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Created May 22, 2012 20:10
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FITS file processor
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fitsio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mpi.h>
/*If status != 0, report the error and return 1.*/
#define FITS_ERROR_CHECK if(status){fits_report_error(stdout, status); return 1;}
int countNumFits(int limit, char * dir);
char ** allocateStrArr(int size);
char ** populateStrArr(int size, char * dir, char ** strArr);
long * allocateLongArr(int size);
int * allocateIntArr(int size);
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
if(argc != 4 )
printf("usage: %s <input-directory> <output-directory> <max-num-files>\n",argv[0]);
return 0;
/*For fits processing*/
int fitsLimit = atoi(argv[3]);
int numFits, index;
FILE *filePtr = NULL; //pointers to file
int sumPix; //stores sum of connected pixels
int valueThresh = 1150; //threshold value of pix we want
int clusterThresh = 20; //threshold number of pix we want connected
int *valueArrPtr = NULL; //traverses valueArr
int *clusterArrPtr= NULL; //traverses clusterArr
long rowCtr, colCtr, k, i; //loop counters
/*For cfitsio*/
fitsfile *fptr = NULL; //pointer to .fit
fitsfile *newFptr = NULL; //pointer to new .fit
int status = 0; //must be set to 0
int hdunum; //HDU number
int hdutype; //type of HDU - Image, ASCII, or Binary
int numKeys; //number of keywords in header
int moreKeys; //amount of empty space for keywords in header
int keyLength = 81; //80-characters for key length
char keyword[keyLength]; //Arr for keywords in header
int keyNum; //Keyword number in header
int maxDimension = 2; //maximum number of image dimensions allowed
int bitPix; //bit size of each pixel in image
int nAxes; //number of axes in image
long nAxis[2]; //size of each axis in image
long numPix; //number of pixels in image
long firstPixel[2]; //coor of first pixel (lower left) in image
long lastPixel[2]; //coor of the last pixel (upper right) in image
long increment[2]; //increment - reads every inc-th pixel of image
long longNull; //for fits_read_subset
/*For mpi */
int rank;
int numProcesses;
int fitsPerProcess;
int fitsPerProcessRemainder;
int localIndex;
int localIndexStart;
int localIndexEnd;
double startTime, endTime, loopTime1, loopTime2;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numProcesses);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
/*Count the number of fits files in directory provided to argv[1]*/
numFits = countNumFits(fitsLimit, argv[1]);
/*Allocate and populate array to store fits files*/
char ** fitsNameArr = allocateStrArr(numFits);
fitsNameArr = populateStrArr(numFits, argv[1], fitsNameArr);
/*Determines number of .fit files each processor will handle*/
fitsPerProcess = numFits/ numProcesses;
//fitsPerProcessRemainder = numFits % numProcesses;
/*Determines the beginning and end indices for each processor based on rank*/
localIndexStart = fitsPerProcess * rank;
localIndexEnd = localIndexStart + fitsPerProcess;
fprintf(stderr,"%d: [%d,%d)\n",rank,localIndexStart,localIndexEnd);
loopTime1 = 0.0;
loopTime2 = 0.0;
/*Begins processing .fit files*/
for (localIndex = localIndexStart; localIndex < localIndexEnd; ++localIndex)
startTime = MPI_Wtime();
/*Change into directory provided in argv[1]*/
/*open fits files argv[1] directory*/
fits_open_file(&fptr, fitsNameArr[localIndex], READONLY, &status);
/*Return the number of exisiting keywords*/
fits_get_hdrspace(fptr, &numKeys, &moreKeys, &status);
/*Return values for maxDimension, bitpix, nAxes, nAxis[] */
fits_get_img_param(fptr, maxDimension, &bitPix, &nAxes, nAxis, &status);
numPix = nAxis[0]*nAxis[1];
firstPixel[0] = 1;
firstPixel[1] = 1;
lastPixel[0] = nAxis[0];
lastPixel[1] = nAxis[1];
increment[0] = 1;
increment[1] = 1;
longNull = 0;
/*Allocates and populates imageArray by reading a subset from fits image*/
long * imageArr = allocateLongArr(numPix);
fits_read_subset(fptr, TLONG, firstPixel, lastPixel, increment,
&longNull, imageArr, NULL, &status);
/*Allocates and populates valueArr for pixel value filtering.
Pixels above valueThresh are assigned 1, and pixels below valueThresh are assigned 0*/
int * valueArr = allocateIntArr(numPix);
for(i = 0; i < numPix; ++i)
if(imageArr[i] >= valueThresh)
valueArr[i] = 1;
/*Allocates clusterArr for pixel cluster filtering*/
int * clusterArr = allocateIntArr(numPix);
/*Pointers to traverse valueArr and clusterArr for populating clusterArr*/
valueArrPtr = valueArr;
clusterArrPtr = clusterArr;
/*Staring with the bottom left pixel, traverse each row to detect
the clusterThresh number of connected pixels by summing their values (0 or 1)
and testing the sum. If sumPix = valueThresh, write a 1 to the corresponding
indices in clusterArr. Subtract the first pixel and add another. Retest and write.
Continue until the last column. */
int numRows = nAxis[1];
int numCol = nAxis[0];
sumPix = 0;
for(rowCtr = 0; rowCtr < numRows ; ++rowCtr)
/*Sum the first (clusterThresh - 1) pixels in the first row.*/
for(colCtr = 0; colCtr < (clusterThresh - 1); ++colCtr)
sumPix += valueArrPtr[colCtr];
for(colCtr = (clusterThresh - 1); colCtr < numCol; ++colCtr)
/*Add the next pixel in the clusterThresh and test sumPix */
sumPix += valueArrPtr[colCtr];
if(sumPix == clusterThresh)
/*Write a 1 corresponding indices in clusterArr*/
for(k = colCtr; k > colCtr - clusterThresh; --k)
clusterArrPtr[k] = 1;
/*Subtract the first pixel*/
sumPix -= valueArrPtr[colCtr - clusterThresh + 1];
/*Add a row to the starting point for valueArrPtr and clusterArrPtr */
valueArrPtr += numCol;
clusterArrPtr += numCol;
endTime = MPI_Wtime();
loopTime1 += endTime-startTime;
startTime = endTime;
/*Resets valueArrPtr and clusterArrPtr */
valueArrPtr = valueArr;
clusterArrPtr = clusterArr;
/*Staring with the bottom left pixel, traverse each column to detect
the clusterThresh number of connected pixels by summing their values (0 or 1)
and testing the sum. If sumPix = valueThresh, write a 1 to the corresponding \
indices in clusterArr. Subtract the first pixel and add another. Retest and write.
Continue until the last row. */
sumPix = 0;
for(colCtr=0; colCtr < numCol; ++colCtr)
/*Sum the first (clusterThresh - 1) pixels in the first column.*/
for(rowCtr = 0; rowCtr < (clusterThresh-1); ++rowCtr)
sumPix += valueArrPtr[rowCtr * numCol];
for(rowCtr = (clusterThresh-1); rowCtr < nAxis[1]; ++rowCtr)
/*Add the next pixel in clusterThresh and test sumPix */
sumPix += valueArrPtr[rowCtr* numCol];
if(sumPix == clusterThresh)
/*Write a 1 to corresponding indices in clusterArr */
for(k = rowCtr; k > rowCtr-(clusterThresh-1); --k)
clusterArrPtr[k*numCol] = 1;
/*Subtract the first pixel*/
sumPix -= valueArrPtr[(rowCtr - clusterThresh + 1)*numCol];
/*Add a column to the starting point valueArrPtr and clusterArrPtr*/
valueArrPtr += 1;
clusterArrPtr += 1;
/*Change into FITS directory passed into argv[2]*/
/*Create new .fit file in the newFITS directory*/
fits_create_file(&newFptr, fitsNameArr[localIndex], &status);
/*copies .fit file to new .fit file*/
fits_copy_file(fptr, newFptr, 0, 1, 0, &status);
/*closes new .fit file*/
fits_close_file(newFptr, &status);
/*closes original .fit file*/
fits_close_file(fptr, &status);
endTime = MPI_Wtime();
loopTime2 += endTime - startTime;
fprintf(stderr,"%d: loopTime1: %f loopTime2: %f\n",rank,loopTime1,loopTime2);
for(index = 0; index < numFits; ++index)
return 0;
int countNumFits(int limit, char * dir)
DIR *tempDirPtr = NULL; //directory pointer
struct dirent *tempEntryPtr = NULL; //entry pointer
int tempCount;
tempDirPtr = opendir (dir);
if(tempDirPtr != NULL)
tempCount = 0;
while((tempEntryPtr = readdir(tempDirPtr)) && (tempCount < limit))
if(tempEntryPtr->d_type != DT_REG)
(void) closedir (tempDirPtr);
printf("Directory %s is empty \n", dir);
return tempCount;
char ** allocateStrArr(int size)
int tempIndex;
char ** tempCharArr = (char ** )malloc(sizeof(char * ) *size);
for (tempIndex = 0; tempIndex < size; ++tempIndex)
tempCharArr[tempIndex] = NULL;
return tempCharArr;
char ** populateStrArr(int size, char * dir, char ** strArr)
DIR *tempDirPtr = NULL; //directory pointer
struct dirent *tempEntryPtr = NULL; //entry pointer
int tempSize, tempIndex;
tempDirPtr = opendir (dir);
if (tempDirPtr != NULL)
tempIndex = 0;
while((tempEntryPtr = readdir(tempDirPtr)) && (tempIndex < size))
if(tempEntryPtr->d_type != DT_REG)
strArr[tempIndex] = (char*)malloc(tempEntryPtr->d_reclen + 1);
strcpy(strArr[tempIndex], tempEntryPtr->d_name);
(void) closedir (tempDirPtr);
printf("Directory %s is empty \n", dir);
return strArr;
long * allocateLongArr(int size)
int tempIndex;
long * tempLongArr = (long *)malloc(sizeof(long)*size);
for(tempIndex = 0; tempIndex < size; ++tempIndex)
tempLongArr[tempIndex] = 0;
return tempLongArr;
int * allocateIntArr(int size)
int tempIndex;
int * tempIntArr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*size);
for(tempIndex = 0; tempIndex < size; ++tempIndex)
tempIntArr[tempIndex] = 0;
return tempIntArr;
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