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Last active August 7, 2023 14:06
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Useless code
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
open import Cubical.Data.Int
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation
-- Maps out of a set-truncated int can only target sets,
-- yet it's equivalent to the normal int
data Int : Type where
inj : ℤ → Int
trunc : isSet Int
fwd : Int → ∥ ℤ ∥₂
fwd (inj x) = ∣ x ∣₂
fwd (trunc x y p q i j) = squash₂ (fwd x) (fwd y) (cong fwd p) (cong fwd q) i j
open Iso
basic : Iso Int ∥ ℤ ∥₂
fun basic = fwd
inv basic = rec trunc inj
rightInv basic = lem
lem : ∀ x → fwd (rec trunc inj x) ≡ x
lem ∣ x ∣₂ = refl
lem (squash₂ x y p q i j) k =
squash₂ (lem x k) (lem y k)
(λ l → lem (p l) k)
(λ l → lem (q l) k)
i j
leftInv basic = lem
lem : ∀ x → rec trunc inj (fwd x) ≡ x
lem (inj x) = refl
lem (trunc x y p q i j) k =
trunc (lem x k) (lem y k)
(λ l → lem (p l) k)
(λ l → lem (q l) k)
i j
thm : Iso Int ℤ
thm = compIso basic (setTruncIdempotentIso isSetℤ)
-- unwrap : Int → ℤ
-- unwrap (inj x) = x
-- unwrap (trunc x y p q i j) =
-- isSetℤ (unwrap x) (unwrap y) (cong unwrap p) (cong unwrap q) i j
-- theorem : ∀ x → inj (unwrap x) ≡ x
-- theorem (inj x) = refl
-- theorem (trunc x y p q i j) = {!lemma isSetℤ!}
-- where
-- lemma : (r : isSet ℤ) →
-- inj (r (unwrap x) (unwrap y) (cong unwrap p) (cong unwrap q) i j) ≡ trunc x y p q i j
-- lemma r = lem2 ∙∙ theorem x ∙∙ lem1
-- where
-- lem1 : x ≡ trunc x y p q i j
-- lem1 k = trunc x y p q (i ∧ k) (j ∧ k)
-- lem2' : ∀ x y p q → r x y p q i j ≡ x
-- lem2' x y p q k = r x y p q (i ∧ ~ k) (j ∧ ~ k)
-- lem2 : inj (r (unwrap x) (unwrap y) (cong unwrap p) (cong unwrap q) i j) ≡ inj (unwrap x)
-- lem2 = cong inj (lem2' (unwrap x) (unwrap y) (cong unwrap p) (cong unwrap q))
-- thm : Iso Int ℤ
-- fun thm = unwrap
-- inv thm = inj
-- rightInv thm _ = refl
-- leftInv thm = theorem
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