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Created October 8, 2015 21:40
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a 'rendered by racket' logo
#lang racket
(require 2htdp/image)
(provide (except-out (all-defined-out)
crop-text-image ; interface not yet finalized.
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
; scale-to-height : image image -> image
; Return `img` scaled to be as tall as `reference`.
; `img` must have non-zero height.
(define (scale-to-height reference img)
(when (zero? (image-height img))
(error 'scale-to-height "Can't scale up a zero-height image, sorry."))
(scale (/ (image-height reference) (image-height img)) img))
; scale-to-width : image image -> image
; Return `img` scaled to be as wide as `reference`.
; `img` must have non-zero width.
(define (scale-to-width reference img)
(when (zero? (image-height img))
(error 'scale-to-width "Can't scale up a zero-width image, sorry."))
(scale (/ (image-width reference) (image-width img)) img))
; above/fill-justify : (list-of image) -> image
; Place all `imgs` above each other, each fleshed out to the same width
; (the maximum of the original widths).
; Returns the empty-image is `imgs` is empty.
; None of the images can have zero-width (unless they all do).
(define (above/fill-justify . imgs)
(cond [(empty? imgs) empty-image]
[else (define w (apply max (map image-width imgs)))
(if (zero? w)
(if (= 1 (length imgs)) (first imgs) (apply above imgs))
(for/fold {[so-far empty-image]}
{[img imgs]}
(above so-far (scale (if (zero? (image-width img))
(/ w (image-width img)))
; beside/fill-justify : (list-of image) -> image
; Place all `imgs` beside each other, each fleshed out to the same height
; (the maximum of the original heights).
; Actually, the baseline is used instead of height (same in most instances,
; but works better for text).
; Returns the empty-image is `imgs` is empty.
; zero-height images are not scaled, but still included (preserves spacing.)
(define (beside/fill-justify . imgs)
(cond [(empty? imgs) empty-image]
[else (define w (apply max (map image-baseline imgs)))
(if (zero? w)
(if (= 1 (length imgs)) (first imgs) (apply beside imgs))
(for/fold {[so-far empty-image]}
{[img imgs]}
#;(displayln (list ">" so-far "< so far; adding: " img "."))
(beside so-far (scale (if (zero? (image-height img))
(/ w (image-height img)))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (above/fill-justify (circle 20 'solid "red")
(circle 40 'solid "green")
(square 30 'solid "blue"))
(above (circle 40 'solid "red")
(circle 40 'solid "green")
(square (* 2 40) 'solid "blue")))
(check-equal? (beside/fill-justify (circle 20 'solid "red")
(circle 40 'solid "green")
(square 30 'solid "blue"))
(beside (circle 40 'solid "red")
(circle 40 'solid "green")
(square (* 2 40) 'solid "blue")))
(check-equal? (beside/fill-justify) empty-image)
(check-equal? (above/fill-justify ) empty-image)
(check-equal? (beside/fill-justify empty-image) empty-image)
(check-equal? (beside/fill-justify empty-image
(rectangle 10 0 'outline 'black)
(circle 0 'solid 'red)
(beside (rectangle 10 0 'outline 'black) (circle 0 'solid 'red)))
(check-equal? (above/fill-justify empty-image) empty-image)
(check-equal? (above/fill-justify empty-image
(rectangle 0 10 'outline 'black)
(circle 0 'solid 'red)
(above (rectangle 0 10 'outline 'black) (circle 0 'solid 'red)))
(check-equal? (above/fill-justify empty-image
(rectangle 10 0 'outline 'black)
(circle 0 'solid 'red)
(rectangle 10 0 'outline 'black))
(check-equal? (beside/fill-justify empty-image
(rectangle 0 10 'outline 'black)
(circle 0 'solid 'red))
(rectangle 0 10 'outline 'black))
(define c1 (circle 20 'solid 'blue))
(define r2 (rectangle 30 50 'solid 'red))
(check-equal? (beside/fill-justify c1 (hspace 4) r2)
(beside (scale (/ 50 40) c1) (hspace 4) r2))
(check-equal? (beside/fill-justify c1 (hspace 4) (vspace 10) r2)
(beside (scale (/ 50 40) c1) (hspace 4) r2))
(check-equal? (beside/fill-justify c1 (hspace 4) (vspace 100) r2)
(beside (scale (/ 100 40) c1) (hspace 4) (scale (/ 100 50) r2)))
(check-equal? (above/fill-justify c1 (vspace 4) (hspace 10) r2)
(above c1 (vspace 4) (scale (/ 40 30) r2)))
(check-equal? (above/fill-justify c1 (vspace 4) (hspace 100) r2)
(above (scale (/ 100 40) c1) (vspace 4) (scale (/ 100 30) r2)))
; hspace : non-negative number -> image
; An invisible rectangle with width `sz`,
; suitable for horizontal spacing with `beside`.
(define (hspace sz) (rectangle sz 0 'solid 'transparent))
(module+ test
(check-eqv? (image-width (hspace 20)) 20)
(check-eqv? (image-height (hspace 20)) 0)
(check-eqv? (image-width (vspace 20)) 0)
(check-eqv? (image-height (vspace 20)) 20)
(check-equal? (hspace 0) empty-image)
(check-not-equal? (image-height (vspace 20)) empty-image)
; vspace : non-negative number -> image
; An invisible rectangle with height `sz`,
; suitable for vertical spacing with `above`.
(define (vspace sz) (rectangle 0 sz 'solid 'transparent))
; TODO: improve for unicode:
(define RX-DESCENDER #rx"[Q,;_gjpqy]")
(define RX-ASCENDER #rx"[][A-Zbdfhijklt!@#$%^&*()\\|]")
; Fonts that have space above the ascenders (equal to the space below the baseline).
(define FONTS-WITH-SPACE-ABOVE '("Open Sans"))
; crop-text-image : boolean, boolean, image -> image
; Given an image (presumably of text), crop away space below the baseline
; unless `has-descenders?`.
; Also, fonts in FONTS-WITH-SPACE-ABOVE have space above their ascenders (if any),
; so remove even more?
; OR: convert to a bit-map and search each column?!
; This generalizes to all images, and works for all fonts.
; But it means knowing what background-color is croppable;
; however, `text` makes the background transparent, so not a problem there.
(define (crop-text-image has-descenders? txt)
(define h (image-height txt))
(define possible-margin (- h (image-baseline txt)))
(define top-margin possible-margin)
; Even if there are ascenders, some fonts have more space above?!
; (Looking at you, Open Sans.)
(define bottom-margin (if has-descenders? 0 possible-margin))
(crop 0 top-margin (image-width txt) (- h top-margin bottom-margin) txt))
; text/font/cropped: as `text` from 2htdp/image, except
; that the result tries to crop away any unused descender/ascender space.
(define (text/cropped string font-size color
#:has-descenders? [has-descenders?
(regexp-match? RX-DESCENDER string)])
(define original (text string font-size color))
(crop-text-image has-descenders? original))
; text/font/cropped: as `text/font` from 2htdp/image, except
; that the result tries to crop away any unused descender/ascender space.
(define (text/font/cropped string font-size color face family style weight underline?
#:has-descenders? [has-descenders? (regexp-match? RX-DESCENDER string)])
(define original (text/font string font-size color face family style weight underline?))
(crop-text-image has-descenders? original))
(define (frame/pad img pad)
(frame (above (vspace pad)
(beside (hspace pad) img (hspace pad))
(vspace pad))))
#lang racket
(require 2htdp/image)
(require "ibarland-image.rkt")
(define logo (bitmap icons/plt-48x48.png))
(define line1 (text/font/cropped "rendered by" 8 "black" "Open Sans" 'swiss 'italic 'light #f))
(define line2 (text/font/cropped "Racket" 14 "black" "Open Sans" 'swiss 'normal 'normal #f))
; make-logo : nonnegative-number -> image
; Make a logo, where `top-line-factor` adjusts how long `line1` is, relative to `line2`.
(define (make-logo top-line-factor)
; We could use above/fill-justify to stack these two lines, but it leaves more
; spaces than visually desired. So, manually adjust the width, then overlay:
(define line1-flush (scale top-line-factor line1)
; Making the first two lines flush looks bad, too:
#; (scale-to-width line2 line1) )
; NOTE: We can't scale text in *just* the x- or y- direction alone (using 2htdp/image).
(define catchphrase
(overlay/xy line1-flush 0 7 line2))
; The y-value (7) determined by experiment.
; This 'vertically kerns' the "y" of 'rendered by' above the 't' of 'Racket'.
(define certificate (frame/pad (beside/fill-justify logo (hspace 4) catchphrase) 3))
;(displayln certificate)
;(displayln (scale 0.7 certificate))
;(displayln (scale 3 certificate))
(make-logo 0.83)
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