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Forked from sente/spotlight.html
Created February 26, 2023 21:51
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<title>Spotlight syntax, mdfind examples, and metadata attributes</title>
<h1>Spotlight syntax, mdfind examples, and metadata attributes</h1>
<h2>Spotlight search syntax</h2>
<p>See <a href=""></a> for documentation about the Spotlight search syntax. Here are some examples:</p>
kind:"jpeg image"
date:"this week"
kind:video AND size:<100000</code></pre>
<h2>Commonly used attributes</h2>
<p><code>kMDItemPath</code>: absolute path.<br> <code>kMDItemFSName</code>: basename.<br> <code>kMDItemFSSize</code>: size in bytes.<br> <code>kMDItemDisplayName</code>: display name.<br> <code>kMDItemContentType</code>: UTI.<br> <code>kMDItemContentTypeTree</code>: UTI and parent UTIs.<br> <code>kMDItemKind</code>: a localized name for the content type.<br> <code>kMDItemFSContentChangeDate</code>: modification time.<br> <code>kMDItemFSCreationDate</code>: creation time.<br> <code>kMDItemLastUsedDate</code>: date last opened.<br> <code>kMDItemDateAdded</code>: date moved or date first indexed.<br> <code>kMDItemFinderComment</code>: Spotlight comment.<br> <code>kMDItemTextContent</code>: plain text content of for example text, HTML, or PDF files.<br> <code>kMDItemDurationSeconds</code>: for example the duration of an audio or video file.<br> <code>kMDItemTitle</code>: for example the title of a webloc, PDF, or MP3 file.<br> <code>kMDItemURL</code>: for example the URL of a webloc file.<br> <code>kMDItemWhereFroms</code>: the URL or URLs that a file was downloaded from.<br> <code>kMDItemUserTags</code>: tags.<br> <code>kMDItemAuthors</code>: for example the artist of an MP3 file.</p>
<h2>Shell examples</h2>
<pre><code>mdfind '"exact phrase"'
mdfind -name javascript -onlyin ~/Books
mdfind 'kMDItemFSName=*.pdf'
mdfind 'kMDItemFSName=mdfind&&kMDItemContentType=public.unix-executable'
mdfind -onlyin /usr/local
mdfind 'kMDItemTextContent="*expose*"cd' # search for files whose text content matches `expose` ignoring case and diacritics
mdfind 'kMDItemTextContent="*search phrase*"c' -onlyin ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/Safari/History
mdfind kMDItemFSSize=$(stat -f%z file) # quickly find potentially duplicate files by size
mdfind 'kMDItemFSCreationDate>$time.iso(2014-03-16T01:03:08Z)' -onlyin . # like `TZ=UTC0 find . -newerBt '2014-03-16 01:03:08'`
mdfind 'kMDItemFSContentChangeDate>$' -onlyin ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/Safari/History|xargs mdls -n kMDItemURL|cut -d\" -f2
mdfind 'kMDItemDateAdded>$' # find files that were moved or first indexed in the last week
mdfind 'kMDItemLastUsedDate!=*' -onlyin . # find files that have not been opened before
mdfind 'kMDItemKind=*movie&&kMDItemPixelHeight>=720'
mdfind 'kMDItemAuthors="Artist Name"' -onlyin ~/Music
mdfind 'kMDItemContentType=*' -onlyin . # list all indexed files (kMDItemFSName=* stopped working in 10.9)
mdfind 'kMDItemURL=**' -onlyin ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/Safari/History
mdfind 'kMDItemFSSize>1e8'
mdfind -0 -onlyin ~/Music 'kMDItemFSName=*.mp3&&kMDItemAudioBitRate<=192000'|xargs -0 mdls -n kMDItemAlbum|sort -u
mdfind $'kMDItemFSName="*\n*"'
mdfind -onlyin / # search only in the main OS X volume, like `mdfind -onlyin /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD`
mdfind 'kMDItemDurationSeconds<=180&&kMDItemContentType=public.mp3' -onlyin .
mdfind 'kMDItemUserTags=*' # find files that have tags
mdfind -s example # like `mdfind "$(PlistBuddy -c 'Print RawQuery' ~/Library/Saved\ Searches/example.savedSearch)"`
mdfind 'search phrase' -0|xargs -0 ls -l
sudo mdfind # find files excluded from Time Machine backups
mdls -rn kMDItemLastUsedDate -n kMDItemFSName *|tr \\0 \\n|paste - -|sort # sort by date last opened
mdls -rn kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier "$(mdfind ''|head -n1)"
mdls -n kMDItemURL $(mdfind 'search phrase' -onlyin Library/Caches/Metadata/Safari/History)|cut -d\" -f2
for f in *.pdf;do echo $(mdls -rn kMDItemNumberOfPages "$f") "$f";done
for f in *.txt;do echo $(mdls -rn kMDItemUseCount "$f") "$f";done|sort -n # sort files by times opened
touch /tmp/a.tex;mdls -n kMDItemContentTypeTree /tmp/a.tex # show the UTI and parent UTIs for the .tex extension</code></pre>
<h2>mdimport -A</h2>
<pre><code>$ mdimport -A|sed $'s/\t\t/;/g;s/(null)//g'|tr -d \'
com_apple_ats_font_invalid;Invalid Font;Invalid Font;
com_apple_ats_name_family;Family name;Font Family name;
com_apple_ats_name_fond;FOND name;FOND name;
com_apple_ats_name_full;Full name;Font Full name;
com_apple_ats_name_postscript;PostScript name;PostScript name;
com_apple_ats_name_style;Style name;Font Style name;
com_apple_mail_attachmentNames;Attachment Names;A list of the names of attachments associated with a message;
com_apple_mail_attachmentTypes;Attachment Types;A list of the types for attachments associated with a message;
com_apple_mail_dateLastViewed;Date Last Viewed;The date a message was last viewed;
com_apple_mail_dateReceived;Date Received;The date a message was received;
com_apple_mail_flagColor;Flag Color;The color of the flag associated with a message;
com_apple_mail_flagged;Flagged;Whether or not a message is flagged;
com_apple_mail_messageID;Message ID;The message ID from the message header;
com_apple_mail_priority;Priority;The numbered priority of a message;
com_apple_mail_read;Read Status;Whether or not a message has been read;
com_apple_mail_repliedTo;Replied To;Whether or not a message has been replied to;
kMDItemAcquisitionMake;Device make;Make of the device used to acquire this document;make
kMDItemAcquisitionModel;Device model;Model of the device used to acquire this document;model
kMDItemAlbum;Album;Title for a collection of media, such as a record album;album, title
kMDItemAlternateNames;Alternate display names;Alternate names of the file;
kMDItemAltitude;Altitude;The altitude of the item in meters above sea level, expressed using the WGS84 datum. Negative values lie below sea level.;altitude
kMDItemAperture;Aperture value;Size of the lens aperture as a log-scale APEX value;aperture, fstop
kMDItemAppStoreCategory;Category;App Store Category item is a member of;category
kMDItemAppleLoopDescriptors;Loop descriptors;Keywords describing the mood and other aspects of the loop;
kMDItemAppleLoopsKeyFilterType;Loop scale type;Whether the loop uses the major or minor scale, neither scale, or can be used with both;
kMDItemAppleLoopsLoopMode;Loop file type;Whether the file is a looping or non-looping file. Looping files adjust their tempo to the song tempo, while non-looping files keep their recorded tempo;
kMDItemAppleLoopsRootKey;Loop original key;Shows the loops original key. The key is the root note or tonic for the loop, and does not include the scale type;
kMDItemApplicationCategories;Application Categories;Categories application is a member of;categories
kMDItemAudiences;Audiences;Who the document is intended for;to, audience
kMDItemAudioBitRate;Audio bit rate;Bit rate of the audio in the media;audiobitrate, bitrate
kMDItemAudioChannelCount;Audio channels;Number of channels in the files audio data;channels
kMDItemAudioEncodingApplication;Audio encoding application;Name of the application that encoded the data in the audio file;encoder, encodedby, audioencodingapplication
kMDItemAudioSampleRate;Sample rate;Sample rate of the files audio data;audiosamplerate, samplerate
kMDItemAudioTrackNumber;Track number;Track number of the song that is part of an album;tracknumber
kMDItemAuthorAddresses;Author addresses;Addresses for authors of this item;from
kMDItemAuthorEmailAddresses;Author Email addresses;Email addresses for authors of this item;from, email, mail
kMDItemAuthors;Authors;Authors of this item;from, author, with, by
kMDItemBitsPerSample;Bits per sample;Number of bits per sample;bitspersample, bps
kMDItemCity;City;City of the item;city
kMDItemCodecs;Codecs;Codecs used to encode and decode the media;codec
kMDItemColorSpace;Color space;Color space model of this image;colorspace
kMDItemComment;Comment;Comments about this item;comment
kMDItemComposer;Composer;Composer of the song in the audio file;by, composer, author
kMDItemContactKeywords;Contact keywords;Contacts associated with this item;contact, contactkeyword, keyword
kMDItemContentCreationDate;Content created;Date when the content of this item was created;contentcreated, created, date
kMDItemContentModificationDate;Content modified;Date when the content of this item was modified;contentmodified, modified, date
kMDItemContributors;Contributors;People or organizations contributing to the content of the document;by, contributor, author, with
kMDItemCopyright;Copyright;Copyright information about this item;copyright
kMDItemCountry;Country;Country or location where the item was created according to the provider;country
kMDItemCoverage;Coverage;Extent or scope of the content of the document;coverage
kMDItemCreator;Content Creator;Application used to create the document;creator
kMDItemDateAdded;Date added;Date when this item was last moved;dateadded, added, date
kMDItemDeliveryType;Delivery type;Method used to deliver the media (Fast Start or RTSP);delivery
kMDItemDescription;Description;Description of the content of the document;description, comment
kMDItemDisplayName;Display name;Localized name of the file;name, displayname
kMDItemDocumentContainer;Document Container;Containing folder of item;container
kMDItemDueDate;Due date;Date this item is due;duedate, date
kMDItemDurationSeconds;Duration;Duration of this item in seconds;duration, time
kMDItemEXIFGPSVersion;EXIF GPS version;The version of GPSInfoIFD in EXIF used to generate the metadata;
kMDItemEXIFVersion;EXIF version;Version of EXIF used to generate the metadata;exifversion
kMDItemEditors;Editors;Editors of this item;editor
kMDItemEmailAddresses;Email addresses;Email addresses associated with this item;email, mail
kMDItemEncodingApplications;Encoding software;Software used to convert the original content;encoder, encodedby, encodingapplication
kMDItemExecutableArchitectures;Executable Architectures;Architectures the item requires to execute;architectures
kMDItemExecutablePlatform;Executable Platform;Platform the item requires to execute;platform
kMDItemExposureMode;Exposure mode;Mode used for the exposure;exposuremode
kMDItemExposureProgram;Exposure program;Type of program used by the camera to set the exposure: Manual, Normal, Aperture priority, ...;exposure, exposureprogram
kMDItemExposureTimeSeconds;Exposure time;Time the lens was open during exposure;exposuretime, time
kMDItemFNumber;F number;Focal length of the lens divided by the diameter of the aperture;fnumber, fstop
kMDItemFSContentChangeDate;Modified;Date the file content was last changed;modified
kMDItemFSCreationDate;Created;Date the file was created;created
kMDItemFSHasCustomIcon;Custom Icon;Whether the file has a custom icon;
kMDItemFSInvisible;File invisible;Whether the file is visible;invisible
kMDItemFSIsExtensionHidden;File extension hidden;Whether the file extension is hidden;
kMDItemFSIsStationery;Stationery;Whether the file is stationery;stationery
kMDItemFSLabel;File label;Finder label assigned to the file;
kMDItemFSName;Filename;Name of the file;filename
kMDItemFSNodeCount;Number of items;Number of files and folders in the folder;
kMDItemFSOwnerGroupID;Group;Group ID of owner of the file;group
kMDItemFSOwnerUserID;Owner;User ID of the owner of the file;owner
kMDItemFSSize;File size;Logical size of the file on disk in bytes;size
kMDItemFinderComment;Spotlight comment;Spotlight comment for this item;comment, spotlightcomment
kMDItemFlashOnOff;Flash;Whether the picture was taken using a flash;flash
kMDItemFocalLength;Focal length;Focal length of the lens in millimeters (mm);focallength
kMDItemFonts;Fonts;Fonts used in this item;font
kMDItemHasAlphaChannel;Alpha channel;Whether the image has an Alpha channel;alpha
kMDItemHeadline;Headline;Publishable summary of the contents of the item;headline, title
kMDItemISOSpeed;ISO speed;ISO speed of the camera when the picture was taken;iso
kMDItemIdentifier;Identifier;Reference to a resource within a given context;id
kMDItemInformation;Movie information;Movie information;
kMDItemInstantMessageAddresses;Instant message addresses;Instant message addresses associated with this item;chat, imname
kMDItemInstructions;Instructions;Other information concerning the item, such as handling instructions;instructions
kMDItemIsApplicationManaged;Is Application Managed;The file is owned and managed by an application;appmanaged
kMDItemIsGeneralMIDISequence;General MIDI sequence;Whether the MIDI sequence contained in the file is setup for use with a General MIDI device;ismidi
kMDItemIsLikelyJunk;Is Junk;Whether the file is likely to be considered a junk file;isjunk
kMDItemKeySignature;Key signature;Musical key of the song in the audio file;key, keysignature
kMDItemKeywords;Keywords;Keywords associated with this item;keyword
kMDItemKind;Kind;Kind of this item;kind
kMDItemLanguages;Languages;Languages of the content of the document;language
kMDItemLastUsedDate;Last opened;Date when this item was last used;lastused, date
kMDItemLatitude;Latitude;The latitude of the item in degrees north of the equator, expressed using the WGS84 datum. Negative values lie south of the equator.;latitude
kMDItemLayerNames;Layers;Names of the layers in the file;layer
kMDItemLogicalSize;Logical size;Logical size of the item in bytes;
kMDItemLongitude;Longitude;The longitude of the item in degrees east of the prime meridian, expressed using the WGS84 datum. Negative values lie west of the prime meridian.;longitude
kMDItemLyricist;Lyricist;Lyricist of the song in the audio file;by, lyricist, author
kMDItemMaxAperture;Max aperture;Smallest F number of the lens in APEX value units, usually in the range of 00.00 to 99.99;maxaperture
kMDItemMediaTypes;Media types;Media types present in the content;media, contains, mediatype
kMDItemMeteringMode;Metering mode;The metering mode (Unknown, Average, CenterWeightedAverage, Spot, MultiSpot, Pattern, Partial);metering, meteringmode
kMDItemMusicalGenre;Musical genre;Musical genre of the song in the audio file;genre, musicalgenre
kMDItemMusicalInstrumentCategory;Instrument category;Instrument category to which the file belongs;instrument, instrumentcategory
kMDItemMusicalInstrumentName;Instrument name;Name of instrument relative to the instrument category;instrument, instrumentname
kMDItemNamedLocation;Location;Name of the location or point of interest;location
kMDItemNumberOfPages;Pages;Number of pages in the document;pages
kMDItemOrganizations;Organizations;Organizations that created the document;organization
kMDItemOrientation;Orientation;Orientation of the picture (landscape or portrait);orientation
kMDItemOriginalFormat;Original Format;Original Format;
kMDItemOriginalSource;Original Source;Original Source;
kMDItemPageHeight;Page height;Height of the document page in points;pageheight, height
kMDItemPageWidth;Page width;Width of the document page in points;pagewidth, width
kMDItemParticipants;Participants;Participants in this item;
kMDItemPath;File pathname;Complete pathname of this file;path
kMDItemPhoneNumbers;Phone number;Phone numbers associated with this item;phone, phonenumber
kMDItemPhysicalSize;Physical size;Physical size of the item in bytes;
kMDItemPixelCount;Pixel count;Total number of pixels in the document;pixelcount
kMDItemPixelHeight;Pixel height;Height of the document in pixels;pixelheight, height
kMDItemPixelWidth;Pixel width;Width of the document in pixels;pixelwidth, width
kMDItemProducer;Producer;Producer of this item;producer
kMDItemProfileName;Color profile;Name of the color profile used for the image;profile
kMDItemProjects;Projects;Projects this item is part of;
kMDItemPublishers;Publishers;Publisher of the document;publisher
kMDItemPurchaseDate;Purchase Date;Date this item was purchased;purchasedate
kMDItemRecipientAddresses;Recipient addresses;Addresses for recipients of this item;to
kMDItemRecipientEmailAddresses;Recipient Email addresses;Email addresses for recipients of this item;to, email, mail
kMDItemRecipients;Recipients;Recipients of this item;to, recipient, with
kMDItemRecordingDate;Recording date;Date the song was recorded;recordingdate, date
kMDItemRecordingYear;Year recorded;Year the item was recorded;yearrecorded, year
kMDItemRedEyeOnOff;Red eye;Whether red eye correction was on or off;redeye
kMDItemResolutionHeightDPI;Resolution height;Resolution height of this image in DPI;heightdpi, dpi
kMDItemResolutionWidthDPI;Resolution width;Resolution width of this image in DPI;widthdpi, dpi
kMDItemRights;Rights;Link to information about the rights held on the document;rights
kMDItemSecurityMethod;Security;Encryption method used to make the document secure;security, securitymethod
kMDItemStarRating;Rating;User Rating;starrating
kMDItemStateOrProvince;State or Province;State or province of the item according to the provider;state, province
kMDItemStreamable;Streamable;Whether the content is prepared for streaming;streamable
kMDItemSubject;Subject;Subject of this item;subject, title
kMDItemTempo;Tempo;Tempo of the music in the audio file in Beats Per Minute;tempo
kMDItemTextContent;Text content;Text content of this item;content, contains, intext
kMDItemTheme;Theme;Theme of this item;theme
kMDItemTimeSignature;Time signature;Time signature of the song in the audio or MIDI file;timesignature
kMDItemTitle;Title;Title of this item;title
kMDItemTotalBitRate;Total bit rate;Combined bit rate of the audio and video in the media;totalbitrate, bitrate
kMDItemURL;URL;URL of this item;url
kMDItemUsedDates;Used dates;Dates when this item was used;used, date
kMDItemUserTags;Tags;Tags associated with this item;tag
kMDItemVersion;Version;Version number of this item;version
kMDItemVideoBitRate;Video bit rate;Bit rate of the video in the media;videobitrate, bitrate
kMDItemWhereFroms;Where from;Where the item came from;from, source, wherefrom
kMDItemWhiteBalance;White balance;White balance setting of the camera when the picture was taken;whitebalance</code></pre>
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