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Created October 27, 2009 14:46
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module VisitorHelper
# give this method an object or collection, optional other arguments, and a block. When you call visit within that block, the block itself will be called with the argument(s)
# <ul>
# <% visit tree do |node| %>
# <li>
# <%= %>
# <ul><% visit node.children %></ul>
# </li>
# <% end %>
# </ul>
# For nested visitors, you can provide :as => <name> to distinguish which visitor to call
# <% visit tree, 1, :as => :outer_visit do |node, depth| %>
# <p>
# <%= "#{depth}." %>
# <% visit node.children, :as => :inner_visit do |child| %>
# <em><%= %></em>
# <% inner_visit child.children %>
# <% end %>
# </p>
# <% outer_visit node.children, depth + 1 %>
# <% end %>
def visit(collection, *args, &visitor)
opts = args.extract_options!
visit_name = opts[:as] || :visit
metaclass.send :define_method, visit_name do |collection, *args|
Array(collection).inject('') {|out, i| out << instance_exec(i, *args, &visitor)}
send visit_name, collection, *args
metaclass.send :remove_method, visit_name
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