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#include "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_toggle_debug.hpp"
private ["_playerObj","_myGroup","_playerUID","_playerPos","_playerName"];
_playerUID = _this select 0;
_playerName = _this select 1;
_playerObj = nil;
_playerPos = [];
_removebackpack = false;
if ((getPlayerUID _x) == _playerUID) exitWith { _playerObj = _x; _playerPos = getPosATL _playerObj;};
} forEach playableUnits;
if (isNil "_playerObj") exitWith {
diag_log format["%1: nil player object, _this:%2", __FILE__, _this];
diag_log format["get: %1 (%2), sent: %3 (%4)",typeName (getPlayerUID _playerObj), getPlayerUID _playerObj, typeName _playerUID, _playerUID];
if (!isNull _playerObj) then {
// log disconnect
_characterID = _playerObj getVariable["characterID", "?"];
_lastDamage = _playerObj getVariable["noatlf4",0];
_Sepsis = _playerObj getVariable["USEC_Sepsis",false];
// diag_log format ["%1 %2 %3", isNil "_timeout", typeName _timeout == 'SCALAR', _timeout];
if (_Sepsis) then {
_playerObj setVariable["USEC_infected",true,true];
_lastDamage = round(diag_ticktime - _lastDamage);
diag_log format["Player UID#%1 CID#%2 %3 as %4, logged off at %5%6",
getPlayerUID _playerObj, _characterID, _playerObj call fa_plr2str, typeOf _playerObj,
(getPosATL _playerObj) call fa_coor2str,
if ((_lastDamage > 5 AND {(_lastDamage < 30)}) AND {((alive _playerObj) AND {(_playerObj distance (getMarkerpos "respawn_west") >= 2000)})}) then {" while in combat ("+str(_lastDamage)+" seconds left)"} else {""}
//***********************************COMBAT LOGGING **********************************
if ((_lastDamage > 5 AND {(_lastDamage < 30)}) AND {((alive _playerObj) AND {(_playerObj distance (getMarkerpos "respawn_west") >= 2000)})}) then {
diag_log "DEBUG IN COMBAT";
_playerObj setVariable["NORRN_unconscious",true,true];
_playerObj setVariable["unconsciousTime",120,true];
_pos = getPosAtl _playerObj;
_backpack = unitBackpack _playerObj;
_weapons = weapons _playerObj;
_weapons_backpack = getWeaponCargo _backpack;
_magazines = magazines _playerObj;
_current_magazine = currentMagazine _playerObj;
_magazines_backpack = getMagazineCargo _backpack;
_loot_box = createVehicle ["USBasicAmmunitionBox",_pos,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _loot_box;
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _loot_box;
_loot_box addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,1];
} count (_weapons);
_magazines set [(count _magazines),_current_magazine];
_loot_box addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,1];
} count (_magazines);
if (typename _weapons_backpack == "ARRAY") then {
_i = 0;
_loot_box addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,((_weapons_backpack select 1) select _i)];
_i = _i + 1;
} count (_weapons_backpack select 0);
if (typename _magazines_backpack == "ARRAY") then {
_i = 0;
_loot_box addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,((_magazines_backpack select 1) select _i)];
_i = _i + 1;
} count (_magazines_backpack select 0);
if(typeOf _backpack != "") then {
_loot_box addBackpackCargoGlobal[(typeOf _backpack),1];
diag_log format["COMBAT LOGGED: %1 (%2) at location %3 - DEBUG: Weapons: (%4 - %5) / Magazines: (%6 - %7) / Backpack: (%8)",_playerName,_timeout,(getPosATL _playerObj),_weapons,_weapons_backpack,_magazines,_magazines_backpack,_backpack];
_message = format["PLAYER COMBAT LOGGED: %1",_playerName];
[nil, nil, rTitleText, _message, "PLAIN"] call RE;
_removebackpack = true;
_playerObj removeMagazine _x;
} count magazines _playerObj;
_playerObj removeWeapon _x;
} count _weapons;
//Update Vehicle
if (vehicle _playerObj != _playerObj) then {
_playerObj action ["eject", vehicle _playerObj];
if (alive _playerObj) then {
//[_playerObj,(magazines _playerObj),true,(unitBackpack _playerObj)] call server_playerSync;
[_playerObj,nil,true,_removebackpack] call server_playerSync;
_myGroup = group _playerObj;
deleteVehicle _playerObj;
deleteGroup _myGroup;
{ [_x,"gear"] call server_updateObject } foreach
(nearestObjects [_playerPos, ["Car", "Helicopter", "Motorcycle", "Ship", "TentStorage", "StashSmall", "StashMedium"], 10]);
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