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Created August 26, 2020 16:32
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IPWB Test Coverage Report
/tmp/ipwb$ coverage run -m pytest
=================================== test session starts ===================================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.2, pytest-6.0.1, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /tmp/ipwb, configfile: setup.cfg
plugins: flake8-1.0.6, cov-2.10.1
collected 121 items                                                                                

tests/ .....                                                        [  4%]
tests/ ..                                                 [  5%]
tests/ ..                                                      [  7%]
tests/ ..                                                           [  9%]
tests/ .....                                                     [ 13%]
tests/ .........                                                     [ 20%]
tests/ ss                                                         [ 22%]
tests/ .                                                      [ 23%]
tests/ ...........ssssssssssssss...................................   [ 72%]
tests/ .................................                                [100%]

======================= 105 passed, 16 skipped in 139.88s (0:02:19) =======================
/tmp/ipwb$ coverage report -m
Name                    Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover   Missing
docs/            0      0      0      0   100%
ipwb/            1      0      0      0   100%
ipwb/           79     79     16      0     0%   1-175
ipwb/           47      3     16      1    94%   55-59, 93->96, 96
ipwb/      16      0      2      0   100%
ipwb/          1      0      0      0   100%
ipwb/           253    108     76     18    54%   59->90, 62->64, 64->65, 65, 67->68, 68, 73->74, 74-75, 77-90, 94-103, 107-111, 120->123, 128->129, 129-143, 145->146, 146-149, 163-164, 174->177, 177-185, 189, 215->218, 218, 236-238, 245->254, 246->247, 247-248, 249->250, 250-260, 266->267, 267-270, 288->289, 289-291, 315-326, 331-335, 339->341, 341-342, 357, 361, 372-382, 386->387, 387, 388->391, 391-392, 396-397
ipwb/            654    548    216      2    13%   74, 79-81, 85, 91-119, 124-127, 136->137, 137, 138->142, 142-160, 165-169, 174-204, 218-239, 253-274, 279-288, 293-329, 334-356, 361-386, 390-439, 443-452, 457-496, 501-538, 543-547, 552-579, 585-597, 601-764, 772-782, 787, 791-829, 833-853, 857-881, 886-896, 900-937, 941-991, 995-1007, 1011-1030, 1035-1045, 1049-1072
ipwb/            5      5      0      0     0%   3-35
ipwb/              202    112     44      2    41%   96, 100-114, 119, 123, 129-133, 139->140, 140, 141->142, 142, 148-149, 153-155, 159-165, 179-183, 187-189, 209-217, 224-234, 240-246, 250-256, 260-269, 273-280, 284-289, 293-301, 306-316, 320-324, 328-338                    6      6      0      0     0%   3-10
TOTAL                    1264    861    370     23    29%
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