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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Memoize to File
def memoize_to_file(func=None, **options):
"""Wraps a function definition so that if the function is ever
called with the same arguments twice, the results are pulled from
a cache stored in a file. The filename is specified when decorating
the memoized function. Iterable objects like dicts, lists or
pandas DataFrames are cast to a tuple before being hashed, and
everything else uses the object's __repr__ definition.
(in Python)
def really_long_running_function(some_weird_input):
really_long_running_function(weird_input_1) # takes forever
really_long_running_function(weird_input_1) # takes no time at all!
really_long_running_function(weird_input_2) # different arg = long time
(in bash)
$ rm -rf /tmp/my_personal_dump*
(back in Python)
really_long_running_function(weird_input_1) # takes forever again
really_long_running_function(weird_input_1) # takes no time at all!
# Check whether it was called with optional arguments
if func is not None:
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
filename = options.get('filename', '/tmp/memoize')
cache_filename = '{}_{}.pkl'.format(filename, func.func_name)
cache = {}
with open(cache_filename, 'r') as cache_file:
cache = pickle.load(cache_file)
except Exception:
def is_panda_df_like(obj):
return hasattr(obj, 'values')
def generate_immutable_objects(a_list):
for item in a_list:
if is_panda_df_like(item):
yield tuple(map(tuple, item.values))
yield tuple(item)
except TypeError:
yield repr(item)
def make_dict_immutable(a_dict):
return tuple(a_dict.keys()), tuple(generate_immutable_objects(a_dict.itervalues()))
immutable_args = tuple(generate_immutable_objects(args)), make_dict_immutable(kwargs)
cache_key = hash(immutable_args)
if cache_key in cache:
return cache[cache_key]
results = func(*args, **kwargs)
with open(cache_filename, 'w') as cache_file:
cache[cache_key] = results
pickle.dump(cache, cache_file)
return results
return inner
def partial_inner(func):
return memoize_to_file(func, **options)
return partial_inner
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mmautner commented Jul 8, 2014

maybe "import cPickle as pickle"?

and probably want to use functool's wraps (

otherwise looks positively awesome

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ianonavy commented Jul 9, 2014

Updated to use cPickle, and properly checks whether it was called with arguments. The filename must now be specified as a keyword argument.

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ianonavy commented Jul 9, 2014

Updated again to actually work with pandas.

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ianonavy commented Jul 9, 2014

Updated probably a final time to support DataFrames in the kwargs.

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ianonavy commented Jul 9, 2014

Apparently hashing generators produces different results, so this update makes everything tuples. Less memory efficient, but it should be fine.

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One more improvement, maybe use by default to be even more compatible across the board and sidestep permissions issues.

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Okay I guess the final nitpick is that whenever you add something you write the whole cache to disk again instead of writing just one thing, which could get nasty pretty fast. You could use something like the builtin anydbm which is pretty much a disk-backed dict.

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why'd you remove the import statements?

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