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module container.linkedaa;
pragma(inline, true):
struct LinkedAssociativeArray(Key, Value)
// Initialize a LinkedAssociativeArray with an AssociativeArray.
// For supporting `aa = [key1:value1, key2:value2, ...]` syntax.
this(AssociativeArray!(Key, Value) aa) pure nothrow
dangerouslyReconstructAA(this, aa);
// ditto
auto opAssign(AssociativeArray!(Key, Value) aa) pure nothrow
dangerouslyReconstructAA(this, aa);
// Lookup `key` in the associative array and return its value.
// For supporting `aa[key]` syntax.
ref opIndex(Key key) pure nothrow
return this.impl[key].value;
// Lookup `key` in the associative array and assign it a new `value`.
// For supporting `aa[key] = value` syntax.
auto opIndexAssign(Value value, const Key key) pure nothrow
this.impl[key] = this.addEntry(key, value);
return value;
// Return a pointer to the value corresponding to the given key.
// For supporting `key in aa` syntax.
inout(Value)* opBinaryRight(string op : "in")(Key key) inout pure nothrow @nogc
if (auto p = key in this.impl)
return &(*p).value;
return null;
// Foreach over all values.
// For supporting `foreach (value; aa) { ... }` syntax.
int opApply(scope int delegate(ref Value) dg)
for (auto e = this.root; e !is null; e =
if (auto result = dg(e.value))
return result;
return 0;
// Foreach over all key-value pairs.
// For supporting `foreach (key, value; aa) { ... }` syntax.
int opApply(scope int delegate(const ref Key, ref Value) dg)
for (auto e = this.root; e !is null; e =
if (auto result = dg(e.key, e.value))
return result;
return 0;
// Reverse foreach over all values.
// Note: This is impossible with native associative arrays, neat!
// For supporting `foreach_reverse (value; aa) { ... }` syntax.
int opApplyReverse(scope int delegate(ref Value) dg)
if (this.root is null)
return 0;
for (auto e = this.root.prev; e !is this.root; e = e.prev)
if (auto result = dg(e.value))
return result;
return dg(this.root.value);
// Reverse foreach over all key-value pairs.
// Note: This is impossible with native associative arrays, neat!
// For supporting `foreach_reverse (key, value; aa) { ... }` syntax.
int opApplyReverse(scope int delegate(const ref Key, ref Value) dg)
if (this.root is null)
return 0;
for (auto e = this.root.prev; e !is this.root; e = e.prev)
if (auto result = dg(e.key, e.value))
return result;
return dg(this.root.key, this.root.value);
// Returns the number of entries n the associative array.
// For supporting `aa.length` syntax.
size_t length()() pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return this.impl.length;
// Removes `key` from the associative array and returns `true`.
// If the key does not exist, this does nothing and return `false`.
// For supporting `aa.remove(key)` syntax.
bool remove()(Key key) pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return this.removeEntry(key);
// Internally, `Value[Key]` is stored in a `Value[LinkedEntry(Key, Value)*]`
// associative array, so that we can continue to benefit from O(log N)
// complexity of a native associative array.
private AssociativeArray!(Key, LinkedEntry!(Key, Value)*) impl;
// The oldest entry to begin iteration at.
private LinkedEntry!(Key, Value)* root;
@safe unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, int) aa = ["c": 3, "a": 1, "b": 2];
assert(aa.impl !is null);
assert(aa.root !is null);
assert( !is null);
assert(aa.root.prev !is null);
assert( is null);
assert(aa.root.prev.prev is;
// ??? It passes, but is this reliable?
//assert(aa.keys == ["c", "a", "b"]);
//assert(aa.values == [3, 1, 2]);
aa = ["e": 5, "d": 4];
assert(aa.impl !is null);
assert(aa.root !is null);
assert( !is null);
assert(aa.root.prev !is null);
assert( is null);
assert(aa.root.prev.prev is aa.root);
// ??? It passes, but is this reliable?
//assert(aa.keys == ["e", "d"]);
//assert(aa.values == [5, 4]);
@safe unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, int) aa = [
"1":2, "3":4, "5":6, "7":8, "9":10,
"11":12, "13":14, "15":16, "17":18,
"19":20, "21":22, "23":24, "25":26,
assert(aa.length == 13);
// ??? It passes, but is this reliable?
//assert(aa.keys == ["1","3","5","7","9","11","13","15","17","19","21","23","25"]);
//assert(aa.values == [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26]);
int[string] bb = [
"1":2, "3":4, "5":6, "7":8, "9":10,
"19":20, "21":22, "23":24, "25":26,
"11":12, "13":14, "15":16, "17":18,
assert(bb["23"] == 24);
aa = bb;
assert(bb["23"] == 24);
assert(aa.length == 13);
// ??? It passes, but is this reliable?
//assert(aa.keys == ["1","3","5","7","9","19","21","23","25","11","13","15","17"]);
//assert(aa.values == [2,4,6,8,10,20,22,24,26,12,14,16,18]);
@safe unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, int) aa;
aa["one"] = 1;
assert(aa["one"] == 1);
auto value = aa["two"] = 2;
assert(value == 2);
assert(aa.keys == ["one", "two"]);
assert(aa.values == [1, 2]);
@safe unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, int) aa;
assert("one" !in aa);
aa["one"] = 1;
assert("one" in aa);
assert("two" !in aa);
@safe unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(uint, uint) aa;
foreach (uint i; 0 .. 20)
aa[i] = i;
uint index = 0;
for (auto e = aa.root; e !is null; e =, index++)
assert(e.key == index);
assert(e.value == index);
@system unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(uint, uint) aa;
foreach (uint i; 0 .. 20)
aa[i] = i;
uint index = 0;
foreach (v; aa)
assert(v == index++);
index = 0;
foreach (k, v; aa)
assert(k == v);
assert(v == index++);
@system unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(uint, uint) aa;
foreach (uint i; 0 .. 20)
aa[i] = i;
uint index = 20;
foreach_reverse (v; aa)
assert(v == --index);
index = 20;
foreach_reverse (k, v; aa)
assert(k == v);
assert(v == --index);
@safe unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(uint, uint) aa;
assert(aa.length == 0);
foreach (uint i; 1 .. 21)
aa[i] = i;
assert(aa.length == i);
@safe unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(uint, uint) aa;
foreach (uint i; 0 .. 10)
aa[i] = i;
assert(aa.length == 10);
assert(aa.root.key == 0);
assert(aa.root.prev.key == 9);
assert(aa.remove(10) == false);
assert(aa.length == 10);
assert(aa.root.key == 0);
assert(aa.root.prev.key == 9);
assert(aa.remove(9) == true);
assert(aa.length == 9);
assert(aa.root.key == 0);
assert(aa.root.prev.key == 8);
assert(aa.remove(3) == true);
assert(aa.length == 8);
assert(aa.root.key == 0);
assert(aa.root.prev.key == 8);
assert(aa.remove(0) == true);
assert(aa.length == 7);
assert(aa.root.key == 1);
assert(aa.root.prev.key == 8);
assert(aa.keys == [1,2,4,5,6,7,8]);
assert(aa.values == [1,2,4,5,6,7,8]);
// LinkedAssociativeArray standard runtime functions.
// Returns `true` if there are no entries in this associative array.
// See also `bool std.range.primitives.empty`.
@property bool empty(T : LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V), K, V)(T aa)
return aa.root is null;
@safe unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, uint) aa;
aa["zero"] = 0;
// Construct a range iterating over an associative array by key-value tuples.
// See also `auto std.array.byPair`.
auto byPair(T : LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V), K, V)(T aa)
import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
import std.typecons : tuple;
return aa.byKeyValue
.map!(pair => tuple!("key", "value")(pair.key, pair.value));
@safe pure nothrow unittest
import std.algorithm.sorting : sort;
import std.typecons : tuple, Tuple;
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, int) aa = ["a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3];
Tuple!(string, int)[] pairs;
// Iteration over key/value pairs.
foreach (pair; aa.byPair)
if (pair.key == "b")
pairs ~= tuple("B", pair.value);
pairs ~= pair;
assert(pairs == [
tuple("a", 1),
tuple("B", 2),
tuple("c", 3)
// LinkedAssociativeArray core runtime functions.
// Returns a forward range which will iterate over the keys.
// See also `auto object.byKey`.
auto byKey(T : LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V), K, V)(T aa) pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return aa.byKeyValueImpl!(Iterate.byKey)();
// ditto
auto byKey(T : LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V), K, V)(T* aa) pure nothrow @nogc
return (*aa).byKey();
@safe unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(int, string) aa = [1: "v1", 2: "v2"];
int sum;
foreach (v; aa.byKey)
sum += v;
assert(sum == 3);
// Returns a forward range which will iterate over the key-value pairs
// See also `auto object.byKeyValue`.
auto byKeyValue(T : LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V), K, V)(T aa) pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return aa.byKeyValueImpl!(Iterate.byKeyValue)();
// ditto
auto byKeyValue(T : LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V), K, V)(T* aa) pure nothrow @nogc
return (*aa).byKeyValue();
@safe unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, int) aa = ["k1": 1, "k2": 2];
int sum;
foreach (e; aa.byKeyValue)
assert(e.key[1] == e.value + '0');
sum += e.value;
assert(sum == 3);
// Returns a forward range which will iterate over the values
// See also `auto object.byValue`.
auto byValue(T : LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V), K, V)(T aa) pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return aa.byKeyValueImpl!(Iterate.byValue)();
// ditto
auto byValue(T : LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V), K, V)(T* aa) pure nothrow @nogc
return (*aa).byValue();
@safe unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, int) aa = ["k1": 1, "k2": 2];
int sum;
foreach (v; aa.byValue)
sum += v;
assert(sum == 3);
// Removes all remaining keys and values from the associative array.
// See also `void object.clear`.
void clear(T : LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V), K, V)(T aa)
// O(1) complexity.
aa.root = null;
// ditto
void clear(T : LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V), K, V)(T* aa)
@system unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, int) aa = ["k1": 2];
assert("k1" in aa);
assert("k1" !in aa);
// Creates a newly allocated associative array containing a copy of the originals contents.
// See also `V[K] object.dup`.
T dup(T : LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V), K, V)(T aa)
// This seems more reasonable than forwarding .dup, as we don't want
// the internal LinkedEntry to have more than one reference.
T copy;
// O(n) complexity, but then so is `object.dup`.
for (auto e = aa.root; e !is null; e =
// TODO: ??? handle calling __xpostblit on copied value?
copy.impl[e.key] = copy.addEntry(e.key, e.value);
return copy;
// ditto
T dup(T : LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V), K, V)(T* aa)
return (*aa).dup;
@safe unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, int) aa = ["k1": 2];
auto a2 = aa.dup;
aa["k2"] = 3;
assert("k2" !in a2);
// Looks up `key`; if it exists returns corresponding value else evaluates and
// returns `defaultValue`. See also `inout(V) object.get`.
inout(V) get(K, V)(LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V) aa, K key, lazy inout(V) defaultValue)
auto p = key in aa;
return p ? *p : defaultValue;
// ditto
inout(V) get(K, V)(LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V)* aa, K key, lazy inout(V) defaultValue)
return (*aa).get(key, defaultValue);
@safe unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, int) aa = ["k1": 1];
assert(aa.get("k1", 0) == 1);
assert(aa.get("k2", 0) == 0);
// Returns a newly allocated dynamic array containing a copy of all keys.
// See also `Key[] object.keys`.
@property K[] keys(T : LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V), K, V)(T aa)
// Note: Not using `impl.keys()` to retain insertion order.
K[] res;
res.length = aa.impl.length;
size_t idx = 0;
// O(n) complexity, but then so is `object.keys`.
// TODO: ??? handle calling __xpostblit on copied keys?
for (auto e = aa.root; e !is null; e =
res[idx++] = e.key;
return res;
// ditto
@property K[] keys(T : LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V), K, V)(T* aa)
return (*aa).keys;
@safe unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(int, string) aa = [1: "v1", 2: "v2"];
int sum;
foreach (k; aa.keys)
sum += k;
assert(sum == 3);
@safe unittest
static struct S
string str;
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, void[]) dict;
alias dict this;
auto s = S("a");
assert(s.keys.length == 0);
@safe unittest
@safe static struct Key
string str;
this(this) @safe {}
LinkedAssociativeArray!(Key, string) aa;
static assert(__traits(compiles, {
void test() @safe {
const _ = aa.keys;
@safe unittest
static struct Key
string str;
this(this) @system {}
LinkedAssociativeArray!(Key, string) aa;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, {
void test() @safe {
const _ = aa.keys;
// Reorganizes the associative array in place so that lookups are more efficient.
// See also `T object.rehash`.
T rehash(T : LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V), K, V)(T aa)
return aa;
// ditto
T rehash(T : LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V), K, V)(T* aa)
return *aa;
// Looks up `key`; if it exists returns corresponding value else evaluates
// `value`, adds it to the associative array, and returns it.
// See also `V object.require`.
ref V require(K, V)(ref LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V) aa, K key, lazy V value = V.init)
return object.require(aa.impl, key, aa.addEntry(key, value)).value;
@safe unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, int) aa = ["k1": 1];
assert(aa.require("k1", 0) == 1);
assert(aa.require("k2", 0) == 0);
assert(aa["k2"] == 0);
// Looks up `key`; calls `create` if `key` doesn't exist in the associative
// array, otherwise `update`. See also `object.update`.
void update(K, V, C, U)(ref LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V) aa, K key, scope C create, scope U update)
if (is(typeof(create()) : V) &&
(is(typeof(update(aa[key])) : V) || is(typeof(update(aa[key])) == void)))
return object.update(aa.impl, key,
() {
return aa.addEntry(key, create());
(ref LinkedEntry!(K, V)* v) {
static if (is(typeof(update(v.value)) == void))
v.value = update(v.value);
@safe unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, int) aa;
// create
() => 1,
(int) {} // not executed
assert(aa["key"] == 1);
// update value by ref
() => 0, // not executed
(ref int v) {
v += 1;
assert(aa["key"] == 2);
// update from return value
() => 0, // not executed
(int v) => v * 2
assert(aa["key"] == 4);
// 'update' without changing value
() => 0, // not executed
(int) {
// do something else
assert(aa["key"] == 4);
@safe unittest
static struct S
int x;
@nogc nothrow pure:
this(this) @system {}
@safe const:
// stubs
bool opEquals(S rhs) { assert(0); }
size_t toHash() { assert(0); }
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, int) aai;
static assert(is(typeof(() @safe { aai.require("a", 1234); })));
static assert(is(typeof(() @safe { aai.update("a", { return 1234; }, (ref int x) { x++; return x; }); })));
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, S) aas;
static assert(is(typeof(() { aas.require("a", S(1234)); })));
static assert(is(typeof(() { aas.update("a", { return S(1234); }, (ref S s) { s.x++; return s; }); })));
static assert(!is(typeof(() @safe { aas.update("a", { return S(1234); }, (ref S s) { s.x++; return s; }); })));
LinkedAssociativeArray!(S, int) aais;
static assert(is(typeof(() { aais.require(S(1234), 1234); })));
static assert(is(typeof(() { aais.update(S(1234), { return 1234; }, (ref int x) { x++; return x; }); })));
static assert(!is(typeof(() @safe { aais.require(S(1234), 1234); })));
static assert(!is(typeof(() @safe { aais.update(S(1234), { return 1234; }, (ref int x) { x++; return x; }); })));
@safe unittest
struct S0
int opCall(ref int v)
return v + 1;
struct S1
int opCall()()
return -2;
T opCall(T)(ref T v)
return v + 1;
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, int) a = ["2" : 1];
a.update("2", () => -1, S0.init);
assert(a["2"] == 2);
a.update("0", () => -1, S0.init);
assert(a["0"] == -1);
a.update("2", S1.init, S1.init);
assert(a["2"] == 3);
a.update("1", S1.init, S1.init);
assert(a["1"] == -2);
@system unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, int) aa;
foreach (n; 0 .. 2)
aa.update("k1", {
return 7;
}, (ref int v) {
return v + 3;
assert(aa["k1"] == 10);
// Returns a newly allocated dynamic array containing a copy of all values.
// See also `object.values`.
@property V[] values(T : LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V), K, V)(T aa)
// Note: Not using `impl.values()` because it would return an array of LinkedEntry*.
V[] res;
res.length = aa.impl.length;
size_t idx = 0;
// O(n) complexity, but then so is `object.values`.
// TODO: ??? handle calling __xpostblit on copied values?
for (auto e = aa.root; e !is null; e =
res[idx++] = e.value;
return res;
// ditto
@property V[] values(T : LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V), K, V)(T* aa)
return (*aa).values;
@safe unittest
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, int) aa = ["k1": 1, "k2": 2];
int sum;
foreach (e; aa.values)
sum += e;
assert(sum == 3);
@safe unittest
static struct S
string str;
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, void[]) dict;
alias dict this;
auto s = S("a");
assert(s.values.length == 0);
@safe unittest
@safe static struct Value
string str;
this(this) @safe {}
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, Value) aa;
static assert(__traits(compiles, {
void test() @safe {
const _ = aa.values;
@safe unittest
static struct Value
string str;
this(this) @system {}
LinkedAssociativeArray!(string, Value) aa;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, {
void test() @safe {
const _ = aa.values;
// LinkedAssociativeArray implementation.
enum Iterate { byKey, byValue, byKeyValue }
// Generic forward range implementation for byKey/Value/KeyValue.
// See also `object.byKey`, `object.byKeyValue`, `object.byValue`.
auto byKeyValueImpl(Iterate type, K, V)(ref LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V) aa)
static struct Result
private LinkedEntry!(K, V)* entry;
pure nothrow @nogc@safe:
@property bool empty() { return this.entry is null; }
static if (type == Iterate.byKey)
@property ref front() { return this.entry.key; }
static if (type == Iterate.byValue)
@property ref front() { return this.entry.value; }
static if (type == Iterate.byKeyValue)
@property auto front()
static struct Pair
private K* keyp;
private V* valuep;
@property ref key() inout { return *this.keyp; }
@property ref value() inout { return *this.valuep; }
return Pair(&this.entry.key, &this.entry.value);
void popFront() { this.entry =; }
@property Result save() { return this; }
return Result(aa.root);
// Represents an entry in the internal associative array.
// Holds a single key-value pair and the double-linked
// insertion order list.
struct LinkedEntry(Key, Value)
private Key key;
private Value value;
// The predecessor in the iteration list.
private LinkedEntry* prev = null;
// The successor in the iteration list.
private LinkedEntry* next = null;
// Helper which creates and links a new entry.
auto addEntry(K, V)(ref LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V) aa, K key, V value) pure nothrow
auto e = new LinkedEntry!(K, V)(key, value);
if (aa.root is null)
aa.root = e;
e.prev = e;
e.prev = aa.root.prev; = e;
aa.root.prev = e;
return e;
// Helper which removes and unlinks an existing entry.
bool removeEntry(K, V)(ref LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V) aa, K key) pure nothrow @nogc @safe
auto p = key in aa.impl;
if (p is null)
return false;
// Keep the doubly-linked list in order.
auto e = *p;
if (e == aa.root)
aa.root =;
if ( !is null) = e.prev;
else if ( is null)
{ = null;
aa.root.prev = e.prev;
{ =; = e.prev;
return true;
version (GNU)
version (GNU_StackGrowsDown)
version = HeapGrowsUp;
version = HeapGrowsUp;
// Helper (questionable) which creates a linked associative array from a
// D native associative array literal.
// Laughably @trusted, but we *promise* that we are accessing the internal
// druntime AA ABI in the correct way (even though we shouldn't!).
void dangerouslyReconstructAA(K, V)(ref LinkedAssociativeArray!(K, V) aa, V[K] from) pure nothrow @trusted
// !!! WONTFIX: We can't possibly know the order of keys and values given as
// there is no way to overload the AA literals assignments in D.
// The best assumption we can make is that the memory order of entries
// is the order that they key[] and value[] arrays were passed to the
// _d_assocarrayLiteral runtime function.
static struct DRuntimeAABucket
size_t hash;
union Entry
struct KeyValue
K key;
V value;
KeyValue* keyvalue;
size_t addr;
Entry entry;
if (aa.root !is null)
aa = aa.init;
// This is why I've called this "dangerously".
auto buckets = **cast(DRuntimeAABucket[]**)&from;
// Copy all entries to a new area, so we don't overwrite the original.
auto entries = new DRuntimeAABucket.Entry[buckets.length];
size_t nentries = 0;
// Simple (naive?) inlined in-place merge sort by memory address.
// Should be O(N log N) time complexity, O(1) space complexity.
// Probably more as we need to fix-up the address before and after
// calling the sort function.
size_t baseAddr = -1;
size_t maxAddr = 0;
foreach (b; buckets)
if (b.entry.keyvalue !is null)
entries[nentries++] = b.entry;
if (b.entry.addr < baseAddr)
baseAddr = b.entry.addr;
if (maxAddr < b.entry.addr)
maxAddr = b.entry.addr + 1;
if (nentries == 0)
immutable maxOffset = maxAddr - baseAddr;
void mergeSort(size_t start, size_t end)
if (start < end)
size_t mid = start + (end - start) / 2;
mergeSort(start, mid);
mergeSort(mid + 1, end);
size_t i = start;
size_t j = mid + 1;
size_t k = start;
// Encode the address offset so that both values are stored at `entries[i]`.
// `entries[i] % max` will give the original value of `entries[i]`, and
// `entries[i] / max` will give the new value.
while (i <= mid && j <= end)
if (entries[i].addr % maxOffset <= entries[j].addr % maxOffset)
entries[k++].addr += (entries[i++].addr % maxOffset) * maxOffset;
entries[k++].addr += (entries[j++].addr % maxOffset) * maxOffset;
while (i <= mid)
entries[k++].addr += (entries[i++].addr % maxOffset) * maxOffset;
while (j <= end)
entries[k++].addr += (entries[j++].addr % maxOffset) * maxOffset;
// Finally compute the actual values for all elements.
foreach (idx; start .. end + 1)
entries[idx].addr /= maxOffset;
// Adjust all entry addresses by the minimum address found, to avoid overflowing.
foreach (i; 0 .. nentries)
entries[i].addr -= baseAddr;
mergeSort(0, nentries - 1);
foreach (i; 0 .. nentries)
entries[i].addr += baseAddr;
// Now add all key-value pairs in memory order.
version (HeapGrowsUp)
foreach (i; 0 .. nentries)
aa[entries[i].keyvalue.key] = entries[i].keyvalue.value;
foreach_reverse (i; 0 .. nentries)
aa[entries[i].keyvalue.key] = entries[i].keyvalue.value;
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