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Created October 31, 2010 14:52
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Some code I wrote to make playing with openal easier
module Sound.OpenAL.Util
( withDevice
, withDefaultDeviceAndContext
, createBuffer
, createBufferData
, createBufferFromData
, createBufferFromSample
, whileSourceIsPlaying
, sleep
, getSamplingRate
, stream
, streamToSource
, printAttribs
, printSample
import Control.Applicative -- ((<*>), (<$>))
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.Int (Int16)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.List.Split (chunk)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Word (Word16)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (newArray)
import Foreign.Ptr (plusPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (sizeOf)
import Sound.OpenAL (play, ($=), get, genObjectNames)
import Sound.OpenAL.AL.Buffer (MemoryRegion(..), Buffer, BufferData(..), bufferData)
import Sound.OpenAL.AL.Format (Format(..))
import Sound.OpenAL.AL.Source (Source, buffersProcessed, queueBuffers, unqueueBuffers, sourceState, SourceState(..), secOffset)
import Sound.OpenAL.ALC.Context (Context, createContext, destroyContext, currentContext, allAttributes, ContextAttribute(..))
import Sound.OpenAL.ALC.Device (Device, openDevice, closeDevice)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import qualified Sound.File.Sndfile as SF
import qualified Sound.File.Sndfile.Buffer.Vector as BV
import Sound.Types
-- ----------------------------------------
-- Openal util
withDevice :: (Device -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withDevice f =
(openDevice Nothing)
(\m -> case m of Just d -> closeDevice d >> return ()
Nothing -> return ())
(\m -> case m of Just d -> f d
Nothing -> hPutStrLn stderr "openDevice failed")
withDefaultDeviceAndContext :: (Device -> Context -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withDefaultDeviceAndContext f =
withDevice g
g device =
(fromJust `fmap` createContext device [])
(\c -> withDevice $ \d -> do
currentContext $= Just c
f d c)
createBuffer :: BufferData a -> IO Buffer
createBuffer bd = do
[b] <- genObjectNames 1 :: IO [Buffer]
bufferData b $= bd
return b
createBufferData :: RealFrac a => SamplingRate -> [a] -> IO (BufferData Int16)
createBufferData sr xs = do
ptr <- newArray ss
return $ BufferData (MemoryRegion ptr sz) Mono16 (realToFrac sr)
ss = map float2Int16 xs
sz = fromIntegral $ length ss * sizeOf (head ss)
float2Int16 :: RealFrac a => a -> Int16
float2Int16 f = truncate $ 32767 * f
createBufferFromData :: RealFrac a => SamplingRate -> [a] -> IO Buffer
createBufferFromData sr xs = createBufferData sr xs >>= createBuffer
-- XXX not really Stereo
createBufferFromSample :: FilePath -> IO Buffer
createBufferFromSample fp = do
(info, Just x) <- SF.readFile fp :: IO (SF.Info, Maybe (BV.Buffer Word16))
let (ptr, off, len) = VS.unsafeToForeignPtr (BV.fromBuffer x)
withForeignPtr ptr $ \p ->
createBuffer $ BufferData (MemoryRegion (plusPtr p off) (fromIntegral $ len - off)) Stereo16 (fromIntegral $ SF.samplerate info)
whileSourceIsPlaying :: Source -> IO () -> IO ()
whileSourceIsPlaying s f =
g = get (sourceState s) >>= \state ->
case state of
Playing -> f >> g
_ -> return ()
getSamplingRate :: Floating a => Device -> IO (Maybe a)
getSamplingRate device =
fmap freq . find isFreq <$> get (allAttributes device)
isFreq (Frequency _) = True
isFreq _ = False
freq (Frequency f) = realToFrac f
freq _ = error "hfe"
printAttribs :: Device -> IO ()
printAttribs device =
get (allAttributes device) >>= print
printSample :: Sample -> IO ()
printSample = printf "%0.3f\n"
sleep :: Duration -> IO ()
sleep sec =
let usec = max 0 (round $ sec*1e6)
in threadDelay usec
stream :: Int -> Int -> SamplingRate -> [Sample] -> IO ()
stream nb sb sr ss = do
[s] <- genObjectNames 1 :: IO [Source]
streamToSource s nb sb sr ss
-- nb = number of buffers, sb = samples to buffer, sr = sampleRate, ss = samples
streamToSource :: Source -> Int -> Int -> SamplingRate -> [Sample] -> IO ()
streamToSource s nb sb sr ss = do
bs <- genObjectNames nb :: IO [Buffer]
initBuffers bs chunks
play [s]
update (cycle bs) (drop (length bs) chunks)
whileSourceIsPlaying s (putStrLn "still playing" >> sleep 0.1)
chunks = chunk sb ss
initBuffers bs cs = do
let todo = zip bs cs
todoLen = length todo
forM_ todo $ \(b,c) -> do
bd <- createBufferData sr c
bufferData b $= bd
queueBuffers s (take todoLen bs)
update _ [] = return ()
update [] _ = return ()
update bs cs = do
nproc <- fromIntegral `fmap` get (buffersProcessed s)
let todo = zip (take nproc bs) cs
todoLen = length todo
forM_ todo $ \(b,c) -> do
unqueueBuffers s [b]
bd <- createBufferData sr c
bufferData b $= bd
queueBuffers s [b]
state <- get (sourceState s)
case state of
Playing -> return ()
_ -> play [s]
secPlayed <- get (secOffset s)
sleep . realToFrac $ fromIntegral sb/sr - realToFrac secPlayed
update (drop nproc bs) (drop todoLen cs)
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