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Created April 28, 2017 04:37
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chevrotain typings
/*! chevrotain - v0.28.1 */
export as namespace chevrotain;
declare class HashTable<V>{}
* The type of custom pattern matcher functions.
* Matches should only be done on the start of the text.
* Note that this is similar to the signature of RegExp.prototype.exec
* This should behave as if the regExp match is using a start of input anchor.
* So: for example if a custom matcher is implemented for Tokens matching: /\w+/
* The implementation of the custom matcher must implement a custom matcher for /^\w+/.
* The Optional tokens and groups arguments enable accessing information about
* previously identified tokens if necessary.
* This can be used for example to lex python like indentation.
* see:
* for a fuller example
export declare type CustomPatternMatcherFunc = (test: string, offset?: number, tokens?: IToken[], groups?: {
[groupName: string]: IToken;
}) => RegExpExecArray;
* Interface for custom user provided token pattern matchers.
export interface ICustomPattern {
* The custom pattern implementation.
* @see CustomPatternMatcherFunc
exec: CustomPatternMatcherFunc;
* Flag indicating if this custom pattern may contain line terminators.
* This is required to avoid errors in the line/column numbering.
* @default false - if this property was not explicitly defined.
containsLineTerminator?: boolean;
* This can be used to improve the quality/readability of error messages or syntax diagrams.
* @param {Function} clazz - A constructor for a Token subclass
* @returns {string} - The Human readable label for a Token if it exists.
export declare function tokenLabel(clazz: Function): string;
export declare function hasTokenLabel(clazz: Function): boolean;
export declare function tokenName(clazz: Function): string;
export interface ITokenConfig {
name: string;
parent?: TokenConstructor;
label?: string;
pattern?: RegExp | CustomPatternMatcherFunc | ICustomPattern | string;
group?: string | any;
push_mode?: string;
pop_mode?: boolean;
longer_alt?: TokenConstructor;
* @param {ITokenConfig} config - The configuration for
* @returns {TokenConstructor} - A constructor for the new Token subclass
export declare function createToken(config: ITokenConfig): TokenConstructor;
* @deprecated - Use the new CreateToken API
* utility to help the poor souls who are still stuck writing pure javascript 5.1
* extend and create Token subclasses in a less verbose manner
* @param {string} tokenName - The name of the new TokenClass
* @param {RegExp|CustomPatternMatcherFunc|Function} patternOrParent - RegExp Pattern or Parent Token Constructor
* @param {Function} parentConstructor - The Token class to be extended
* @returns {Function} - A constructor for the new extended Token subclass
export declare function extendToken(tokenName: string, patternOrParent?: any, parentConstructor?: Function): TokenConstructor;
* *
* Things to note:
* - "do" {
* startColumn : 1, endColumn: 2,
* startOffset: x, endOffset: x +1} --> the range is inclusive to exclusive 1...2 (2 chars long).
* - "\n" {startLine : 1, endLine: 1} --> a lineTerminator as the last character does not effect the Token's line numbering.
* - "'hello\tworld\uBBBB'" {image: "'hello\tworld\uBBBB'"} --> a Token's image is the "literal" text
* (unicode escaping is untouched).
export interface IToken {
/** The textual representation of the Token as it appeared in the text. */
image: string;
/** Offset of the first character of the Token. */
startOffset: number;
/** Line of the first character of the Token. */
startLine?: number;
/** Column of the first character of the Token. */
startColumn?: number;
/** Offset of the last character of the Token. */
endOffset?: number;
/** Line of the last character of the Token. */
endLine?: number;
/** Column of the last character of the Token. */
endColumn?: number;
/** this marks if a Token does not really exist and has been inserted "artificially" during parsing in rule error recovery. */
isInsertedInRecovery?: boolean;
/** An number index representing the type of the Token use <getTokenConstructor> to get the Token Type from a token "instance" */
tokenType?: number;
/** A human readable name of the Token Class, This property will only be avilaible if the Lexer has run in <debugMode>
* @see {ILexerConfig} debug flag.
* This property should not be used in productive flows as it will not always exist!
* */
tokenClassName?: number;
export declare class Token implements IToken {
* A "human readable" Label for a Token.
* Subclasses of Token may define their own static LABEL property.
* This label will be used in error messages and drawing syntax diagrams.
* For example a Token constructor may be called LCurly, which is short for LeftCurlyBrackets, These names are either too short
* or too unwieldy to be used in error messages.
* Imagine : "expecting LCurly but found ')'" or "expecting LeftCurlyBrackets but found ')'"
* However if a static property LABEL with the value '{' exists on LCurly class, that error message will be:
* "expecting '{' but found ')'"
static LABEL: string;
isInsertedInRecovery?: boolean;
image: string;
startOffset: number;
startLine?: number;
startColumn?: number;
endLine?: number;
endColumn?: number;
endOffset?: number;
* This class is never meant to be initialized.
* The class hierarchy is used to organize Token metadata, not to create instances of Tokens.
* Tokens are simple JavaScript objects which are NOT created using the <new> operator.
* To get the class of a Token "instance" use <getTokenConstructor>.
export declare class EOF extends Token {
* Utility to create Chevrotain Token "instances"
* Note that Chevrotain tokens are not real instances, and thus the instanceOf cannot be used.
* @param tokClass
* @param image
* @param startOffset
* @param endOffset
* @param startLine
* @param endLine
* @param startColumn
* @param endColumn
* @returns {{image: string,
* startOffset: number,
* endOffset: number,
* startLine: number,
* endLine: number,
* startColumn: number,
* endColumn: number,
* tokenType}}
export declare function createTokenInstance(tokClass: TokenConstructor, image: string, startOffset: number, endOffset: number, startLine: number, endLine: number, startColumn: number, endColumn: number): IToken;
* Given a Token instance, will return the Token Constructor.
* Note that this function is not just for convenience, Because a Token "instance'
* Does not use standard prototype inheritance and thus it's constructor cannot be accessed
* by traversing the prototype chain.
* @param tokenInstance {IToken}
* @returns {TokenConstructor}
export declare function getTokenConstructor(tokenInstance: IToken): TokenConstructor;
* A Utility method to check if a token is of the type of the argument Token class.
* Not that while this utility has similar semantics to ECMAScript "instanceOf"
* As Chevrotain tokens support inheritance.
* It is not actually implemented using the "instanceOf" operator because
* Chevrotain Tokens have their own performance optimized inheritance mechanism.
* @param tokInstance {IToken}
* @param tokClass {TokenConstructor}
* @returns {boolean}
export declare function tokenMatcher(tokInstance: IToken, tokClass: TokenConstructor): boolean;
export interface TokenConstructor extends Function {
GROUP?: string;
PATTERN?: RegExp | string;
LABEL?: string;
LONGER_ALT?: TokenConstructor;
POP_MODE?: boolean;
PUSH_MODE?: string;
tokenName?: string;
tokenType?: number;
extendingTokenTypes?: number[];
new (...args: any[]): IToken;
export interface ILexingResult {
tokens: IToken[];
groups: {
[groupName: string]: IToken[];
errors: ILexingError[];
export declare enum LexerDefinitionErrorType {
export interface ILexerDefinitionError {
message: string;
type: LexerDefinitionErrorType;
tokenClasses?: Function[];
export interface ILexingError {
offset: number;
line: number;
column: number;
length: number;
message: string;
export declare type SingleModeLexerDefinition = TokenConstructor[];
export declare type MultiModesDefinition = {
[modeName: string]: TokenConstructor[];
export interface IMultiModeLexerDefinition {
modes: MultiModesDefinition;
defaultMode: string;
export interface IRegExpExec {
exec: CustomPatternMatcherFunc;
export interface ILexerConfig {
* An optional flag indicating that lexer definition errors
* should not automatically cause an error to be raised.
* This can be useful when wishing to indicate lexer errors in another manner
* than simply throwing an error (for example in an online playground).
deferDefinitionErrorsHandling?: boolean;
* "full" location information means all six combinations of /(end|start)(Line|Column|Offset)/ properties.
* "onlyStart" means that only startLine, startColumn and startOffset will be tracked
* "onlyOffset" means that only the startOffset will be tracked.
* The less position tracking the faster the Lexer will be and the less memory used.
* However the difference is not large (~10% On V8), thus reduced location tracking options should only be used
* in edge cases where every last ounce of performance is needed.
positionTracking?: "full" | "onlyStart" | "onlyOffset";
* Run the Lexer in debug mode.
* Features:
* - The output tokens will contain their tokenConstructor name in a human readable manner.
* This information is always available by using the <getTokenConstructor> function on the official API.
* However, this is less convenient then a direct property when inspecting values in a debugger.
* DO NOT ENABLE THIS IN PRODUCTION has a large performance penalty.
debug?: boolean;
export declare class Lexer {
protected lexerDefinition: SingleModeLexerDefinition | IMultiModeLexerDefinition;
static SKIPPED: string;
static NA: RegExp;
lexerDefinitionErrors: ILexerDefinitionError[];
protected patternIdxToConfig: any;
protected modes: string[];
protected defaultMode: string;
protected emptyGroups: {
[groupName: string]: IToken;
* @param {SingleModeLexerDefinition | IMultiModeLexerDefinition} lexerDefinition -
* Structure composed of constructor functions for the Tokens types this lexer will support.
* In the case of {SingleModeLexerDefinition} the structure is simply an array of Token constructors.
* In the case of {IMultiModeLexerDefinition} the structure is an object with two properties:
* 1. a "modes" property where each value is an array of Token.
* 2. a "defaultMode" property specifying the initial lexer mode.
* constructors.
* for example:
* {
* "modes" : {
* "modeX" : [Token1, Token2]
* "modeY" : [Token3, Token4]
* }
* "defaultMode" : "modeY"
* }
* A lexer with {MultiModesDefinition} is simply multiple Lexers where only one (mode) can be active at the same time.
* This is useful for lexing languages where there are different lexing rules depending on context.
* The current lexing mode is selected via a "mode stack".
* The last (peek) value in the stack will be the current mode of the lexer.
* Each Token class can define that it will cause the Lexer to (after consuming an instance of the Token):
* 1. PUSH_MODE : push a new mode to the "mode stack"
* 2. POP_MODE : pop the last mode from the "mode stack"
* Examples:
* export class Attribute extends Token {
* static PATTERN = ...
* static PUSH_MODE = "modeY"
* }
* export class EndAttribute extends Token {
* static PATTERN = ...
* static POP_MODE = true
* }
* The Token constructors must be in one of these forms:
* 1. With a PATTERN property that has a RegExp value for tokens to match:
* example: -->class Integer extends Token { static PATTERN = /[1-9]\d }<--
* 2. With a PATTERN property that has the value of the var Lexer.NA defined above.
* This is a convenience form used to avoid matching Token classes that only act as categories.
* example: -->class Keyword extends Token { static PATTERN = NA }<--
* The following RegExp patterns are not supported:
* a. '$' for match at end of input
* b. /b global flag
* c. /m multi-line flag
* The Lexer will identify the first pattern that matches, Therefor the order of Token Constructors may be significant.
* For example when one pattern may match a prefix of another pattern.
* Note that there are situations in which we may wish to order the longer pattern after the shorter one.
* For example: keywords vs Identifiers.
* 'do'(/do/) and 'donald'(/w+)
* * If the Identifier pattern appears before the 'do' pattern, both 'do' and 'donald'
* will be lexed as an Identifier.
* * If the 'do' pattern appears before the Identifier pattern 'do' will be lexed correctly as a keyword.
* however 'donald' will be lexed as TWO separate tokens: keyword 'do' and identifier 'nald'.
* To resolve this problem, add a static property on the keyword's constructor named: LONGER_ALT
* example:
* export class Identifier extends Keyword { static PATTERN = /[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]/ }
* export class Keyword extends Token {
* static PATTERN = lex.NA
* static LONGER_ALT = Identifier
* }
* export class Do extends Keyword { static PATTERN = /do/ }
* export class While extends Keyword { static PATTERN = /while/ }
* export class Return extends Keyword { static PATTERN = /return/ }
* The lexer will then also attempt to match a (longer) Identifier each time a keyword is matched.
* @param {ILexerConfig} [config=DEFAULT_LEXER_CONFIG] -
* The Lexer's configuration @see {ILexerConfig} for details.
constructor(lexerDefinition: SingleModeLexerDefinition | IMultiModeLexerDefinition, config?: ILexerConfig);
* Will lex(Tokenize) a string.
* Note that this can be called repeatedly on different strings as this method
* does not modify the state of the Lexer.
* @param {string} text - The string to lex
* @param {string} [initialMode] - The initial Lexer Mode to start with, by default this will be the first mode in the lexer's
* definition. If the lexer has no explicit modes it will be the implicit single 'default_mode' mode.
* @returns {ILexingResult}
tokenize(text: string, initialMode?: string): ILexingResult;
export declare enum ParserDefinitionErrorType {
export declare type IgnoredRuleIssues = {
[dslNameAndOccurrence: string]: boolean;
export declare type IgnoredParserIssues = {
[ruleName: string]: IgnoredRuleIssues;
export declare type TokenMatcher = (token: IToken, tokClass: TokenConstructor) => boolean;
export declare type TokenInstanceIdentityFunc = (tok: IToken) => string;
export declare type TokenClassIdentityFunc = (tok: TokenConstructor) => string;
export interface IParserConfig {
* Is the error recovery / fault tolerance of the Chevrotain Parser enabled.
recoveryEnabled?: boolean;
* Maximum number of tokens the parser will use to choose between alternatives.
maxLookahead?: number;
* Used to mark parser definition errors that should be ignored.
* For example:
* {
* myCustomRule : {
* OR3 : true
* },
* myOtherRule : {
* OPTION1 : true,
* OR4 : true
* }
* }
* Be careful when ignoring errors, they are usually there for a reason :).
ignoredIssues?: IgnoredParserIssues;
* Enable This Flag to to support Dynamically defined Tokens via inheritance.
* This will disable performance optimizations which cannot work if the whole Token vocabulary is not known
* During Parser initialization.
dynamicTokensEnabled?: boolean;
* Enable automatic Concrete Syntax Tree creation
* For in-depth docs:
* {@link}
outputCst?: boolean;
export interface IRuleConfig<T> {
* The function which will be invoked to produce the returned value for a production that have not been
* successfully executed and the parser recovered from.
recoveryValueFunc?: () => T;
* Enable/Disable re-sync error recovery for this specific production.
resyncEnabled?: boolean;
export interface IParserDefinitionError {
message: string;
type: ParserDefinitionErrorType;
ruleName?: string;
export interface IParserDuplicatesDefinitionError extends IParserDefinitionError {
dslName: string;
occurrence: number;
parameter?: string;
export interface IParserEmptyAlternativeDefinitionError extends IParserDefinitionError {
occurrence: number;
alternative: number;
export interface IParserAmbiguousAlternativesDefinitionError extends IParserDefinitionError {
occurrence: number;
alternatives: number[];
export interface IParserUnresolvedRefDefinitionError extends IParserDefinitionError {
unresolvedRefName: string;
export interface IFollowKey {
ruleName: string;
idxInCallingRule: number;
inRule: string;
* OR([
* {ALT:XXX },
* {ALT:YYY },
* {ALT:ZZZ }
* ])
export interface IOrAlt<T> {
ALT: () => T;
* OR([
* { GATE:condition1, ALT:XXX },
* { GATE:condition2, ALT:YYY },
* { GATE:condition3, ALT:ZZZ }
* ])
export interface IOrAltWithGate<T> extends IOrAlt<T> {
NAME?: string;
GATE: () => boolean;
ALT: () => T;
export declare type IAnyOrAlt<T> = IOrAlt<T> | IOrAltWithGate<T>;
export interface IParserState {
errors: exceptions.IRecognitionException[];
lexerState: any;
RULE_STACK: string[];
CST_STACK: CstNode[];
export interface DSLMethodOpts<T> {
* in-lined method name
NAME?: string;
* The Grammar to process in this method.
DEF: GrammarAction<T>;
* A semantic constraint on this DSL method
* @see
* For farther details.
GATE?: Predicate;
export interface DSLMethodOptsWithErr<T> extends DSLMethodOpts<T> {
* Short title/classification to what is being matched.
* Will be used in the error message,.
* If none is provided, the error message will include the names of the expected
* Tokens sequences which start the method's inner grammar
ERR_MSG?: string;
export interface OrMethodOpts<T> {
NAME?: string;
* The set of alternatives,
* See detailed description in @link {Parser.OR1}
DEF: IAnyOrAlt<T>[];
* A description for the alternatives used in error messages
* If none is provided, the error message will include the names of the expected
* Tokens sequences which may start each alternative.
ERR_MSG?: string;
export interface ManySepMethodOpts<T> {
NAME?: string;
* The Grammar to process in each iteration.
DEF: GrammarAction<T>;
* The separator between each iteration.
SEP: TokenConstructor;
export interface AtLeastOneSepMethodOpts<T> extends ManySepMethodOpts<T> {
* Short title/classification to what is being matched.
* Will be used in the error message,.
* If none is provided, the error message will include the names of the expected
* Tokens sequences which start the method's inner grammar
ERR_MSG?: string;
export declare type Predicate = () => boolean;
export declare type GrammarAction<OUT> = () => OUT;
export declare type ISeparatedIterationResult<OUT> = {
values: OUT[];
separators: IToken[];
* Convenience used to express an empty alternative in an OR (alternation).
* can be used to more clearly describe the intent in a case of empty alternation.
* For example:
* 1. without using EMPTY_ALT:
* this.OR([
* {ALT: () => {
* this.CONSUME1(OneTok)
* return "1"
* }},
* {ALT: () => {
* this.CONSUME1(TwoTok)
* return "2"
* }},
* {ALT: () => { // implicitly empty because there are no invoked grammar rules (OR/MANY/CONSUME...) inside this alternative.
* return "666"
* }},
* ])
* 2. using EMPTY_ALT:
* this.OR([
* {ALT: () => {
* this.CONSUME1(OneTok)
* return "1"
* }},
* {ALT: () => {
* this.CONSUME1(TwoTok)
* return "2"
* }},
* {ALT: EMPTY_ALT("666")}, // explicitly empty, clearer intent
* ])
export declare function EMPTY_ALT<T>(value?: T): () => T;
* A Recognizer capable of self analysis to determine it's grammar structure
* This is used for more advanced features requiring such information.
* For example: Error Recovery, Automatic lookahead calculation.
export declare class Parser {
static NO_RESYNC: boolean;
protected static performSelfAnalysis(parserInstance: Parser): void;
protected _errors: exceptions.IRecognitionException[];
* This flag enables or disables error recovery (fault tolerance) of the parser.
* If this flag is disabled the parser will halt on the first error.
protected recoveryEnabled: boolean;
protected dynamicTokensEnabled: boolean;
protected maxLookahead: number;
protected ignoredIssues: IgnoredParserIssues;
protected outputCst: boolean;
protected _input: IToken[];
protected inputIdx: number;
protected savedTokenIdx: number;
protected isBackTrackingStack: any[];
protected className: string;
protected RULE_STACK: string[];
protected RULE_OCCURRENCE_STACK: number[];
protected CST_STACK: CstNode[];
protected tokensMap: {
[fqn: string]: TokenConstructor;
* Only used internally for storing productions as they are built for the first time.
* The final productions should be accessed from the static cache.
constructor(input: IToken[], tokensDictionary: {
[fqn: string]: TokenConstructor;
} | TokenConstructor[] | IMultiModeLexerDefinition, config?: IParserConfig);
errors: exceptions.IRecognitionException[];
input: IToken[];
* Resets the parser state, should be overridden for custom parsers which "carry" additional state.
* When overriding, remember to also invoke the super implementation!
reset(): void;
isAtEndOfInput(): boolean;
getBaseCstVisitorConstructor(): {
new (...args: any[]): ICstVisitor<any, any>;
getBaseCstVisitorConstructorWithDefaults(): {
new (...args: any[]): ICstVisitor<any, any>;
getGAstProductions(): HashTable<gast.Rule>;
getSerializedGastProductions(): gast.ISerializedGast[];
* @param startRuleName {string}
* @param precedingInput {IToken[]} - The token vector up to (not including) the content assist point
* @returns {ISyntacticContentAssistPath[]}
computeContentAssist(startRuleName: string, precedingInput: IToken[]): ISyntacticContentAssistPath[];
protected isBackTracking(): boolean;
protected getCurrRuleFullName(): string;
protected shortRuleNameToFullName(shortName: string): string;
protected getHumanReadableRuleStack(): string[];
protected SAVE_ERROR(error: exceptions.IRecognitionException): exceptions.IRecognitionException;
* @param grammarRule - The rule to try and parse in backtracking mode.
* @param isValid - A predicate that given the result of the parse attempt will "decide" if the parse was successfully or not.
* @return {Function():boolean} a lookahead function that will try to parse the given grammarRule and will return true if succeed.
protected BACKTRACK<T>(grammarRule: (...args:any[]) => T, isValid: (a:T) => boolean): () => boolean;
protected SKIP_TOKEN(): IToken;
* Convenience method equivalent to CONSUME1.
* @see CONSUME1
protected CONSUME(tokClass: TokenConstructor): IToken;
* A Parsing DSL method use to consume a single terminal Token.
* a Token will be consumed, IFF the next token in the token vector is an instanceof tokClass.
* otherwise the parser will attempt to perform error recovery.
* The index in the method name indicates the unique occurrence of a terminal consumption
* inside a the top level rule. What this means is that if a terminal appears
* more than once in a single rule, each appearance must have a difference index.
* for example:
* function parseQualifiedName() {
* this.CONSUME1(Identifier);
* this.MANY(()=> {
* this.CONSUME1(Dot);
* this.CONSUME2(Identifier); // <-- here we use CONSUME2 because the terminal
* }); // 'Identifier' has already appeared previously in the
* // the rule 'parseQualifiedName'
* }
* @param {Function} tokClass - A constructor function specifying the type of token to be consumed.
* @returns {Token} - The consumed token.
protected CONSUME1(tokClass: TokenConstructor): IToken;
* @see CONSUME1
protected CONSUME2(tokClass: TokenConstructor): IToken;
* @see CONSUME1
protected CONSUME3(tokClass: TokenConstructor): IToken;
* @see CONSUME1
protected CONSUME4(tokClass: TokenConstructor): IToken;
* @see CONSUME1
protected CONSUME5(tokClass: TokenConstructor): IToken;
* Convenience method equivalent to SUBRULE1
* @see SUBRULE1
protected SUBRULE<T>(ruleToCall: (a:number) => T, args?: any[]): T;
* The Parsing DSL Method is used by one rule to call another.
* This may seem redundant as it does not actually do much.
* However using it is mandatory for all sub rule invocations.
* calling another rule without wrapping in SUBRULE(...)
* will cause errors/mistakes in the Recognizer's self analysis,
* which will lead to errors in error recovery/automatic lookahead calculation
* and any other functionality relying on the Recognizer's self analysis
* output.
* As in CONSUME the index in the method name indicates the occurrence
* of the sub rule invocation in its rule.
* @param {Function} ruleToCall - The rule to invoke.
* @param {*[]} args - The arguments to pass to the invoked subrule.
* @returns {*} - The result of invoking ruleToCall.
protected SUBRULE1<T>(ruleToCall: (a:number) => T, args?: any[]): T;
* @see SUBRULE1
protected SUBRULE2<T>(ruleToCall: (a:number) => T, args?: any[]): T;
* @see SUBRULE1
protected SUBRULE3<T>(ruleToCall: (a:number) => T, args?: any[]): T;
* @see SUBRULE1
protected SUBRULE4<T>(ruleToCall: (a:number) => T, args?: any[]): T;
* @see SUBRULE1
protected SUBRULE5<T>(ruleToCall: (a:number) => T, args?: any[]): T;
* Convenience method equivalent to OPTION1.
* @see OPTION1
protected OPTION<OUT>(actionORMethodDef: GrammarAction<OUT> | DSLMethodOpts<OUT>): OUT;
* Parsing DSL Method that Indicates an Optional production
* in EBNF notation: [...].
* Note that there are two syntax forms:
* - Passing the grammar action directly:
* this.OPTION(()=> {
* this.CONSUME(Digit)}
* );
* - using an "options" object:
* this.OPTION({
* GATE:predicateFunc,
* DEF: ()=>{
* this.CONSUME(Digit)
* }});
* The optional 'GATE' property in "options" object form can be used to add constraints
* to invoking the grammar action.
* As in CONSUME the index in the method name indicates the occurrence
* of the optional production in it's top rule.
* @param actionORMethodDef - The grammar action to optionally invoke once
* or an "OPTIONS" object describing the grammar action and optional properties.
* @returns {OUT}
protected OPTION1<OUT>(actionORMethodDef: GrammarAction<OUT> | DSLMethodOpts<OUT>): OUT;
* @see OPTION1
protected OPTION2<OUT>(actionORMethodDef: GrammarAction<OUT> | DSLMethodOpts<OUT>): OUT;
* @see OPTION1
protected OPTION3<OUT>(actionORMethodDef: GrammarAction<OUT> | DSLMethodOpts<OUT>): OUT;
* @see OPTION1
protected OPTION4<OUT>(actionORMethodDef: GrammarAction<OUT> | DSLMethodOpts<OUT>): OUT;
* @see OPTION1
protected OPTION5<OUT>(actionORMethodDef: GrammarAction<OUT> | DSLMethodOpts<OUT>): OUT;
* Convenience method equivalent to OR1.
* @see OR1
protected OR<T>(altsOrOpts: IAnyOrAlt<T>[] | OrMethodOpts<T>): T;
* Parsing DSL method that indicates a choice between a set of alternatives must be made.
* This is equivalent to EBNF alternation (A | B | C | D ...)
* There are a couple of syntax forms for the inner alternatives array.
* Passing alternatives array directly:
* this.OR([
* {ALT:()=>{this.CONSUME(One)}},
* {ALT:()=>{this.CONSUME(Two)}},
* {ALT:()=>{this.CONSUME(Three)}}
* ])
* Passing alternative array directly with predicates (GATE).
* this.OR([
* {GATE: predicateFunc1, ALT:()=>{this.CONSUME(One)}},
* {GATE: predicateFuncX, ALT:()=>{this.CONSUME(Two)}},
* {GATE: predicateFuncX, ALT:()=>{this.CONSUME(Three)}}
* ])
* These syntax forms can also be mixed:
* this.OR([
* {GATE: predicateFunc1, ALT:()=>{this.CONSUME(One)}},
* {ALT:()=>{this.CONSUME(Two)}},
* {ALT:()=>{this.CONSUME(Three)}}
* ])
* Additionally an "options" object may be used:
* this.OR({
* DEF:[
* {ALT:()=>{this.CONSUME(One)}},
* {ALT:()=>{this.CONSUME(Two)}},
* {ALT:()=>{this.CONSUME(Three)}}
* ],
* // OPTIONAL property
* ERR_MSG: "A Number"
* })
* The 'predicateFuncX' in the long form can be used to add constraints to choosing the alternative.
* As in CONSUME the index in the method name indicates the occurrence
* of the alternation production in it's top rule.
* @param altsOrOpts - A set of alternatives or an "OPTIONS" object describing the alternatives and optional properties.
* @returns {*} - The result of invoking the chosen alternative.
protected OR1<T>(altsOrOpts: IAnyOrAlt<T>[] | OrMethodOpts<T>): T;
* @see OR1
protected OR2<T>(altsOrOpts: IAnyOrAlt<T>[] | OrMethodOpts<T>): T;
* @see OR1
protected OR3<T>(altsOrOpts: IAnyOrAlt<T>[] | OrMethodOpts<T>): T;
* @see OR1
protected OR4<T>(altsOrOpts: IAnyOrAlt<T>[] | OrMethodOpts<T>): T;
* @see OR1
protected OR5<T>(altsOrOpts: IAnyOrAlt<T>[] | OrMethodOpts<T>): T;
* Convenience method equivalent to MANY1.
* @see MANY1
protected MANY<OUT>(actionORMethodDef: GrammarAction<OUT> | DSLMethodOpts<OUT>): OUT[];
* Parsing DSL method, that indicates a repetition of zero or more.
* This is equivalent to EBNF repetition {...}.
* Note that there are two syntax forms:
* - Passing the grammar action directly:
* this.MANY(()=>{
* this.CONSUME(Comma)
* this.CONSUME(Digit)
* })
* - using an "options" object:
* this.MANY({
* GATE: predicateFunc,
* DEF: () => {
* this.CONSUME(Comma)
* this.CONSUME(Digit)
* }
* });
* The optional 'GATE' property in "options" object form can be used to add constraints
* to invoking the grammar action.
* As in CONSUME the index in the method name indicates the occurrence
* of the repetition production in it's top rule.
* @param {Function} actionORMethodDef - The grammar action to optionally invoke multiple times
* or an "OPTIONS" object describing the grammar action and optional properties.
* @returns {OUT[]}
protected MANY1<OUT>(actionORMethodDef: GrammarAction<OUT> | DSLMethodOpts<OUT>): OUT[];
* @see MANY1
protected MANY2<OUT>(actionORMethodDef: GrammarAction<OUT> | DSLMethodOpts<OUT>): OUT[];
* @see MANY1
protected MANY3<OUT>(actionORMethodDef: GrammarAction<OUT> | DSLMethodOpts<OUT>): OUT[];
* @see MANY1
protected MANY4<OUT>(actionORMethodDef: GrammarAction<OUT> | DSLMethodOpts<OUT>): OUT[];
* @see MANY1
protected MANY5<OUT>(actionORMethodDef: GrammarAction<OUT> | DSLMethodOpts<OUT>): OUT[];
* Convenience method equivalent to MANY_SEP1.
* @see MANY_SEP1
protected MANY_SEP<OUT>(options: ManySepMethodOpts<OUT>): ISeparatedIterationResult<OUT>;
* Parsing DSL method, that indicates a repetition of zero or more with a separator
* Token between the repetitions.
* Example:
* this.MANY_SEP({
* SEP:Comma,
* DEF: () => {
* this.CONSUME(Number};
* ...
* );
* })
* Note that because this DSL method always requires more than one argument the options object is always required
* and it is not possible to use a shorter form like in the MANY DSL method.
* Note that for the purposes of deciding on whether or not another iteration exists
* Only a single Token is examined (The separator). Therefore if the grammar being implemented is
* so "crazy" to require multiple tokens to identify an item separator please use the more basic DSL methods
* to implement it.
* As in CONSUME the index in the method name indicates the occurrence
* of the repetition production in it's top rule.
* Note that due to current limitations in the implementation the "SEP" property must appear BEFORE the "DEF" property.
* @param options - An object defining the grammar of each iteration and the separator between iterations
* @return {ISeparatedIterationResult<OUT>}
protected MANY_SEP1<OUT>(options: ManySepMethodOpts<OUT>): ISeparatedIterationResult<OUT>;
* @see MANY_SEP1
protected MANY_SEP2<OUT>(options: ManySepMethodOpts<OUT>): ISeparatedIterationResult<OUT>;
* @see MANY_SEP1
protected MANY_SEP3<OUT>(options: ManySepMethodOpts<OUT>): ISeparatedIterationResult<OUT>;
* @see MANY_SEP1
protected MANY_SEP4<OUT>(options: ManySepMethodOpts<OUT>): ISeparatedIterationResult<OUT>;
* @see MANY_SEP1
protected MANY_SEP5<OUT>(options: ManySepMethodOpts<OUT>): ISeparatedIterationResult<OUT>;
* Convenience method equivalent to AT_LEAST_ONE1.
* @see AT_LEAST_ONE1
protected AT_LEAST_ONE<OUT>(actionORMethodDef: GrammarAction<OUT> | DSLMethodOptsWithErr<OUT>): OUT[];
* Convenience method, same as MANY but the repetition is of one or more.
* failing to match at least one repetition will result in a parsing error and
* cause a parsing error.
* @see MANY1
* @param actionORMethodDef - The grammar action to optionally invoke multiple times
* or an "OPTIONS" object describing the grammar action and optional properties.
* @return {OUT[]}
protected AT_LEAST_ONE1<OUT>(actionORMethodDef: GrammarAction<OUT> | DSLMethodOptsWithErr<OUT>): OUT[];
* @see AT_LEAST_ONE1
protected AT_LEAST_ONE2<OUT>(actionORMethodDef: GrammarAction<OUT> | DSLMethodOptsWithErr<OUT>): OUT[];
* @see AT_LEAST_ONE1
protected AT_LEAST_ONE3<OUT>(actionORMethodDef: GrammarAction<OUT> | DSLMethodOptsWithErr<OUT>): OUT[];
* @see AT_LEAST_ONE1
protected AT_LEAST_ONE4<OUT>(actionORMethodDef: GrammarAction<OUT> | DSLMethodOptsWithErr<OUT>): OUT[];
* @see AT_LEAST_ONE1
protected AT_LEAST_ONE5<OUT>(actionORMethodDef: GrammarAction<OUT> | DSLMethodOptsWithErr<OUT>): OUT[];
* Convenience method equivalent to AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP1.
* @see AT_LEAST_ONE1
protected AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP<OUT>(options: AtLeastOneSepMethodOpts<OUT>): ISeparatedIterationResult<OUT>;
* Convenience method, same as MANY_SEP but the repetition is of one or more.
* failing to match at least one repetition will result in a parsing error and
* cause the parser to attempt error recovery.
* Note that an additional optional property ERR_MSG can be used to provide custom error messages.
* @see MANY_SEP1
* @param options - An object defining the grammar of each iteration and the separator between iterations
* @return {ISeparatedIterationResult<OUT>}
protected AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP1<OUT>(options: AtLeastOneSepMethodOpts<OUT>): ISeparatedIterationResult<OUT>;
protected AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP2<OUT>(options: AtLeastOneSepMethodOpts<OUT>): ISeparatedIterationResult<OUT>;
protected AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP3<OUT>(options: AtLeastOneSepMethodOpts<OUT>): ISeparatedIterationResult<OUT>;
protected AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP4<OUT>(options: AtLeastOneSepMethodOpts<OUT>): ISeparatedIterationResult<OUT>;
protected AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP5<OUT>(options: AtLeastOneSepMethodOpts<OUT>): ISeparatedIterationResult<OUT>;
* @param {string} name - The name of the rule.
* @param {Function} implementation - The implementation of the rule.
* @param {IRuleConfig} [config] - The rule's optional configuration.
* @returns {Function} - The parsing rule which is the production implementation wrapped with the parsing logic that handles
* Parser state / error recovery&reporting/ ...
protected RULE<T>(name: string, implementation: (...implArgs: any[]) => T, config?: IRuleConfig<T>): (idxInCallingRule?: number, ...args: any[]) => T | any;
* @See RULE
* Same as RULE, but should only be used in "extending" grammars to override rules/productions
* from the super grammar.
protected OVERRIDE_RULE<T>(name: string, impl: (...implArgs: any[]) => T, config?: IRuleConfig<T>): (idxInCallingRule?: number, ...args: any[]) => T;
protected ruleInvocationStateUpdate(shortName: string, fullName: string, idxInCallingRule: number): void;
protected ruleFinallyStateUpdate(): void;
protected nestedRuleInvocationStateUpdate(nestedRuleName: string, shortNameKey: number): void;
protected nestedRuleFinallyStateUpdate(): void;
* Returns an "imaginary" Token to insert when Single Token Insertion is done
* Override this if you require special behavior in your grammar.
* For example if an IntegerToken is required provide one with the image '0' so it would be valid syntactically.
protected getTokenToInsert(tokClass: TokenConstructor): IToken;
* By default all tokens type may be inserted. This behavior may be overridden in inheriting Recognizers
* for example: One may decide that only punctuation tokens may be inserted automatically as they have no additional
* semantic value. (A mandatory semicolon has no additional semantic meaning, but an Integer may have additional meaning
* depending on its int value and context (Inserting an integer 0 in cardinality: "[1..]" will cause semantic issues
* as the max of the cardinality will be greater than the min value (and this is a false error!).
protected canTokenTypeBeInsertedInRecovery(tokClass: TokenConstructor): boolean;
* @param {Token} actualToken - The actual unexpected (mismatched) Token instance encountered.
* @param {Function} expectedTokType - The Class of the expected Token.
* @returns {string} - The error message saved as part of a MismatchedTokenException.
protected getMisMatchTokenErrorMessage(expectedTokType: TokenConstructor, actualToken: IToken): string;
protected getCurrentGrammarPath(tokClass: TokenConstructor, tokIdxInRule: number): ITokenGrammarPath;
protected getNextPossibleTokenTypes(grammarPath: ITokenGrammarPath): TokenConstructor[];
protected subruleInternal<T>(ruleToCall: (a:number) => T, idx: any, args: any[]): any;
* @param tokClass - The Type of Token we wish to consume (Reference to its constructor function).
* @param idx - Occurrence index of consumed token in the invoking parser rule text
* for example:
* the first ident will have idx 1 and the second one idx 2
* * note that for the second ident the idx is always 2 even if its invoked 30 times in the same rule
* the idx is about the position in grammar (source code) and has nothing to do with a specific invocation
* details.
* @returns {Token} - The consumed Token.
protected consumeInternal(tokClass: TokenConstructor, idx: number): IToken;
protected consumeInternalWithTryCatch(tokClass: TokenConstructor, idx: number): IToken;
* Convenience method equivalent to LA(1)
* It is no longer used directly in chevrotain due to
* performance considerations (avoid the need for inlining optimizations).
* But it is maintained for backward compatibility reasons.
* @deprecated
protected NEXT_TOKEN(): IToken;
protected LA(howMuch: number): IToken;
protected consumeToken(): void;
protected saveLexerState(): void;
protected restoreLexerState(): void;
protected resetLexerState(): void;
protected moveLexerStateToEnd(): void;
export declare type CstElement = IToken | CstNode;
export declare type CstChildrenDictionary = {
[identifier: string]: CstElement[];
* A Concrete Syntax Tree Node.
* This structure represents the whole parse tree of the grammar
* This means that information on each and every Token is present.
* This is unlike an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) where some of the syntactic information is missing.
* For example given an ECMAScript grammar, an AST would normally not contain information on the location
* of Commas, Semi colons, redundant parenthesis ect, however a CST would have that information.
export interface CstNode {
readonly name: string;
readonly children: CstChildrenDictionary;
readonly recoveredNode?: boolean;
* Only for "in-lined" rules, the name of the top level rule containing this nested rule
readonly fullName?: string;
export interface ICstVisitor<IN, OUT> {
visit(cstNode: CstNode | CstNode[], param?: IN): OUT;
validateVisitor(): void;
export interface CstVisitorConstructor extends Function {
new <IN, OUT>(...args: any[]): ICstVisitor<IN, OUT>;
export declare namespace exceptions {
interface IRecognizerContext {
* A copy of the parser's rule stack at the "time" the RecognitionException occurred.
* This can be used to help debug parsing errors (How did we get here?).
ruleStack: string[];
* A copy of the parser's rule occurrence stack at the "time" the RecognitionException occurred.
* This can be used to help debug parsing errors (How did we get here?).
ruleOccurrenceStack: number[];
interface IRecognitionException {
name: string;
message: string;
* The token which caused the parser error.
token: Token;
* Additional tokens which have been re-synced in error recovery due to the original error.
* This information can be used the calculate the whole text area which has been skipped due to an error.
* For example for displaying with a red underline in a text editor.
resyncedTokens: Token[];
context: IRecognizerContext;
function isRecognitionException(error: Error): boolean;
function MismatchedTokenException(message: string, token: IToken): void;
function NoViableAltException(message: string, token: IToken): void;
function NotAllInputParsedException(message: string, token: IToken): void;
function EarlyExitException(message: string, token: IToken): void;
* this interfaces defines the path the parser "took" to reach a certain position
* in the grammar.
export interface IGrammarPath {
* The Grammar rules invoked and still unterminated to reach this Grammar Path.
ruleStack: string[];
* The occurrence index (SUBRULE1/2/3/5/...) of each Grammar rule invoked and still unterminated.
* Used to distinguish between two invocations of the same subrule at the same top level rule.
* Example: (QualifiedName: SUBRULE1(Identifier) (DOT SUBRULE2(Identifier))*
occurrenceStack: number[];
export interface ITokenGrammarPath extends IGrammarPath {
lastTok: Function;
lastTokOccurrence: number;
export interface ISyntacticContentAssistPath extends IGrammarPath {
nextTokenType: TokenConstructor;
nextTokenOccurrence: number;
export interface IRuleGrammarPath extends IGrammarPath {
occurrence: number;
export declare namespace gast {
interface INamedProductionConstructor extends Function {
new (definition: IProduction[], occurrenceInParent: number, name?: string): AbstractProduction;
interface INamedSepProductionConstructor extends Function {
new (definition: IProduction[], separator: TokenConstructor, occurrenceInParent: number, name?: string): AbstractProduction;
interface IOptionallyNamedProduction {
name?: string;
interface IProduction {
accept(visitor: GAstVisitor): void;
interface IProductionWithOccurrence extends IProduction {
occurrenceInParent: number;
implicitOccurrenceIndex: boolean;
abstract class AbstractProduction implements IProduction {
definition: IProduction[];
constructor(definition: IProduction[]);
accept(visitor: GAstVisitor): void;
class NonTerminal extends AbstractProduction implements IProductionWithOccurrence {
nonTerminalName: string;
referencedRule: Rule;
occurrenceInParent: number;
implicitOccurrenceIndex: boolean;
constructor(nonTerminalName: string, referencedRule?: Rule, occurrenceInParent?: number, implicitOccurrenceIndex?: boolean);
definition: IProduction[];
accept(visitor: GAstVisitor): void;
class Rule extends AbstractProduction {
name: string;
orgText: string;
constructor(name: string, definition: IProduction[], orgText?: string);
class Flat extends AbstractProduction implements IOptionallyNamedProduction {
name: string;
constructor(definition: IProduction[], name?: string);
class Option extends AbstractProduction implements IProductionWithOccurrence, IOptionallyNamedProduction {
occurrenceInParent: number;
name: string;
implicitOccurrenceIndex: boolean;
constructor(definition: IProduction[], occurrenceInParent?: number, name?: string, implicitOccurrenceIndex?: boolean);
class RepetitionMandatory extends AbstractProduction implements IProductionWithOccurrence, IOptionallyNamedProduction {
occurrenceInParent: number;
name: string;
implicitOccurrenceIndex: boolean;
constructor(definition: IProduction[], occurrenceInParent?: number, name?: string, implicitOccurrenceIndex?: boolean);
class RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator extends AbstractProduction implements IProductionWithOccurrence, IOptionallyNamedProduction {
separator: TokenConstructor;
occurrenceInParent: number;
name: string;
implicitOccurrenceIndex: boolean;
constructor(definition: IProduction[], separator: TokenConstructor, occurrenceInParent?: number, name?: string, implicitOccurrenceIndex?: boolean);
class Repetition extends AbstractProduction implements IProductionWithOccurrence, IOptionallyNamedProduction {
occurrenceInParent: number;
name: string;
implicitOccurrenceIndex: boolean;
constructor(definition: IProduction[], occurrenceInParent?: number, name?: string, implicitOccurrenceIndex?: boolean);
class RepetitionWithSeparator extends AbstractProduction implements IProductionWithOccurrence, IOptionallyNamedProduction {
separator: TokenConstructor;
occurrenceInParent: number;
name: string;
implicitOccurrenceIndex: boolean;
constructor(definition: IProduction[], separator: TokenConstructor, occurrenceInParent?: number, name?: string, implicitOccurrenceIndex?: boolean);
class Alternation extends AbstractProduction implements IProductionWithOccurrence, IOptionallyNamedProduction {
occurrenceInParent: number;
name: string;
implicitOccurrenceIndex: boolean;
constructor(definition: Flat[], occurrenceInParent?: number, name?: string, implicitOccurrenceIndex?: boolean);
class Terminal implements IProductionWithOccurrence {
terminalType: TokenConstructor;
occurrenceInParent: number;
implicitOccurrenceIndex: boolean;
constructor(terminalType: TokenConstructor, occurrenceInParent?: number, implicitOccurrenceIndex?: boolean);
accept(visitor: GAstVisitor): void;
abstract class GAstVisitor {
visit(node: IProduction): any;
visitNonTerminal(node: NonTerminal): any;
visitFlat(node: Flat): any;
visitOption(node: Option): any;
visitRepetition(node: Repetition): any;
visitRepetitionMandatory(node: RepetitionMandatory): any;
visitRepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator(node: RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator): any;
visitRepetitionWithSeparator(node: RepetitionWithSeparator): any;
visitAlternation(node: Alternation): any;
visitTerminal(node: Terminal): any;
visitRule(node: Rule): any;
interface ISerializedGast {
type: "NonTerminal" | "Flat" | "Option" | "RepetitionMandatory" | "RepetitionMandatoryWithSeparator" | "Repetition" | "RepetitionWithSeparator" | "Alternation" | "Terminal" | "Rule";
definition?: ISerializedGast[];
interface ISerializedGastRule extends ISerializedGast {
name: string;
interface ISerializedNonTerminal extends ISerializedGast {
name: string;
occurrenceInParent: number;
interface ISerializedTerminal extends ISerializedGast {
name: string;
label?: string;
pattern?: string;
occurrenceInParent: number;
interface ISerializedTerminalWithSeparator extends ISerializedGast {
separator: ISerializedTerminal;
function serializeGrammar(topRules: Rule[]): ISerializedGast[];
function serializeProduction(node: IProduction): ISerializedGast;
* Clears the chevrotain internal cache.
* This should not be used in regular work flows, This is intended for
* unique use cases for example: online playground where the a parser with the same name is initialized with
* different implementations multiple times.
export declare function clearCache(): void;
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