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Last active June 2, 2016 14:02
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OriginR demo
#This is a quick demo performed for Sevilla R users group
#Elena asked about IUCN data. You can retrive this data using taxize:
#Elena also suggested vectorbase can be scrapped. Maybe for the next hackaton?
#package OriginR
#define species (don't worry about typos)
sp <- c("Apis mellifera", "carpobrotus edulis", "Lavandula stoechas",
"Anchusa arvensis", "Alkana lutea", "Rhododendron ponticum",
"Anopheles gambiae", "Lantana camara", "aedes aegipty")
#we load a wrapper for taxize functions that check for synonims, misspellings, etc...
#and clean data
sp2 <- clean_species(sp)
sp <- as.character(sp2$matched_name2)
#Is one of the worst invaders?
gisd(sp, simplify = FALSE)
gisd(sp, simplify = TRUE)
#Invasive lists are incomplete by nature. Ley's flip the question
is_native(sp[1], where = "Continental US", region = "america")
is_native(sp[3], where = "Continental US", region = "america")
lapply(sp[c(-1,-4)], is_native, where = "Continental US", region = "america")
is_native(sp[6], where = "Spain", region = "europe")
is_native(sp[6], where = "Britain", region = "europe")
lapply(sp, is_native, where = "Spain", region = "europe")
#is_native calls flora europaea function for plants
sapply(sp, flora_europaea, simplify = FALSE)
#EXPLORE a webscrapping FUNCTION:
sp = "Anopheles gambiae"
#the workload is done by packages httr and xml2
#---inside the function flora_europaea
#First we get the url and the parameters needed
genus <- strsplit(sp, " ")[[1]][1]
species <- strsplit(sp, " ")[[1]][2]
url <- ""
args <- list(FAMILY_XREF = "", GENUS_XREF = genus, SPECIES_XREF = species,
mssg(verbose, paste("Checking", sp))
url_check <- GET(url, query = args)
#then we fetch the url html code
doc <- xml2::read_html(content(url_check, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"),
encoding = "UTF-8")
tables <- xml2::xml_find_all(doc, "//table")
#here we already retrieved the html code (doc) and tables (tables) and
#we know that the info we want is on the 3rd table
if (length(tables) < 3) {
mssg(verbose, "Species not found")
else {
text <- xml_text(tables[[3]], trim = FALSE)
#here we use regular expresions to extract just the Distribution data
#it's long because you need to separate native, alien,
#doubtful and extinct distributions see ?grep for info on how
#regular expresions work.
if (!grepl("Distribution:", text, perl = TRUE)) {
mssg(verbose, "Species with no distribution. Probably not native.")
else {
m_nat <- regexpr("Distribution: [A-Za-z ()?*%,]*",
text, perl = TRUE)
distr_nat <- regmatches(text, m_nat)
distr_status <- regmatches(distr_nat, gregexpr("[*][A-Z][a-z]",
distr_nat, perl = TRUE))
distr_occ <- regmatches(distr_nat, gregexpr("[?][A-Z][a-z]",
distr_nat, perl = TRUE))
distr_ext <- regmatches(distr_nat, gregexpr("[%][A-Z][a-z]",
distr_nat, perl = TRUE))
distr_nat <- gsub(",", " ", distr_nat)
distr_nat <- gsub("(", " ", distr_nat, fixed = TRUE)
distr_nat <- gsub(")", "", distr_nat, fixed = TRUE)
distr_nat <- gsub("Distribution: ", "", distr_nat)
nat = exo = stat = oc = ex = NA
if (distr_nat != "") {
native <- strsplit(distr_nat, " ")[[1]]
delete <- which(!native %in% country$short)
if (length(delete) > 0)
native <- native[-delete]
nat <- sapply(native, function(x) {
country[which(x == country$short), "long"]
#This just converts short country names to long ones based on a tesaurus
#The tesaurus is not included in this gist, see the package for it.
if (length(distr_status[[1]]) > 0) {
status <- gsub("*", "", distr_status[[1]], fixed = TRUE)
stat <- sapply(status, function(x) {
country[which(x == country$short), "long"]
if (length(distr_occ[[1]]) > 0) {
occ <- gsub("?", "", distr_occ[[1]], fixed = TRUE)
oc <- sapply(occ, function(x) {
country[which(x == country$short), "long"]
if (length(distr_ext[[1]]) > 0) {
ext <- gsub("%", "", distr_ext[[1]], fixed = TRUE)
ex <- sapply(ext, function(x) {
country[which(x == country$short), "long"]
m_ex <- regexpr("[[][A-Za-z ()?*%,]*", text, perl = TRUE)
distr_exot <- regmatches(text, m_ex)
if (length(distr_exot) > 0) {
exotic <- strsplit(gsub("[", "", distr_exot,
fixed = TRUE), " ")[[1]]
exo <- sapply(exotic, function(x) {
country[which(x == country$short), "long"]
#return all values.
list(native = as.character(nat), exotic = as.character(exo),
status_doubtful = as.character(stat), occurrence_doubtful = as.character(oc),
extinct = as.character(ex))
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