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Created April 12, 2016 08:35
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import os
from neon.util.argparser import NeonArgparser
from neon.layers import Conv, Pooling, MergeBroadcast, BranchNode, Affine, Tree, Dropout
from neon.layers import GeneralizedCost, Multicost
from neon.initializers import Constant, Xavier
from neon.optimizers import GradientDescentMomentum, MultiOptimizer
from neon.transforms import Rectlin, Softmax, CrossEntropyMulti, TopKMisclassification
from neon.models import Model
from import ArrayIterator
import numpy as np
parser = NeonArgparser(__doc__)
parser.add_argument('--subset_pct', type=float, default=100,
help='subset of training dataset to use (percentage)')
parser.add_argument('--test_only', action='store_true',
help='skip fitting - evaluate metrics on trained model weights')
args = parser.parse_args()
test = ArrayIterator(np.random.rand(256,224*224*3), lshape=(3, 224, 224))
init1 = Xavier(local=False)
initx = Xavier(local=True)
bias = Constant(val=0.20)
relu = Rectlin()
common = dict(activation=relu, init=initx, bias=bias)
commonp1 = dict(activation=relu, init=initx, bias=bias, padding=1)
commonp2 = dict(activation=relu, init=initx, bias=bias, padding=2)
pool3s1p1 = dict(fshape=3, padding=1, strides=1)
pool3s2p1 = dict(fshape=3, padding=1, strides=2, op='max')
def inception(kvals):
(p1, p2, p3, p4) = kvals
branch1 = [Conv((1, 1, p1[0]), **common)]
branch2 = [Conv((1, 1, p2[0]), **common),
Conv((3, 3, p2[1]), **commonp1)]
branch3 = [Conv((1, 1, p3[0]), **common),
Conv((5, 5, p3[1]), **commonp2)]
branch4 = [Pooling(op="max", **pool3s1p1),
Conv((1, 1, p4[0]), **common)]
return MergeBroadcast(layers=[branch1, branch2, branch3, branch4], merge="depth")
def main_branch(branch_nodes):
return [Conv((7, 7, 64), padding=3, strides=2, **common),
Conv((1, 1, 64), **common),
Conv((3, 3, 192), **commonp1),
inception([(64, ), (96, 128), (16, 32), (32, )]),
inception([(128,), (128, 192), (32, 96), (64, )]),
inception([(192,), (96, 208), (16, 48), (64, )]),
inception([(160,), (112, 224), (24, 64), (64, )]),
inception([(128,), (128, 256), (24, 64), (64, )]),
inception([(112,), (144, 288), (32, 64), (64, )]),
inception([(256,), (160, 320), (32, 128), (128,)]),
inception([(256,), (160, 320), (32, 128), (128,)]),
inception([(384,), (192, 384), (48, 128), (128,)]),
Pooling(fshape=7, strides=1, op="avg"),
Affine(nout=1000, init=init1, activation=Softmax(), bias=Constant(0))]
def aux_branch(bnode):
return [bnode,
Pooling(fshape=5, strides=3, op="avg"),
Conv((1, 1, 128), **common),
Affine(nout=1024, init=init1, activation=relu, bias=bias),
Affine(nout=1000, init=init1, activation=Softmax(), bias=Constant(0))]
# Now construct the model
branch_nodes = [BranchNode(name='branch' + str(i)) for i in range(2)]
main1 = main_branch(branch_nodes)
aux1 = aux_branch(branch_nodes[0])
aux2 = aux_branch(branch_nodes[1])
model = Model(layers=Tree([main1, aux1, aux2], alphas=[1.0, 0.3, 0.3]))
valmetric = TopKMisclassification(k=5)
# dummy optimizer for benchmarking
# training implementation coming soon
opt_gdm = GradientDescentMomentum(0.0, 0.0)
opt_biases = GradientDescentMomentum(0.0, 0.0)
opt = MultiOptimizer({'default': opt_gdm, 'Bias': opt_biases})
# setup cost function as CrossEntropy
cost = Multicost(costs=[GeneralizedCost(costfunc=CrossEntropyMulti()),
weights=[1, 0., 0.]) # We only want to consider the CE of the main path
model.initialize(test, cost)
print model.get_outputs(test)
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