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Created March 26, 2020 08:59
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TopCoder Marathon Match 116 statistics visualizer for my solution
# python3 or use a jupyter notebook
import os
import json
import random
import string
import time
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
directory = '/home/i/C/marathon/116/outs/'
paths = sorted(Path(directory).iterdir(), key=os.path.getmtime, reverse=True)
def min_x_len(s,l):
s = str(s)
for i in range(l- len(s)):
s = " " + s
return s
def show_score(best, ours):
res = best/ours
res *= 10000
res = int( round(res,0) )
return min_x_len( res, 4 )
mins = [111.]*200000
min_tt = ['none']*200000
print( str( len(os.listdir(directory)) ), "files")
#for filename in os.listdir(directory):
for filename in paths:
#with open(directory + filename, 'r') as myfile:
with open(filename, 'r') as myfile:
lines = [ tuple(float(n) for n in x.split(' ')) for x in data.strip().split('\n') ]
for l in lines:
tt = int(l[0])
if l[1] < mins[ tt ]:
mins[ tt ] = l[1]
min_tt[tt] = str(filename)[ len(directory): ]
mins[ int(l[0]) ] = min( mins[ int(l[0]) ] , l[1] )
bad_cutoff = 9000
first_n_files = 300
from_ = 0
to_ = 1000
min_count = 100
show_first_n_fails = 10
for filename in paths:
first_n_files -= 1
if first_n_files == 0:
#with open(directory + filename, 'r') as myfile:
with open(filename, 'r') as myfile:
lines = [ tuple(float(n) for n in x.split(' ')) for x in data.strip().split('\n') ]
score = 0.
count = 0
poor = 0
good_score = 0.
if len(lines) >= min_count:
for l in lines:
tt = int(l[0])
if tt >=from_ and tt <=to_:
perf = mins[ tt ] / l[1]
score += perf
if perf < bad_cutoff/10000:
poor += 1
if poor<=show_first_n_fails:
print( " ", min_x_len(tt, 3), show_score(mins[ tt ], l[1]) , round(l[1],4), round(mins[ tt ],4), min_tt[ tt ] )
good_score += perf
if count > min_count:
score /= count
tot_tests = min_x_len( len(lines), 5)
counted_tests = min_x_len( count, 5)
good_tests = min_x_len( count-poor, 5)
poor_tests = min_x_len( poor, 5)
good_test_post = ""
if count != poor:
good_score_str = min_x_len( int(round(good_score/(count-poor)*10000.-000, 0)), 6 )
good_test_post = " | good " + str(good_tests) + good_score_str
print(min_x_len( str(filename)[ len(directory): ], 12), min_x_len(int(round(score*10000., 1)),5),'-', counted_tests, " |", poor_tests, " <", bad_cutoff/10000, " | total", tot_tests, good_test_post, str(int(round(1.- poor/count,2)*100))+"%")
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