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Created February 2, 2015 14:47
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(ns introspect.core
(:require [clojure.core.match :as match]
[ :as io]
[clojure-mail.core :as mail]
[clojure-mail.message :as message]
[opennlp.nlp :as onlp]
[opennlp.treebank :as treebank]
[ :as filters]
[corenlp :as nlp])
(:import (org.apache.tika Tika)
(org.apache.tika.parser Parser)))
(defonce sstore (mail/gen-store "" "Bb0ndwGM)!"))
(defonce inbox-messages (mail/inbox sstore))
;; to convert a javamail message into a clojure message we need to call read-message
(defn read-message
"Returns a map of interesting data and metadata about the message,
including the text of the message body in the `:body-text` key."
[^javax.mail.Message m]
(let [msg (message/read-message m)]
(-> msg
(assoc :body-text (:body
(filter #(= "TEXT/PLAIN; charset=UTF-8" (:content-type %))
(:body msg)))))
(dissoc :body)))
(catch Throwable t
;; meh. screw it.
(map read-message
(take 3 inbox-messages))
(defonce get-sentences (onlp/make-sentence-detector "models/en-sent.bin"))
(defonce tokenize (onlp/make-tokenizer "models/en-token.bin"))
;;(def detokenize (onlp/make-detokenizer "models/english-detokenizer.xml"))
(defonce pos-tag (onlp/make-pos-tagger "models/en-pos-maxent.bin"))
(defonce name-find (onlp/make-name-finder "models/en-ner-person.bin"))
(defonce chunker (treebank/make-treebank-chunker "models/en-chunker.bin"))
(defn get-phrase-strings [s]
(-> (tokenize s)
;; Gets all phrases for the first 3 messages
(map #(-> %
get-phrase-strings) (take 3 inbox-messages))
;; Entity Topic = (JJ)* (NN [P|S|PS]*)+
;; Event topic 1 = [Entity] (VB [D|G|N|P|Z])+
;; Event topic 2 = (VB [D|G|N|P|Z])+ [Entity]
(defn pos-tags-filter
"Finds POS patterns in POS-tagged seq s.
Returns a seq of POS-tagged seqs that match pattern."
[s pattern]
;; core.match is interesting, but not sure it'll easily help me.
;; Particularlt, I don't want to have to reimplement regex grammar...
(doseq [n (range 1 101)]
(match/match [(mod n 3) (mod n 5)]
[0 0] "FizzBuzz"
[0 _] "Fizz"
[_ 0] "Buzz"
:else n))))
(-> "this is a sentence."
;; TODO:
;; =====
;; * Use Stanford NLP and the TokensRegex lib to to POS tagging and pattern matching
;; *
;; *
;; * Usage demo:
;; * Consider whether there's a clojure library to wrap around SNLP
;; * Literate Org mode
;; * Use Org + Babel to log one of these types of explorations - an engineering notebook for code.
;; * Export to Markdown and publish into Brownsofa
;; * Figure out syntax highlighting - Org as Org, Clojure as Clojure.
;; * See if there are any advanced REPL options available, to not need to keep tangling the source file.
;; * Links:
;; * Sweet example:
;; * Babel:
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