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Created June 14, 2011 03:40
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Simple Huffman Encode/Decode in Haskell
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
--module Data.Huffman where
module Main where
import Data.Char (intToDigit)
import Data.List (insertBy, foldl', sortBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import qualified Data.Binary.BitPut as P
import qualified Data.Binary.Strict.BitGet as G
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.Map as M
data HuffmanTree a
= LeafNode a Int
| InternalNode Int (HuffmanTree a) (HuffmanTree a)
deriving (Eq)
-- build a multiline string representation of a huffman tree
instance Show a => Show (HuffmanTree a) where
show =
go ""
spaces = map (const ' ')
paren s = "(" ++ s ++ ")"
go ss (LeafNode s o) = "--" ++ paren (show o) ++ show s ++ "\n"
go ss (InternalNode o l r) =
let root = "--" ++ paren (show o) ++ "-+"
ss' = ss ++ tail (spaces root)
lbranch = go (ss' ++ "|") l
rbranch = go (ss' ++ " ") r
in root ++ lbranch
++ ss' ++ "|\n"
++ ss' ++ "`"
++ rbranch
frequency :: HuffmanTree a -> Int
frequency (LeafNode _ x ) = x
frequency (InternalNode x _ _) = x
-- build a huffman tree bototm-up from a list of symbols sorted by frequency
sortedHuffman :: [(a,Int)] -> HuffmanTree a
sortedHuffman =
-- first, convert each tuple into a Leaf, then combine
combine . map toLeaf
-- repeatedly combine lowest frequency trees and reinsert the result into
-- the frequency ordered list
-- note: a priority queue could help
combine [t] = t
combine (ta:tb:ts) = combine . insertBy (comparing frequency) (merge ta tb) $ ts
-- make an internal node from two trees. the frequency is the sum of the
-- two trees frequencies
merge ta tb = InternalNode (frequency ta + frequency tb) ta tb
-- make a Leaf from a symbol,freq tuple
toLeaf = uncurry LeafNode
-- traverse the huffman tree generating a map from the symbol to its huffman
-- tree path (where False is left, and True is right)
codes :: Ord a => HuffmanTree a -> M.Map a [Bool]
codes =
M.fromList . go []
-- leaf nodes mark the end of a path to a symbol
go p (LeafNode s _) = [(s,reverse p)]
-- traverse both branches and accumulate a reverse path
go p (InternalNode _ l r) = go (False:p) l ++ go (True:p) r
-- from a table mapping symbols to their corresponding huffman tree bit paths,
-- replace each instance of a symbol with its bit path
encode :: Ord a => M.Map a [Bool] -> [a] -> [Bool]
encode tbl =
concatMap get
get x = fromJust (M.lookup x tbl)
-- from a list of bits, navigate a given huffman tree and emit its decoded
-- symbol when reaching a Leaf
decode :: HuffmanTree a -> [Bool] -> [a]
decode t0 xs0 =
go t0 xs0
-- reached leaf, emit symbol
go (LeafNode s _) bs = s : go t0 bs
-- choose path based on bit
go (InternalNode _ l r) (b:bs)
| not b = go l bs
| otherwise = go r bs
go _ [] = []
-- count the number of instances each symbol occurs in a list
histogram :: Ord a => [a] -> [(a,Int)]
histogram xs =
M.toList . foldl' insert M.empty $ xs
insert a k = M.insertWith' (+) k 1 a
swap :: (a,b) -> (b,a)
swap ~(a,b) = (b,a)
showBits :: [Bool] -> String
showBits = map (intToDigit . fromEnum)
bitpack :: [Bool] -> B.ByteString
bitpack = P.runBitPut . mapM_ P.putBit
bitunpack :: S.ByteString -> Either String [Bool]
bitunpack bs0 =
G.runBitGet bs0 $ go []
go a = do
e <- G.isEmpty
if e
then return (reverse a)
else G.getBit >>= go . (:a)
padToEight :: [Bool] -> [Bool]
padToEight xs0 =
go xs0 0
go (x:xs) !n = x : go xs (n+1)
go [] !n = replicate (8 - n `mod` 8) False
main :: IO ()
main = do
contents <- readFile "/usr/share/dict/cracklib-small"
let l = lines contents
let frequencies = histogram (concat l)
putStrLn "occurrences"
mapM_ print frequencies
let sortedFrequencies = sortBy (comparing swap) frequencies
putStrLn "sorted by number of occurrences"
mapM_ print sortedFrequencies
let huffmanTree = sortedHuffman sortedFrequencies
putStrLn "huffman tree"
print huffmanTree
putStrLn "codes"
let codez = codes huffmanTree
let showCode (s,bits) = show s ++ " -> " ++ showBits bits
mapM_ (putStrLn . showCode) (M.toList codez)
putStrLn "encoded"
let encoded = map (encode codez) l
mapM_ (print . showBits) encoded
putStrLn "writing encoded bits to 'huffman.bin'"
let encBits0 = padToEight (concat encoded)
let bits = bitpack encBits0
B.writeFile "huffman.bin" bits
let Right encBits1 = bitunpack . S.pack . B.unpack $ bits
print (encBits0 == encBits1)
putStrLn "decoded"
let decoded = map (decode huffmanTree) encoded
mapM_ print decoded
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