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Created February 27, 2009 11:08
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# Snippet from inherit_views Rakefile
# The cruise (CI) task runs 'doc:publish' if the build passes
# This runs rdoc, and pushes to gh-pages (using grancher) if the
# doc dir is newer than the gh-pages ref in the local git repo
require 'hanna/rdoctask'
require 'garlic/tasks'
require 'grancher/task'
task :cruise => ['garlic:all', 'doc:publish'] do |d|
d.options << '--all'
d.rdoc_dir = 'doc'
d.main = 'README.rdoc'
d.title = "inherit_views API docs"
d.rdoc_files.include('README.rdoc', 'History.txt', 'License.txt', 'Todo.txt', 'lib/**/*.rb')
namespace :doc do
task :publish => :doc do
Rake::Task['doc:push'].invoke unless uptodate?('.git/refs/heads/gh-pages', 'doc')
end do |g|
g.keep_all 'doc', 'doc'
g.branch = 'gh-pages'
g.push_to = 'origin'
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