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Created February 2, 2016 10:01
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TensorFlow simple MLE example
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
sess = tf.Session()
N = 1000000
data = np.random.normal(0, 1, N).astype(TYPE)
# Truncate data to make it harder
data = data[(data > -1) & (data < 5)]
# Define data as a variable so that it will be cached
X = tf.Variable(data, name='data')
mu = tf.Variable(TYPE(1), name='mu')
sigma = tf.Variable(TYPE(2), name='sigma')
def normal_log(X, mu, sigma):
with tf.name_scope('normal_log') as scope:
ret = tf.log(1 / (tf.constant(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi), dtype=TYPE) * sigma)) - tf.pow(X - mu, 2) / (tf.constant(2, dtype=TYPE) * tf.pow(sigma, 2))
return ret
def trunc_log(X, left, right, logpdf, *args):
Truncates `logpdf` so that it is limited to the
region between `left` and `right`.
with tf.name_scope('trunc_log') as scope:
ret = tf.exp(logpdf(X, *args))
# Very primite integral
N = TYPE(10000)
x = tf.linspace(TYPE(left), TYPE(right), N, name='x_integration')
integ = tf.reduce_sum(tf.exp(logpdf(x, *args)) * (right - left) / N)
# Are we inside the region?
inside = tf.logical_and(tf.greater_equal(X, left), tf.less_equal(X, right))
# Return normalised logpdf if we're inside the region
# Return zero outside of the region
out =, tf.log(ret / integ), tf.fill(tf.shape(ret), TYPE(-np.inf)))
return out
nll = -tf.reduce_sum(trunc_log(X, -1, 5, normal_log, mu, sigma))
nll_hist = tf.histogram_summary('nll', nll)
merged = tf.merge_all_summaries()
writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter("logs", sess.graph_def)
init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
def func(mu_, sigma_):
return, feed_dict={ mu: mu_, sigma: sigma_ })
# Would be nice to use this
grads = tf.gradients(nll, [mu, sigma])
def grad(x):
out =, feed_dict={ mu: x[0], sigma: x[1] })
return np.array(out)
from iminuit import Minuit
m = Minuit(func, mu_=10, sigma_=10, error_mu_=0.5, error_sigma_=0.5, limit_mu_=(-1, 100), limit_sigma_=(0, 100), errordef=1)
mu_ = m.values['mu_']
sigma_ = m.values['sigma_']
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xs = np.linspace(-2, 6, 400)
plt.hist(data, normed=True, histtype='step', color='k', bins=200)
plt.plot(xs, np.exp(, -1, 5, normal_log, mu, sigma), feed_dict={mu:mu_, sigma:sigma_, X: xs})), 'b-')
print('Plot saved to `out.pdf`.')
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