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Forked from Ben-G/GenerateEquatable.swift
Last active October 13, 2016 18:36
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Generate Equatable in terms of member fields
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
func generateEquatable(_ t: Any) -> String {
var output = ""
let mirrorPlace = Mirror(reflecting: t)
let type = mirrorPlace.subjectType
output += ("extension \(type): Equatable {\n")
output += (" static func ==(lhs: \(type), rhs: \(type)) -> Bool {\n")
output += (" return ")
var lines: [String] = []
for (i, child) in mirrorPlace.children.enumerated() {
let ind = (i == 0) ? "" : " "
lines.append("\(ind)lhs.\(child.label!) == rhs.\(child.label!)")
output +={String($0)}.joined(separator: " &&\n")
output += ("\n }")
output += ("\n}")
return output
struct Term {
let offset: Int
let value: String
let term = Term(offset: 0, value: "")
// ->
// extension Term: Equatable {
// func ==(lhs: Term, rhs: Term) -> Bool {
// return lhs.offset == rhs.offset &&
// lhs.value == rhs.value
// }
// }
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