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Last active June 4, 2016 21:19
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Helper for displaying an image using and their conversion options
# Usage:
# <%= filestack_image_tag post.filestack_url, resize: { width: 100, height: 200, fit: crop }, oil_paint: { amount: 7 } %>
# =>[FILESTACK API KEY]/resize=width:72,height:72,fit:crop/oil_paint=amount:7/
def filestack_image_tag(url, task_options={}, image_tag_options={})
base_path = "{Rails.application.config.filestack_api_key}"
task_path = task_options.collect do |task, options|
"#{task.to_s}=#{options.collect{|k,v| "#{k}:#{v}"}.join(',')}"
image_url = [base_path, task_path, url].join('/')
view_context.image_tag image_url, image_tag_options
helper_method :filestack_image_tag
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