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Last active February 22, 2021 14:17
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# for use with
import cv2
import numpy as np
import face_alignment
imread = cv2.imread
imwrite = partial(cv2.imwrite, params=[int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), _DEAFAULT_JPG_QUALITY])
fa = face_alignment.FaceAlignment(face_alignment.LandmarksType._3D, device='cuda')
# fa = face_alignment.FaceAlignment(face_alignment.LandmarksType._3D, face_detector='dlib')
def cutout(ipath):
global fa
if isinstance(ipath, str):
original255 =
original255 = ipath.copy()
ipath = '_'
# original255 = imread(ipath)
# print(original255.shape)
if original255.shape[-1] == 4:
original255 = original255[:, :, :3]
frame = original255
# Run the face alignment tracker on the webcam image
imagePoints = fa.get_landmarks_from_image(frame)
chipSize = 512
chipCorners = np.float32([[0,0],
if(imagePoints is not None):
print('processing points')
imagePoints = imagePoints[0]
# Compute the Anchor Landmarks
# This ensures the eyes and chin will not move within the chip
rightEyeMean = np.mean(imagePoints[36:42], axis=0)
leftEyeMean = np.mean(imagePoints[42:47], axis=0)
middleEye = (rightEyeMean + leftEyeMean) * 0.5
chin = imagePoints[8], tuple(rightEyeMean[:2].astype(int)), 30, (255,255,0)), tuple(leftEyeMean [:2].astype(int)), 30, (255,0,255))
# Compute the chip center and up/side vectors
mean = middleEye[:2] #((middleEye * 3) + chin) * 0.25
# centered = imagePoints - mean
upVector = (chin - middleEye)[:2] * 1.2
rightVector = np.array([ upVector[1], -upVector[0] ])
# Compute the corners of the facial chip
imageCorners = np.float32([(mean + ((-rightVector - upVector))),
(mean + (( rightVector - upVector))),
(mean + ((-rightVector + upVector))),
(mean + (( rightVector + upVector)))])
# Compute the Perspective Homography and Extract the chip from the image
chipMatrix = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(imageCorners, chipCorners)
chip = cv2.warpPerspective(frame, chipMatrix, (chipSize, chipSize))
return chip
img = imread(img_path)
crop = cutout(img)
imwrite(new_img_path, crop)
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