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Created July 4, 2015 02:53
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  • Save ianseyer/c0022ace57cbf458cd9d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ianseyer/c0022ace57cbf458cd9d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// This is the default configuration for the Popcorn Maker server
// You shouldn't edit this file. Instead, look at the README for
// various configuration options
module.exports = {
// APP_HOSTNAME must match the address in your browser's URL bar
// If it does not, then Persona sign-in will not work
// Don't add any trailing slashes, just protocol://APP_HOSTNAME[:port]
"OPTIMIZE_JS": false,
"OPTIMIZE_CSS": false,
"FORCE_SSL": false,
"DEBUG": true,
// PORT is the port that the server will bind to
// PORT is all caps because all the PaaS providers do it this way
"PORT": 8888,
"MAKE_ENDPOINT": "http://localhost:5000",
// make authentication - private and public keys must be generated by the MakeAPI
"MAKE_PRIVATEKEY": "00000000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"MAKE_PUBLICKEY": "00000000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"LOGIN_SERVER_URL_WITH_AUTH": "http://testuser:password@localhost:3000",
"LOGIN_SERVER_URL": "http://localhost:3000",
"AUDIENCE": "http://localhost:7777",
"GA_DOMAIN": "",
// i18n
// Domain to host user subdomains on
// Must be in the format protocol://hostname[:port]
"TOGETHERJS": "http://localhost:8811",
"S3_KEY": "",
"S3_BUCKET": "org.webmadecontent.staging.popcorn",
"S3_SECRET": "",
"S3_DOMAIN": "http://localhost:12319",
"S3_EMULATION": false,
"MOX_PORT": 12319,
// API Keys for Media Sync
"SYNC_SOUNDCLOUD": "PRaNFlda6Bhf5utPjUsptg",
"SYNC_FLICKR": "b939e5bd8aa696db965888a31b2f1964",
// Public API Key
"SYNC_GIPHY": "dc6zaTOxFJmzC",
"logger" : {
"format" : "dev"
"SECRET": "dummy secret value",
"staticMiddleware": {
"maxAge": "0"
"database": {
"database": "db", //masked
"username": "user", //masked
"password": "pass", //masked
"options": {
"logging": false,
"dialect": "postgresql",
"storage": "popcorn.postgresql",
"define": {
"charset": "utf8",
"collate": "utf8_general_ci"
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