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Created January 16, 2021 17:05
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DSW Algorithm (in-place linear time BST balancing)
#include <memory>
template<class T>
struct node {
T val;
node *left;
node *right;
node() : left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {}
node(T v) : val(v), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {}
template<class T>
void tree_to_vine(node<T> *root, int& size)
auto vine_tail = root;
auto remainder = vine_tail->right;
size = 0;
while (remainder) {
if (!remainder->left) {
vine_tail = remainder;
remainder = remainder->right;
else { // (right?) rotation at remainder
auto tempptr = remainder->left;
remainder->left = tempptr->right;
tempptr->right = remainder;
remainder = tempptr;
vine_tail->right = remainder;
template<class T>
void compression(node<T> *root, int count)
auto scanner = root;
while (count--) {
auto child = scanner->right;
scanner->right = child->right;
scanner = scanner->right;
child->right = scanner->left;
scanner->left = child;
template<class T>
void vine_to_tree(node<T> *root, int size)
auto leaf_count = size - ((1<<(31 - __builtin_clz(size+1))) - 1);
compression(root, leaf_count);
size -= leaf_count;
while (size > 1) {
compression(root, size >>= 1);
template<class T>
void rebalance(node<T>*& root)
auto pseudo_root = std::make_unique<node<T>>();
auto size = 0;
pseudo_root->right = root;
tree_to_vine(pseudo_root.get(), size);
vine_to_tree(pseudo_root.get(), size);
root = pseudo_root->right;
#include "dsw.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
int main()
auto one = std::make_unique<node<int>>(1);
auto two = std::make_unique<node<int>>(2);
auto thr = std::make_unique<node<int>>(3);
auto fur = std::make_unique<node<int>>(4);
auto fiv = std::make_unique<node<int>>(5);
auto six = std::make_unique<node<int>>(6);
auto sev = std::make_unique<node<int>>(7);
auto egt = std::make_unique<node<int>>(8);
/** 4
* / \
* / \
* 3 8
* / /
* 1 7
* \ /
* 2 5
* \
* 6
one->right = two.get();
thr->left = one.get();
fur->left = thr.get();
fur->right = egt.get();
egt->left = sev.get();
sev->left = fiv.get();
fiv->right = six.get();
auto root = fur.get();
std::queue<decltype(root)> q;
auto depth = 0;
while (!q.empty()) {
auto s = q.size();
std::cout << "Depth [" << depth++ << "]: ";
while (s--) {
auto x = q.front();
std::cout << x->val << " ";
if (x->left) q.push(x->left);
if (x->right) q.push(x->right);
std::cout << std::endl;
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