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Created March 10, 2015 13:26
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Demo of "Buffered" ansi-terminal
module FooModule
, bSetBackground
, bGotoXY
, bPutChar
, bPutStr
, blitBuffer
) where
import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Array.IO
import System.Console.ANSI
-- constant data
bufferWidth :: Int
bufferWidth = 80
bufferHeight :: Int
bufferHeight = 25
bufferMax :: Int
bufferMax = bufferWidth * bufferHeight - 1 --From (0,0) to (79, 24)
-- type definitions and global instance
type ColorPair = (ColorIntensity, Color)
type BufferCell = (ColorPair, ColorPair, Char)
type BufferArray = IOArray Int BufferCell
data ConsoleBuffer = ConsoleBuffer { currX :: Intg
, currY :: Int
, currFg :: ColorPair
, currBg :: ColorPair
, currBuffer :: BufferArray
, backBuffer :: BufferArray
emptyBufferArray :: IO BufferArray
emptyBufferArray = newArray (0, bufferMax) (foreground, background, ' ')
foreground = (Dull, White)
background = (Dull, Black)
{-# NOINLINE screenBuffer #-}
screenBuffer :: IORef ConsoleBuffer
screenBuffer = unsafePerformIO $ do b1 <- emptyBufferArray
b2 <- emptyBufferArray
newIORef (ConsoleBuffer 0 0 (Dull, White) (Dull, Black) b1 b2)
-- aux. functions
needDrawing :: BufferCell -> BufferCell -> Bool
needDrawing a b = a /= b
positionFromXY :: Int -> Int -> Int
positionFromXY x y = (y * bufferWidth + x) `mod` (bufferMax + 1)
xyFromPosition :: Int -> (Int, Int)
xyFromPosition pos = (x, y)
maxX = bufferWidth - 1
pos' = pos `mod` (bufferMax + 1)
x = if pos' > maxX then pos' `mod` bufferWidth else pos'
y = if pos' >= bufferWidth then pos' `div` bufferWidth else 0
-- functions that query/modify the buffer
bSetForeground :: ColorPair -> IO ()
bSetForeground fg = do
screen <- readIORef screenBuffer
writeIORef screenBuffer screen{currFg = fg}
bSetBackground :: ColorPair -> IO ()
bSetBackground bg = do
screen <- readIORef screenBuffer
writeIORef screenBuffer screen{currBg = bg}
bGotoXY :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
bGotoXY x y = do
screen <- readIORef screenBuffer
writeIORef screenBuffer screen{currX = x, currY = y}
bPutChar :: Char -> IO ()
bPutChar c = do
screen <- readIORef screenBuffer
let x = currX screen
y = currY screen
fg = currFg screen
bg = currBg screen
pos = positionFromXY x y
(x', y') = xyFromPosition (pos + 1)
buff = backBuffer screen
writeIORef screenBuffer screen{currX = x', currY = y'}
writeArray buff pos (fg, bg, c)
bPutStr :: String -> IO ()
bPutStr [] = return ()
bPutStr (x:xs) = do
bPutChar x
bPutStr xs
-- blit the backbuffer into the main buffer and change the screen
blitBuffer :: IO ()
blitBuffer = do
screen <- readIORef screenBuffer
let current = currBuffer screen
back = backBuffer screen
applyBuffer back current bufferMax
-- just to remove the cursor from view. Also, leave the console in a better position
-- when the user leaves the game/simulation
setCursorPosition (bufferHeight - 1) (bufferWidth - 1)
applyBuffer :: BufferArray -> BufferArray -> Int -> IO ()
applyBuffer _ _ (-1) = return ()
applyBuffer from to position = do
cellFrom <- readArray from position
cellTo <- readArray to position
when (needDrawing cellFrom cellTo) $ drawCellChanges cellFrom cellTo position
writeArray to position cellFrom
applyBuffer from to (position - 1)
{-# ANN drawCellChanges "HLint: ignore Too strict if" #-}
drawCellChanges :: BufferCell -> BufferCell -> Int -> IO ()
drawCellChanges ((fromFGI, fromFGC), (fromBGI, fromBGC), fromV) ((toFGI, toFGC), (toBGI, toBGC), toV) position = do
screen <- readIORef screenBuffer
let (bbFGI, bbFGC) = currFg screen
(bbBGI, bbBGC) = currBg screen
colorChanged = (fromFGI /= toFGI) || (fromFGC /= toFGC) || (fromBGI /= toBGI) || (fromBGC /= toBGC) ||
(fromFGI /= bbFGI) || (fromFGC /= bbFGC) || (fromBGI /= bbBGI) || (fromBGC /= bbBGC)
valueChanged = fromV /= toV
if colorChanged
then setSGR [SetColor Foreground fromFGI fromFGC, SetColor Background fromBGI fromBGC]
else setSGR [SetColor Foreground bbFGI bbFGC, SetColor Background bbBGI bbBGC]
when (valueChanged || colorChanged) $ do gotoCursorPosition position
putChar fromV
gotoCursorPosition :: Int -> IO ()
gotoCursorPosition pos = setCursorPosition y x
(x, y) = xyFromPosition pos
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