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Created March 13, 2015 12:22
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var audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
var duration = 0;
var silence = 0;
var processor = audioCtx.createScriptProcessor(0, 1, 1);
processor.onaudioprocess = function(evt){
duration += evt.inputBuffer.duration;
var input = evt.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0)
, len = input.length
, total = i = 0
, rms;
while ( i < len ) total += Math.abs( input[i++] );
rms = Math.sqrt( total / len ) * 100;
if (rms < 15) {
silence += evt.inputBuffer.duration;
if (silence > 2) { console.log(duration, silence, rms); silence =0}
if (duration > 10) {soundSource.stop();}
var analyser = audioCtx.createAnalyser();
var soundSource, concertHallBuffer;
ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '', true);
ajaxRequest.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
ajaxRequest.onload = function() {
var audioData = ajaxRequest.response;
audioCtx.decodeAudioData(audioData, function(buffer) {
concertHallBuffer = buffer;
soundSource = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
soundSource.buffer = concertHallBuffer;
}, function(e){"Error with decoding audio data" + e.err});
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