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Created October 8, 2013 15:37
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openstack-network attributes

Set to some text value if you want templated config files to contain a custom banner at the top of the written file

default["openstack"]["network"]["custom_template_banner"] = "
# This file autogenerated by Chef
# Do not edit, changes will be overwritten

Gets set in the Network Endpoint when registering with Keystone

default["openstack"]["network"]["region"] = "RegionOne"
default["openstack"]["network"]["service_user"] = "quantum"
default["openstack"]["network"]["service_role"] = "admin"
default["openstack"]["network"]["service_name"] = "quantum"
default["openstack"]["network"]["service_type"] = "network"
default["openstack"]["network"]["description"] = "OpenStack Networking service"

The rabbit user's password is stored in an encrypted databag and accessed with openstack-common cookbook library's user_password routine. You are expected to create the user, pass, vhost in a wrapper rabbitmq cookbook.

default["openstack"]["network"]["rabbit_server_chef_role"] = "rabbitmq-server"
default["openstack"]["network"]["rabbit"]["username"] = "guest"
default["openstack"]["network"]["rabbit"]["vhost"] = "/"
default["openstack"]["network"]["rabbit"]["port"] = 5672
default["openstack"]["network"]["rabbit"]["host"] = ""
default["openstack"]["network"]["rabbit"]["ha"] = false

The database username for the quantum database

default["openstack"]["network"]["db"]["username"] = "quantum"

Used in the Keystone authtoken middleware configuration

default["openstack"]["network"]["service_tenant_name"] = "service"
default["openstack"]["network"]["service_user"] = "quantum"
default["openstack"]["network"]["service_role"] = "admin"

The maximum number of seconds we will wait for an agent to checkin

default["openstack"]["network"]["api"]["agent"]["agent_down_time"] = 15

The default agent reporting interval in seconds

default["openstack"]["network"]["api"]["agent"]["agent_report_interval"] = 4

The agent signing directory for api server

default["openstack"]["network"]["api"]["agent"]["signing_dir"] = "/var/lib/quantum/keystone-signing"

Keystone PKI signing directory.

default["openstack"]["network"]["api"]["auth"]["cache_dir"] = "/var/cache/quantum/api"

If bind_interface is set, the quantum API service will bind to the address on this interface and use the port in bind_port. Otherwise, it will bind to the API endpoint's host.

default["openstack"]["network"]["api"]["bind_interface"] = nil
default["openstack"]["network"]["api"]["bind_port"] = 9696

logging attribute

default["openstack"]["network"]["syslog"]["use"] = false

The driver for Quota management in Neutron. Possible values: quantum.quota.ConfDriver (default) quantum.quota.DbDriver

Note: set this to the DbDriver if you want to be able to update quotas for networks/subnets/security groups!

default["openstack"]["network"]["quota"]["driver"] = "quantum.quota.ConfDriver"

Whether or not we want to disable offloading on all the NIC interfaces (currently only supports ubuntu and debian). This can help if openvswitch or nicira plugins are crashing the sdn routers

default['openstack']['network']['disable_offload'] = false

configure quantum ha tool installation parameters

default["openstack"]["network"]["quantum_ha_cmd_cron"] = false
default["openstack"]["network"]["quantum_ha_cmd"] = "/usr/local/bin/"
default["openstack"]["network"]["cron_l3_healthcheck"] = "*/1"
default["openstack"]["network"]["cron_replicate_dhcp"] = "*/1"

the plugins to install on the server. this will be quantum-plugin-%plugin% and the first plugin in the list should match the core plugin below N.B. this will be ignored on SUSE as all plugins are installed by default by the main openstack-quantum package

default["openstack"]["network"]["plugins"] = ['openvswitch', 'openvswitch-agent' ]

the core plugin to use for quantum

default["openstack"]["network"]["core_plugin"] = "quantum.plugins.openvswitch.ovs_quantum_plugin.OVSQuantumPluginV2"

maps the above driver to a plugin name

default["openstack"]["network"]["interface_driver_map"] = {
   'ovsinterfacedriver' => 'openvswitch',
   'bridgeinterfacedriver' => 'linuxbridge'

The agent can use other DHCP drivers. Dnsmasq is the simplest and requires no additional setup of the DHCP server.

default["openstack"]["network"]["dhcp_driver"] = 'quantum.agent.linux.dhcp.Dnsmasq'

Use namespaces and optionally allow overlapping IPs. You must enable namespaces to use overlapping ips. Also, you must have kernel build with CONFIG_NET_NS=y and iproute2 package that supports namespaces.

default["openstack"]["network"]["use_namespaces"] = "True"
default["openstack"]["network"]["allow_overlapping_ips"] = "False"

use quantum root wrap

default["openstack"]["network"]["use_rootwrap"] = true

The scheduler class to use for scheduling to DHCP agents

default["openstack"]["network"]["dhcp"]["scheduler"] = "quantum.scheduler.dhcp_agent_scheduler.ChanceScheduler"

Override the default mtu setting given to virtual machines to 1454 to allow for tunnel and other encapsulation overhead. You can adjust this from 1454 to 1500 if you do not want any lowering of the default guest MTU.

default["openstack"]["network"]["dhcp"]["dhcp-option"] = "26,1454"

Number of seconds between sync of DHCP agent with Quantum API server

default["openstack"]["network"]["dhcp"]["resync_interval"] = 5

OVS based plugins(Ryu, NEC, NVP, BigSwitch/Floodlight) that use OVS as OpenFlow switch and check port status

default["openstack"]["network"]["dhcp"]["ovs_use_veth"] = "True"

The DHCP server can assist with providing metadata support on isolated networks. Setting this value to True will cause the DHCP server to append specific host routes to the DHCP request. The metadata service will only be activated when the subnet gateway_ip is None. The guest instance must be configured to request host routes via DHCP (Option 121).

default["openstack"]["network"]["dhcp"]["enable_isolated_metadata"] = "False"

Allows for serving metadata requests coming from a dedicated metadata access network whose cidr is (or larger prefix), and is connected to a Quantum router from which the VMs send metadata request. In this case DHCP Option 121 will not be injected in VMs, as they will be able to reach through a router. This option requires enable_isolated_metadata = True

default["openstack"]["network"]["dhcp"]["enable_metadata_network"] = "False"

On ubuntu precise, we build dnsmasq from source to fetch a more recent version of dnsmasq since a backport is not available. For any other platform, dnsmasq will be installed as a package


default["openstack"]["network"]["dhcp"]["dnsmasq_url"] = ""

The name of the file we will fetch

default["openstack"]["network"]["dhcp"]["dnsmasq_filename"] = "v2.65.tar.gz"

The checksum of the remote file we fetched

default["openstack"]["network"]["dhcp"]["dnsmasq_checksum"] = "f6cab8c64cb612089174f50927a05e2b"

The package architecture that will be built which should match the archecture of the server this cookbook will run on which will be amd64 or i386

default["openstack"]["network"]["dhcp"]["dnsmasq_architecture"] = "amd64"

The debian package version that the above tarball will produce

default["openstack"]["network"]["dhcp"]["dnsmasq_dpkgversion"] = "2.65-1"

Upstream resolver to use This will be used by dnsmasq to resolve recursively but will not be used if the tenant specifies a dns server in their subnet

Defaults are spread out across multiple, presumably reliable, upstream providers is Google is Level3

May be a comma separated list of servers

default["openstack"]["network"]["dhcp"]["upstream_dns_servers"] = ["", ""]

Set the default domain in dnsmasq

default["openstack"]["network"]["dhcp"]["default_domain"] = "openstacklocal"

The scheduler class to use for scheduling routers to L3 agents

default["openstack"]["network"]["l3"]["scheduler"] = "quantum.scheduler.l3_agent_scheduler.ChanceScheduler"

If use_namespaces is set as False then the agent can only configure one router. This is done by setting the specific router_id.

default["openstack"]["network"]["l3"]["router_id"] = nil

Each L3 agent can be associated with at most one external network. This value should be set to the UUID of that external network. If empty, the agent will enforce that only a single external networks exists and use that external network id

default["openstack"]["network"]["l3"]["gateway_external_network_id"] = nil

Indicates that this L3 agent should also handle routers that do not have an external network gateway configured. This option should be True only for a single agent in a Quantum deployment, and may be False for all agents if all routers must have an external network gateway

default["openstack"]["network"]["l3"]["handle_internal_only_routers"] = "True"

Name of bridge used for external network traffic. This should be set to empty value for the linux bridge

default["openstack"]["network"]["l3"]["external_network_bridge"] = "br-ex"

Interface to use for external bridge.

default["openstack"]["network"]["l3"]["external_network_bridge_interface"] = "eth1"

TCP Port used by Quantum metadata server

default["openstack"]["network"]["l3"]["metadata_port"] = 9697

Send this many gratuitous ARPs for HA setup. Set it below or equal to 0 to disable this feature.

default["openstack"]["network"]["l3"]["send_arp_for_ha"] = 3

seconds between re-sync routers' data if needed

default["openstack"]["network"]["l3"]["periodic_interval"] = 40

seconds to start to sync routers' data after starting agent

default["openstack"]["network"]["l3"]["periodic_fuzzy_delay"] = 5

The location of the Nova Metadata API service to proxy to (nil uses default)

default["openstack"]["network"]["metadata"]["nova_metadata_ip"] = ""
default["openstack"]["network"]["metadata"]["nova_metadata_port"] = 8775

The name of the secret databag containing the metadata secret

default["openstack"]["network"]["metadata"]["secret_name"] = "quantum_metadata_secret"

Enable or disable quantum loadbalancer

default["openstack"]["network"]["quantum_loadbalancer"] = false

Plugin configuration path

default["openstack"]["network"]["lbaas_config_path"] = "/etc/quantum/plugins/services/agent_loadbalancer"

Number of seconds between sync of LBaaS agent with Quantum API server

default["openstack"]["network"]["lbaas"]["periodic_interval"] = 10

Set lbaas plugin Supported types are: "ovs" (ovs based plugins(OVS, Ryu, NEC, NVP, BigSwitch/Floodlight)) and "linuxbridge".

default["openstack"]["network"]["lbaas_plugin"] = "ovs"

Type of network to allocate for tenant networks. The default value 'local' is useful only for single-box testing and provides no connectivity between hosts. You MUST either change this to 'vlan' and configure network_vlan_ranges below or change this to 'gre' and configure tunnel_id_ranges below in order for tenant networks to provide connectivity between hosts. Set to 'none' to disable creation of tenant networks.

default["openstack"]["network"]["openvswitch"]["tenant_network_type"] = 'local'

Comma-separated list of <physical_network>[:<vlan_min>:<vlan_max>] tuples enumerating ranges of VLAN IDs on named physical networks that are available for allocation. All physical networks listed are available for flat and VLAN provider network creation. Specified ranges of VLAN IDs are available for tenant network allocation if tenant_network_type is 'vlan'. If empty, only gre and local networks may be created

Example: network_vlan_ranges = physnet1:1000:2999

default["openstack"]["network"]["openvswitch"]["network_vlan_ranges"] = nil

Set to True in the server and the agents to enable support for GRE networks. Requires kernel support for OVS patch ports and GRE tunneling.

default["openstack"]["network"]["openvswitch"]["enable_tunneling"] = "False"

Comma-separated list of <tun_min>:<tun_max> tuples enumerating ranges of GRE tunnel IDs that are available for tenant network allocation if tenant_network_type is 'gre'.

Example: tunnel_id_ranges = 1:1000

default["openstack"]["network"]["openvswitch"]["tunnel_id_ranges"] = nil

Do not change this parameter unless you have a good reason to. This is the name of the OVS integration bridge. There is one per hypervisor. The integration bridge acts as a virtual "patch bay". All VM VIFs are attached to this bridge and then "patched" according to their network connectivity

default["openstack"]["network"]["openvswitch"]["integration_bridge"] = 'br-int'

Only used for the agent if tunnel_id_ranges (above) is not empty for the server. In most cases, the default value should be fine

default["openstack"]["network"]["openvswitch"]["tunnel_bridge"] = "br-tun"

Peer patch port in integration bridge for tunnel bridge (nil uses default)

default["openstack"]["network"]["openvswitch"]["int_peer_patch_port"] = nil

Peer patch port in tunnel bridge for integration bridge (nil uses default)

default["openstack"]["network"]["openvswitch"]["tun_peer_patch_port"] = nil

Uncomment this line for the agent if tunnel_id_ranges (above) is not empty for the server. Set local_ip to be the local IP address of this hypervisor or set the local_ip_interface parameter to use the IP address of the specified interface. If local_ip_interface is set it will take precedence.

default["openstack"]["network"]["openvswitch"]["local_ip"] = ""
default["openstack"]["network"]["openvswitch"]["local_ip_interface"] = nil

Comma-separated list of <physical_network>: tuples mapping physical network names to the agent's node-specific OVS bridge names to be used for flat and VLAN networks. The length of bridge names should be no more than 11. Each bridge must exist, and should have a physical network interface configured as a port. All physical networks listed in network_vlan_ranges on the server should have mappings to appropriate bridges on each agent.

Example: bridge_mappings = physnet1:br-eth1

default["openstack"]["network"]["openvswitch"]["bridge_mappings"] = nil

Firewall driver for realizing quantum security group function

default["openstack"]["network"]["openvswitch"]["fw_driver"] = "quantum.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver"

The newest version of OVS which comes with 12.04 Precise is 1.4.0 Which is legacy. Should we compile a newer version from source? If so, set ['openstack']['network']['openvswitch']['use_source_version'] to true, and configure the packages, versions, checksums, etc. you wish to use

default['openstack']['network']['openvswitch']['use_source_version'] = false

Url of the OVS source tarball

default['openstack']['network']['openvswitch']['openvswitch_url'] = ";a=snapshot;h=88dbaa9dc554d0ace1867bf23144788bd6f700bb;sf=tg

Filename the above URL actually downloads.

default['openstack']['network']['openvswitch']['openvswitch_filename'] = "openvswitch-88dbaa9.tar.gz"

What is the base filename (essentially, the above without the .tar.gz)

default['openstack']['network']['openvswitch']['openvswitch_base_filename'] = "openvswitch-88dbaa9"

Checksum of the file for verification

default['openstack']['network']['openvswitch']['openvswitch_checksum'] = "22df718eb81fcfe93228e9bba8575e50"

What version of the package does this install

default['openstack']['network']['openvswitch']['openvswitch_dpkgversion'] = "1.10.2-1"

What arch are we building for

default['openstack']['network']['openvswitch']['openvswitch_architecture'] = "amd64"

Type of network to allocate for tenant networks. The default value 'local' is useful only for single-box testing and provides no connectivity between hosts. You MUST change this to 'vlan' and configure network_vlan_ranges below in order for tenant networks to provide connectivity between hosts. Set to 'none' to disable creation of tenant networks.

default["openstack"]["network"]["linuxbridge"]["tenant_network_type"] = 'local'

Comma-separated list of <physical_network>[:<vlan_min>:<vlan_max>] tuples enumerating ranges of VLAN IDs on named physical networks that are available for allocation. All physical networks listed are available for flat and VLAN provider network creation. Specified ranges of VLAN IDs are available for tenant network allocation if tenant_network_type is 'vlan'. If empty, only gre and local networks may be created.

Example: network_vlan_ranges = physnet1:1000:2999

default["openstack"]["network"]["linuxbridge"]["network_vlan_ranges"] = ""

(ListOpt) Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<physical_interface> tuples mapping physical network names to the agent's node-specific physical network interfaces to be used for flat and VLAN networks. All physical networks listed in network_vlan_ranges on the server should have mappings to appropriate interfaces on each agent.

Example: physical_interface_mappings = physnet1:eth1

default["openstack"]["network"]["linuxbridge"]["physical_interface_mappings"] = ""

Not really sure what this is...

default["openstack"]["network"]["bigswitch"]["servers"] = "localhost:8080"

username =

default["openstack"]["network"]["brocade"]["switch_username"] = "admin"

password =

default["openstack"]["network"]["brocade"]["switch_password"] = "admin"

address =

default["openstack"]["network"]["brocade"]["switch_address"] = ""

ostype = NOS

default["openstack"]["network"]["brocade"]["switch_ostype"] = "NOS"

physical_interface =

Example: physical_interface = physnet1

default["openstack"]["network"]["brocade"]["physical_interface"] = "physnet1"

(ListOpt) Comma-separated list of <physical_network>[:<vlan_min>:<vlan_max>] tuples enumerating ranges of VLAN IDs on named physical networks that are available for allocation. All physical networks listed are available for flat and VLAN provider network creation.

Default: network_vlan_ranges = Example: network_vlan_ranges = physnet1:1000:2999

default["openstack"]["network"]["brocade"]["network_vlan_ranges"] = ""

(ListOpt) Comma-separated list of <physical_network>:<physical_interface> tuples mapping physical network names to the agent's node-specific physical network interfaces to be used for flat and VLAN networks. All physical networks listed in network_vlan_ranges on the server should have mappings to appropriate interfaces on each agent.

Example: physical_interface_mappings = physnet1:eth1

default["openstack"]["network"]["brocade"]["physical_interface_mappings"] = ""

The module and class name path for the nexus plugin

default["openstack"]["network"]["cisco"]["nexus_plugin"] = ""

The module and class name path for the vswitch plugin

default["openstack"]["network"]["cisco"]["vswitch_plugin"] = "quantum.plugins.openvswitch.ovs_quantum_plugin.OVSQuantumPluginV2"

Start of the tenant VLAN range

default["openstack"]["network"]["cisco"]["vlan_start"] = 100

End of the tenant VLAN range

default["openstack"]["network"]["cisco"]["vlan_end"] = 3000

Prefix for tenant VLANs

default["openstack"]["network"]["cisco"]["vlan_name_prefix"] = "q-"

Maximum number of ports Max number of port profiles

default["openstack"]["network"]["cisco"]["max_ports"] = 100
default["openstack"]["network"]["cisco"]["max_port_profiles"] = 65568

Maximum number of networks

default["openstack"]["network"]["cisco"]["max_networks"] = 65568

Module and class path for switch model

default["openstack"]["network"]["cisco"]["model_class"] = ""

Module and class path for VLAN network manager

default["openstack"]["network"]["cisco"]["manager_class"] = ""

Module and class path for the Nexus driver

default["openstack"]["network"]["cisco"]["nexus_driver"] = ""

For each Nexus switch, add a hash to the node["openstack"]["network"]["cisco"]["nexus_switches"] Hash, using the switch's IP address as the outer Hash key with each hash containing this information:

  • ssh_port=
  • username=
  • password=
  • hosts = [ (,), ... ]


node["openstack"]["network"]["cisco"]["nexus_switches"][""]["ssh_port"] = 22 node["openstack"]["network"]["cisco"]["nexus_switches"][""]["username"] = "admin" node["openstack"]["network"]["cisco"]["nexus_switches"][""]["password"] = "mySecretPassword" node["openstack"]["network"]["cisco"]["nexus_switches"][""]["hosts"] = [ [ "compute1", "1/1" ], [ "compute2", "1/2" ]]

will write the following to the Cisco plugin config INI file: [NEXUS_SWITCH:] compute1=1/1 compute2=1/2 ssh_port=22 username=admin password=mySecretPassword

default["openstack"]["network"]["cisco"]["nexus_switches"] = {}

Type of network to allocate for tenant networks. The default value 'local' is useful only for single-box testing and provides no connectivity between hosts. You MUST change this to 'vlan' and configure network_vlan_ranges below in order for tenant networks to provide connectivity between hosts. Set to 'none' to disable creation of tenant networks.

default["openstack"]["network"]["hyperv"]["tenant_network_type"] = 'local'

Comma-separated list of <physical_network>[:<vlan_min>:<vlan_max>] tuples enumerating ranges of VLAN IDs on named physical networks that are available for allocation. All physical networks listed are available for flat and VLAN provider network creation. Specified ranges of VLAN IDs are available for tenant network allocation if tenant_network_type is 'vlan'. If empty, only gre and local networks may be created.

Example: network_vlan_ranges = physnet1:1000:2999

default["openstack"]["network"]["hyperv"]["network_vlan_ranges"] = ""

Agent's polling interval in seconds

default["openstack"]["network"]["hyperv"]["polling_interval"] = 2

(ListOpt) Comma separated list of <physical_network>: where the physical networks can be expressed with wildcards, e.g.: ."*:external". The referred external virtual switches need to be already present on the Hyper-V server. If a given physical network name will not match any value in the list the plugin will look for a virtual switch with the same name.

Default: physical_network_vswitch_mappings = *:external Example: physical_network_vswitch_mappings = net1:external1,net2:external2

default["openstack"]["network"]["hyperv"]["physical_network_vswitch_mappings"] = "*:external"

(StrOpt) Private virtual switch name used for local networking.

Default: local_network_vswitch = private Example: local_network_vswitch = custom_vswitch

default["openstack"]["network"]["hyperv"]["local_network_vswitch"] = "private"

This is list of flavor:quantum_plugins

extension method is used in the order of this list

default["openstack"]["network"]["metaplugin"]["plugin_list"] = "openvswitch:quantum.plugins.openvswitch.ovs_quantum_plugin.OVSQuantumPluginV2,linuxbridge:quantum.plugins.linuxbridge.lb_qua
default["openstack"]["network"]["metaplugin"]["l3_plugin_list"] = "openvswitch:quantum.plugins.openvswitch.ovs_quantum_plugin.OVSQuantumPluginV2,linuxbridge:quantum.plugins.linuxbridge.lb_

Default "flavor" for L2 and L3

default["openstack"]["network"]["metaplugin"]["default_flavor"] = "openvswitch"
default["openstack"]["network"]["metaplugin"]["default_l3_flavor"] = "openvswitch"

MidoNet API server URI

default["openstack"]["network"]["midonet"]["midonet_uri"] = "http://localhost:8080/midonet-api"

MidoNet admin username

default["openstack"]["network"]["midonet"]["username"] = "admin"

MidoNet admin password

default["openstack"]["network"]["midonet"]["password"] = "passw0rd"

ID of the project that MidoNet admin user belongs to

default["openstack"]["network"]["midonet"]["project_id"] = "77777777-7777-7777-7777-777777777777"

Virtual provider router ID

default["openstack"]["network"]["midonet"]["provider_router_id"] = "00112233-0011-0011-0011-001122334455"

Virtual metadata router ID

default["openstack"]["network"]["midonet"]["metadata_router_id"] = "ffeeddcc-ffee-ffee-ffee-ffeeddccbbaa"

Do not change this parameter unless you have a good reason to. This is the name of the OVS integration bridge. There is one per hypervisor. The integration bridge acts as a virtual "patch port". All VM VIFs are attached to this bridge and then "patched" according to their network connectivity.

default["openstack"]["network"]["nec"]["integration_bridge"] = "br-int"

Agent's polling interval in seconds

default["openstack"]["network"]["nec"]["polling_interval"] = 2

Firewall driver for realizing quantum security group function

default["openstack"]["network"]["nec"]["firewall_driver"] = "quantum.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver"

Specify OpenFlow Controller Host, Port and Driver to connect.

default["openstack"]["network"]["nec"]["ofc_host"] = ""
default["openstack"]["network"]["nec"]["ofc_port"] = 8888

Drivers are in quantum/plugins/nec/drivers/ .

default["openstack"]["network"]["nec"]["ofc_driver"] = "trema"

PacketFilter is available when it's enabled in this configuration and supported by the driver.

default["openstack"]["network"]["nec"]["ofc_enable_packet_filter"] = "true"

User name for NVP controller

default["openstack"]["network"]["nicira"]["nvp_user"] = "admin"

Password for NVP controller

default["openstack"]["network"]["nicira"]["nvp_password"] = "admin"

Total time limit for a cluster request (including retries across different controllers)

default["openstack"]["network"]["nicira"]["req_timeout"] = 30

Time before aborting a request on an unresponsive controller

default["openstack"]["network"]["nicira"]["http_timeout"] = 10

Maximum number of times a particular request should be retried

default["openstack"]["network"]["nicira"]["retries"] = 2

Maximum number of times a redirect response should be followed

default["openstack"]["network"]["nicira"]["redirects"] = 2

Comma-separated list of NVP controller endpoints (:). When port is omitted, 443 is assumed. This option MUST be specified, e.g.:

default["openstack"]["network"]["nicira"]["nvp_controllers"] = "xx.yy.zz.ww:443,,"

UUID of the pre-existing default NVP Transport zone to be used for creating tunneled isolated "Quantum" networks. This option MUST be specified, e.g.:

default["openstack"]["network"]["nicira"]["default_tz_uuid"] = "1e8e52cf-fa7f-46b0-a14a-f99835a9cb53"

(Optional) UUID of the cluster in NVP. It can be retrieved from NVP management console "admin" section.

default["openstack"]["network"]["nicira"]["nvp_cluster_uuid"] = "615be8e4-82e9-4fd2-b4b3-fd141e51a5a7"

(Optional) UUID for the default l3 gateway service to use with this cluster. To be specified if planning to use logical routers with external gateways.

default["openstack"]["network"]["nicira"]["default_l3_gw_service_uuid"] = ""

(Optional) UUID for the default l2 gateway service to use with this cluster. To be specified for providing a predefined gateway tenant for connecting their networks.

default["openstack"]["network"]["nicira"]["default_l2_gw_service_uuid"] = ""

Name of the default interface name to be used on network-gateway. This value will be used for any device associated with a network gateway for which an interface name was not specified

default["openstack"]["network"]["nicira"]["default_iface_name"] = "breth0"

number of network gateways allowed per tenant, -1 means unlimited

default["openstack"]["network"]["nicira"]["quota_network_gateway"] = 5

Maximum number of ports for each bridged logical switch

default["openstack"]["network"]["nicira"]["max_lp_per_bridged_ls"] = 64

Maximum number of ports for each overlay (stt, gre) logical switch

default["openstack"]["network"]["nicira"]["max_lp_per_overlay_ls"] = 256

Number of connects to each controller node.

default["openstack"]["network"]["nicira"]["concurrent_connections"] = 3

Acceptable values for 'metadata_mode' are:

  • 'access_network': this enables a dedicated connection to the metadata proxy for metadata server access via Quantum router.
  • 'dhcp_host_route': this enables host route injection via the dhcp agent. This option is only useful if running on a host that does not support namespaces otherwise access_network should be used.
default["openstack"]["network"]["nicira"]["metadata_mode"] = "access_network"

This line should be pointing to the NOS server, for the PLUMgrid platform. In other deployments, this is known as controller

default["openstack"]["network"]["plumgrid"]["nos_server"] = ""
default["openstack"]["network"]["plumgrid"]["nos_server_port"] = "<nos-port>"

Authentification parameters for the NOS server. These are the admin credentials to manage and control the NOS server.

default["openstack"]["network"]["plumgrid"]["username"] = "<nos-admin-username>"
default["openstack"]["network"]["plumgrid"]["password"] = "<nos-admin-password>"
default["openstack"]["network"]["plumgrid"]["servertimeout"] = 5

Name of the network topology to be deployed by NOS

default["openstack"]["network"]["plumgrid"]["topologyname"] = "<nos-topology-name>"

Do not change this parameter unless you have a good reason to. This is the name of the OVS integration bridge. There is one per hypervisor. The integration bridge acts as a virtual "patch port". All VM VIFs are attached to this bridge and then "patched" according to their network connectivity.

default["openstack"]["network"]["ryu"]["integration_bridge"] = "br-int"

openflow_rest_api = :<port: 8080>

default["openstack"]["network"]["ryu"]["openflow_rest_api"] = ""

tunnel key range: 0 < tunnel_key_min < tunnel_key_max VLAN: 12bits, GRE, VXLAN: 24bits

default["openstack"]["network"]["ryu"]["tunnel_key_min"] = 1
default["openstack"]["network"]["ryu"]["tunnel_key_max"] = "0xffffff"

tunnel_ip = tunnel_interface = interface for tunneling when tunnel_ip is NOT specified, ip address is read from this interface

default["openstack"]["network"]["ryu"]["tunnel_ip"] = ""
default["openstack"]["network"]["ryu"]["tunnel_interface"] = "eth0"

ovsdb_port = port number on which ovsdb is listening ryu-agent uses this parameter to setup ovsdb. ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:<ovsdb_port> See set-manager section of man ovs-vsctl for details. currently ptcp is only supported. ovsdb_ip = ovsdb_interface = interface for ovsdb when ovsdb_addr NOT specifiied, ip address is gotten from this interface

default["openstack"]["network"]["ryu"]["ovsdb_port"] = 6634
default["openstack"]["network"]["ryu"]["ovsdb_ip"] = ""
default["openstack"]["network"]["ryu"]["ovsdb_interface"] = "eth0"

Firewall driver for realizing quantum security group function

default["openstack"]["network"]["ryu"]["firewall_driver"] = "quantum.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver"

Agent's polling interval in seconds

default["openstack"]["network"]["ryu"]["polling_interval"] = 2

platform-specific settings plugins are installed by the main openstack-quantum package on SUSE

case platform
when "fedora", "redhat", "centos"   default["openstack"]["network"]["platform"] = {
    "user" => "quantum",
    "group" => "quantum",
    "mysql_python_packages" => [ "MySQL-python" ],
    "postgresql_python_packages" => ["python-psycopg2"],
    "nova_network_packages" => [ "openstack-nova-network" ],
    "quantum_packages" => [ "openstack-quantum" ],
    "quantum_client_packages" => [],
    "quantum_dhcp_packages" => [ "openstack-quantum" ],
    "quantum_dhcp_build_packages" => [],
    "quantum_l3_packages" => [ "quantum-l3-agent" ],
    "quantum_openvswitch_packages" => ["openvswitch"],
    "quantum_openvswitch_agent_packages" => ["openstack-quantum-openvswitch-agent"],
    "quantum_linuxbridge_agent_packages" => ["openstack-quantum-linuxbridge"],
    "quantum_metadata_agent_packages" => [],
    "quantum_plugin_package" => "openstack-quantum-%plugin%",
    "quantum_server_packages" => [],
    "quantum_dhcp_agent_service" => "quantum-dhcp-agent",
    "quantum_l3_agent_service" => "quantum-l3-agent",
    "quantum_metadata_agent_service" => "quantum-metadata-agent",
    "quantum_openvswitch_service" => "openvswitch",
    "quantum_openvswitch_agent_service" => "openstack-quantum-openvswitch-agent",
    "quantum_linuxbridge_agent_service" => "quantum-linuxbridge-agent",
    "quantum_server_service" => "quantum-server",
    "package_overrides" => ""
when "suse"
  default["openstack"]["network"]["platform"] = {
    "user" => "openstack-quantum",
    "group" => "openstack-quantum",
    "mysql_python_packages" => ["python-mysql"],
    "postgresql_python_packages" => ["python-psycopg2"],
    "nova_network_packages" => ["openstack-nova-network"],
    "quantum_packages" => ["openstack-quantum"],
    "quantum_client_packages" => [],
    "quantum_dhcp_packages" => ["openstack-quantum-dhcp-agent"],
    "quantum_dhcp_build_packages" => [],
    "quantum_l3_packages" => ["openstack-quantum-l3-agent"],
        "quantum_plugin_package" => "",
    "quantum_metadata_agent_packages" => ["openstack-quantum-metadata-agent"],
    "quantum_openvswitch_packages" => ["openvswitch-switch"],
    "quantum_openvswitch_agent_packages" => ["openstack-quantum-openvswitch-agent"],
    "quantum_linuxbridge_agent_packages" => ["openstack-quantum-linuxbridge-agent"],
    "quantum_metadata_agent_packages" => ["openstack-quantum-metadata-agent"],
    "quantum_server_packages" => [],
    "quantum_dhcp_agent_service" => "openstack-quantum-dhcp-agent",
    "quantum_l3_agent_service" => "openstack-quantum-l3-agent",
    "quantum_metadata_agent_service" => "openstack-quantum-metadata-agent",
    "quantum_openvswitch_service" => "openvswitch-switch",
    "quantum_openvswitch_agent_service" => "openstack-quantum-openvswitch-agent",
    "quantum_linuxbridge_agent_service" => "openstack-quantum-linuxbridge-agent",
    "quantum_server_service" => "openstack-quantum",
    "package_overrides" => ""
when "ubuntu"
  default["openstack"]["network"]["platform"] = {
    "user" => "quantum",
    "group" => "quantum",
    "mysql_python_packages" => [ "python-mysqldb" ],
    "postgresql_python_packages" => [ "python-psycopg2" ],
    "nova_network_packages" => [ "nova-network" ],
    "quantum_lb_packages" => ["quantum-lbaas-agent", "haproxy"],
    "quantum_packages" => [ "quantum-common", "python-pyparsing", "python-cliff" ],
    "quantum_client_packages" => [ "python-quantumclient", "python-pyparsing" ],
    "quantum_dhcp_packages" => [ "quantum-dhcp-agent" ],
    "quantum_dhcp_build_packages" => [ "build-essential", "pkg-config", "libidn11-dev", "libdbus-1-dev", "libnetfilter-conntrack-dev", "gettext" ],
    "quantum_l3_packages" => [ "quantum-l3-agent" ],
    "quantum_openvswitch_packages" => [ "openvswitch-switch", "openvswitch-datapath-dkms", "bridge-utils" ],
    "quantum_openvswitch_build_packages" => [ "build-essential", "pkg-config", "fakeroot", "libssl-dev", "openssl", "debhelper", "autoconf", "dkms", "python-all", "python-qt4", "python-zop
einterface", "python-twisted-conch" ],                                                                                                                                                     
    "quantum_openvswitch_agent_packages" => [ "quantum-plugin-openvswitch", "quantum-plugin-openvswitch-agent" ],
    "quantum_linuxbridge_agent_packages" => [ "quantum-plugin-linuxbridge", "quantum-plugin-linuxbridge-agent" ],
    "quantum_metadata_agent_packages" => [ "quantum-metadata-agent" ],
    "quantum_plugin_package" => "quantum-plugin-%plugin%",
    "quantum_server_packages" => ["quantum-server"],
    "quantum_dhcp_agent_service" => "quantum-dhcp-agent",
    "quantum_l3_agent_service" => "quantum-l3-agent",
    "quantum_metadata_agent_service" => "quantum-metadata-agent",
    "quantum_openvswitch_service" => "openvswitch-switch",
    "quantum_openvswitch_agent_service" => "quantum-plugin-openvswitch-agent",
    "quantum_linuxbridge_agent_service" => "quantum-plugin-linuxbridge-agent",
    "quantum_server_service" => "quantum-server",
    "package_overrides" => "-o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef'"
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