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Created January 5, 2013 23:12
Call the AlchemyAPI's GetAPIKeyInfo end point to ask how many API calls we have left today
"""Query AlchemyAPI to determine number of API calls still available"""
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import requests
def get_api_key():
# Load API key (40 HEX character key) from local file
key = open('api_key.txt').readline().strip()
return key
def alchemy_calls_left(api_key):
# Typical response from Alchemy:
# "status": "OK",
# "consumedDailyTransactions": "1020",
# "dailyTransactionLimit": "1000"
# This URL tells us how many calls we have left in a day
URL = "{}&outputMode=json".format(api_key)
# call AlchemyAPI, ask for JSON response
response = requests.get(URL)
calls_left = json.loads(response.content)
return calls_left
def get_calls_left(api_key):
"""Call AlchemyAPI, report still_calls_left and details"""
calls_left = alchemy_calls_left(api_key)
# convert the text number fields to integers
calls_left['consumedDailyTransactions'] = int(calls_left['consumedDailyTransactions'])
calls_left['dailyTransactionLimit'] = int(calls_left['dailyTransactionLimit'])
# add a convenience boolean
calls_left['still_calls_left'] = calls_left['consumedDailyTransactions'] < calls_left['dailyTransactionLimit']
return calls_left
if __name__ == "__main__":
api_key = get_api_key()
print "Using key:", api_key
print "Calls left:", get_calls_left(api_key)
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