope) = for {
a <- scope(this).right
result <-
} yield result
case class Lambda[A: ExprTpe, B: ExprTpe](x: Var[A], result: Exp[B]) extends Exp[Fn[A, B]] {
override val tpeInfo = implicitly[ExprTpe[Fn[A, B]]]
private[exp] def run(scope: Scope) = Right(Fn.LambdaFn(this, scope))
// Private Fn class, so we can't write general scala functions
sealed trait Fn[A, B] {
private[exp] def run(a: A): B
object Exp {
// would not be here in real life, as it is an escape hatch
// instead, we would convert the Exp to code/source that can
// be run elsewhere
def run[A](e: Exp[A]): Either[String, A] =
implicit class FnExp[A: ExprTpe, B: ExprTpe](val e: Exp[Fn[A, B]]) {
def apply(a: Exp[A]): Exp[B] = Apply[A, B](a, e)
def andThen[C: ExprTpe](that: Exp[Fn[B, C]]): Exp[Fn[A, C]] = {
val va = Var[A]("a")
val eb = Apply(va, e)
val ec = Apply(eb, that)
Lambda(va, ec)
def zip[C: ExprTpe](that: Exp[Fn[A, C]]): Exp[Fn[A, (B, C)]] = {
val va = Var[A]("a")
val b = Apply(va, e)
val c = Apply(va, that)
Lambda(va, Pair(b, c))
object Fn {
import ExprTpe._
def fst[A: ExprTpe, B: ExprTpe](p: Exp[(A, B)]): Exp[A] = Apply(p, lift(Fst[A, B]()))
def snd[A: ExprTpe, B: ExprTpe](p: Exp[(A, B)]): Exp[B] = Apply(p, lift(Snd[A, B]()))
def addInt(a: Exp[Int], b: Exp[Int]): Exp[Int] =
Apply(Pair(a, b), lift(AddInt))
def ifThenElse[A: ExprTpe](b: Exp[Boolean], iftrue: Exp[A], iffalse: Exp[A]): Exp[A] =
Apply(Pair(b, Pair(iftrue, iffalse)), lift(IfThenElse[A]()))
def select[A, B](a: Exp[A], fieldName: String): Exp[B] = {
a.tpeInfo match {
case container: ExprContainerTpe[_] =>
val indx = container
.indexWhere(e => e._1 == fieldName)
require(indx >= 0)
implicit val tpeInfoA: ExprTpe[A] = a.tpeInfo.asInstanceOf[ExprTpe[A]]
implicit val tpeInfoB: ExprTpe[B] = container.mapping(indx)._2.asInstanceOf[ExprTpe[B]]
Apply(a, lift(Select[A, B](indx)))
case _ => sys.error("Should not occur, A is a container Tpe")
// non fundamental ops
def lift[A: ExprTpe, B: ExprTpe](f: Fn[A, B]): Exp[Fn[A, B]] = Const(f)
def swap[A: ExprTpe, B: ExprTpe](p: Exp[(A, B)]): Exp[(B, A)] =
Pair(snd(p), fst(p))
def curry[A: ExprTpe, B: ExprTpe, C: ExprTpe](fn: Exp[Fn[(A, B), C]]): Exp[Fn[A, Fn[B, C]]] = {
val a = Var[A]("A")
val b = Var[B]("B")
val pair = Pair(a, b)
val c = Apply(pair, fn)
val fnbc = Lambda(b, c)
Lambda(a, fnbc)
def uncurry[A: ExprTpe, B: ExprTpe, C: ExprTpe](fn: Exp[Fn[A, Fn[B, C]]]): Exp[Fn[(A, B), C]] = {
val pair = Var[(A, B)]("pair")
val a = fst(pair)
val fnbc = Apply(a, fn)
val b = snd(pair)
val c = Apply(b, fnbc)
Lambda(pair, c)
// implementations
private[exp] case class LambdaFn[A: ExprTpe, B: ExprTpe](l: Lambda[A, B], scope: Scope) extends Fn[A, B] {
def run(a: A) = {
val newScope = scope.put(l.x -> Const(a))
val b =
private case class Fst[A: ExprTpe, B: ExprTpe]() extends Fn[(A, B), A] {
def run(b: (A, B)) = b._1
private case class Snd[A: ExprTpe, B: ExprTpe]() extends Fn[(A, B), B] {
def run(b: (A, B)) = b._2
private case object AddInt extends Fn[(Int, Int), Int] {
def run(p: (Int, Int)) = p._1 + p._2
private case class IfThenElse[A]() extends Fn[(Boolean, (A, A)), A] {
def run(in: (Boolean, (A, A))) = if(in._1) in._2._1 else in._2._2
private case class Select[A, B](idx: Int) extends Fn[A, B] {
def run(in: A) = {
val iter = in.asInstanceOf[Product].productIterator
if (idx > 0) iter.drop(idx)[B]
scala> import exp._
import exp._
scala> val c = Const(123, (245.0, 121))
c: exp.Const[(Int, (Double, Int))] = Const((123,(245.0,121)))
scala> val sel =, "_2"), "_1")
sel: exp.Exp[Nothing] = Apply(Apply(Const((123,(245.0,121))),Const(Select(1))),Const(Select(0)))
scala> sel.tpeInfo
res37: exp.ExprTpe[Nothing] = PDouble
scala>, "_2"), "_1"))
res38: Either[String,Nothing] = Right(245.0)
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