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"op": "core/transpose-rows-into-columns",
"description": "Transpose every 2 cells in column __anonymous__ - geometry - coordinates - __anonymous__ into separate columns",
"columnName": "__anonymous__ - geometry - coordinates - __anonymous__",
"rowCount": 2
"op": "core/column-rename",
"description": "Rename column __anonymous__ - properties - pc_code to PC-number",
"op": "core/transpose-rows-into-columns",
"description": "Transpose every 2 cells in column __anonymous__ - geometry - coordinates - __anonymous__ into separate columns",
"columnName": "__anonymous__ - geometry - coordinates - __anonymous__",
"rowCount": 2
"op": "core/column-rename",
"description": "Rename column __anonymous__ - properties - pc_code to PC-number",
"op": "core/text-transform",
"description": "Text transform on cells in column zip using expression grel:\"00000\"[0,5-value.length()] + value",
"engineConfig": {
"facets": [],
"mode": "row-based"
"columnName": "zip",
"expression": "grel:\"00000\"[0,5-value.length()] + value",

Dear [Partner],

USAID has clear policies that favors open data and open source technology. There are three policy documents that I think are instructive here. Two apply to data ownership. The third refers to both open data and open source.

USAID ADS Chapter 579 covers USAID's Development Data policies. It covers data collected under USAID-supported efforts. It requires that data be collected in machine readable formats whenever possible and covers data ownership. It refers strongly to Federal Government's Open Data Policy which is also enforced by USAID.

USAID recently adopted the Principles for Digital Development. The document call for USAID implementers to "Use open standards, open data, open source, and open innovation." It pr

Development Seed is located above the Dabney Restaurant. To the right of the Dabney is a door with the Development Seed Logo. Through that door, follow the sidewalk to its end. There you have two options: 1) Take the stairs on your left to the second level and through the glass double doors. 2) For a more accessible route, call up from the call box in order to get access to the elevator.