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Created September 29, 2012 16:17
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Cascalog print auditd log fields
(ns aud_cas.print_fields
(:use cascalog.api)
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
(defn parse_input_record
"Parse the text of the input record into fields in a map"
(let [prefix_string (get (str/split input_record #"\: ") 0)
prefix_pairs (str/split prefix_string #" ")
prefix_pair_vecs (map #(str/split % #"=") prefix_pairs )
prefix_map (into {} prefix_pair_vecs)
(defmapop dmo-parse-log-record-to-tuple
"Parse the text of the audit record into fields in a tuple / vector"
(let [prefix_map (parse_input_record input_record)
{:strs [type node msg]} prefix_map
[type node msg]))
(defn query-log-lines
"Return a query for the log lines"
(let [text-tap (lfs-textline log-path)
query-line (<- [?line] (text-tap :> ?line))
(defn query-log-tuples
"Return a query for the log tuples"
(let [q-log-lines (query-log-lines log-path)
q-log-tuples (<- [?type ?node ?msg] (q-log-lines :> ?line)
(dmo-parse-log-record-to-tuple ?line :> ?type ?node ?msg))
(defn print-fields
"Use cascalog to print the prefix fields of an auditd log"
(let [q-tuples (query-log-tuples log-path)]
(?<- (stdout) [?type ?node ?msg] (q-tuples :> ?type ?node ?msg ))))
(defn -main
"Entry point"
(println "Printing fields in file" log-path)
(print-fields log-path)
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