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Created November 6, 2013 18:04
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the paredit plugin for light table
(ns lt.plugins.paredit
(:require [lt.object :as object]
[lt.objs.editor :as editor]
[lt.objs.editor.pool :as pool]
[lt.objs.command :as cmd]
[lt.util.cljs :refer [str-contains?]]
(def opposites {")" "("
"(" ")"
"{" "}"
"}" "{"
"[" "]"
"]" "["})
(def dir-swap {:left :right
:right :left})
(def form-start #"[\{\(\[]")
(def form-end #"[\}\)\]]")
(defn end-loc [ed]
(let [last-line (editor/last-line ed)]
{:line last-line
:ch (max 0 (dec (editor/line-length ed last-line)))}))
(defn loc>loc [l1 l2]
(> (:line l1) (:line l2)) true
(> (:line l2) (:line l1)) false
(> (:ch l1) (:ch l2)) true
:else false))
(defn move-loc-line [ed loc dir]
(when loc
(let [neue (update-in loc [:line] + (if (= dir :up)
(< (:line neue) 0) nil
(>= (:line neue) (editor/last-line ed)) nil
:else (assoc neue :ch (if (= dir :up)
(max (dec (editor/line-length ed (:line neue))) 0)
(defn move-loc [ed loc dir]
(when loc
(let [len (editor/line-length ed (:line loc))
neue (editor/adjust-loc loc (if (= dir :left)
(< (:ch neue) 0) (move-loc-line ed loc :up)
(>= (:ch neue) len) (move-loc-line ed loc :down)
:else neue))))
(defn within-range [[start end] cur]
(>= end (:line cur) start))
(defn scan [{:keys [dir ed loc regex] :as opts}]
(let [search-range [(- (:line loc) 100) (+ (:line loc) 100)]]
(loop [cur loc
line (editor/line ed (:line loc))]
(if (or (not cur)
(not line)
(not (within-range search-range cur)))
(let [ch (get line (:ch cur))
next-loc (move-loc ed cur dir)
next-line (if (not= (:line cur) (:line next-loc))
(editor/line ed (:line next-loc))
(if (and ch (re-seq regex ch))
[ch cur]
(recur next-loc next-line)))))))
(defn string|comment? [ed cur allow-strings?]
(let [type (editor/->token-type ed (editor/adjust-loc cur 1))]
(when type
(str-contains? type "comment-form") false
(str-contains? type "comment") true
(str-contains? type "string") (when-not allow-strings?
:else false))))
(defn paired-scan [{:keys [dir ed loc for negation allow-end? allow-strings? only-for?] :as opts}]
(let [[stack-chars stack-ends] (if (= dir :left)
[form-end form-start]
[form-start form-end])
final-loc (end-loc ed)
search-range [(- (:line loc) 100) (+ (:line loc) 100)]]
(loop [cur loc
line (editor/line ed (:line loc))
stack []]
(if (or (not cur)
(not line)
(not (within-range search-range cur)))
(let [ch (get line (:ch cur))
next-loc (move-loc ed cur dir)
next-line (if (not= (:line cur) (:line next-loc))
(editor/line ed (:line next-loc))
valid? (not (string|comment? ed cur allow-strings?))
stackable? (not (string|comment? ed cur))
(and allow-end?
(or (= final-loc cur)
(not= next-line line))) (if (= dir :right)
[ch (editor/adjust-loc cur 1)]
[ch {:line (:line cur) :ch -1}])
(and ch
(re-seq for ch)
(not (seq stack))
(if negation
(negation line cur)
true)) [ch cur]
(and ch
(not only-for?)
(re-seq stack-ends ch)
(not= ch (-> stack last opposites))) nil
:else (recur next-loc next-line (cond
(and ch stackable? (re-seq stack-chars ch)) (conj stack ch)
(and ch stackable? (= ch (-> stack last opposites))) (pop stack)
:else stack))))))))
(defn form-boundary [ed loc regex]
(let [[c start] (paired-scan {:dir :left
:ed ed
:only-for? regex
:loc (move-loc ed loc :left)
:for (or regex form-start)})
[c end] (if-not c
[nil nil]
(paired-scan {:dir :right
:ed ed
:loc (move-loc ed start :right)
:for (re-pattern (str "[\\" (opposites c) "]"))}))]
[start end]))
(defn escaped-paired-scan [ed loc thing dir]
(let [[c end] (paired-scan {:dir dir
:ed ed
:allow-strings? true
:loc (move-loc ed loc dir)
:negation (fn [line loc]
(not= (get line (editor/adjust-loc loc -1)) "\\"))
:for (re-pattern (str "[" thing "]"))})]
(if (= dir :left)
[end loc]
[loc (editor/adjust-loc end 1)])))
(defn string-bounds [ed loc dir]
(escaped-paired-scan ed loc "\"" dir))
(defn token-bounds [ed loc dir]
(let [[c end] (paired-scan {:dir dir
:ed ed
:allow-end? true
:loc (editor/adjust-loc loc (if (= dir :left) -1 1))
:for #"[\s\)\}\]\"\(\{\[]"})]
(if (= dir :left)
[(editor/adjust-loc end 1) loc]
[loc end])))
(defn first-non-whitespace [opts]
(scan (assoc opts :regex #"\S")))
(defn anchored-move [ed loc anchor-side dir]
(let [[start end] (form-boundary ed loc)
ends (if (= dir :left)
point (if (= :left anchor-side)
[cur i] (first-non-whitespace {:ed ed
:loc (move-loc ed point dir)
:dir dir})
next (when cur
(re-seq ends cur) nil
;; handle begin form
(opposites cur) (let [right? (= dir :right)
bounds (form-boundary ed (if right?
(move-loc ed i dir)
(if right?
[(first bounds) (editor/adjust-loc (second bounds) 1)]
;;handle string
(= "\"" cur) (string-bounds ed i dir)
;;any other thing
:else (token-bounds ed i dir)))]
{:point point
:boundary [start end]
:next next}))
(defn grow [{:keys [ed loc] :as orig} dir]
(let [{:keys [next point boundary]} (anchored-move ed loc dir dir)
format-point (if (= dir :left)
(second boundary)
(first boundary))
neue-point (if (= dir :left)
(first next)
(second next))]
(if neue-point
(update-in orig [:edits] conj
{:type :move
:from point
:to neue-point}
{:type :cursor
:from loc
:to loc}
{:type :format
:from format-point
:to neue-point})
(defn shrink [{:keys [ed loc] :as orig} anchor-side]
(let [dir (dir-swap anchor-side)
{:keys [next point boundary] :as anchor-move} (anchored-move ed loc anchor-side dir)
format-side (if (= anchor-side :right)
(second boundary)
(first boundary))
neue-point (if (= anchor-side :left)
(second next)
(first next))
[_ neue-point] (when neue-point (first-non-whitespace {:ed ed
:loc (move-loc ed neue-point dir)
:dir dir}))
neue-point (if (and neue-point (= anchor-side :right))
(editor/adjust-loc neue-point 1)
(if neue-point
(update-in orig [:edits] conj
{:type :move
:from point
:to neue-point}
{:type :cursor
:from loc
:to loc}
{:type :format
:from format-side
:to neue-point})
(defn select [{:keys [ed loc] :as orig} type]
(let [[start end] (form-boundary ed loc (when type
(re-pattern (str "[\\" type "]"))))]
(if (and start end)
(update-in orig [:edits] conj
{:type :cursor
:from start
:to (editor/adjust-loc end 1)})
(defn batched-edits [{:keys [edits ed]}]
(editor/operation ed (fn []
(doseq [e edits]
(do-edit e ed)))))
(defmulti do-edit :type)
(defmethod do-edit :move [{:keys [from to]} ed]
(let [text (editor/range ed from (editor/adjust-loc from 1))]
(if (loc>loc to from)
(do-edit {:type :insert
:from to
:text text}
(do-edit {:type :delete
:from from
:to (editor/adjust-loc from 1)}
(do-edit {:type :delete
:from from
:to (editor/adjust-loc from 1)}
(do-edit {:type :insert
:from to
:text text}
(defmethod do-edit :insert [{:keys [from text]} ed]
(editor/replace ed from text))
(defmethod do-edit :delete [{:keys [from to]} ed]
(editor/replace ed from to ""))
(defmethod do-edit :cursor [{:keys [from to]} ed]
(if (= from to)
(editor/move-cursor ed to)
(editor/set-selection ed from to)))
(defmethod do-edit :format [{:keys [from to]} ed]
(if (loc>loc to from)
(editor/indent-lines ed from to "smart")
(editor/indent-lines ed to from "smart")))
(defn ed->info [ed]
{:ed ed
:loc (editor/->cursor ed)
:edits []})
(cmd/command {:command :paredit.grow.right
:desc "Paredit: Grow right"
:exec (fn []
(when-let [ed (pool/last-active)]
(-> (ed->info ed)
(grow :right)
(cmd/command {:command :paredit.grow.left
:desc "Paredit: Grow left"
:exec (fn []
(when-let [ed (pool/last-active)]
(-> (ed->info ed)
(grow :left)
(cmd/command {:command :paredit.shrink.right
:desc "Paredit: Shrink right"
:exec (fn []
(when-let [ed (pool/last-active)]
(-> (ed->info ed)
(shrink :right)
(cmd/command {:command :paredit.shrink.left
:desc "Paredit: Shrink left"
:exec (fn []
(when-let [ed (pool/last-active)]
(-> (ed->info ed)
(shrink :left)
(cmd/command {:command
:desc "Paredit: Select expression"
:exec (fn [type]
(when-let [ed (pool/last-active)]
(when (or (not (::orig-pos @ed))
(editor/selection? ed))
(object/merge! ed {::orig-pos (editor/->cursor ed)}))
(-> (ed->info ed)
(select type)
(cmd/command {:command
:desc "Paredit: Clear selection and return cursor"
:exec (fn []
(when-let [ed (pool/last-active)]
(cmd/exec! :editor.selection.clear)
(when (::orig-pos @ed)
(editor/move-cursor ed (::orig-pos @ed))
(object/merge! ed {::orig-pos nil}))
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