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Created June 5, 2017 19:36
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A simple Rx abstraction over the FileReader API
* Read the text contents of a File or Blob using the FileReader interface.
* This is an async interface so it makes sense to handle it with Rx.
* @param {blob} File | Blob
* @return Observable<string>
const readFile = (blob) => Observable.create(obs => {
if (!(blob instanceof Blob)) {
obs.error(new Error('`blob` must be an instance of File or Blob.'));
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onerror = err => obs.error(err);
reader.onabort = err => obs.error(err);
reader.onload = () =>;
reader.onloadend = () => obs.complete();
return reader.readAsText(blob);
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codeedog commented Jun 14, 2019

Thank you for this. Concise and solved my problem. Also, demonstrates to me how to convert other types of event handlers into Observables. I modified the code slightly to fail earlier on the Blob instanceof test. Not sure if this is an equivalent situation or a matter of style. In this case, we only create the Observable if the blob is the correct type, otherwise we return the throwError Observable.

const readFile = (blob: Blob): Observable<string> =>
  if (!(blob instanceof Blob)) {
    return throwError(new Error('`blob` must be an instance of File or Blob.'));

  return Observable.create(obs => {
    const reader = new FileReader();

    reader.onerror = err => obs.error(err);
    reader.onabort = err => obs.error(err);
    reader.onload = () =>;
    reader.onloadend = () => obs.complete();

    return reader.readAsText(blob);

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One question. How would one test this function/method? Especially if one uses TypeScript. BecauseFileReader interface for some reason is not part of Window interface. I am mentioning that, because it would seem only logical, that FileReader should be mocked out for testing purpose.

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If you wanted to mock out the file reader interface I would suggest simply passing in a constructor as a second argument with a default so that you can ignore the second argument outside of testing.

const readFile = (blob, Reader = FileReader) => { /* ... */ }

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Sounds interesting. Will try it out. Thanks.

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If you were using Jasmine, could you use spyOn to mock FileReader?

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Not sure, but using the approach above you could pass in anything you want in place of file reader so I think it would solve this use case. Here's an updated example using typescript and the new Observable syntax from Rxjs 7.

const readFile = (blob: Blob, reader: FileReader = new FileReader()) => new Observable(obs => {
  if (!(blob instanceof Blob)) {
    obs.error(new Error('`blob` must be an instance of File or Blob.'));

  reader.onerror = err => obs.error(err);
  reader.onabort = err => obs.error(err);
  reader.onload = () =>;
  reader.onloadend = () => obs.complete();

  return reader.readAsText(blob);

Then in your test code something like this. Not sure what you would want here but that would depend on your test suite.

class MockReader { /* ... */ }
const reader = new MockReader();
await readFile(someBlob, reader).toPromise();

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I think this should also call reader.abort() when the Observable is unsubscribed from.

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here is a simple implementation of opening an image in browser using RxJS 7.1

<input type='file' id='file-input'>
<img src="" id='image-preview' width='200px'>

<script src=""></script>
  const { fromEvent, Observable } = rxjs;
  const { flatMap } = rxjs.operators;
  var fileSelectStream = fromEvent(document.getElementById('file-input'), 'change');
  function createRxObservable(fileNameEvent){
    var file =[0];
    const readFile_rx_observable = Observable.create(
      function(subscriber) {
        var reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = function(e) {
          file.content =;
    return readFile_rx_observable;
  var fileReadStream = fileSelectStream
    document.getElementById('image-preview').src = file.content;

a working fiddle is here:

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