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Created August 25, 2013 11:25
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Some node examples of using Clojure's Redcuers
(ns reducers.blog1
[:require [clojure.core.reducers :as r]
[clojure.string :as string]])
;; The Families in the Village
(def village
{:home :north :family "smith" :name "sue" :age 37 :sex :f :role :parent}
{:home :north :family "smith" :name "stan" :age 35 :sex :m :role :parent}
{:home :north :family "smith" :name "simon" :age 7 :sex :m :role :child}
{:home :north :family "smith" :name "sadie" :age 5 :sex :f :role :child}
{:home :south :family "jones" :name "jill" :age 45 :sex :f :role :parent}
{:home :south :family "jones" :name "jeff" :age 45 :sex :m :role :parent}
{:home :south :family "jones" :name "jackie" :age 19 :sex :f :role :child}
{:home :south :family "jones" :name "jason" :age 16 :sex :f :role :child}
{:home :south :family "jones" :name "june" :age 14 :sex :f :role :child}
{:home :west :family "brown" :name "billie" :age 55 :sex :f :role :parent}
{:home :west :family "brown" :name "brian" :age 23 :sex :m :role :child}
{:home :west :family "brown" :name "bettie" :age 29 :sex :f :role :child}
{:home :east :family "williams" :name "walter" :age 23 :sex :m :role :parent}
{:home :east :family "williams" :name "wanda" :age 3 :sex :f :role :child}
;; Examples 1 - how many children?
;; Example 1 - create the reducers map function to return 1 if a child, else 0
(def ex1-map-children-to-value-1 (r/map #(if (= :child (:role %)) 1 0)))
;; Example 1 - use redcue to add up all the mapped values
(r/reduce + 0 (ex1-map-children-to-value-1 village))
;; Example 2 - how many children in the Brown family?
;; Example 2 - select the members of the Brown family
(def ex2-select-the-brown-family (r/filter #(= "brown" (string/lower-case (:family %)))))
;; Example 2 - compose a composite function to select the Brown family and map children to 1
(def ex2-pipeline (comp ex1-map-children-to-value-1 ex2-select-the-brown-family))
;; Example 2 - use reduce to add up all the Brown children
(r/reduce + 0 (ex2-pipeline village))
;; =>
;; Example 3 - how many children's names start with the letter J?
;; Example 3 - selecting (filtering) just the children
(def ex3-select-children (r/filter #(= :child (:role %))))
;; Example 3 - selecting names beginning with "j"
(def ex3-select-names-beginning-with-j (r/filter #(= "j" (string/lower-case (first (:name %))))))
;; Example 3 - mapping the entries in a collection to 1
(def ex0-map-to-value-1 (r/map (fn [v] 1)))
(into [] (ex3-select-children village))
;; Example 3 - create the three step pipeline function
(def ex3-pipeline (comp ex0-map-to-value-1
;; Example 3 - reduce the village with the pipeline function
(r/reduce + 0 (ex3-pipeline village))
;; =>
;; Example 4 - making a collection how many children's names start with J?
;; Example 4 - a pipeline to just filter children with names starting with "j"
(def ex4-pipeline (comp ex3-select-names-beginning-with-j
;; Example 4 - create a vector with the "j" children
(into [] (ex4-pipeline village))
;; =>
[{:age 19, :home :south, :name "jackie", :sex :f, :family "jones", :role :child}
{:age 16, :home :south, :name "jason", :sex :f, :family "jones", :role :child}
{:age 14, :home :south, :name "june", :sex :f, :family "jones", :role :child}]
;; Example 5 - average age of children on or below the equator
;; Example 5 - select the children
;; Example 5 - map :home to latitude and longitude
(def ex5-map-home-to-latitude-and-longitude
(fn [v]
(condp = (:home v)
:north (assoc v :lat 90 :lng 0)
:south (assoc v :lat -90 :lng 0)
:west (assoc v :lat 0 :lng -180)
:east (assoc v :lat 0 :lng 180)))))
;; Example 5 - select people on or below the equator i.e. latitude <= 0
(def ex5-select-people-on-or-below-equator (r/filter #(>= 0 (:lat %))))
;; Example 5 - count the number of children
(def ex5-no-children-on-or-below-the-equator
(r/reduce + 0
(ex3-select-children village))))))
;; Example 5 - sum the ages of children
(def ex5-select-age (r/map #(:age %)))
(def ex5-sum-of-ages-of-children-on-or-below-the-equator
(r/reduce + 0
(ex3-select-children village))))))
;; Example 5 - calculate the average age of children on or below the equator
(def ex5-averge-age-of-children-on-or-below-the-equator (float (/ ex5-sum-of-ages-of-children-on-or-below-the-equator ex5-no-children-on-or-below-the-equator )))
;; That was fun but why bother
;; Example 6 - comparing the performance of reduce and fold
;; Example 6 - time reduce adding up Example 5's ages
(time (r/reduce +
(ex3-select-children village))))))
;; =>
"Elapsed time: 0.091714 msecs"
;; Example 6 - time fold adding up Example 5's ages
(time (r/fold +
(ex3-select-children village))))))
;; =>
"Elapsed time: 0.185448 msecs"
;; Example 7 - all the relatives visit the village!
;; Example 7 - make some visitors
(def ex7-fn-random-name (fn [] (rand-nth ["chris" "jim" "mark" "jon" "lisa" "kate" "jay" "june" "julie" "laura"])))
(def ex7-fn-random-family (fn [] (rand-nth ["smith" "jones" "brown" "williams" "taylor" "davies"])))
(def ex7-fn-random-home (fn [] (rand-nth [:north :south :east :west])))
(def ex7-fn-random-sex (fn [] (rand-nth [:m :f])))
(def ex7-fn-random-role (fn [] (rand-nth [:child :parent])))
(def ex7-fn-random-age (fn [] (rand-int 100)))
(def ex7-visitor-template
{:home ex7-fn-random-home
:family ex7-fn-random-family
:name ex7-fn-random-name
:age ex7-fn-random-age
:sex ex7-fn-random-sex
:role ex7-fn-random-role})
(defn ex7-make-visitor [] (into {} (for [[k v] ex7-visitor-template] [k (v)])))
(defn ex7-make-visitors [n] (take n (repeatedly ex7-make-visitor)))
(def ex7-visitors (ex7-make-visitors 100))
;;(def ex7-visitors (into [] (ex7-make-visitors 1000000)))
;; Example 7 - count the visiting Brown children using reduce
;;(time (r/reduce + 0 (ex2-pipeline ex7-visitors)))
;; =>
"Elapsed time: 238.448041 msecs"
;; Example 7 - count the visiting Brown children using fold
;;(time (r/fold + (ex2-pipeline ex7-visitors)))
;; =>
"Elapsed time: 64.788173 msecs"
;; Example 7 - count the visiting Brown children using core map, filter and reduce
;; (time (reduce + 0
;; (map #(if (= :child (:role %)) 1 0)
;; (filter #(= "brown" (string/lower-case (:family %))) ex7-visitors))))
;; =>
"Elapsed time: 223.55717 msecs"
;; WHat else can you do with fold?
;; A simple folder where both the reducer and combiner is +
;;(r/fold + (ex2-pipeline ex7-visitors))
;; A fold supplied with the chunk size, a combiner and a reducer
;;(r/fold the-chunk-size (r/monoid the-combiner-function the-init-function) the-reducer-function)
;; Example 8 - find the avaerage age of visiting children with names beginning "j"
;; Example 8 - create a collection of vistsors with name beginning with "j"
(def ex8-visitors-collection (into [] (ex4-pipeline (ex7-make-visitors 100))))
;; Example 8 - create the reducer to sum the ages and number of people in that chunk
(def ex8-reducer
(fn [s v]
{:total-people (+ (get s :total-people 0) 1) ;; add 1 to number of people seen
:total-age (+ (get s :age 0) (get v :age))})) ;; and add their ages
;; Example 8 - create the combiner to calculate the average age
(defn ex8-combiner
([] {}) ;; note this is the init value for each reduced chunk
([a b]
(let [total-people (+ (get a :total-people) (get b :total-people))
total-age (+ (get a :total-age) (get b :total-age))
average-age (float (/ total-age total-people))
{:total-people total-people
:total-age total-age
:average-age average-age})))
;; Example 8 - now run the fold to perform the calculation
(r/fold ex8-combiner ex8-reducer ex8-visitors-collection)
;; =>
{:total-people 28, :total-age 1314, :average-age 46.92857}
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